LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Hi Erin!
Natural approach is great. I did everything natural first.
So, good luck!
And my RE says no ibuphrophen. Only regular strength Tylenol.
And that's the whole cycle.
Poop I wonder if I've already sabotaged the whole thing. Sucks I only get three shots at this, just one more after this one. Poop.
I can't even find regular strength Tylenol. Came to this realization when I was pg.

All these rules it's a wonder anyone ever gets pregnant.
I'm sure u will be fine Erin my FS gave me Motrin after my Cyst being popped on CD3-4 so try not to worry !!!! :)
Thanks Shanta! I sent my OB office an online message asking about it just so I can know for sure. But I'll be striving to avoid it in the future to be safe!
Hi all :flower:

Hope you are all well!

Erin don't worry too much about the ibroprofen as lots of ladies get pg when taking it when they are not actively trying to ttc so it hasn't ruined your chances just something to bear in mind for next cycle. I have had to resort to taking it this cycle as my back has been agony and as much as i tried not too i cannot function without it so i understand your worry i feel the same :blush:

Hi Gem so sorry to hear about your struggles the ttc process can be so cruel - you are in great company here the girls are really lovely! What dpo are you now?

Nat thanks for your lovely kind words as ever and i'm so pleased you got your possy and are having shorter cycles - i hope its catching hehe i could do with some 28 dayers ;)

Barbs YAY that sounds like a good quality embryo (i know a little as we where ready to have first round the month i fell pg with Harrison) I so so so so hope this is it for you - how exciting would it be to have 3 of you up the duff haha or infact all of us up the duff :wacko: How are you feeling post transfer?

Meg yiya i'm sure the scan is very i'm so impatient and hopefully gender results eeeeek!

shanta how are you feeling?
Bex hope all is ok with you?

As for me i'm a bit down but hey i'm going to give my self a good slap and get back my positivity!!! We start BD tonight ...if my back allows could be interesting haha started opk's and they are how i'd expect them to be so full steam ahead - i had to take ibroprofen again today tho so my chances this cycle will be pretty slim as i have taken lots its an awful arguement i have with myself when i'm about to take the tablet need it as you can't even walk or move without crying to get on with it girl you want to get pg to why on earth are you considering not taking it as you can't BD like this anyway hahahahaha crazy crazy lady here! Interestingly i have found out that the diazepam i have to take occasionally to get inflamation down in my back doesn't affect your chances of ttc but taking it regularly can cause cleft pallet in the baby - so scary stuff!

speak soon xx
Yes I agree, woman get pregnant when they are Crack Heads!!! So really don't be worried but as a general rule it's good to stick with Tylenol.
Really you couldn't find regular strength eh? I did but was hard to find on the shelf and there was only one type lol
I don't think it's terribly popular?!
Becky, thanks for the positive vibes! I really hope it works too. I am running out of emotional steam. I feel like if this fails, I'm going to crash hard.
It's been such an incredible uphill battle and I just hope for a positive outcome.

I am feeling great since transfer! My only complaint is the massive painful lumps in my ass cheeks from the Progesterone oil!
I don't know much about embryo clears but it fits in the scope of good for a three day transfer.

I'm sorry your back is giving you so much trouble.
I may have missed it. What's causing the pain?!
You have to make sure you're comfortable right? So don't be hard on yourself about taking drugs xo
Erin I'm sorry I didn't mean to freak you out about the Advil :(
But a general rule to avoid moving forward it is best.
I've read a lot about it too online.
Don't worry much about this. I got pregnant when I was working out and drunk several times LOL
hehe barbs that made me chuckle thinking of you getting nocked up whilst drunk! sorry hehe. Sorry i didn't mean to panic anyone on the drug front either! :)

I have a long term back problem barbs a spondylesthesis basically part of my spine has been pushed out of line then fractured off so i have 2 loose chips floating around and they sometimes decide to rest of my nerves cue agony. I was terrible the last few weeks of pregnancy but have been ok since. I was told about 7yrs ago that within a yr i'd need an op to stabilise it but so far i've avoided needing it - i'm now worrying it maybe a necessity soon :S hopefully i'm just having a bad few days! spinal appt booked for the 3rd march - last time he saw me i was 33 weeks preggy and he had to inject my spine was bloody awful! Also this time i have no private insurance so will have to pay for the plesure....i used to teach his daughter to ride horses tho so i'm hoping if i smile sweetly he will see me on the NHS for any treatement needed....not allowd normally but he did it once for me before....FX!

Hope you are all having a good day....want a giggle....i just googled the best sex positon for people with bad backs HOLY CRAP you should see the stuff that comes up on screen!!!! I'm in the office too!!! SHIIIIIT hope nobody noticed haha
Well my message to the Dr has been read. Last time it meant the nurse had seen it and was asking about it before replying. We'll see what I find out!

I called the other Dr yesterday (who does all the hormone testing and stuff) and I may try to get in before we try the IUI. We'll see. Still hoping it won't come to that.

Oop as I was typing this, I got my reply.
"Hi Erin~
Dr. L____ has reviewed your message. He states that you can take Ibuprofen while you are trying to get pregnant,however he would recommend you discontinue it once you have a positive pregnancy test.
Please let me know if you have any additional questons,

Okay well I would have done that anyway. Will still be sticking to Tylenol from now on unless I REALLY need something else!

My temps are being annoying. My pre-ov temps were higher than usual, so I hope I still get cross hairs. Maybe I had a low-grade fever when I was sick. I think I ovulated though b/c my insomnia has kicked in. Or maybe I was just so sad last night b/c a little girl in my hometown was kidnapped and likely (not yet confirmed) murdered. So sickening. Couldn't stop thinking about her. Hugged my girl extra close this morning. We live in a safe town, but there's no such thing as too careful. Thankfully they have the suspect in custody already.

And Becky! LOL!
Erin I'm sorry I didn't mean to freak you out about the Advil :(
But a general rule to avoid moving forward it is best.
I've read a lot about it too online.
Don't worry much about this. I got pregnant when I was working out and drunk several times LOL

LOL Barb.. I hear that!! I was pretty hung about 4 days before my BFP....

I realize girls that I didnt update after my scan yesterday - whoops!

Everything went great.. baby is actually measuring one full week ahead at 12+4.. that was crazy! and I saw him/her waving and swimming around.. very cool...

I dont have the Panorama results yet.. its been just two weeks so hopefully by weeks end!:hugs:

I hope everyone is doing well..

Becky, hope that back improves for you.. glad you are back on the BD!!

Erin - Try not to worry too much about the IBU - i took it when I had to, i know its not recommended but sometimes its what we need AHHH lol, but i hear you xx
Great news on the scan.

Becky sorry to hear about your back...i get sciatica and its awful!

Erin great news about ibufen, i always worry about taking it.

Hi to Gen, welcome and hi to everyone else.

Sorry i've been a bit quiet i have felt absolutely exhausted and been struggling to concentrate on anything! I'm 13dpo today and had heavy spotting/light bleeding and a small clot today, convinced myslf it was af. It lasted no more than an hour and then stopped and back to loads of cm, with a tiny streak of blood in it. Cervix remained high and closed all day! I don't know what to think! Been feeling a bit down the last couple of days too, but that could be the tiredness.

DH has told me he doesn't want me testing till next weekend! Grrr. Might sneak one in.

I've had a sicky feeling all week, just don't know what to think lol xxx
Becky, too funny! I hope you find a good position then :)

Erin, you're doing good. And you have the right plan!!

Meg, it's exciting isn't it? I love the whole pregnancy process.
I hope I'm behind you!!!

Oh erin that's absolutely awfull about the little girl in your napeibourhood.....I pray with all of my pumping heart that she is returned home safely.omg this is awfull it truly is....
I totally get you holding on to your lo extra close today...I would too hpwith Harry.

Your temps look brilliant and yes I think you did o certainly looks that way....
Ok so I see what your saying about high pre o temps there too...maybe it's your p taking its sweet yep time dropping down again.
My temps look similar in comparison to the high pre o temps too.
And have been that for the past 3/4 cycles now...
It's a good thing your p gets so high towards the end of tww.:thumbup:

Good luck for the is cycle dear.:flower:

Natalie xxx
Holly crapamolly.i am soooo tired today....

Hi there ladies :hi:

How is everyone today?'s quiet on here lately eh....

So I am slightly worried about my temps...:(

If I do not get my cover line tmr I could scream....
I have done everything perfect and this is the last thing I opks to give me a possy when it wasn't ov.
I'm sure I did but my temps have made no attempt to rise what's so ever!
Oh crap!

Let's see what the morning brings before I completely throw a spaz

Anyways...sorry I post and run here but I am sooo tired I look like I have raided a crack den bahahahaha

Night night my petals..:flower:

Natalie xxx
Hi ladies how are you?

Meg, so happy that everything is going great!

Bex, any update on AF or hopefully lack thereof?

How's everyone else doing? Becky? Barb? Natalie? Gem are you lurking?

<3 <3

AFM, I did get my cross hairs this morning, yay! :happydance: I am often a slow riser, but this one I just really wasn't sure what to think. So I hope FF is right. We definitely did our part this month, lol.

I'm stuck at work though my last two patients are no-shows. I would go home, but I wonder what if one does come??? Things are still super hectic, but slightly less so since my FIL is coming into town on Saturday instead of Friday. DD's birthday (and party) is on Sunday!

A little update, that poor sweet 10 year old girl was murdered. Gun shot wound to the back of the head. This "never" happens around here, not random acts. The entire community is in shock and grieving over this little girl. Not that there can really be any silver lining, but it is encouraging to see the city rallying for her and her family.
Oh hiya natalie! Sorry we posted at the same time, wasn't trying to ignore you!

Sorry about your temps, hopefully you'll get a nice spike in the morning. Will you be able to keep DTD just in case? I can somewhat relate this cycle even though I did get cross hairs. It's not the thermal shift I usually get. It's not what I'd like to see.

Good night! ;)
Hi Ladies

just a quicki from me its chaos here - harrison is teething and screaming like mad - bentley the chuihuaua is very 'needy' and jon has gone out doinga night rally so naturally i'm worried sick about him....happy days! I literally have a minute before H goes full blown hysteria lol! I may be checking into a loony asylum tomorrow! My back is still bad but strangly i think the sex may have helped....even tho i was like ouch the time haha

Nat sorry you are stressing about temps.....i really really hope you get the cross hairs tomorrow!!!! Have you played about putting a high temp in to see? I'm naughty i can't help doing that...

Erin Yay on cross hairs maybe the clomid is making your temp rise look different to normal??

Ladies great you can share the 2ww again!

Hope everyone else is ok - hope to pop in properly tomorrow NOS DA xxxx
Hello ladies.:)

Barbs...4dpt toady right?...:happydance: almost test time.woohoo

I'm rooting for you love.:flower:

meg how are you feeling today ?
Did you manage to get through that pile of work yet...I hope your not exhausting yourself Hun.:flower:

Becky....that is excellent advise on the ff apt....I never thought of that....I did have a play around with my temps but unfortunately it didn't work....I should have got my cover line today but I haven't :(
I am very worried about my P....
So glad to hear your back is on the mend....
And sorry to hear about poor Harrison's teething ....thee worst times ...I found the back teeth were would make Harry poorly.always came hand in hand with a virus.gah.
I wish your lil man a speedy recovery.i hope your not to tired from it all I know how exhausting these times can be on us moms.:flower:
You say your dog took himself for a walk? Ohhh no....did he come back in the end? I hope so.'s things going Hun...not heard from you in a while love.:flower:

Erin....oh my word this news has made me so absolutely horrendous this is.
I would just curle up and die if I were that so so sad for that family and their loss....:cry:
I hope they string up that barstad that did this.:trouble:

Bex...yes did you test again yet Hun?...any news? :flower:

Am I forgetting anyone here?....I'm sorry if I am I'm still so tired today.

Anyways...3dpo here...(I'm pretty sure) ...feeling pretty bummed about this cycle now bc of my temps not rising :(
Any tips on how to raise my p with out a prescription ladies...doc won't give it to me with bloods first so that means that option is too late for now...
I need something that will raise my p naturally and quick AHHHH lol...
Any ideas ladies?

Any plans for the weekend too?

Anyways hope all is well...take care and I hope to be back on again later.

Natalie xxx
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