LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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They said I can stop the P and let Nature take over but if I have no symptoms At All and the baby stopped growing 2wks ago it might take awhile!! :nope:

Also I want testing done on the Baby so I can get some Answers both my losses where around the same time 5+5 and 6+3!!! :cry:

I'm scheduled for Tue for the D&C never thought I would have to go thru this and I keep thinking No baby by Xmas I was so excited to have a Baby Around Halloween!! :(
I understand your need to do DnC.
I'm so sorry Hun. It's so shitty. Our dreams for this little person starts as soon as we see two lines. And that gets crushed in a matter of a moment.
I had a Chemical pregnancy a year ago this month. I was supposed to have a Babg in December and it was very clear at Christmas time, I should have had a baby in my arms. My friend even vowed for a fall themed shower for me. I bought pregnancy books and journals. It's just devastating.
sorry ladies I ran out of time to type up a proper response tonight. Gotta turn in, but thinking of you all <3 <3
Oh ladies its so awful and painful having a mc or a chemical - it stays with you emotionally for ever :( and gosh i can't even imaging having to pay for a d&c thats hurrendous!!!!!! I'm sending massive hugs over to you hun!!

Barbs/Nat i'm with you two this month pretty convinced i'm out after yesterdays appt with the specialist......he scanned me to see if he could see what was causing spotting...yup i have a 3.5cm cycst on my right ovary so i'm not allowed any stimming meds for 3 months - which means i may not even O - the cycts stop 0 from the side they are on anyway and seeing as i don't really 0 on my own i can pretty much count the next 3 months as OUT ....grrrrrrrr and yes typically yesterday we where at a party and everyone was asking when we where having the next one saying we are taking our time yada yada well ....ooooopsie i just let it all out!! Said we have never stopped trying actually, told them harrison took 4yrs lots of meds, i have to take medication to ov, lots of appts and would very much like everyone to stop asking i will tell them when i'm pregnant!! hahaha cue quiet room and a few omg i didn't even realise remarks jon was not at all happy as he said its private but to be honest its me with the fertility issues and i had a bad few days and it just came all flowing out!!!! oooooooops!

Meg are you feeling movements yet?

HUGS to you all!!!!! :)
Becky sometimes getting it out there helps! Sorry you've been having a crappy couple of days xx
Hi there ladies....:hi:

Haha:haha: I've been locked out of my account almost 3hrs now...where I tried to log into my account on my iPad (yes I have anew one...) I forgot my password and it's been a night mare trying to log back in.


Becky a cyst....I'm so so sorry Hun...
But by the looks of your temp drop today that look suspiciously like a o drop...fx for you love...
I'm absolutely gutted for you that this seems to be the diagnosis for you....I want this so bad for you...

And get on you girl for finally putting you foot down with all the questions...I know only too well how that this is three years of trying since Harry was born and still no baby....people ask and I brush it off and quickly change the subject but I have to say the last 12 months have been very frustrating...I want to scream ...
I have to say tho...I'd have love to have been in the room when you had your out burst....
Cue silence.....oh no not meeee....If I was there I would be been like..."sooooooooooooooooooooooo-wasn't the weather nice today"
Then I would have jumped up and said...hey Becky where's your glass! Top up love?
Come on -come with me...lets go and drown our sorrows Hun. :hugs:
I am praying praying praying that the cyst absorbs itself or is easily treatable and you can get back on the ttc rollercoaster with us again.
Big hugs my dear friend.:hug:
Do let us know the plan of action from here on in. are you love?
I can't imagine what you must be going through.i like what meg said....take your time with this love. And do what you need to do to be with family and get through this.
We are here to listen and "just be there" if you need us ok.:hug:

Well I have a dialema of my own here.....I got my possy two three nights ago now....but my temp just had not actually dropped.
I'm so worried....
I been doing some reading (yah-good old mr google) well it's going on about P or my body not adjusting well to temp changes.
What the fak does this even mean?
I ain't no doctor but it certainly not looking good.
Gladly I have the doctors apt on the 25 th so it's one more thing to bring up.but I hoe he can get to the bottom of this.

Anyways petals.....need to Go and give lil mr bossy head a bath...then get peters work clothes ready and make packed lunches...
Somewhere along the night I hope for a nice bath myself...

Natalie xxx
Hah Becky, I don't blame you.
We're lucky in the sense that not many people prode however, we've had a lot of assumptions I was pregnant & for a while my grandma asked for a long time. Then assumed I got a dog b/c I cant have a baby. So comments like that sting. And eventually people stopped waiting for it to happen. After two years, I would too.
It's very frustrating & some times you just want everyone off your fucking back.

Nat, I'm sorry to hear about your temp drops. Wish I knew more about them.
I'm glad you have your doctor appointment & you can explain this issue so you can see if there's a problem with your Progesterone.
Thank you so much for your support ladies i'm having a truly shitty few days - i was due to be in court this morning for a Bankruptcy hearing (my ex left me in about 25k of debt that has spiraled over the last 4yrs (i paid it for many yrs ) and i just can't seem to pay the stuff off so i gave in :() So its taken 18 months to actually get to this point the first company i used got closed down due to fraud investigation and now the MD is behind bars ugh so i was pleased to actually get things sorted so i arrived...prompt 9.30 shitting myself i'm a good gal and would have no need to go to court nevermind talk to a jusge and try and justify my case to be told when i arrived that the judge was not there today....say what?! So i'd travelled 50mins, prepared etc waited 18months for the date......i nearly cried!! So now they have 'fit me in' first thing tomorrow so another sleepless night worrying for me! The biggest worry is that they look too much into hubbies finances because it is not his debt and would be massivly unfair if he had to help pay it back! grrrrrrr so far this week i have been told my back is crook, i have a cyct and have court ......hmmm oh and its hubbys 30th birthday tomorrow and he will be in court with me PAH not good lol!!!!

Barbs so sorry you have the questions too but i'm pleased they have left you alone now you have enough to be thinking about without pressure from others! How are you feeling? i so hope those embies are bedding in!! well 1 of them!!!! I'm thinking about you a lot at the moment :)

Nat ugh....maybe you haven't o'd yet you could be having a long surge or even a pre surge? Are the opk's still pos? how much has your temp dropped we can't see your chart, a drop could be a pre o drop as you said about mine? Maybe you are going to have a double ov......please don't give up just yet and keep doing opk's evenif they have gone neg again! ugh sorry you get the q's too - it was only a short silence but i tell you what people have been very sheepish since LOL!!!! Gosh a busy night ahead of you - the bath sounds lovely a bit of Nat time - good idea!!!! Hope they give you some answers at the appt hun.

Hi everyone else sorry i haven't addressed everyone....i'm off to bed as i'm shattered! xxx
Gonna try to catch up. :flower: Some things I thought I replied to already, but maybe I just read things and felt like I replied but hadn't yet had a chance. So sorry if I'm redundant.

Hi Bex, good to see you. Sorry you feel out. :( Hope if not this month, then April is a lucky month for you.

Natalie :hugs: I know that "why should it happen now" feeling all too well. Hope you get a wonderful surprise soon. <3
As for the weird temps, I've heard it's possible to gear up to O (LH surge and +opk), then for whatever reason not, but then your body will try again. Maybe consider continuing the OPKs for a few more days to see if you happen to catch another surge? Fx you get a proper temp shift soon. <3

Hi Barb hope you're doing alright. Still have my fingers tightly crossed.

Ladies who aren't "feeling it," I am staying positive for you. :flower:

Amy, glad Claire is feeling better! Hope you ov soon with a nice 12+ day LP! (It is Amy, right? For some reason I type that but I'm not 100% sure.) Grats on becoming healthier, sounds like you have a great mindset about it.

Shanta :hugs: I was under the impression MMC were rare that early on. Did you have to have a D&C before? I want to stay positive for you, but right now it just sucks and there's no getting around it. Just sending you lots of :hugs: Hope you are surrounded with lots of love in your "real life." Are you going to stop the progesterone and see if anything happens while you wait for the procedure? I can't imagine what I would have done since mine happened naturally, but I understand a lot of ladies need it done for closure. Thinking of you.

flou, hope it happens for you soon. <3

Becky sorry you're feeling out too. :( Do they think the cyst will go away on its own? Or will they have you go on anything to get rid of it? 3.5 cm seems pretty big, but I honestly don't know a lot about these things. I can only speculate, but I wonder if I had a cyst that was causing some of my occasional cycle weirdness in recent months, and that's what ruptured on my first Clomid cycle. But I guess not likely since I ovulated every month. Ahh I'm rambling/thinking out loud.

And you know, I don't think you should feel bad for letting it all out. Because unfortunately, sometimes people need a reminder that certain things are none of their dang business. Hopefully it was a party with people who do care about you and just don't understand what topics are off-limits. But I don't think you should feel embarrassed for saying anything. It is a private matter perhaps, but nothing shameful, so maybe you gave them a bit of an education that they needed. It might not hurt for them to maybe feel a little embarrassed. It's SO frustrating when people think once you have one baby, you can just pop em out at will. :growlmad:

(I'm reading as I reply so I can keep track of everything and everyone, hopefully)...OMG about the court date. I'd be outraged! Hope tomorrow ( I guess where you are) goes better than you ever could have anticipated.

AFM...nothing to report. Things are disturbingly boring here. March 31 (my ob appt) feels like an eternity away.

Hi Natalie ...:dohh:
Not sure if my advice will count but maybe you should try taking afew deep breaths Hun.???
I mean I sure know that opks and hpts can be very stressful at the best of times-but temping is a reliable way of counting on your body to "do it's designated job" :thumbup:
So so glad you have this doctors apt next week...maybe that will shed some light on the situation for you...

Great news that you FINANLYY had your temp rise this morning :happydance:

Some great advice from one nut case to another- STEP AWAY FROM THE HPT's.....


Note to self...must not buy 10miu opks ever again...:thumbup:

Natalie xxxx
Morning Becky ....just to let you know I'm thinking of you this morning Hun....I hope your ok love :flower:

Natalie xxx
Erin I'm still taking P cuz I want the testing done I want to Now WHY I have to know... last time I didn't have the chance I wasn't taking P or anything so it just happened Naturally!!

I've been having cramps every now and then but nothing more than I had in the beginning the Dr is suppose to call me today cuz I want to know what happens if I Dnt make it to Tue!!
This whole thing just makes me mad that they didn't listen w my Concerns for the Antibiotics they didn't listen when the baby measured 5 days behind and it bothered me!!

Maybe there was nothing to do but if so they should have done a U/S sooner to keep track!!

Hope everyone else is doing well!!!
I see, that makes sense. I didn't know they'd do testing on one that early, but honestly I am relieved that they will do it. I collected mine at home and put it (I hate to say "it," so I say "her," because in my heart it was a girl) in a sterile baggie and that went straight into the freezer. But they had no interest in it. :( It's actually still in my freezer because I don't even know what else I can do. I can't throw her away. And I have nowhere to bury her.

I'm so sorry they didn't listen properly to your concerns. The baby measuring a few days behind didn't really raise red flags to me too much either because I've heard so many stories of huge variances at the early scan, then they catch up later. But I'm not a medical doctor. And more importantly, I'm not the momma. Sometimes a momma's heart just knows when something is off.

I pray you get some answers so you can feel some sense of peace in some kind of way. But I know these tiny babies are always in your heart. My heart goes out to you. :cry: :hugs:
The Hospital called and they want $766 yea that's what I said WTF!!!

$766 for something I don't want to do whatsoever I'm trying to find out if I can just go thru this naturally but still get testing this is crazy that my DR will only charge me $61 but the hospital wants 10X that!!! :nope:
Erin - I don't see an OB until mid May so I hear you! I did have another doctor until now though, but still, would be nice to see "my" doctor...

Becky - so sorry you've had such a crap week.. I hope you are doing ok hun. Maybe a nice tall glass of wine will help LOL.. that's my trick oops!! So sorry its been so crap. I hope you get that bankruptcy stuff sorted out and put it behind you that is not fun stuff.... xx Oh you asked me about movement.. nothing yet. 16 weeks tomorrow. Maybe soon who knows!

Wishing everyone a good weekend and Shanta, thinking of you in this hard time..xx
Doing a quick post so no real time to address everyone separately and so sorry for that.

@sis *hugs* Still sucks and still thinking about you. My heart aches for you. So not fair. Never is for anyone who goes through a MC. I do hope you get your answers though.

Yes it is Amy XD

So far no signs of ovulation yet. Day 20 today. However I was able to convince hubby for every other day right now XD He's not thrilled about it though lol. He says he aches too much after working out. I said too bad! lol

Yes I am trying to have a great mindset about getting healthy. It isn't easy since I do not love my body right now. I don't. But going in with that kind of attitude is NOT going to get me anywhere. Thing that I have noticed and have had noticed even growing up yes I am bigger but I can do more than what someone else that may be skinner cannot do. So I am trying really hard not to focus on numbers and trust me I have an unhealthy relationship with the scale that I weigh myself 3-6 times a day. Not healthy at all. If I can just know that I am healthy where I can do things that do not tire me out then that needs to be good enough for me.

Use this as an example, before starting this workout program I struggled to do 50 jumping jacks in a row (we do this every day as a warm up). Now I just start to struggle at 45. Soon I am hoping in another week or two that I can do squat jumping jacks for some. There are so many different kind of healthies out there and I will be what I can be.

Tonight is Superhero night so going to dress up in my homemade catwoman outfit XD So excited for that!

Anyway this got way longer than it should have. Hoping for the best for you ladies! Of course you're all always in my thoughts and heart! Hope to be able to talk again probably Monday. Since this weekend suddenly got busy on me! Take care!
Really Meg that's interesting. Here, we generally see the OB from the beginning (though there are a few family practice Drs who do pregnancy and deliveries also). I think most women see the same Dr (obgyn) for general well woman exam stuff AND all the baby stuff. Then if something's complicated, they might see a MFM in addition to the obgyn. I'm just dying to see how this pregnancy is coming along. I swear if I didn't have regular cycles, and I hadn't poas, I'd still not have even an inkling that I'm pg.

Amy! Haha good for you girl. Tell your DH he can get his workout in the bedroom lol. ;) Shall I sneak into your house and hide your scale? That wouldn't be creepy at all right? You are so right, there are many kinds of healthies, and it looks different on everyone. I have always been pretty thin, but I think I'm probably in horrible shape health-wise. I have no muscles (I mean just like...normal people muscles, not bulk lol), and whenever I even attempt to do anything cardio, I am gasping for air pretty much immediately. :dohh: Anyway, sounds like you are making excellent progress, so try to focus on that. :thumbup:

Superhero night!!!??? Right on haha, have a great weekend!

Becky how did it go?

Always thinking of you ladies. :hugs:
Amy! Haha good for you girl. Tell your DH he can get his workout in the bedroom lol. ;) Shall I sneak into your house and hide your scale? That wouldn't be creepy at all right? You are so right, there are many kinds of healthies, and it looks different on everyone. I have always been pretty thin, but I think I'm probably in horrible shape health-wise. I have no muscles (I mean just like...normal people muscles, not bulk lol), and whenever I even attempt to do anything cardio, I am gasping for air pretty much immediately. :dohh: Anyway, sounds like you are making excellent progress, so try to focus on that. :thumbup:

Superhero night!!!??? Right on haha, have a great weekend!

If you stole my scale I'd probably have a love/hate relationship with you for a bit XD Not creepy at all cause I've been hoping DH would do that for me but he must not be sick of me talking about my weight...okay complaining about it XD

Superhero night was awesome. I even went out of my comfort zone and gave a little pep talk at the end cause my cuz forgot to work up a pep talk so I quickly jumped in for her. XD
Morning ladies...:flower:

5dpo here :thumbup:

Shanta how are you holding up there Hun? :hugs:
Do you have apts this week?
You have been in my thoughts and my heart breaks for you.
I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now love.
Pls know that I am praying for you and that you get some answers :flower: mention your obs apt?....when is that?
Hope you are feeling well petal...
So you said you are a optometrist.haha that explains the "eye"-mom haha...
So when they tested my eyes they said something about a stigma...what is that btw?
I have to have regular checks now bc of the ankylosis spondylitis -this apparently has a dramatic affect on eye health.
I already have been suffering with bleeding eyes for some years now...I had no "eye" dear (haha like that?) that this was connected. did your day in court go? I have been worried for you.
Is it all ok? I hopes so.:flower:
How are you getting on there love?

Amy....I love your superhero night idea....that sounded like a blast.
And well done you for stepping in for your cousin and doing the pep talks.I bet you were great :thumbup:
I hope you get your o this cycle Hun:flower: are you coming along there...:flower:
Any symptoms?

Meggy my preggo are you? :flower:

Bex....did you say you may be in with a shot at this this cycle?...sorry I forget so easily lately-my short term memory has deteriorated the sleeping pills I am taking.
Hope you are well my dear :flower: are you coming along...what cd/dpo are you now? :flower:

Who'd I forget :haha:

Sorry if I have forgotten much to remember lol

Anyways ladies....hope your all have a good Sunday.:flower:

Natalie xxx
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