LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012


Brand New Mummy
May 16, 2009
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After 4 long years of TTC, culminating with IVF using DE, I am finally pregnant with #1!

I have got to know quite a few other long timers and IVF/IUIers over on the TTC boards and thought it would be nice to have a place that the graduates could gather.

So, if you've been trying for a long time, or needed some extra assistance to get your BFP, or both - and you fancy chatting away the spring and summer with others in a similar position, here's a place to do it.

I'll put the kettle on and make a cake and wait to see who arrives :D

Hall of Fame

sarahincanada - DD 7th October :blue:

urchin - DD 9th October :pink:

Mrs.Bear - DD 9th October :blue: :pink:

Dis3tnd - DD 17th October :blue:

Teta81 - DD 17th October :yellow:

Care76 - DD 19th October :blue:

kleinefor3 - DD 10th November :yellow:

marie44 - DD 11th November :pink::pink:

Yellowbell - DD 17th November :pink:

Kiseki - DD 17th November

Berki - DD 27th November

sienna1 - DD 27th November :blue:

purple_hope - DD 9th December

lovie - DD 9th December

haj624 - DD 5th February
Yellowbell checking in here! :wave:

LTTC for 2 years with one possible blocked tube and low count, motility and morphology.
Had 1 failed IVF/ICSI and another failed FET.
Then got a miracle with a natural BFP!
I'm about 6 weeks along now, due in mid-November. :happydance:

Thanks for creating this group, urchin, this is a fantastic idea! :thumbup:
Great idea urchin.

I just got my first ever bfp after my first IVF/ICSI cycle, beta not until Tuesday (17 long days post transfer) but have been getting bfps since 5dp5dt and I got a pos 1-2 week digi on Tuesday. Ill be due at the end of November, so excited for all of us :) wooohooo

I am cautiously optimistic at this point :)
Thanks for the thread urch! Hi Ladies!

Berki, that is a long wait. I was supposed to wait 21 days for my first BFP, but I had to go to the doctor for something else (my GP who has known me since I was 11) and the nurse did a beta for me, lol. I totally cheated.

Yellowbell, how amazing to have a natural bfp!

AFM, we started trying almost 13 years ago. Then found out I had endo and had it cleaned up as much as possible. We did clomid and something else I can't even remember now for over a year. My FS didn't think IUI was going to work well for us and he recommended ivf, but we decided not to (I didn't like the drugs). 10 years later after our failed adoption we changed our minds and got our very first BFP after over 12 years!
Congrats on your BFP ladies!!!!

Hi, :wave:
I'm so happy to be here :flower:

We had a mc in January of 11 and tried for the next 13 months to get pregnant again.
We did 4-IUI's heavily medicated, had surgery to see if I had endo, removed my level 2 endo and got a natural BFP before gearing up for 5th IUI.

I am totally shocked, I never thought I would lay my eyes on a BFP again.

We also have a DD 6yo, and DS 12 yo.
**this is hubby's first child**

I am cautiously expecting this little pea!
Again so happy to be here :cloud9:
Hi everyone!
This group is a great idea!

DH and I got married in August 2010. We decided to start trying right away. Before we got married, I was completely regular but had some fear it would take a while.

My first expected AF 2 weeks after we got married never showed - I wondered if it could already be a BFP but nope, BFN after BFN. Then September AF never came, or October, or November. Its as if getting married became my natural birth control and I just wasn't being able to start a cycle. Finally in December I saw my family physician, she decided we shouldn't have to wait the year for a referral to a clinic and referred me right away. That's when our journey started and we found out I had PCOS and DH had low count/morphology.

I never thought I'd need IVF, and DH didn't either. He was convinced IUI was all we needed - but after our second IUI ended in a chemical both of us wanted to be as aggressive as possible... so here we are 10 weeks along with our BFP from our first FET. We never did a fresh transfer.

Sorry for the long post!
Hi everyone! im on a few threads on here and its hard to keep up sometimes, but it will be nice to have a thread where we can talk pregnancy, as I feel bad doing that on my ttc threads.

I am 39 and TTC'd for 2 years. After 6 months I went to see my FS and had bloods, semen analysis and sono, everything came back great except that I had a polyp in my uterus. I had the removal surgery and was hoping that was what was stopping us and tried for 3 more months but nothing. Then we tried one month of clomid with intercourse, 2 months of clomid with IUI, and 1 month of injectables with IUI, all BFN.

As I was turning 39 I wanted to move to IVF and did a fresh cycle in November last year. I responded amazingly and ended up with 10 blasts! they transferred 2 but it was a BFN (or a chemical, was getting some faint lines but beta was a 6 then went to a 2). I had to have a month off to rest my ovaries then I did a FET in January. I decided as I had 8 frosties I wanted to transfer 1 blast per month, I knew it was conservative but I really wanted a singleton pregnancy. I was prepared for it to take a few months, but was so happy to get a bfp at 4dp5dt :happydance:

All other info is in my spoiler, I had to wait 3 weeks for my 7 week ultrasound, I burst into tears when the heartbeat filled the room. Then this past monday I had my 11w3d ultrasound as part of integrated screening, bub looked great, HB great etc. I have a very small subchorionic hematoma but the midwife said they are usually gone by next scan so I hope that will be ok.

Im 12 weeks tomorrow, Im going to say Im officially in 2nd trimester in my 13th week, so not long. I have my next midwife apt mid march.

good luck to all of you waiting for your scans, I know how hard it is :hugs:
Just wondering if anyone has announed/ how you plan to announce?

We already told our immediate families after our second beta. However, haven't told friends and extended families.

Our next scan is April 7th, and we're thinking to announce will have a bbq the weekend after that with all our friends over - and make miniature sized foods... sliders, etc.... to announce to everyone at once. Too corny?
Hi ladies! It is nice to see you here, and to hear all of your stories.

Dis, I think that sounds really cute!

A lot of people (close family and friends) knew why we were going to Mexico. They all knew we have been trying for over a decade and they all loved our boys and were devastated when they left. Having a plan gave everybody something to hope for I think. So when we found out, my husband told most people. I was hesitant. We haven't announced it to everybody, like on Facebook, but the important people know.
Its great you have such a wonderful support system around you Care!
Dis-I think that's a super cute idea.

My DH has told a few people and I have told a few. I'm not nearly as far along as I'd like to be before we tell others, it's my 3rd (hopefully to term) pregnancy and I am already buldging in the tummy area, I figure I have 3-4 more weeks before I start looking a bit over weight for myself. DH and I are trying to agree on when to tell the kids. I'd like to atleast wait 2 more weeks and he would of told them 2 weeks ago if he had it his way. My nausea is setting in so I've been having DS grab me crackers and big red in a very immediate way, I figure he will catch on pretty quick. He knows something is different he just hasn't put it all together yet lol.
Progesterone anyone?
My levels have went from 33 one week, to 28 the week after that, to 21 yesterday. They said that that's technically 'normal' range but they want mine to stay at 25. I went to the vaginal supp 3x a day. I guess if it doesn't stabalize then they will swap me to the injections. Anyone else have any issues with the progesterone issues?
Dis- super cute.
I have told my coworkers only because they could tell I knew (as they knew about the journey), our families live an hour and a half- 2 hours away and we will see them both on Easter weekend so will tell them then. I think we are going to wrap up little bibs that I say : love my grandma: etc and give them to them. I saw my parents last weekend but I wanted to wait until after the beta and not just POAS.. so I will be almost 6 weeks when we tell them!
I was on it since retrieval and since 8 weeks I only take it every 3 days. My OB said there was no need to test my levels this late. So I don't know what my levels are or should be. But I am on the suppositories and injections. They are a pain, but worth it.

Hi Berki! The bib idea is so awesome!
Wow! 2 pages already ... I had visions of me coming home to tea and cake on my own

Yellowbell - good to see you :D
Our very own working miracle xxx

Great idea urchin.

I just got my first ever bfp after my first IVF/ICSI cycle, beta not until Tuesday (17 long days post transfer) but have been getting bfps since 5dp5dt and I got a pos 1-2 week digi on Tuesday. Ill be due at the end of November, so excited for all of us :) wooohooo

I am cautiously optimistic at this point :)

Berki - I got my BFP after my first IVF cycle too - it's a great feeling isnt it xx

Hellooooo to Care :hi:
I think you deserve an award for XLTTTC Survivor of the Year - that is an immense number of years to wait :hugs:

and Klein too :happydance: yaaay for surprising BFPs

Hi everyone!
This group is a great idea!

DH and I got married in August 2010. We decided to start trying right away. Before we got married, I was completely regular but had some fear it would take a while.

My first expected AF 2 weeks after we got married never showed - I wondered if it could already be a BFP but nope, BFN after BFN. Then September AF never came, or October, or November. Its as if getting married became my natural birth control and I just wasn't being able to start a cycle. Finally in December I saw my family physician, she decided we shouldn't have to wait the year for a referral to a clinic and referred me right away. That's when our journey started and we found out I had PCOS and DH had low count/morphology.

I never thought I'd need IVF, and DH didn't either. He was convinced IUI was all we needed - but after our second IUI ended in a chemical both of us wanted to be as aggressive as possible... so here we are 10 weeks along with our BFP from our first FET. We never did a fresh transfer.

Sorry for the long post!

Long posts are perfectly acceptable in this thread I think :D
very good to meet you dist3nd ... and how lovely to meet in such lovely circumstances :flower:

Hi everyone! im on a few threads on here and its hard to keep up sometimes, but it will be nice to have a thread where we can talk pregnancy, as I feel bad doing that on my ttc threads.

I'm the same Sarah - I am part of some threads of long termers and won't leave as the people there are so lovely and fab ... but right now some people are having a really shit time of it, and I feel bad traipsing around with my BFP when others are struggling still

AFM my story looks like this:
Me and Mr Urch have been TTC for around 4 years - we were to have IVF a couple of years ago, but I got a BFP and so we were cancelled. Sadly I had a MMC and they found a mahoosive fibroid. While this was all being sorted, I turned 40 and lost my NHS funding. I also learned that my FSH is 23 and AMH is around 3, so using my own eggs was out.
The waiting list at the NHS hospital was 4 years, so we found a private clinic with a 6 month wait (which eventually stretched to around 14 months!)
I started my drugs in December, had ET on 19th Jan, BFP 16 days later, a good strong heartbeat at the 8 week scan - and currently have 4 sleeps left til my 12 week scan
I am very nervous, but trying hard to stay positive :wacko:
care Ive talked to you a bunch of times on the other thread, but I didnt really read your signature as I tend to stop when I read the message and hit reply! thats so sad, how come the adoption fell through? I cant imagine. So this is your first biological child?

urchin Im so glad theres another oldie on this thread :rofl: only joking, but when I was TTC I tended to stick with the over 35 folder just because I didnt always relate to the younger threads. I was so many things...older, LTTTC, TTC first child, Assisted conception!! Now that we are pregnant age doesnt really make any difference.

kleinfor3 I was on progesterone from transfer to 10 weeks, but they never tested my levels so cant really help. I hope the 3x a day works for you.

Dis3tnd thats a great idea! some of my family new like mum and sister, only because they were visiting right when I was doing ivf. hubbies family had no clue, so the other week they were over and they had given us SIL's wedding invitation for may. So we wrote how many guests attending '3' on the card and gave it to MIL. She was confused at first so then hubby said 'sarahs pregnant!'. It was so cute.

Ive been annoyed though as I told them very directly that we were not going to tell anyone else until 2nd trimester, as Im high risk at my age and just wanted to get there. MIL kept asking when we were telling her brother as she was finding it hard to keep it in. (hubby has a very small family here in canda). But I kept to my plan even though she was annoying. Then I find out she told her best friend. Then SILs fiance told his parents, who said something at the dress fitting and SILs god mother heard :growlmad:. I was so annoyed, as we would have told hubbies uncle before all these people. So we ended up telling his aunt and uncle, then I told my nieces. But everyone else Im waiting, close-ish friends I will tell when I see them, I will probably announce on FB when I have the 20 week scan (most of those are aquintances and family in other countries).
Urch, good thing you found that private clinic! That is one of the reasons we went to Mexico. We could start asap.

Sarah, yes, I have never even got as far as a positive hpt before. I didn't care if my child was my own biologically or a strangers. I just wanted to be a mom. I am adopted and my parents fostered (that is how they got me, I was an infant), and my DH's parents fostered and adopted his youngest brother. So it felt natural to us. It was very hard to say goodbye to the children we had that we knew were only fosters, but I couldn't with my boys. My oldest said "mommy you need to get your shoes on so you can come with us", it was so hard not to break down right then, but I tried to keep strong for them so they didn't have awful memories of that. Once they left, I couldn't breathe. It was like somebody ripped my heart out. I had never felt that before. I thought loosing my step father was the worst I could ever feel, now I know how my mom felt when he was killed. Honestly, I thought they would be coming home. But we were two weeks short of the two years we needed to have rights, so our lawyer couldn't even get us in to see a judge. I can pm you if you want more details. It is hard to think about. We still don't go in their room. It is why I need to know the gender so I can drastically change it so it feels like a new room. Right now it is still the boys room. :cry:

On to other things, I can understand how you are annoyed with your MIL. My mom cannot keep it in. She told like two strangers yesterday. She just blurts out "she is having a baby!" to anybody. I can't really blame her though. She is so happy. She was pregnant one time and had a miscarriage around 4 months and never got pregnant again. Her and my dad adopted me and fostered other children (tried to adopt my foster brother who was with us almost 2 years but they lost). My parents split and my dad had my sister with my step mom when I was 4, and she had 3 other children. So he has 11 grandchildren and I nieces and nephews, where my mom has no grandchildren and never got to experience a full pregnancy. She is so frakkin happy and kisses my belly when she says goodbye. So I can't really give her heck for blabbing to everybody. This is the happiest she has been in a long time.
Urch, good thing you found that private clinic! That is one of the reasons we went to Mexico. We could start asap.

Sarah, yes, I have never even got as far as a positive hpt before. I didn't care if my child was my own biologically or a strangers. I just wanted to be a mom. I am adopted and my parents fostered (that is how they got me, I was an infant), and my DH's parents fostered and adopted his youngest brother. So it felt natural to us. It was very hard to say goodbye to the children we had that we knew were only fosters, but I couldn't with my boys. My oldest said "mommy you need to get your shoes on so you can come with us", it was so hard not to break down right then, but I tried to keep strong for them so they didn't have awful memories of that. Once they left, I couldn't breathe. It was like somebody ripped my heart out. I had never felt that before. I thought loosing my step father was the worst I could ever feel, now I know how my mom felt when he was killed. Honestly, I thought they would be coming home. But we were two weeks short of the two years we needed to have rights, so our lawyer couldn't even get us in to see a judge. I can pm you if you want more details. It is hard to think about. We still don't go in their room. It is why I need to know the gender so I can drastically change it so it feels like a new room. Right now it is still the boys room. :cry:

On to other things, I can understand how you are annoyed with your MIL. My mom cannot keep it in. She told like two strangers yesterday. She just blurts out "she is having a baby!" to anybody. I can't really blame her though. She is so happy. She was pregnant one time and had a miscarriage around 4 months and never got pregnant again. Her and my dad adopted me and fostered other children (tried to adopt my foster brother who was with us almost 2 years but they lost). My parents split and my dad had my sister with my step mom when I was 4, and she had 3 other children. So he has 11 grandchildren and I nieces and nephews, where my mom has no grandchildren and never got to experience a full pregnancy. She is so frakkin happy and kisses my belly when she says goodbye. So I can't really give her heck for blabbing to everybody. This is the happiest she has been in a long time.

:cry::cry::cry: im sitting here in tears
I dont really know much about fostering, so while they are in foster care they can be adopted out at any time? Im assuming they were adopted thats why they left. that just breaks my heart. I suppose you are not allowed any contact. I bet they will always remember you though.
you so deserve your bfp! Ive often thought about adopting, its something I might consider once a mum.

and I would definitely forgive your mum for blurting it out, bless her. how wonderful for her to have a grandchild.
Hi everybody :hi:

DH and I started ttc in earnest shortly after the wedding in 2010. I was already turning 37 so my ob/gyn referred us to an re since I wasn't ovulating. Turned out I had pcos so we started meds and then iuis. DH deployed to Afghanistan late 2010 and I did 5 iuis during the deployment. After a few I kind of knew we would need ivf but didn't want to go through that without DH

We got first time lucky with ivf in Jan and are expecting twins!! First tri has been rough because I was hospitalized 10 days with severe ohss. I spent another 6 weeks at home on bedrest and am still not 100%. I'm a little concerned all the xrays and meds will hurt the babies but so far all looks ok. I graduate from the re Mon the start with my ob/gyn first week of April.
Hey ladies!! Definitely feel less guilty talking about our happy news here!!

We have unexplained infertility, DD is now 2, conceived after 3 rounds of injectables with iui. Started ttc when she turned 1 last January. 3 rounds of clomid with iui, then injectables with iui and got a bfp, which resulted in identical twins that never had a heartbeat :nope: had a d&e at 10 weeks and found chromosomal abnormality. Time to start again. After 4 failed cycles with injectables and iui, moved on to ivf. Transferred 2 blasts and have one little baby currently 10weeks and 1 day, due October 17 :happydance: I'm beyond fortunate to have had ivf work our first round. With 2 frosties waiting!

Can't wait to see how everyone here progresses. My next step is sequential screen on April 3. We haven't told anyone yet, I'm waiting until at least after that, and longer if I can keep it hidden. I'm just extra nervous after going through so much I guess.

Good to see so many familiar faces! :winkwink:

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