Hello ladies.
Barbs...4dpt toady right?...

almost test time.woohoo
I'm rooting for you love.
meg how are you feeling today ?
Did you manage to get through that pile of work yet...I hope your not exhausting yourself Hun.
Becky....that is excellent advise on the ff apt....I never thought of that....I did have a play around with my temps but unfortunately it didn't work....I should have got my cover line today but I haven't
I am very worried about my P....
So glad to hear your back is on the mend....
And sorry to hear about poor Harrison's teething ....thee worst times ...I found the back teeth were worse...it would make Harry poorly.always came hand in hand with a virus.gah.
I wish your lil man a speedy recovery.i hope your not to tired from it all I know how exhausting these times can be on us moms.

You say your dog took himself for a walk? Ohhh no....did he come back in the end? I hope so.
Shanta....how's things going Hun...not heard from you in a while love.
Erin....oh my word this news has made me so sad.how absolutely horrendous this is.
I would just curle up and die if I were that parent.im so so sad for that family and their loss....

I hope they string up that barstad that did this.
Bex...yes did you test again yet Hun?...any news?
Am I forgetting anyone here?....I'm sorry if I am I'm still so tired today.
Anyways...3dpo here...(I'm pretty sure) ...feeling pretty bummed about this cycle now bc of my temps not rising
Any tips on how to raise my p with out a prescription ladies...doc won't give it to me with bloods first so that means that option is too late for now...
I need something that will raise my p naturally and quick AHHHH lol...
Any ideas ladies?
Any plans for the weekend too?
Anyways hope all is well...take care and I hope to be back on again later.
Natalie xxx