LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Hiya ladies....finally some space alone so I can reply better.:thumbup:

Butterfly nice to see you and Wowzers....little Claire has really grown...she is a lil cute.
So you are planning to join us next month ...:happydance:
Happy to welcome you back on board love.:)
Did we ever get your name...sorry if you already told us...I forget things very easily haha.:haha:

Becky...seems we are in the same boat with ff this month,,,,geeees what a hoe she is eh lol...
So today she flipped my o day again.grrrrrnand it seems I am acyprually 8dpi for the third time this tww bahahahaha...
But I am going to go with it as it looks "right" now....
I swear I could just lob this iPad if it does it again tmr morning hahahaha:haha:
Been thinking a lot about the clomid and p....tried to get a doctors apt today but my lovely doc is on leave so he won't be back for some weeks....I have a apt written in for the 25th now (March) another whole cycle away...:dohh: you have symptoms....I so hope this is it for you dear...wouldn't that be wonderful.:flower:
I thought that video was a wonderful thing to do to bring and show everybody's support in your broke my heart watching it bc you can't help feel the pain they are all suffering...gawsh what a horrendous thing to have so sad.
Erin I hope your test is your bfp in the morning...will be checking in to see if so iPod not.:)
Good luck and fx.:) sorry your not well love.lli hope the weekend you are back your cotton pickin toes again... We miss you on here.:flower:'s things coming along there too? have your scan soon right?:flower:

Ummmm who else haha....

Bex?....almost o time right?...have any plans this cycle?...
Great that the epweather here has calmed down too....I hated the's was a tad windy hee last night but nothing like we have all suffered in the uk latley...I am glad to report no complaints here lol...

Anyways ladies....Lu am having a crapwad of a day....Pete let me have a looooong lay which was great...very nice indeed.
But I opened my eyes to a phone call from hell...
They have requested another s/a from Pete....they will not and cannot give us an apt until they have fully evaluated all our previous test results to date and future...
I got sooooo mad with them....and I felt so deflated afterwards...thinki. Cried out if temper a little too :blush:
I mean all I do is wait ,wait ,wait and MORE's not just the apt down the's everything....ttc...
It takes me all my strength to keep my head above waters and keep the faith and hold myself strong ....patients is a precious things to me a sits all I EVER do...spend my patients very little...little by little it's all getting spent.
Today was a patients thief and I lost it completely....I think the panic didn't help either.
Talking of panic.i have started these new tables....over a a few weeks now I have been feeling so much better for it....
It's for sleep and for anxiety and I really do see the differentpce they have made so far but I ink today would have set of the patients of a saint,lol...
(usually I used to have that)
* sigh*. I dunno.....I guess it's all getting to me a bit ....and having the hissy fit made me "refresh "

But let it be said .....never mess with a hormonal woman in the tww darn esp if it bad news -in the way of professionals that is hahahaha....
Gawsh maybe this is a sign,,,,maybe I am being a total unreasonable botch bc I have a bun in da oven.....hahahaha perhaps not....
Anyways...vent over time for bare faced facts.....

Totall bitchy pants
Lower back pain
Break out
Frequent loo stops
Kind of fluey
Haha kind sounds like af is on her sweet way doesn't it....figures haha

Oh well....
Have a good evening ladies....thankyou for taking the time to read my "famously" long posts again....:haha:

Natalie xxx
Sis so sorry you have strep! That's nasty stuff. You know, I've never seen these horse sized pills that people talk of. All my antibiotics have been small!
Take care xo
I swear when I opened them I was like Come on!!!
I guess to be safe for Baby it has to be the size of a Small Baby!!!! :haha:
Haha it's been years since I had to take something like that, but I'm pretty sure I've had to do that before. Even as a kid! But even then I was pretty good with pills, and I'd take that any day over nasty-tasting liquid.

Sooooo I have nothing really to add right now. I'm just bored :wacko: I should just go to bed. Wait no, I should load the dishwasher and go to bed. :dohh:

I'm doing that thing where I'm fantasizing about how I'll react if I get a bfp. And I HATE it because it's never a bfp and I don't even want to get a taste of that happy excited feeling just to be let down. I wish I could just stop!

I'm suddenly feeling really restless about this tww tonight. It went quick at first because I wasn't even sure I'd ovulated until ~3 dpo when ff gave me my cross hairs. Then I was so busy with FIL coming to town and DD's birthday and a big church event. And now...nothing! I've scarcely had symptoms, but if I really reach, I had some mild cramping on 8-9 dpo, faintly sensitive left nipple on 9 dpo but not so much now (well I tested it out as I was typing this, and maybe still a little, but I really gotta poke at it LOL :haha: ). Today (10 dpo) I had a shooting pain in my left bb and now it's kind of sore on the side. Starting to have tiny tiny bits of ewcm tonight, which is usually not a good sign for me, but from what I've read it can go either way. Ughhhh I just want this to work.
Ok ladies update. 11 dpo today and bfn. :-/

I just have one more test remaining. I'll use it on Sunday probably unless my temps are really tanking by then. This morning's temp was a little lower, but I took it early too because I woke up too soon.
So sorry Erin for your bfn. And I understand the feeling of getting restless in the TWW. I get that way the closer it approaches to a time line that's reasonable for a bfp. I'm going to try & convince myself next month to wait until at least 11dpo to test. But if not, then 10dpo the absolute earliest. I hate feeling anxious for longer than I should need to be. We'll see, won't we?! I'll be transferring two embryo most likely so I'll be even more anxious to find out if one of two took! So yeah I probably won't wait too long LOL
Sometimes I feel so stupid for thinking...maybe this time.... But I shouldn't feel that way.
never should feel stupid. hopeful is a good thing. you need to believe it can work. and really, there's always a possibility. so its' not beyond your reach.
I do not think I ever did give my name here. It's Amy. And I have a horrible time with remembering names so I will apologize now XD
Claire is growing like a weed. 7 months on Sunday! She is really active now and she loves story time.

I am just waiting for my period to get here early next week and then it's off to the races XD

Yikes on your msg here. Sounds like you do have a lot of patience. Sadly waiting waiting and waiting does dry it up after awhile. I also will say you have all the rights to be bitchy at the moment.
Barbs I'm SO sorry about your shitty BFN :( I so hope AF hurries up for you - and i totally understand your worry for carrying 2 especially having been through what you have :hugs:- having delivered early myself it's very frightening and very risky but i guess as you have tried twice and 1 hasn't implanted the chance of both implanting must be fairly low my laymans way of thinking! but you never know! On a positive side there is also the chance you could go full term with twins.

Erin sorry about your BFN really horrid especially when you have been thinking you maybe preggy i'm guilty of hoping /thinking of this every cycle even tho i know it just makes the bfn harder grrrr minds are a complex thing! Are you doing another round of clomid? Also you may have a late implanter i just hope your temps stay up!

Hi Amy welcome back its amazing how quickly time flies isn't it! Harrison is one next week - how on earth did that happen?!

Shanta so sorry you are feeling rough and OMG i have had some of those horse tablets too - i know people who have had to break them in half as they where gagging on them! hope you get better soon.

Nat ugh so sorry you have to do another sperm sample and wait wait wait its soooooooo enfuriating and i totally understand you being upset and crying i would have been in a terrible terrible mood and really emotionally unstable :( We are here for you if you need us!!! Fx the new tablets help hun. I so hope you get that BFP this cycle!!

Hope everyone else is ok?

As for me nothing new here apart from a really pointless doc's appt where he needed to see me to refer me back on the NHS but then he said i prob wont be eligible (wales is a nightmare) as their pot is so small!!! say what?! I'm not asking for IVF or even IUI at the moment just to understand what is going on this time - so frustrating so now its probably going to cost me about £500 for a few appts and then who knows! I also wonder if i will spot again this cycle as it started about 9/10dpo and has me wondering if the clomid has effected my lining or if my P is not high enough ....any thoughts ladies?

Becky I would say the Clomid has thinned your Lining my Dr won't even give it to me since I'm 38 Now Yikes!!! ;)
I can't remember your age but usually women over 35 they suggest Femara cuz it doesn't thin the lining like Clomid and are u taking P supps??
If u are using the cream it's hard to know how much u r actually getting!!
Hope u get some answers and don't have to go Private :hugs:

Sorry for the BFNs ladies and the 2nd SA Nat I'd be pissed myself!! That baby batter is special u can't just be using it for them!! :haha:

Still feeling horrid hope to feel better Tom Day 3 of Antibiotics!!
Hi Amy! Glad to know your name. I will try my best to remember. It's nothing short of a miracle that I've managed to learn everyone's so far. At least if I ever got it wrong, no one corrected me lol. Seems like we might be cycle buddies this next time.

Becky thanks. :hugs: It's not like I thought I was pg any more than any other cycle, just the hope like well, we dtd at the right time, and I ovulated, so maybe??? I just get an overactive imagination as testing time approaches, which adds to the sting.

I am doing one more round of Clomid, then I'm supposed to get three tries at Clomid + IUI. But I'm really thinking I'm going to take a break before the IUI and see this holistic Dr. She's an MD obgyn, so she does a lot of conventional things. But she does a few other things too that aren't so widely done in a conventional setting. For example, she does saliva testing for hormones, which I'm aware is controversial and maybe not all that useful for many/most hormones. But I'm willing to try it. One because IF I could manage to get pg without IUI that would be ideal. And also IF we could determine some hormonal root cause, then I wonder if that could provide some answer to some of my other
problems (libido, dryness, luteal phase insomnia).

Anyway thanks for staying positive for me, it'd be great if you were right. :hugs: Also...your chart is looking good. :thumbup: Hope the spotting stays away! I don't know what symptoms one would get with lining problems, but it seems like it could be low P. I have had spotting like that with a few odd cycles, but still not a typical thing. So hopefully when that happened it was just a one time thing!

Shanta lol baby batter. You have the best names for things. Sorry you're still feeling lousy, I was hoping those antibiotics would be doing their magic! Seems like the baby safe ones aren't always the fastest to work, but idk. Hoping tomorrow is a better day for you!

Sending love to all the other ladies..... :hugs:
Happy Saturday ladies. Becky happy st David's day to you :thumbup:

Well I'm so confused about this cycle I really am...:haha:
I'm somewhere between 10dpo and 13 dpo...:shrug:
Tested this morning bfn.
Still time I guess. So trying to stay positive .:thumbup: sorry to hear that you are unwell too...I hope you are feeling much better today anfpd that them horse pills are kicking in now.:flower:

Meg how are you feeling today? Any better Hun? I hopes so .:) stop the injectable a today right?....I'm sorry this hasn't worked out for you love I really am....We had such a good feeling about this one too...gah.
Well it's march now spring is almost upon you hopefully this double FET is THE ONE.:thumbup:

Erin...sorry about your bfn love....I hope today's test is a different story...

Well hello there amy...nice to know your name...and a lovely name too might I add.
So are you going for a natural cycle or do you have to add meds for certain things?
Can't wait for you to join us on this oh so unpredictable rollercoaster again lol.

Bex? Are you still with us dear?'s your cycle coming along now?...where you at ? Lol

Well ladies I have tested like a crazed maniac so far and I kind of sick it
I have put my tests away for today so I plan to test tmr now and no more for today...

It's is the first day of spring here it's officially spring.yaye....
True to British weather I am sure lots of crampy weather is still to come but at least we are one step closer to raiding our summers wardrobes.woop woop.:happydance:

Well I shall leave it hear for now....I'm really really trying to keep it a short post and I STILL can't manage it haha :haha:

Have a lovely weekend my petals...

Natalie xxx
Hi everyone thanks for all your helpful replies! I'm off out for the day with my best friend riding horses and then out for dinner so i'll catch up asap! Happy st Davids day to you too Nat.

Hope you all have a lovely day! xx
In haven't checked in for awhile miss you girls! I've been so sick with an awful bug for an entire week. Off works and everything. Really hoping for some recovery this weekend..... Xx
Thanks for ALL the well wishes Ladies my throat is still killing me and I look as if I swallowed a football but my fever is gone so hopefully I'll feel better Tom!!

Nat Erin ....FX U see that line Soon loves!!

Meg hope u feel better soon too!!!

I added pics of the boys and girls to my journal so everyone can see who I'm speaking of!! That's all I felt like doing yesterday!! :haha:
Ladies just a flyby to let you know i'm still alive! Cd8 for me Nat but still got af....starting to wonder if it was a CP?!

Just got in from a day in London! Shattered
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