LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Urch how long did it take for baby to learn to suck again? My baby still seems very frustrated with the breast...
only a few days I guess, and by 2 weeks she's really flying.

But I did do a load of tongue exercises with her before the snip to get her using her tongue better ... I'll PM them to you - they should help xx
Sarah the pictures are perfect!!! I really love when they are all cuddled up and sleeping. We couldn't get one like that for Declan. I think the one where he is all squished up in the bowl is my favourite.

We are delaying vaccinations. I don't like how they are harder to selectively vaccinate now. And we also don't like the idea of giving them this young. I really am not a vaccine person and I do believe they do more harm than good in a lot of instances as they can really impair the immune system. There are way too many now that are unnecessary.

I completely understand about pumping. I don;t have time for it either. I do sometimes in the morning if he goes back to sleep,but that is it. I have to work too, but I am not working enough. It is too hard since Declan has colic and very bad reflux. I am the only one who can seem to settle him, but I have to hold him all the time, so I really don;t get much done. I don't know how you do it. Does Cieran sleep during the day or go in the swing? Declan won't at all. I can sometimes get enough time to go to the bathroom or stuff food down my throat fast but that is it.

Dis, I love the pics!!! The Christmas one is so cute. and wow, I can't believe how tiny he looks in your DHs hands!!! I love it!

Declan was tongue tied as well (and lip tied), but we knew fairly soon as he has a heart shaped tongue so it was hard to miss. The pediatrician never said a word about it and Declan was biting my nipples and they were bruised and bleeding. Then my midwife told me that it was because he was tongue tied and we could get it snipped and it should help. So we found a PED that would do it and had it done in the first week. He didn't hardly bleed thankfully. His latch was much better within a week, but I have to say it was a lot of work and pain and I was ready to give up.

We took Declan to see the pediatrician that was there when he was born. He had to be referred because of reflux or we couldn't even get one. I wasn't impressed. He just said he had colic and there is nothing we can do but hold him and make him comfortable. He was super pushy on the vaccinations and told outright lies on death rates. WTF??? You can go to Health Canada's website and it shows the stats. He was almost quadrupling the rates of death, or way more at some times. He said chicken pox death rate was 50% when I stated that I thought the vaccine was unnecessary. He then said it was because you could get flesh eating disease from chicken pox. We used to have parties so all the kids could get chicken pox at once. I never have known anybody to get flesh eating disease from it, and it is not 50%. I have had 4 foster kids get chicken pox and I rubbed the butter I make all over them and they never even scratched, let alone had any scars from it. Anyway, this doctor seemed very old school. He just heard us say Declan cries every time we put him down and pretty much all day from 10am-1am and he said colic. He disregarded the fact that usually it is because he spits up and then starts screaming. Or he eats and screams like he is in pain. I think the spit up is acid reflux and causing him pain. I should have known since he never mentioned the TT and doesn't believe in clipping the tongue.

Thankfully because I am having an ok milk supply (but not enough to pump and get extra except some mornings if I am still full) I feed him all the time. That is the only way he is able to have food stay down, short meals but more often. A lot still comes up, but not quite as much. He is gaining weight like mad. He was 11lbs 10oz on Friday at 6weeks! He is already in 3-6 months clothes as the 0-3 aren't long enough and some of his clothes are 6-9 months, but they are a bit too long. He doesn't have much chunk on him though, besides his cheeks, he is just long.
Care - it's all very well doctors 'not believing' in clipping tts, it's not their blummin nipples getting macerated! :growlmad:
Are there no new baby pictures??? Marie and Sienna how are your LOs doing? We haven't heard much.

How is everybody and their precious ones? I guess we are all busy with our LOs. I know I am! Poor Declan is not getting better with his colic. It seems to be worse. But besides that he is great. Growing like crazy. Already has been out of his 3 month clothes for a few weeks now. He is 12lbs 12 oz and 24.5 inches long at 10 weeks!

BF is going great as well. I have about 70+ oz in the freezer too. I don't have an over supply, but I have enough to pump once in the morning from the side I didn't use and to keep Declan happy. Right now he is doing this thing where he eats for a couple seconds and pull off (with my nipple still in his mouth *ouch*). It drives me crazy. But I am just thankful I kept with it because I was going to give up.

How is everybody else doing?

I will post a picture from today. Anybody else have any recent pics to share? I would love to see how the babes are changing.


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Hi Care - BF has finally come together for us too. Aoife's TT was divided at 8 weeks and things started improving immediately. By 10 weeks we were flying :)

She is now 14 weeks and 11lb 2oz ... followinf the 25th centile nicely.

Here's a couple of pics of the cheeky little face I woke up to this morning


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Hi ladies! So glad to hear everyone is doing well. It's def harder to keep up with a LO attached to me at all times. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Ive been thinking about you all a lot lately as it is just about the time of our 1 yr anniversary for retrievals and transfers. I'm not sure why but this has me really emotional! I guess just remembering how stressful that time was and how far we have come, and how lucky and blessed we are to have our perfect baby. Life is good! I luv reading everyone's updates and seeing the pictures. Our LOs all have such a bond from all over the world and don't even know it!! Here's my little guy... 15 lbs 10 oz at 12 weeks. His big sister didnt weigh that until 6 months!!


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hi ladies!!

I agree even if we dont make it on here much we are still joined by our miracle journeys! OMG I love the photos, they are all so cute! everything is good with me...have been sick twice since xmas though and hubby wouldnt let me near bub so it was hard! I also didnt pump for those days as was in bed feeling terrible, so my milk supply is still blah. I just got approved to double the dom so I am going to have one last attempt at getting a bit more.

care luckily cieran goes to sleep more or less anywhere, he has been an angel baby really. so I can work while he is sleeping, but I still feel like I dont get much done as it goes so quick! this week however he hasnt been going 3 hours for feeds, he has been screaming after 2-2.5 hours and I was wondering if it was teething, but when I feed him he is happy so I think its just a growth spurt. you are doing so well with your lil boy, do you still sometimes sit there and cant believe it? I do! I just love the feeling when they smile at you, its like nothing else.

cieran got his first tooth at 11 weeks! he has 2 little pegs now, soooo cute. heres some recent photos, cant wait to see more of your photos too. does anyone find they have changed looks....when he was born cieran looked just like my hubby, but now I see more of me in him, his whole head has changed. I read that is so in caveman times men would know its their child!

I have an apt with my FS next week :happydance: going to ask her when is the earliest she will allow me to do a FET. I think most say around the 9 month mark after a csection, so you are 18 months post section when giving birth. Im hoping she will allow me to start at 6 months, as it may take a few tries. also I assume I will have to stop pumping and the medication and have a few cycles first, but Im not quite ready to stop yet (even though he only gets a few ounces a day I do like giving it to him). so I will see what she says and then decide when to stop. I cant wait to be pregnant again, anyone feel the same? who else has frosties?

take care and big kisses to all your lil miracles :kiss:


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awh he's utterly gorgeous Sarah

eeeek for teething at 11 weeks - Aoife is under strict instructions that I want to see no teeth until she's a good 12 months!
Oh my we have such beautiful babies here!

Sorry I haven't been back in so long, I have been so super busy! It seemed BF was going great but it wasn't. Yesterday my DH and I took Declan to the International Breastfeeding Center because i realized he also had lip tie and i didn't think his tongue was clipped far enough. It turns out his tongue needed to be revised and I am not producing as much milk as he needs. So I have to take Domperidone to build my supply. I also have been taking him for Craniosacral Therapy for tightness in his whole body (they think it started with the cord around his neck three times and put pressure on the nerves there, it is really good for tongue tie too). After the therapy and drinking expressed breast milk after feeding he slept all night! He also had his first nap today without me holding him!

I kept thinking I had a supply issue but the doctors kept saying he is gaining weight so that's not the problem. Well it was. I should have went with my gut.

Are you ladies with TT babies doing or were doing exercises under their tongue after? I wasn't told to do this the first time and it can grow or heal back if not done. I hate doing it that. Who wants to purposely hurt their baby?
Hi Care - I did the exercises with Aoife ... but I mostly did them before the op rather than after. We were trying to see if the exercises alone would stretch the tie enough. It did stretch, but not enough to avoid the snip

You're right about trusting your gut. All the time we were having problems I was being told I just needed to get the latch & positioning right, and I knew there was something else going on
Just checking in. I finally figured out how to put a picture in my signature...not very difficult at all as it turns out. Life has been so chaotic with 2 LOs! Some days I didn't sleep at all and maybe got to eat one meal. Now I'm back to work and regaining my sanity. I feel blessed every day to have these angels in my life. I hope everyone is h&h.
Oh Marie they are so cute!!! Back to work already eh? That sucks. I only took less than two months off, but I work from home.

Urch, I was told to rub underneath where the clip was done so it doesn't heal and reattach.
Marie they are utterly gorgeous - I barely get time to eat with one, no idea how you manage with two!

It's odd how we're all told different things Care - I wasn't told to do that at all ... luckily it didn't reattach though
Yeah, I wasn't told to do it the first time either. I think it is because of new research.

I have been on the Dom for almost two weeks and my supply still isn't that great. I hope it kicks in soon.
omg marie they are adorables :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

care my supply doubled on the medication but i still only got 2 ounces per pump :dohh: i am now off the medication and not pumping as I have decided to start transfers in 2 months :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
my FS said I need 2 months off the medication and BFing for my prolactin levels to go down.

he is so scrumptious I want another asap and luckily have the 7 frosties. anyone else got frosties I cant remember. if not would any of you do ivf again?

Sarah, you are brave! I don't have any frosties and we are undecided if we will do IVF again. I couldn't imagine being pregnant right now. I had such a hard pregnancy and so much pain,I wouldn't want it to impact the time I get to spend with Declan. Plus he is still up all night (he only did that one sleep and nap, lol) and he freaks any time we put him down. With me working I just couldn't imagine two until he is older. And I want to get a good two years of just him before another comes along. But if it happens, that is great too, we just won;t go for IVF right away.

Sarah, make sure you keep us posted!

We go back to the International Breastfeeding Centre tomorrow. He is still bruising my nipples and it really hurts. He also makes noises when he eats and his CST said he doesn't have a good seal so I wonder if he is getting lots of air because of his lip tie. We will see.

These are his 3 month pictures (I guess my scanner is dirty :dohh:):
omg care he is just gorgeous!! im still so thrilled for you, your story out of all the ones Ive read on here touched me the most.

sorry to say this but cieran is sleeping 8 hours every night, and more or less falls asleep anywhere. that must be so hard to still be up a lot. that probably helps me wanting to have another asap. in fact people say hurry do it now as you might change your mind once he is moving! plus I had a good pregnancy (apart from all the gall issues). working is hard, but Ive managed to condense my hours down and hoping hubby is going down to 3 days a week soon.

that clinic is that the one by the famous bf expert? I might go if i do end up having another. that bruised feeling was the worst, I was in so much pain and it annoyed me that people would say 'yes it does hurt at the beginning', as theres a big difference between a little pain and terrible excruciating pain!
I would love to do it again, but realistically we aren't likely to get the money together again ... it cost us all our savings the first time :(

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