Morning ladies
Meg sorry you re feeling yukky - i suffered terribly and found that ginger biscuits and ginger ale - the non alcoholic stuff not ginger beer
helped lots. Its a great sign!! Not long till the next scan now
OMG a mouse i would have died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Barbs gosh so exciting the countdown is on, i really hope you are taking things easy i so pray that embryo is digging in deep!!
Erin sorry about your bleeding, it does sound like to me it was strong ov bleeding or a cyst, sometimes clomid can irritate your insides a little as it is forcing a strong ovulation ...i was told that i may bleed i think (can't promise as was so long ago but it rings a bell!) Great that you got your pos eeek ladies you are all so close together! I'd def ask for a scan hun next cycle just to check its not a cyst - if it is they can give u some meds to help keep it in check or worst case remove it which is quite simple.
Nat great news on your temp rise - i'd say you BD at the right time as once the temp rise has happened its ususally too late anyway! So hopefully those sammy sperms are charging full pelt after your egg hehe. I'm so sorry DH was in a mood and you are upset these bloody men can be a nightmare
They also have no understanding of how delicate we feel at certin points of the month grrrrrrr
Thanks for your kind words ladies on family politics i'm ok today, mum and i have always had a great relationship i hope this doesn't spoil things as i'm not prepared to budge on it haha :0 Well after me saying about the darkish opk yesterday todays is totally stark white so hopefully now it will build up again and get darker! We BD last night just to get started as i really don't know when i will 0.....told oh there was no chance of getting preggy i was just feeling cheeky - he didn't believe me lol i had to show him my chart lol lol lol I'm trying to keep him sweet so when the time comes he can't complain too much hehehe. Hope i don't have to wait too long for my 0. I'm wondering if i will get the same as i have the last 2 months...a positive opk CD14 but no temprise then 2 days of pos opk's much later on followed by ov.....makes timing BD hard as I have to assume the first one is actual 0 just incase...... Harrison is much better today so i'm hoping we have turned a corner
Hi Sis hope you are ok.
Sorry if i've missed anything i'm a bit like a zombie today as not had much sleep at all for the last week! x

Meg sorry you re feeling yukky - i suffered terribly and found that ginger biscuits and ginger ale - the non alcoholic stuff not ginger beer

Barbs gosh so exciting the countdown is on, i really hope you are taking things easy i so pray that embryo is digging in deep!!
Erin sorry about your bleeding, it does sound like to me it was strong ov bleeding or a cyst, sometimes clomid can irritate your insides a little as it is forcing a strong ovulation ...i was told that i may bleed i think (can't promise as was so long ago but it rings a bell!) Great that you got your pos eeek ladies you are all so close together! I'd def ask for a scan hun next cycle just to check its not a cyst - if it is they can give u some meds to help keep it in check or worst case remove it which is quite simple.
Nat great news on your temp rise - i'd say you BD at the right time as once the temp rise has happened its ususally too late anyway! So hopefully those sammy sperms are charging full pelt after your egg hehe. I'm so sorry DH was in a mood and you are upset these bloody men can be a nightmare

Thanks for your kind words ladies on family politics i'm ok today, mum and i have always had a great relationship i hope this doesn't spoil things as i'm not prepared to budge on it haha :0 Well after me saying about the darkish opk yesterday todays is totally stark white so hopefully now it will build up again and get darker! We BD last night just to get started as i really don't know when i will 0.....told oh there was no chance of getting preggy i was just feeling cheeky - he didn't believe me lol i had to show him my chart lol lol lol I'm trying to keep him sweet so when the time comes he can't complain too much hehehe. Hope i don't have to wait too long for my 0. I'm wondering if i will get the same as i have the last 2 months...a positive opk CD14 but no temprise then 2 days of pos opk's much later on followed by ov.....makes timing BD hard as I have to assume the first one is actual 0 just incase...... Harrison is much better today so i'm hoping we have turned a corner

Hi Sis hope you are ok.
Sorry if i've missed anything i'm a bit like a zombie today as not had much sleep at all for the last week! x