Gonna try to catch up.

Some things I thought I replied to already, but maybe I just read things and felt like I replied but hadn't yet had a chance. So sorry if I'm redundant.
Hi Bex, good to see you. Sorry you feel out.

Hope if not this month, then April is a lucky month for you.

I know that "why should it happen now" feeling all too well. Hope you get a wonderful surprise soon.

As for the weird temps, I've heard it's possible to gear up to O (LH surge and +opk), then for whatever reason not, but then your body will try again. Maybe consider continuing the OPKs for a few more days to see if you happen to catch another surge? Fx you get a proper temp shift soon.
Hi Barb hope you're doing alright. Still have my fingers tightly crossed.
Ladies who aren't "feeling it," I am staying positive for you.
Amy, glad Claire is feeling better! Hope you ov soon with a nice 12+ day LP! (It is Amy, right? For some reason I type that but I'm not 100% sure.) Grats on becoming healthier, sounds like you have a great mindset about it.

I was under the impression MMC were rare that early on. Did you have to have a D&C before? I want to stay positive for you, but right now it just sucks and there's no getting around it. Just sending you lots of

Hope you are surrounded with lots of love in your "real life." Are you going to stop the progesterone and see if anything happens while you wait for the procedure? I can't imagine what I would have done since mine happened naturally, but I understand a lot of ladies need it done for closure. Thinking of you.
flou, hope it happens for you soon.
Becky sorry you're feeling out too.

Do they think the cyst will go away on its own? Or will they have you go on anything to get rid of it? 3.5 cm seems pretty big, but I honestly don't know a lot about these things. I can only speculate, but I wonder if I had a cyst that was causing some of my occasional cycle weirdness in recent months, and that's what ruptured on my first Clomid cycle. But I guess not likely since I ovulated every month. Ahh I'm rambling/thinking out loud.
And you know, I don't think you should feel bad for letting it all out. Because unfortunately, sometimes people need a reminder that certain things are none of their dang business. Hopefully it was a party with people who do care about you and just don't understand what topics are off-limits. But I don't think you should feel embarrassed for saying anything. It is a private matter perhaps, but nothing shameful, so maybe you gave them a bit of an education that they needed. It might not hurt for
them to maybe feel a little embarrassed. It's SO frustrating when people think once you have one baby, you can just pop em out at will.
(I'm reading as I reply so I can keep track of everything and everyone, hopefully)...OMG about the court date. I'd be outraged! Hope tomorrow (or...today I guess where you are) goes better than you ever could have anticipated.
AFM...nothing to report. Things are disturbingly boring here. March 31 (my ob appt) feels like an eternity away.