LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Barb ahhhh it's so good to see your post! That is such wonderful news. LOL about having to pee...oh man that is really soooo miserable. That's kinda how I felt when I had my u/s with DD (I only had one, the anatomy scan). I had to pee so bad I literally could not see straight. But it's all going to be worth it! It's exciting that you're back in the game! I guess it'll be a long 2 weeks but so hopeful for you.

I think you posted an admin link, but I found your! That's so amazing to see where they put the embryo in there. Wow!

I totally think you should let your DH spoil you a bit. ;) Glad he's taking good care of you. Yummmmm curry. :)

Sorry the progesterone is so rough, ouch I didn't know that would happen!

AFM, no positive OPK yet. Hoping it'll be in the next couple of days. I've heard a few stories now of ladies ovulating later on Clomid??? So who knows.

Wishing you all the best, always. :hugs:
Thank you!!!
Oh shoot. Sorry. Didn't check my link :(
Ya it's pretty fascinating. And yes the next two weeks will be SO slow!
I've had a few full bladder ultrasounds. All my IUI's and with my last pregnancy. But this one was bad lol

I hope this cycle is also successful for you. Fingers crossed.
Just have to leave it up to Mother Nature now.
I will try not to go crazy. Some how.
The link I attached in my message didn't work well
Check it out in my signature'.
Heya so so glad it all went well very exciting tww coming up.:happydance:

Well ladies cd11 here- I got my positive opk tonight....quite shocked really....earliest ever possy yet...happydance:

Barbs...tww here we come,....woop woop.:)
Peter is taking my ic's to work with him tmr and locking them in his locker I can't use them til 9dpo.
Sneaky me tho- I kept my opks with me tee hee....:)
I will test with them instead...going to order some frers tonight and I won't be so inclined to waste a wee on that until I have something plausible on a opk/ ic first.:)
So 9dpo I test ladies.....pleeeeeease help me stay sane lol ...
this cycle HAS to our last chance to back out of the fertility tests and the physchic said this is the month I get preggo too....(but I take that with a lunch of salt btw)
Oh well what ever the out come it is what it is.:)
At least I have the ft as our back up and we still have "our plan" to get our struggles sorted finally :)

Erin's your opks coming along...are they possy yet?....come on your stuff lol
How's Harrison today Becky? I hope he is ok.:)'s your dinner date with friends going? ...did you manage to eventually have some fun and good food?...I hope so :)

Uh oh- an hour ago I was supposed to try and go to has flown by whilst I been online...maybe I should have "I pad time" in the evenings so I don't find myself on it all hours of the evening lol...

Night night ladies....awe what an exciting day it has been :)

Natalie xxx


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Ya Barb Put a BFP in your Belly!!! :happydance:

Nat sorry about the Late nite but Yay for the +++++ OPK!!!

Erin GL w the OPKS!!!!

Becky GL W the Clomid and Hope LO feels better soon!!!

Meg rest up lady hope MS stays away!!!

AFM got a temp Dump this AM :nope: NO AF yet !!
Jealous of your +OPK tonight Natalie! I almost always get my + on CD13-14, and today is CD13. But then this is my first medicated cycle so I have no idea what to expect. I took another one tonight and still quite negative.

Good luck girl, time to get busy. ;) :hugs:

Shanta booo temp dip. Still above the cover line though, you're still in it! I had a temp dip the morning before I got my bfp with DD so ya never know. ;) Mine shot up the next day that's why I even bothered to test. So I'm keeping my FX. :)
So apparently I can start testing in 5 days. It's the earliest I could see a positive. But I will likely have the trigger still. Anyway I'll start probably Thursday & see what happens!
GL Barb those triggers are Tricky I got a +++ 10DPT and got excited only to see it fade :cry:
Hope yours gets darker ;)

AFM.... As suspected AF showed in the nite :( on to FEB the month of my prediction :happydance:
Hi Ladies

Just a quicki to say i will pop in later and update. Mums been down to stay lives 4.5hrs away and we've ended up having a very difficult conversation which has left me really upset but i'll update later. Just got to sort Harrison out he's unfortunately still not well and very clingy bless him. Back to docs tomorrow :(

Will read and update tonight just wanted to say i was thinking about you all xx
Hi Ladies

Ok got my head sorted a bit now, i won't go into details but it was parent politics they are seperated and remarried both sides 18yrs ago and my mum hates the fact i now have a great relationship with my dad...i didn't upto about 8 yrs ago which i massively regret but she is struggling with this so it was a super hard conversation and lots of things where said :cry:

Seeing as i'm talking about me first (very rude i know) i'm ok rather strangly i tested with opk today to see if the clomid was still giving strong lines as you lots had mentioned it i thought i'd test the theory :0 and low and behold its still really quite a line - not pos but there so i'm guessing it should go totally light and then back pos again ...really interesting so i'm going to keep testing now anyway just incase ;)

Shanta so sorry about the stupid witch grrrrrrrrrr fx feb is your lucky month!! Hope she is not too cruel to you.

Barbs 5 days eeek and also ugh about potential false pos...did they say for sure how many days would def not be a false pos? I've just been reading your blog its fantastic you have such a way with words and i'm looking forward to the next instalment.

Nat YAY for pos opk and early too so didn't have to wait aaaaagesss! FX for you - i'm not crossing my legs tho as i need them haha :wacko: Are you managing to get anymore sleep? Its awful when you are tired.

eyemom i hope you get your pos opk soon, i have heard that clomid can delay ov a bit and on average you 0 7-10days after last tablet....hope this helps a bit.

Right i'm shattered and hoping to have an early night and some BD although i can't see how the early night can happen as i have to feed harrison at 11pm ...then BD as i like to lay with legs up then stay in bed!! fx
Barb- 5 days?! That's crazy awesome. Hopefully the hcg shot leaves your system soon. Will you go for bloods in 5 days? How does that work ? Xoxo

Becky - sorry about the issue with your parents. I know what that is like quite well and it's not fun at all. Also that is interesting re your OPK! Let us know if that possy shows hehe

Erin - good luck on that OPK! Lots of ladies hearing up hehe xx

Nat- you are so sneaky with those OPKs Haha Pete really has his hands full lol jk. Looking forward to 9dpo!! Xoxo

Sis - sorry about AF - fingers crossed prediction is right for you!

Afm, such a lazy day at home and loving it. Just had a little nap too lol. Tummy has been weird all day but not quite nausea. Queasy a bit. And sore. Blah. I have chili simmering which we will dive into shortly! Xx

Oh and dinner was awful it dragged it for hours with pre drinks and post drinks and I didn't get home until 1am and I was so tired And feeling like crap I was almost in tears ...

Oh!!! I almost forgot to tell you ladies about a very UNfunny story! At 5am this morning my cat brought a live mouse into my bedroom and dropped it ONTO ME!! So I'm half asleep and I feel it run up my chest and my neck and into my hair!! So i jump up screaming like a lunatic bouncing all over the bed and DH wakes up and is terrified as to why I am doing that and he almost didn't believe me until we saw the mouse under our nightstand .. And I have lovely mouse scratches on my chest and neck!! I could kill my cAt. We laughed about it all morning. But it was terrifying LOL. A horror movie !!
Hi ladies so sorry this is going to be a selfish post but I'm a little concerned.

(Becky that's interesting that I should ov 7-10 days after, I had heard 5-7...though 7-10 sounds more like it??)

So up until now I've had no problem being on the Clomid whatsoever. I guess I'm not even 100% sure this is related but anyway.

Last night (either very late night or early morning), I woke up with a boring (and maybe a little like burning?) pain in my abdomen. I'm not sure if it was the pain that woke me up or if DH woke me up coming to bed too late after playing games. >_> Anyway, I was half asleep so I can't even be totally sure of what I was experiencing. I want to say the pain was mild, but I tend to underestimate pain when I'm half asleep. So maybe moderate. Seemed like location was near both ovaries but I can't be certain. It was enough that I felt mildly nauseated and it was hard to get back to sleep.

When I woke up this morning, I'd forgotten about it, and I felt something and thought yay I'm finally getting fertile mucus. Well I went to the bathroom and it was like copious mucus in terms of amount and consistency, but it was bright red blood. It has me a little concerned since I'm sure I haven't even ovulated yet.

Since then I've been feeling basically normal and just had some light spotting.

I sent a message to my obgyn but they won't be in the office to look until tomorrow. I hope it's nothing to be concerned about but it doesn't seem like a good thing. :( I was all excited about this cycle and now I am so discouraged.

I did do an OPK this morning and it is getting darker. Enough that it seems like it might turn positive tonight or tomorrow.

Sorry to type up such a selfish post. Hope you're all doing great and know I'm always cheering for you.
Hey Meg, I go for Beta on Feb 1st. I will start testing w ICs on Thursday. I just read in five days is the earliest I could see a positive. But I am sure on Thursday I will still have trigger in me.
Ooo sorry you feel queasy. I know that feeling. Sour things help. Lemon juice, green apples. I are copious amounts of Apple when I was pregnant because it eases my slight queasiness. Apparently Lemon juice can do the same.

Erin, I don't know what to advise. I look forward to hearing what your doctor says.
Your starch pains could be related to something else. Like your digestive system?
The blood is not abnormal. Some woman bleed slightly with ovulation. But anyhow best to hear what your doc says.
Number thanks for your encouraging words!
You're so sweet! I'm sorry about your family politics.
Families aren't always so easy. I don't have a good relationship with mine. I understand. :)
And I'm sorry Harrison is still not well. I hope he is on the mend soon xo

Well two weeks is best to wait for preggo test however I should know results sooner.
The trigger shot usually stays in me until 10dpo & earliest I've seen a positive is 11dpo. So that would be around end of next week? I'll keep you guys posted with photos!!!
Thanks Barb. If the pain was something with my digestive system, it's not like anything I've ever had before. But who knows??? I would have thought maybe ovulation bleeding (especially if I'm dropping multiple eggs), but since I haven't even ovulated yet....

Ugh. :(

I don't normally have any weird cycle issues, but last cycle I had a decent amount of spotting for one day (3 days after AF ended/3 days before ovulation), then spotted every single day of my luteal phase. I was hoping that was just one weird cycle. And now this. Ughghhhhhh.
Got a super clear +OPK tonight. Curious if it's related to my issue last night/this morning. Guess DH and I will get busy and hope for the best.
Erin have U had a scan to check Follies ??? The burning sensation I get when I have a Big Follie or a Cyst!!!
Cyst or Polyps can cause Mid cycle spotting hopefully it was just a good strong O working up!! :thumbup:
I don't know, no scans. I've never knowingly had a cyst, but this really has me wondering.
Hi ladies.:)

Erin...Yaye for your possy opk last night :) ....hope you caught that/them eggies :)
I can't advise much on the pain/burning sensation altho I will say that you should ask your obgy for a scan like shanta says...if there IS a problem then they will find it and if there isn't a problem at least you know it was indeed o pains :thumbup:
Either way I hope all is well love :)

OMG meg!....a mouse!.....I can't believe it actually did that to you- naughty
Altho I hear cats bring you presents like
I can just picture how that actually went-scary ass stuff there lol.
So sorry your night wasn't as good as you hoped it could have gone- and 1am? That is late for a knocked up ladie....I'm so sorry that your ended up close to tears with tiredness.:hugs:

Barbs....Yaye...test day begins on Thursday :thumbup:
Looking forward to your updates/test pics with that.:)
How are you feeling since et?....
Good and well I hopes.:) sorry the witch got you.:hugs: ....are you opting for iui this cycle?...good luck Hun...I'm cheering you on here.:flower:
This is the one! Your month! (Altho you'll find out in February) :happydance:

I shall re name it preg -urary lol :)

Yaye for PREGRUARY!......come on bfp' each please :)

Becky sorry to hear about your dialema with parents...if it helps to mention I to have this very issue...I get on GREAT with my dad my relationship with my mom is quite the unstable one.:thumbup:
I hope you manage to sort things out with your mom love.:hugs:
So how is your opks today?....hope you get your possy love.:)

Ok ladies....afm........1dpo here :happydance:
Got my temp rise this morning too.:)
Yesterday I had a lovely morning/afternoon with Harry...we watched lots of movies and lazed about on the sofa....really enjoyed it,...but Peter gate crashed the party with his STINKING BAD MOOD when he came home from work.:( not nice....
We rowed a little so I went to bed by 8pm lastnight and woke up at 9:30am this morning...oh boy I must of needed that....I suppose going to bed crying myself to sleep helped :(
This morning is a little awkward...:(

Tmr pete gets his S/A home kit to it's a big ole rush to the fertility clinic/hospital tmr afternoon.i hope that goes well.:)

Really gutted we didn't get to bd last night :( ....but we will just have to go with what it is for now.:)

I really hope I haven't forgotten anyone here my head is all a little fuzzy today.:( .....I have this sore throat and it's been weeks now:(
Need to get this checked out.

Back later ladies...hope you are all well today:)

Natalie xxx
Barb- 5 days?! That's crazy awesome. Hopefully the hcg shot leaves your system soon. Will you go for bloods in 5 days? How does that work ? Xoxo

Becky - sorry about the issue with your parents. I know what that is like quite well and it's not fun at all. Also that is interesting re your OPK! Let us know if that possy shows hehe

Erin - good luck on that OPK! Lots of ladies hearing up hehe xx

Nat- you are so sneaky with those OPKs Haha Pete really has his hands full lol jk. Looking forward to 9dpo!! Xoxo

Sis - sorry about AF - fingers crossed prediction is right for you!

Afm, such a lazy day at home and loving it. Just had a little nap too lol. Tummy has been weird all day but not quite nausea. Queasy a bit. And sore. Blah. I have chili simmering which we will dive into shortly! Xx

Oh and dinner was awful it dragged it for hours with pre drinks and post drinks and I didn't get home until 1am and I was so tired And feeling like crap I was almost in tears ...

Oh!!! I almost forgot to tell you ladies about a very UNfunny story! At 5am this morning my cat brought a live mouse into my bedroom and dropped it ONTO ME!! So I'm half asleep and I feel it run up my chest and my neck and into my hair!! So i jump up screaming like a lunatic bouncing all over the bed and DH wakes up and is terrified as to why I am doing that and he almost didn't believe me until we saw the mouse under our nightstand .. And I have lovely mouse scratches on my chest and neck!! I could kill my cAt. We laughed about it all morning. But it was terrifying LOL. A horror movie !!

Meg I missed the last half of your post!
Omg re: your cat! I would be terrified!!! What an asshole lol
Is your cat an outdoor cat or this mouse was caught indoors?

As for your night out, I'm sorry it was so horrible. We're you most upset because of how late the night went? I would say next time just speak up & tell DH you have to get home. You can't do the late nights right now. Or else you simply won't go out. I remember how exhausted I would get so I understand. Plus really, you're not having fun sober. Let's be real.
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