LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Hi Shanta! That's some nice line porn you have there! Fx for tomorrow! That's encouraging that your Dr seems to be happy enough with the way your numbers are rising. I'm with Natalie, I'm staying positive about this one. <3 Did I somehow miss it? How'd it go with your DH's VDay surprise?

Barb that's so exciting, good luck in the morning! :happydance: That's so great that you don't have to do the hcg. I want to see your line porn soon too! ;)

Meg, yay it's lime week!

Hi Natalie! I am a little ahead of you, I'm CD14. Maybe depending on when we ovulate we'll be on the same page again. I'm totally baffled about my OPKs this time, too, but I think I'm going to O pretty soon.

OMG your pet store story. Hahaha. It's funny but I feel for you at the same time! How's your finger? Is there any concern about an infection?

Oh Bex, I hope this is the start of your BFP!

Becky how are you doing?

AFM, I will probably be doing a lot of lurking this week because we have so much left to do to get ready for my FIL coming to town and preparing for DD's 3rd birthday. I'll post if there's time like from work though.

Anyway, I was confused by my OPKs this time. It's my first time trying the Target brand kind. (I was so excited about them first, but I just noticed on the bottle this afternoon, you're supposed to use them all within 30 days??? I don't know if I can do that. They're not as cheap if I end up wasting some. Shanta did you ever use them past the 30 days?)

I keep going off on tangents. Okay I take the Clomid on CD 5-9, and I know Clomid can cause a false positive OPK if you take them too soon.

On CD 10 though, I went ahead and took one that night mostly just out of curiosity. Had it been positive, I definitely would have attributed it to the Clomid. But it was very negative.

CD10 (pm) - negative
CD 11 (really late like 11 pm b/c I almost forgot to do it) - very negative, though my pee was kinda dilute...pretty confident it was a legit negative anyway though
CD 12 (am--like 7:30ish, but I knew a mid-morning one would not be possible) - very positive! I didn't think the Clomid would affect the results at this point since I'd already been getting some negatives after finishing the pills, but now I wonder??? Anyone know?
CD 12 (pm) - very negative again...I was expecting it to still be positive if it were a real surge. Thought I'd better keep doing the OPKs until I was sure I ovulated, just in case.
CD 13 didn't have time in the morning before work, so I did one as soon as I got home:
~5:30 pm - very negative
~9:00 pm - what I'd consider an "almost positive," but not quite, but it was like an hour later before I looked at it. Ugh I've been so bad at OPKs this cycle. :dohh: I was going to be sitting around, then ended up having a chance to take my shower, so I totally forgot to look at it until later when I went back to the bathroom to pee. So I did another one to try to confirm....
~11:00 pm - very negative again, but my urine was pretty dilute again b/c I had to drink a full glass of water with my Mucinex maybe 1-2 hours prior.
CD 14 (today around 1:30) - positive again!

So weird. I know it's possible to gear up to ovulate then not...then your body tries again and then you ovulate. It's just never happened to me (if that's what's going on) that I've caught anyway.

Usually my plan of attack is to BD every other day starting around CD10-11, then once I get the +OPK we BD every night. This time we've just been DTD every night since CD11. At least there's no male factor issue so hopefully it's good to be doing it frequently. ;) :thumbup: I just feel dumb b/c I've been doing OPKs for a LONG time and I don't think I've ever been such a space case about taking them properly.

Anyway, expecting to be in the TWW sometime between tomorrow and Wednesday.

Good luck ladies!
Erin they still work I wouldn't worry About using all them now!!!

I've used mine in a 3mo time frame worked fine every month!!
Also I would go by your morning ones your lee is diluted at note so u might not get a +++

Also u have to let them sit for 10mins I think to get the correct reading
Yeah I just thought usually an LH surge occurs in the evenings? Did I make that up? So for it to happen sometime after 11 pm but before 7 am, is that weird? I guess it's possible the 11pm one was a false negative, but I wasn't even really supposed to be doing them yet at that point. I'm new to this brand, but with the other brands I've used, even on those occasions when I had to use diluted pee for whatever reason, it was still somewhat close-ish enough to give me a general idea what's going on.

When I take them in the evenings, I generally refrain from drinking anything for a couple of hours beforehand. It just didn't work out well with my medication timing this time.

I usually set a timer for 10 minutes to go look at it. But sometimes if it's an hour (or more) later, if they're too dried out, they look different. Either a little faded out or a little darker than if I look between maybe 10-20 minutes. So when it's close, it can make it kind of ambiguous. The obvious ones are still obvious though no matter when I look at it (as long as it's after the necessary reaction time).

In any case, I got a negative (my CD 10 one was reliable even if my CD 11 one wasn't), then a positive, then a negative (at least one of them was reliable b/c I didn't get to drink anything at work hardly), and now a positive again. That's something I've not had happen before.

Oh I just saw your previous post. Glad to know they'll still be usable next month (though kind of hoping against hope I won't need them next month!) Thanks for your help! <3
I think maybe the 1st was due to the Clomid u get a Estrogen surge due to taking an Enstrogen blocker !!!
Mine was usually right after stopping cuz I'm E dominant but it might have taken u longer!! :shrug:

Looking at your temps I would go by the most recent since ur temps have dropped!! GL
Okay yeah I don't know what I am unmedicated! I just thought if I got a negative after stopping the Clomid, then any positive after would be a real one. But apparently not! This makes more sense though b/c I'm getting some more fertile mucus now. I just wish we would have been DTD every other night up til now. DH has rock star sperm, so I think it should be okay to DTD nightly. But I wonder about saving up good ones too. And also I'm tired. :haha: I'm going to be ready for a break in a day or two. ;)
Hiya Erin....ok I'd go by your temps Hun...opks
Can be a little stressful sometimes...yes yes still use your opks dear but if you o your temps will confirm it.:thumbup:

And it makes sense if your getting your fetile mucus now it's iniment anyday soon Hun.:)
Good luck Erin....
How are you finding the gaufasin...? Yak isn't it lol....I didn't take mine today..lthe very thought of it was making me I had some watery cm today so I thought it was safe to skip a day.:thumbup:

I got my almost possy tonight so I'm hoping I'm 1dpo by teusday/Wednesday...:wohoo:
Another 28 day cycle for me...I could get used to this you know....goodbye are the days of 31 day cycles at least Yaye :happydance:

Natalie xxx
Oh yes I'll always temp. I just already wore myself out LOL and we still have to keep going. :haha: And I'm worried we already used up the best sperm??? :P

The guaifenesin is ok. I can't tell if it's doing anything for CM, but I've needed it for my cold anyway, so I'm just hoping it has lots of good effects all around, haha. What I'm taking isn't Robitussin though, it's in pill form, so I don't really taste it. Thankfully. ;) I have memories of Robitussin years ago and it is naaaaasty. ;) What I take is Mucinex (actually generic), and I can't find that it's available in the UK. It's in 600 mg extended release tablets. For a cold, you can take 1-2 every 12 hours.

Good luck Nat I hope you get your +opk soon! Then we can agonize over the tww again together. ;)
Erin looks like u are making a good eggy!!!! GL

AFM got my Beta results HCG 248 P 31.2

Go on 3/4 for U/S !!!!

Will get the Materna21 in 8wks or so!!! :)
Erin looks like u are making a good eggy!!!! GL

AFM got my Beta results HCG 248 P 31.2

Go on 3/4 for U/S !!!!

Will get the Materna21 in 8wks or so!!! :)

:happydance: oh Yaye's looking good.:thumbup:

So pleased for you.:happydance: :wohoo:
Can't wait to hear back about your materna21 and your U/S...:flower:

Natalie xxx
Hi Ladies sorry i'm not about loads of crap going on here :( plus my back is agony - had to book appt with spinal consultant again as i can hardly walk so that has royally messed up this cycle :( had to take 2 days of Diazepam then Ibroprofen so my poor eggs don't stand a chance :( Plus i'm in too much pain to BD cue real FRUSTRATION!!!! hoping that as meds where taken on CD8 & 9 that it is far enough away from O and that my back miraculously recovers in the next day in time for BD....Hubby has agreed to BD everyday from CD 12 as i could 0 anywhere between 14 & we agreed this was the way forward this month - assuming my geriatric back can deal with it. I'm in so much pain its making me really depressed :(

Anyhow FANTASTIC betas sis you must be really chuffed :) and is the materna test the one where you find out the sex? how are you feeling? any symptoms?

Meg sorry you have had some horrid waves of nausea ugh yuk can't believe how big your little bean is now how exciting!! When do you get those sex results i'm dyyyyyyying to know!

Barbs how are you feeling, when do you go in for transfer...i think its this week? Are you still having just the one frostie transfered?

Erin I have used opk's for several months at a time from the first batch and no accuracy issues so as the girls say they should A ok! Sorry you seem to be having mini surges before the actual egg release. This actually has happened to me a few times in the last 5 cycles its really frustrating and tiring on the BD front :( Temps look like you are fertile now tho so you are nearly at the finish line....BD everyday is fine as long as there is no male factor (I was told this from my consultant) even though everyother day in the lead up if you look at the SMEP they recomend everyday for a few days. I recon you have it well and truly covered. I'm joining you (back permitting) in the everyday quest this month as i have no idea when 0 will happen!

Nat hows things with you? have you had your possy? hows your neice? i've been thinking about you and her a lot she's so very lucky to have you!

Bex hows life treating you? hope you are ok and not too busy!

Finally girls i have one last dilemma that i hope you can help with. I recently moved Harrison from nursery as when i collected him his nails where caked in black gunge & when i asked if he'd been playing outside the answer was no - i have always known its not the cleanest of places but i was horrified at this. He absolutely loves it there and never cries. I have moved him to the only other option (i live in a remote area) and she has been late on his first 2 days, when i collected him yesterday he looked really upset and when i left him this morning he screamed. This is not like him at all he will go to anyone and is a really happy i'm torn what the hell do i do??? send him to a dirty place where he is happy or.......gosh i'm so stressed about it! Thanks in advance!

Sorry its a bit of a selfish post!
Hi there,

We've been TTC since May 2013 after losing our baby at 8 weeks...I am only 27, as is my husband, we are both really healthy and I am ovulating and have had ultra sounds etc. I just dont know why it is not happening for us..

After my miscarriage I had horrific PMS/depression for months, which is finally under control with the help of vitex, macca root and reflexology. But each AF that comes is still so deflating. I know they say you have to relax and just let it happen, and God knows I am trying but I cant seem to let it go...

Does anyone have any advice? I am 10dpo and am pretty much 100% sure I am not preg this month. Im not sure how much more of this I can take but even when we take a break I'm still 2 week waiting in the back of my mind.

Hi there,

We've been TTC since May 2013 after losing our baby at 8 weeks...I am only 27, as is my husband, we are both really healthy and I am ovulating and have had ultra sounds etc. I just dont know why it is not happening for us..

After my miscarriage I had horrific PMS/depression for months, which is finally under control with the help of vitex, macca root and reflexology. But each AF that comes is still so deflating. I know they say you have to relax and just let it happen, and God knows I am trying but I cant seem to let it go...

Does anyone have any advice? I am 10dpo and am pretty much 100% sure I am not preg this month. Im not sure how much more of this I can take but even when we take a break I'm still 2 week waiting in the back of my mind.

Hi Ladies sorry i'm not about loads of crap going on here :( plus my back is agony - had to book appt with spinal consultant again as i can hardly walk so that has royally messed up this cycle :( had to take 2 days of Diazepam then Ibroprofen so my poor eggs don't stand a chance :( Plus i'm in too much pain to BD cue real FRUSTRATION!!!! hoping that as meds where taken on CD8 & 9 that it is far enough away from O and that my back miraculously recovers in the next day in time for BD....Hubby has agreed to BD everyday from CD 12 as i could 0 anywhere between 14 & we agreed this was the way forward this month - assuming my geriatric back can deal with it. I'm in so much pain its making me really depressed :(

Anyhow FANTASTIC betas sis you must be really chuffed :) and is the materna test the one where you find out the sex? how are you feeling? any symptoms?

Meg sorry you have had some horrid waves of nausea ugh yuk can't believe how big your little bean is now how exciting!! When do you get those sex results i'm dyyyyyyying to know!

Barbs how are you feeling, when do you go in for transfer...i think its this week? Are you still having just the one frostie transfered?

Erin I have used opk's for several months at a time from the first batch and no accuracy issues so as the girls say they should A ok! Sorry you seem to be having mini surges before the actual egg release. This actually has happened to me a few times in the last 5 cycles its really frustrating and tiring on the BD front :( Temps look like you are fertile now tho so you are nearly at the finish line....BD everyday is fine as long as there is no male factor (I was told this from my consultant) even though everyother day in the lead up if you look at the SMEP they recomend everyday for a few days. I recon you have it well and truly covered. I'm joining you (back permitting) in the everyday quest this month as i have no idea when 0 will happen!

Nat hows things with you? have you had your possy? hows your neice? i've been thinking about you and her a lot she's so very lucky to have you!

Bex hows life treating you? hope you are ok and not too busy!

Finally girls i have one last dilemma that i hope you can help with. I recently moved Harrison from nursery as when i collected him his nails where caked in black gunge & when i asked if he'd been playing outside the answer was no - i have always known its not the cleanest of places but i was horrified at this. He absolutely loves it there and never cries. I have moved him to the only other option (i live in a remote area) and she has been late on his first 2 days, when i collected him yesterday he looked really upset and when i left him this morning he screamed. This is not like him at all he will go to anyone and is a really happy i'm torn what the hell do i do??? send him to a dirty place where he is happy or.......gosh i'm so stressed about it! Thanks in advance!

Sorry its a bit of a selfish post!
Hiya Becky love...:flower: I'm so so sorry to hear about your back...I am familiar with the feeling of dispare when it gets bad and no matter what you do nothing helps...I generally do a little exercise daily for 10 mins(stretching and a gentle jog(even indoors-on the spot) )
I know this is only a temporary solution for now but it buys me a few hours to get the days chores done...
I truly hope you make a speedy recovery Becky.
And don't be too hard on yourself either love...the diazipan is a great relaxant when your feeling overwhelmed with pain.
I actually took a diazipan to help relax me around a week ago and I have ovulated...(all be it I have no idea what quality the egg was in tho lol)
Either way your well being is more important for now and you need to take care of your needs for now Hun :flower:

Ok so I will offer as much advice as I can about Harrison's nursary...
I would be exactly the same about the given situation with his health and saftey ....gawsh If picked my Harry up and found him like that I would certainly confront the assistant and question Harry's saftey on the premises.
I think you are doing the right thing here-moving him....and I think that his upset ness was due to the fact that he is getting used to a that you have made for the better I would like to add.:thumbup:
I had a similar experience recently myself and I have done the same thing....I took Harry to nursery and watched him play for a while....when it came to snack time I noticed that they did not encourage any kind of hand sanitation what so I promptly took over...the other kids were eating with their hands and none of them were wiped down after the fruits snacks either...
When we left the nursary I went to sanitise him again and his nails were black and was un Nerving...the place looked clean but it's clear they do not wash anything after each session.
So I haven't took him back and I am currently in limbo as to where to place Harry now bc we should be moving soon so I am now self teaching him untill we find a new house.
Pls don't be hard on yourself about this either...I'm sure little Harrison will soon adapt as heartbreaking as it is to see your child in such an emotional state....we have a life time of these tough desisions to make love so I guess now is a better time than never to get used to how our disisions affect our awfull as that sounds.
Remember it's for the best and soon enough your little man will nurture and will come through it and you will see the benefits of moving him in time to come.:thumbup:

Thankyou so much for thinking of me and my poor little darling of a niece...she is adorb...
I lay awake every night thinking of her and I pray that she is ok...I have been quite the pain In The jaxy phoning up several times a day so I can judge the background noises...and I have also shown up unexpectedly a few time since too....the mom -she try's hard but not hard enough in my seems her "fun" is very important to her...but if this carries on and I ever find out that this has happened around my niece again I am going to step in on a long term basis and really shake things up and take control of the situation.
She is 3 and they don't even take her to nursary...and I hate to be one of those awfull parents that compare children's ability but she is soooo behind on things it's upsetting.she is almost half a year infront of my Harry and he is very intelligent...he teaches her stuff.
I am going to put it out there that I would like to have her every other weekend and try and make up for that....even get her enrolled into a decent nursary.

Yes yes your right...I got my possy last night.:happydance:....on cd12
I am very pleased about this as that is 3 cycles in a row now that I have gotten my possy earlier...I just hope it's here to stay.fx:thumbup:

Now just try and get as much rest as possible and don't be hard on yourself and your a great mommy for caring enough about Harrison's welfare at nursery.and actually doing something about it is proactive and sensible and makes a huge amount of sense,.

Get well soon Hun :hug:

Natalie xxx
Hi there,

We've been TTC since May 2013 after losing our baby at 8 weeks...I am only 27, as is my husband, we are both really healthy and I am ovulating and have had ultra sounds etc. I just dont know why it is not happening for us..

After my miscarriage I had horrific PMS/depression for months, which is finally under control with the help of vitex, macca root and reflexology. But each AF that comes is still so deflating. I know they say you have to relax and just let it happen, and God knows I am trying but I cant seem to let it go...

Does anyone have any advice? I am 10dpo and am pretty much 100% sure I am not preg this month. Im not sure how much more of this I can take but even when we take a break I'm still 2 week waiting in the back of my mind.

Hay there gem.:hi: welcome love.:)

I'm so sory to hear about your loss. That is heartbreaking....I'm so glad you have come through the worse. :hugs:

This is all totally normall to feel like this Hun.:flower:

I used to take the macca too...and I can say it helped me emensly when it came to well being.and energy too :thumbup: I also noticed it helped with labido too.:)

Big hugs to you gem as I know and all us ladies in here do that the tww is soo frustating and when af hits so deflating too...but we got to pick ourselfs up and try and again Hun...
And yes I too hate that when people say "ahhh it's ok-relax it will happen" grrrrrr go away lol...
Like -walk a mile in our shoes and say that again in 12 months time lol..
So yah I know exactly how that feels for you love.

So your 10 dpo? long is your lp?....btw your not out yet love...

Hope your here to stay...we are a lovely bunch and we welcome all :flower:
Good luck gem...let us know how your going....tell us more about yourself.
Is gem your real name?....we go on a name basis here...I'm Natalie :hi:
Wannabe mommy...bex
Ummmm have I forgot anybody here lol....

Anyway look forward to helping you through this love.:hugs:

Natalie xxx
Erin looks like u are making a good eggy!!!! GL

AFM got my Beta results HCG 248 P 31.2

Go on 3/4 for U/S !!!!

Will get the Materna21 in 8wks or so!!! :)

Thats awesome news Shanta!!! I knew it would be good news :D

You can get the Materna 21 much earlier cant you? I did Panorama at 9 weeks...

COngrats!! and the U/S is booked whoop!

So sorry you have been in pain hun.. I hope it improves quickly for you or the spinal consultant can help! Poor thing xo Thinking of you

As for Harrison... can you not simply ask the day care why his fingers are so dirty? If they take great care of him and he loves it, perhaps they just need a kick in the ass on a hygiene level? That's concerning for sure... but surely if you call them out on it, it shouldn't happen anymore? Let us know what you decide.. he doesn't sound happy at the other location....

Welcome GemVR... you are in good hands and I see Nat has updated you on who we all are!

Hate to post and run but I am busy at work and leaving for my scan appointment in 2 hours.... a bit nervous as usual... they are going to do some prenatal screening I think today which is good - I hope so anyways, I cant keep doing all these appointments lol its crazY! I dont think my DNA/gender results are in yet or they would have called me so thats dissapointing, but I can always hope for a nice surprise today.... going to ask for Nausea meds too just in case.. xo
Hi Girls,

I dont have a lot of time myself - its a busy week & last week was as well. Too much to get done ASAP and while BNB is a wonderful distraction & I"d rather be here, I need to disconnect. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I've been naughty & was putting things on the back burner & now it's catch up time! AHHHHH

Becky, thank you for thinking of me hun.
I had my transfer yesterday. I only had to defrost one embryo thankfully so I have 3 left! I am hoping we don't need to use them, of course!
It's an 8 cell, 3 day embryo if that means anything to you ladies :) Anyway now I'm in the awful two week wait! Although I plan to start testing this weekend.
It seems woman going through IVF get really early results. Much earlier than the norm!

I am so sorry about your back - I hope you feel better soon. Nat can sympathize since she has issues as well!

As for daycare, I'd ask why his nails are so dirty. Does the facility seem dirty to you? I mean kids get into things but he is too young to be getting into much too.
Yes the Materna21 will tell gender and Any issues I get it done at 10wks that's why I said 8wks Meg!! :)

As far as symptoms I would say I have
More Energy(ya weird)
Gassy (keep telling DH it's a boy cuz he thinks it's funny he says it's a girl cuz she's being a pain in the Butt :haha:)
Freezing some days hot at nite but I'm sure that's when I'm doubling
Headache on Sunday!!

Welcome Gem!!! :hi:

Becky sorry about our back I have a feeling I'll have issues once I get bigger I have sway back so it's hard on my back I hope u feel better soon!!
I too would ask them what Harrison got not its so hard when Babies fe unhappy but u want him to stay Well too!!

Barbs FX this is it fir ya!!!

Nat yay for ++++++ OPK!!

Meg hope the scan goes well!!!
Wow you ladies have a lot to say today! I am at work and no time to really properly reply. But wanted to pop in and say welcome Gem so sorry for your struggles.

I think I might have ovulated yesterday...or maybe it'll be today. Temp is going back in the upward direction, but still a ways to go to be above where I expect the cover line will be. My pre-ov temps were higher than usual too.

I feel like such an idiot because I took tons of ibuprofen earlier in my cycle. Well not tons, but more than usual. I took it for 3-4 days after AF but well before ovulation time. One or two of those days I probably took 1200 mg total. For the sore throat and all the inflammation going on in my nose. I know of course not to take it when pg, so I never take it during the TWW just to be safe. But I never knew it was bad pre-ov until I googled it this morning. Hope I didn't just blow a Clomid cycle. :-/

On an exciting note though, I just found out about another Dr in my town who has kind of a natural approach to things and is really into figuring out what's going on hormonally to cause fertility problems. Rather than just going down the list of things to try. I was going to wait and maybe schedule an appt if the IUIs fail (if it comes to that). But I'm wondering about going ahead and trying to schedule something before it comes to IUI. I don't know. The Dr herself just had a baby last night (I "liked" her page, and she posted it to facebook last night!), so she'll be out for 6 weeks anyway. Couldn't hurt to see what she has to say.

Ahhh I already typed more than I meant to. :haha: Must do some actual work now.

<3 to you all
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