Hey a ladies...![]()
Sorry I haven't been online for a while...had so much going on here...
Had my niece hee yesterday over night...my bro and his gf desired as it was his birthday to get so drunk they didn't know what they were doing at all...disgraceful ...anyways I went storming around d to there home and literally took my 3yr old niece out of the house...she didn't need to see or be exposed to that.
We had a lovely time but by Lordy she and Harry exhausts me.to the core!....
So this morning I did my famous - heyyyy so your feeling crappy right?...oh by the way here's your daughter back!....
I did phone quite a few times today too -to make sure all was well for her.
So as meg was saying earlier...I sent a funny vid of the storm here today...
I pretended I was a whacky news reporter doing a live news report haha...
The crowd I gathered was quite unreal lol....not like me at all lol I am normally quite the shy one...but hay you know what??? Lately I have been letting the ttc process really get to me...I have had the yo yo affect going on for too long now...I'm up I'm down...I'm happy I'm sad...I'm calm I'm snappy....poor Pete lol...
Anyways I got to thinking...I need to have fun again...so today that is what I did....I randomly jumped out of the car pretending I was a news reporter bahahahaha
Well afm...I'm cd7....I start the robitsun tmr...and it's totally yak yak yak!...
I am hoping that does the trick with the cm this month...I have noticed a drastic change and lack of lately...
Gah I hope this is not an issue again.we used the YES gel last cycle and I cannot say that was good on the pride as a woman lol...
Still no hear from the clinic yet...I'm hopping when we arrive home on Saturday morning we will have our letter sat on the doorstep waiting for us to open it![]()
Start oops on Saturday too...tempted to start Friday as last month I had my possy on cd11....don't want to miss the surge ...AHHHH...
Anyways ladies...hope all is well and I look forward to seeing this thread get going again...
Take care my petals...![]()
Natalie xxx
Nat you have had so much on your plate! But glad to hear from you...
I know you have dealt with BS from your Brother before.. thats a shame. But your niece is very lucky to have such a loving Auntie! I bet they tired you right out.... you need a BREAK and I am so glad you are going for a night with Pete for just that! Weeee Valentines.. love is in the air haha.. and you may be fertile??? CD7 today? hehe
I really hope you come home to find that letter from the clinic too hunThe wait for this stuff really sucks!
I loved that video so much... I am glad you cheered yourself up.. I have every finger and toe crossed for you this cycle xoxo![]()
Awe thankyou meg.

What a special lo she is in my heart...I couldn't bare for her to be a another statistic in this country that so many kids are already are apart of...this makes me soo soo sad.

When I took her back today she cried her little heart
out for me...and it broke mine to walk away....but I will keep a VERY close eye on things from here on in.

Anyways...yes I'm soon to be a fertile bitch hahaha....and Friday-peters bitch hahahahahaha....
Iv took some chocky cake and some saucy sex cards and packed them in our over night bag already....I also got some nice new sexy underwear today too...so he is in for a treat he will won't forget in a loooong time lol...
I also got him a new shirt today and asked him to try it on tonight...oh boy...nom!....lol....defo wanted to rip it back off him again haha(he is looking so ripped again latley...too irresistible lol) ..

Anyways....hope your well my dear....take care...

Natalie xxx