LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Hi Ladies how is everyone today? Me and my DH have just moved back into my parents this weekend as we are in between houses at the mo. Going to be interesting still ttc while at my parents but we are going to try. I am gearing up to ovulation. Should happen by next weekend. I hope I catch the egg this month! Good luck to any ladies who are approaching potential bfp time. I hope AF stays away!
Hi ladies

Sorry i've been away...rather hectic here - i promise to write properly tomorrow just a quick message to say i'm thinking of you all!

Thanks Nat yes it went well - I won :) well if you can call it winning.....yay on 5dpo did u get your cross hairs?
Oh Meg, I meant to say before, I felt first movements on 17+2. It took a couple of days before I was convinced that's what I was feeling though. Felt like tiny little knocks! <3

Amy, glad Superhero Night was awesome! :D

Hi Natalie, hope the tww flies by for you. My first OB appt is on March 31. So just over a week now....

Haha yes I am an optometrist. I didn't put too much thought into my name this time. :haha:

Stigma...I bet they were saying astigmatism. It describes what kind of lenses you need to see clearly. I can go into more detail if you want, but it's hard to explain without illustrations. :) I tried to find something online, but I didn't find anything all that useful. This explains a bit, but I still don't think it's that good. Just better than some other links I came across. :P

With ankylosing spondylitis, you may be more prone to having uveitis. Which is a painful inflammation in your eyes. It may or may not be related to the bleeding you described though??? I don't usually think of it as a bleeding thing.

LOL at "eye" dear :haha: I see what you did there. ;)

Hi flou, good luck while you're between houses. My DH and I did that a few years ago when I got out of optometry school. It was surprisingly not so bad. You may master the art of being quiet though, lol. GL catching that eggie.

Shanta, :hugs: been thinking of you.

Becky, hope things are going okay.

Hi Bex!

Barb, been thinking of you too. Did you stick with your plan of testing today?

Well I go Tom for a Ton of test ... everything I've read is they do all these test to Verify the Pregnancy isn't Viable B4 doing the D&C!!! :cry:

I guess I'm glad they will verify everything before Doing the surgery but it's going to be a Hard few days!!

GL w the testing ladies!!
Sending you lots of strength!!!
Hope you get all your answers xo

Erin I tested and bfn. I can't find my OSOM test. I might have left it at work.
Although I could have sworn I brought it home. Such a bummer.
So FRER and IC were negative but it's 9dpo. Was going to do blood on OSOM.
Tomorrow I hope to find it!
I'm already feeling a sense of dread and like it failed.
Aw Shanta I'm so sorry. :cry: Sounds emotionally grueling. I'm glad they have a routine of being absolutely certain though. :hugs:

Barb, boo, sorry about the BFN, but as you said, maybe it's just early. Stinks you couldn't find the other test. Hope you find it. Keeping my hopes up for you.

Shanta, I hope you get some answers this week hun, and sending you lots of strength as I know how difficult this is and I hope you have lots of support from DH xoxo
Hey Girls, bfn today.
I did blood serum on OSOM too & negative. which freaks me out like I have no chance in hell now. 10dpo today.
I have a dreaded feeling like it didn't work.
Heya ladies...just a quicky...

Shanta bee in my thoughts all have a really tough few days upon you...I hope you manage to find the strength to get through this Hun.:flower:

Erin thankyou sooo much for your link...
That was really helpful.:thumbup:
Hiw are you doing ? sorry about your tests today love...there's still some hope so I am still rooting for you love :flower:

Afm....6 dpo here....going stir crazy trying to stay away from my I want to ram raid my stash and just pee on them all.!
Must stay grounded tho...willpower willpower willpower.

Hope everyone is ok and well...

Have my doctors apt tmr...
Lots to discuss with him...
Will let you all know gp how that goes.:thumbup:

Natalie xxx
Hello My Lovelies!!!

I'm back from a long Run around at the Hospital as they had no testing ordered to verify the Pregnancy wasn't Viable!! :nope:
So I went back and forth with them and My FS to get something done the Hospital finally got orders to do a US for me and NO Miracle today ladies!! :cry:
Baby still measures 6wks1day Sad to say my baby Flew to heaven 3/5 just as I thought the day after my 6wk scan!! :angel:

Thankfully my BFF was w me the whole time making me laugh or at least smile and got me through the hard times so I her for that she's the best!!

Tom will be a even longer harder day since my surgery isn't until 4 Fat girl can't eat All day so that will be NO Fun!! :(
Hopefully I'll be able to get home and go straight to bed and forget the whole day!!
That sucks Barb, hope it turns around in the next few days. :hugs:

Natalie...step away...from the tests.... ;) ;) GL at your Dr appt, will watch for your update.

Shanta :hugs: ugghhh how frustrating. You don't want to have to be there in the first place, then you have to deal with all that crap. So sorry. This sounds crazy, but I'm glad you got to see your LO on that 6 week scan. I never got to see mine, and I would do anything to go back in time to have myself an early scan so I could see the baby just once....

So glad your BFF was with you. So glad you have wonderful friends to help you through. <3

Thinking of you tomorrow. <3 <3 <3

AFM...been mildly crampy since last night. Maybe off and on, or maybe it's mild enough that I don't even notice if I'm somewhat busy/distracted. Hope it's just my uterus growing. No other problems, no bleeding. Still hardly any symptoms. Dr appt scheduled a week from today. Excited/nervous. If I get to see a heartbeat, this might start feeling real.
Hi Ladies

Shanta i'm so so sorry about your tests and everything you are going through ugh it is the worst feeling ever :( sending you lots of hugs :hugs::hugs: and i'm also really pleased your friend came with you!

Barbs holy moly it just has to be your turn it HAS to be - i'm so so very hopeful that its just late implanting and you get a really nice surprise in the next few days!!! I cannot even imagine how you are feeling, i hardly dared log on to see if you had a positive i want it so badly for you!!!!!

Nat ugh the 2ww is the longest ever right! hang on no poas before at least 9dpo....then pee away yay!! oooh really really good luck at the appt i can't wait to hear how it goes and what the plan is!!

Hi Meg how are you and bubs?

Hi everyone else hope you are all ok?

As for me CD 17 still no sign of O - not that i'm surprised as i'm on a no clomid cycle and if i was lucky enough to have some/any kind of surge then it may not be untill Cd22 or even as late as CD25 fun fun fun - however we are trying to BD every 2 days or so just incase! I can't wait for this cyst to piss off - i have been trying to read up on how i can speed things up but there seems to be little info out there. Do any of you know anything about taking metformin? I know some ladies do and i wonder if it will help prevent the cycts in the future......may have to beg doc......hmmmm

Had some shitty news about my spine too :( nasically its buggared i have no disk between 2 of my vertebra and the top vertebra has slipped 50% over the top of the lower one and has fractured off both sides.....happy days so i need surgery in the next year or so (6 month recovery time). I did have a bit of positive news tho - he said that if i had another baby before the op then i could attempt a natural delivery rather than a c-section as i wouldn't be in anymore pain if it slipped a bit further.....and then the op would fix me! haha i'll be like the bionic woman - i already have a pacemaker, i'll have so much metal in me....airport security will be a barrel of laughs lol

anyways hugs to all xxx
Wow Becky sounds like u have had a week like mine!! :hugs:

Ive had a LRG cyst about the same Sz as your and took VITEX and ACV and it reduced but then it came back next cycle so I had to have it Asperated I was so sick off it always Blocking my eggs!! :nope:

It actually never came back after that but during US yesterday my CL Cyst is still there on the left I hope it goes away after all this mess and I can get back to TTC!!

Tomorrow is a New day I keep having to tell myself that!!

I still find it strange that both losses where on the 5th both my boys Bdays on the 5th!! :shrug:
Oh hun thats so awful :( thanks for your help on the cyst front .....they seem to be a nightmare to get rid of :( I'll find out about those things tho thankyou!! and yes its been a rough week but nowhere near as rough as you ((((((hugs)))))))
This has been a week from h3££ for sure!!! :nope:

I'm just hoping this will bring me that much closure to my Forever Princess!!
shanta im so very sorry. i hope its over for you soon & you can move forward. its great to have a parter who is so supportive and cheering you up xo

AFM, still bfn :( thats 11dpo. You know how the story goes.
Well I never made it to the Hospital!!! I started bleeding w clots around 1Pm when we were suppose to be there at 2!!

Called my Dr and all he said was he couldn't guarantee they would get enough tissue to test!! :nope:
I figured w my luck lately they wouldn't and I know it was the antibiotics I just wish everyone else would admit it!!

So I'm home in bed cramping up a storm and hoping for it to Go by quickly like last time!!

Oh goodness Barbs ((((((((((hugs)))))))))) i've just read your journal and i'm so upset for you - hang on to that hope, there is still hope you will one day hold your own bubba again! this cycle is not totally bust yet...although i know the odds now are much much lower i'm hoping for you!!!!!!! xxxxx

Shanta thinking of you! xxxx
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