Helloooooooooo there me mateys....top of the morning to ya!

Guess what....I got a bfn on my ic's

lol...yes I am celebrating a bfn!....the slippery lil suckers have been giving me dodgy lines so I am glad that I got at least an honest one in the whole pack this morning hahahaha.
Or maybe the fakers are playing reverse physcology with me now so I should actually see a bfp today...haha who knows...I am in crazy mode today...I always have one melt down day in the tww....and guess what- ITS TODAY AHHHHHHHH lmao.
Woop woop...
Ok ok....let's see- what have we got here today......
Hi bex

so it's cd8 today...so sorry to hear you have the dreaded virus love..I hope you start to feel well soon my dear
I hate to get a cold before I o it always throws me out a day or two...I hope this is not the case for you love...do you opk?
Becky....Yaye for Harrison

...uh ohhhhh the trouble begins lol....before you know it he will on his feet in no time.
And things really do go crazy in the house then lol...nice crazy tho.
So your 5dpo now...ugh! The drag right....I hope the tww speeds up for you love
Looking forward to your tests...good luck for Monday too Hun.
Oh and sorry Harry is still poorly Hun...I hope he gets well soon.
Urmmmmm, who's next?....oh yeah.....Erin!....
So we are the same dpo I remember now...your 12 right?....
Anything on your tests today love?....I hope so.

...now lady! You are NOT out yet...ok.
Come on love...fix up -look sharp....defend your self from that evil witch.lol...
I'm with ya sweet.
Sorry I forget to ask- how long is your lp again?
Good luck love.

iui day.....
Aweeee good luck Hun....how many follies today?....come on spermys...go get em.lol...
Good good good luck shanta.i sooo want this to work for you...
Barbs....so sorry your still sporting the bfn love..

....we are all here for you...we will all help you get through this weekend ok...I hope FET day comes ASAP.
Meg....so I saved that best for last hehe....how are you today Hun?....I hope not tired...altho you probably are right...gawsh you work so hard...I bet you can't wait for mat leave
Anyways ....hope you are well love.
Ok ladies...I will bid you all a good day and a hope that your not as crazy as me
I am sleep deprived-on witch watch-sick of bfns-and about ready to slap this witch right across the mush! Hahahahahaha
Lol take care ladies...
Natalie xxx