LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Hey a ladies...:)

Sorry I haven't been online for a while...had so much going on here...
Had my niece hee yesterday over bro and his gf desired as it was his birthday to get so drunk they didn't know what they were doing at all...disgraceful ...anyways I went storming around d to there home and literally took my 3yr old niece out of the house...she didn't need to see or be exposed to that.
We had a lovely time but by Lordy she and Harry exhausts the core!....
So this morning I did my famous - heyyyy so your feeling crappy right?...oh by the way here's your daughter back!....
I did phone quite a few times today too -to make sure all was well for her.

So as meg was saying earlier...I sent a funny vid of the storm here today...
I pretended I was a whacky news reporter doing a live news report haha...
The crowd I gathered was quite unreal lol....not like me at all lol I am normally quite the shy one...but hay you know what??? Lately I have been letting the ttc process really get to me...I have had the yo yo affect going on for too long now...I'm up I'm down...I'm happy I'm sad...I'm calm I'm snappy....poor Pete lol...
Anyways I got to thinking...I need to have fun today that is what I did....I randomly jumped out of the car pretending I was a news reporter bahahahaha

Well afm...I'm cd7....I start the robitsun tmr...and it's totally yak yak yak!...
I am hoping that does the trick with the cm this month...I have noticed a drastic change and lack of lately...
Gah I hope this is not an issue again.we used the YES gel last cycle and I cannot say that was good on the pride as a woman lol...

Still no hear from the clinic yet...I'm hopping when we arrive home on Saturday morning we will have our letter sat on the doorstep waiting for us to open it :thumbup:
Start oops on Saturday too...tempted to start Friday as last month I had my possy on cd11....don't want to miss the surge ...AHHHH...

Anyways ladies...hope all is well and I look forward to seeing this thread get going again...

Take care my petals...:flower:

Natalie xxx

Nat you have had so much on your plate! But glad to hear from you...

I know you have dealt with BS from your Brother before.. thats a shame. But your niece is very lucky to have such a loving Auntie! I bet they tired you right out.... you need a BREAK and I am so glad you are going for a night with Pete for just that! Weeee Valentines.. love is in the air haha.. and you may be fertile??? CD7 today? hehe

I really hope you come home to find that letter from the clinic too hun :) The wait for this stuff really sucks!

I loved that video so much... I am glad you cheered yourself up.. I have every finger and toe crossed for you this cycle xoxo:flower:

Awe thankyou meg.:blush:....I try to be a good auntie yes...I could smack my bro right around the chops for what I walked into yesterday...after everything we went through as children I was shocked to see history repeating itself and I couldn't care less if they want to fight for my nieces disappearance...SHE was the importNt one...and oh boy if I ever see that again I will fight for custody of her too.
What a special lo she is in my heart...I couldn't bare for her to be a another statistic in this country that so many kids are already are apart of...this makes me soo soo sad.:(

When I took her back today she cried her little heart
out for me...and it broke mine to walk away....but I will keep a VERY close eye on things from here on in.:thumbup:

Anyways...yes I'm soon to be a fertile bitch hahaha....and Friday-peters bitch hahahahahaha....
Iv took some chocky cake and some saucy sex cards and packed them in our over night bag already....I also got some nice new sexy underwear today he is in for a treat he will won't forget in a loooong time lol...
I also got him a new shirt today and asked him to try it on tonight...oh boy...nom! wanted to rip it back off him again haha(he is looking so ripped again latley...too irresistible lol) ..:blush: :haha:

Anyways....hope your well my dear....take care...:flower:

Natalie xxx
Hi ladies! I've been down with a cold and then yesterday was just suuuuuper busy. Today I'm feeling even better...still not 100%, but functional at least! I don't know if I can catch up now, but I'll try to a little bit....

Shanta :hugs: Hope your next beta puts your mind at ease a bit! <3

Natalie :hugs: Glad your sweet niece has such an awesome aunt. <3 I get the feeling that there's never a dull moment with you. ;) Hahaha I love it. Good luck with the BD.

Bex, good luck

Barb! I've got my Fx so hard!

Hi Meg! Glad you're doing well. :)

Ladies still enduring nasty weather! Hope you're staying safe! We are finally about to get a bit of a warm-up!

AFM, I'm on CD 10. I took my last Clomid pill yesterday. Haven't had a single side effect/symptom yet. Went ahead and did an OPK tonight, though I knew it would be too soon, I just wanted to do one. I thought it might have been too soon after the Clomid too, but it was ok (still negative). It's my first time using the cheapies from Target (happy to know about them now, Shanta!) and I must be so easily amused...I was like wow they come in a little tube! Temped today for the first time in a few days. Didn't bother at first due to low-grade fever. Then I was so stuffed up I was breathing though my mouth for a couple of nights, ugh, so awful. But I think I should still get in a few pre-ov temps now to have a pretty good idea what's going on around ovulation time.
OMG! Robitssun is rank!

Hay Becky...the winds last night were 112 mph last night....crazy here isn't it.geeeees

Erin so sorry to hear that you been unwell love...glad your feeling better now tho :flower:

May a bit Mia this lots of SEXXXXX To be having lol (at the hotel)

Take care all....
Natalie xxx
They really are cute and Handy aren't they :haha:

Well my temps are in a steady Decline and I'm freaked out :shrug: hope it's nothing but I can't help but worry!!! :(
Nat I love it! YOu have a great plan for tomorrow night hehe... and sounds like you have got it all under control... it is fun to dress the men up isnt it haha.. Mark is veryyyyy into clothes and has 10x more clothes than me.. he loves dressing up... sigh... sometimes I would like to see him in sweats haha

Hope you have an awesome night tomorrow but I know you will!
They really are cute and Handy aren't they :haha:

Well my temps are in a steady Decline and I'm freaked out :shrug: hope it's nothing but I can't help but worry!!! :(

Sis.. I wish I could offer input, I dont know anything about temping

How important is temping once you know you are pg?? Is it supposed to keep rising or what

I have FX for you for tomorrow Sis xoxo:hugs: hang tight best you can
I've heard temps can do crazy things after a bfp and it's best to stop temping for your sanity! That being said, I doubt I'd heed my own advice and it's so hard not to worry. Really praying everything is fine!
Hi Girls.
I am so busy this week at work but wanted to say hello & wishing everyone the best!
I am going in tomorrow morning to get ultrasound & make sure my lining is good for Monday!
Have a great day, everyone! XO
Just wanted to post Dhs Vday Surprise!!! He didn't make it home tonite Wont be home until 1PM tom I should have my beta back by then so FX!!!

I know it's Girly but it might be my only chance to Buy PINK!! :)
Adorable I love it!

I would never get away with that because my DH is always like, "When do you start testing?" "Did you test this morning?" lol I couldn't even lie because he knows I'm a poas junkie. ;)
Great surprise!
Oh lol my DH hasn't a clue what I do. He's not one to wanna test all the time. I tried to get him involved nd he got too stressed out.
Oh well. I'll keep my own laboratory to myself lol

Nat, yes the cough syrup is rank!!! I found it in pill format so I tried that. However, fish oil & increasing my water intake did wonders!!! So I stuck to that for a while.
Fx it helps you. I'm excited for your date tomorrow! What sort of dress did you buy?

Girls, any Vday plans?! None for us tomorrow.
We will go out to dinner Sunday night.
I've been taking Mucinex (guaifenesin) for my cold, and I still kinda need it though not as much, but I think I'm going to keep taking it until ovulation anyway just in case it helps with CM. I don't know, I tried it once before and didn't notice anything. We shall see!

No plans for Valentines Day here. Can't really think of anything and we're not really ones to spend a lot of money on a fancy dinner. We might do something silly and fun but still undecided.
Thanks Ladies .... I'm pretty sure he knows cuz he wants it To Be Done!! So he does ask if I POAS and I've been a Über B so he said tonite "If u R Preggo I hope u aren't like this for 9Mos!!!":haha:
Not sure what my Prob is usually I'm calm cool and Nice when Preggo well not this time!! :haha:

As far as Vday DH wants to go see a Band Sat but I'm not sure I'm up for that we will see its going to be Way to Crazy Friday nite I'll order out!!! ;)
Hey ladies, sorry for being MIA this week, had a really busy one, with a couple of family type dramas. Am currently at work so will post properly later.

Sis - I love the idea you have for your OH's Vday present how cute :-)

AFM 8dpo, doing my own head in with symptom spotting which I don't normally do. Mainly feels like loads of cm but not much in my undies, consitpation the last couple of days and stomach cramps that don't really feel like AF and just knackered all the time! I actually slept through the night on Wednesday night, which I never do!

DH and I are having dinner at home tonight for vday and I have bought him some presents and designed a card on moonpig. He claims to have not had time to get anything so let's see.

Hope you are all well?

Nat saw Plymouth on the news - not nice there. The town I work has been on the news most days because it is flooded. Luckily, I work the other side of the town away from the thames, so we are ok for now, but have had trees down in the road near my house and today/tonight is only going to get worse!
Hi Ladies

Sorry i've been quiet a combination of hurrendous weather and being absolutely exhausted :wacko:

Nat you are such an amazing auntie i'm so so sorry that you and the familly are having these issues it must be really tough esp for you as you are watching over it ((((hugs)))) I agree guifasin is RANK!! I'm taking it too this cycle as my cm has disappeared with the clomid...hoping that and the preseed will help plus as barbs said lots of water! LOVE your valentines plan :) I am off to buy a nice meal from M&S later to cook for us once my little monkey has gone to bed then i may but some sexy undies on too - not that i'm fertile but hey a gal has to try and keep the hubby happy!

Barbs hoping all is just fabulous for your appt fx it will be it HAS to be your turn this time :)

Meg How are you? are you enjoying being preggy now? I'm guessing it must be starting to feel 'real'!

Shanta I absolutely love the valintines gift and i'm really hoping betas come back good for you - i'll be checking in too see :) I understand buying pink just incase ;) you may be buying lots more of it!!

eyemom i understand not wanting to spend the money...hubby and i feel the same plus with harrison its just easier to stay in. Hope you have a lovely evening :) what CD are you now?

Bex Sorry to hear you have had some issues ugh work, familly, life in general can be a real nightmare. Glad to see you back and love the fact u designed your own u think he may surprise you??

As for me it's our first valintines as hubby and wife so i bought him a husband card, we decided not to buy presents and just do cards which we did this morning. hmmmm he appologised for it being a shit card (believe me it was!!) said it came from the local spa...we have a lovely card shop less than 200yards from the house??? I was a bit disappointed but i guess it's the thought that counts?! Oh and yes i told him it was shit :0!! Boring here waiting to Ov last comid tonight....then the waiting game begins!

Love Each and Every one of U Lovely Ladies!!

Hopefully soon I'll know My Love Bug is here to Stay!!!

Nat have FUN this weekend w lots of :sex:!!!!

Barb hope everything goes great!!!

Erin FX 2nd is a Charm!!!

Bex sorry about all the issues I hope everything gets sorted out Quickly!!!

Becky we have been married 8+ yrs and DH isn't even here so I got my own presents:haha: this Am the boys will open their Vday stuff so that will be fun but yea it can get dissapointing!!! :shrug:
I'm sure he will bring something home and All I really want is my beta to Double!! ;)
Happy Valentine's Day, ladies! :kiss::kiss:

lol Shanta maybe I'm projecting, but it's not fun for us ladies either to be moody. Hope you're feeling better soon. ;) Sounds like your DH will not be shocked, but it's a lovely surprise you have for him anyway. Saw your temp went up again this morning. Dying to see your numbers today, it's got to be good!

Hiya bex, sorry you've had stuff going on. Good to see you! It's so hard not to symptom spot. I try not to, but I always do it anyway starting around 7-8 dpo (when symptoms could feasibly mean something). It helps pass the time I suppose. ;) Hope all these things mean something good for you!!

Hi Becky! Sorry about the lousy card, but I guess he tried???

AFM, It's CD12. I was instructed to start OPKs on CD12, but I tend to start them earlier b/c sometimes I ovulate early-ish. Maybe I wouldn't on Clomid, but idk. Anyway, CD10 opk negative, CD11...last night I forgot to do it until I already chugged a huge glass of water to take my Mucinex! We started BD last night, and so last time I got up to pee I went ahead and took one but it was still pretty dilute. It was negative and I think it was probably a legit negative anyway. Decided to take one this morning...I had to be in at work earlier than usual so it was early, like 7:45ish. And it was positive already! Hopefully I won't ovulate any earlier than CD14. But glad to have the heads-up as my OPK didn't turn positive until the very last minute last cycle.

VDay stuff, we're still torn. My parents have to stay in with my home-bound grandma, so they are going to be home anyway and they've offered to watch DD. But we can't think of anyplace we'd really like to go. But still...excuse to go out on a date. BUT DD is really amped up about Valentine's Day, and Chick Fil A (fast food chicken place) is doing a thing where they make it "fancy" (relatively, like candlelight, tablecloths, they serve you at the table kind of stuff). And I wonder if she'd get a kick out of that. It wouldn't normally be my first pick for VDay, but it looks like it'll be pretty cute and family friendly.
Shanta.. thinking of you today FX for your bloods! xo
Hubby actually got 24 red roses delivered to work for me and got me a lovely card :-) we are making fajita's tonight and chilling out.

Hope you all have super weekends xx
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