Ltttc graduates!

Yes thats it.

HAHA well i was a cat last night/this morning crawling on all 4s and doing the Cat yoga posture....just desperate to get a burp out :haha:
Peace, my doctor said that bh contractions could start as early as 6 or 7 weeks but most women don't feel anything until after mid pregnancy or so (other women never feel them). Usually changing position (walk if you are sitting, or lay down and rest if you are walking) would help with the pain; also drinking a glass or two of water as BH tend to show up when you are dehydrated. If the contractions (with or without pain) are frequent: about 4 in an hour and don't go away, then you should call your doctor, as this may be signs of early labor.

sus: I hope Lia gets better once and for all :( I was talking to a friend of mine this past weekend about babies who have reflux and she was telling me about her friend who's baby was having reflux and no doctor would be able to help her. She was breast feeding. She found this doctor (1 of the only 5 baby gastroenterologist in the USA specialized in reflux) and he suggested she tried formula as the baby was unable to tolerate the mother's milk. They had to import this particular formula from Europe that was the only one the baby would tolerate. She said that that formula is the best, but they had to pay about $1000 each month just to import the formula for their baby. She also said that as soon as the baby switched from BF and other formulas he tried, the problem stopped right away.
I hope the new meds help Lia though! :(

crystal, I also took the rubella vaccine before doing IVF. It put me 2 months behind my original schedule as each dose had to be given 30 days apart from each other (and then wait 30 days before TTC) but it was worth it ;) and time goes by fast!
Peace, yeah we'll keep trying until we pay for the cycle especially since we're not sure which school break we're going. Happy V Day to you and the gorgeous girl!! BH can get uncomfortable, they usually feel like tightenings and can get very uncomfortable. Early labour is like really bad period cramps, and it gets worse and worse. If you think in any way it could be labour definately go and get checked :thumbup: I went a few times with both of mine.

I've seen those before and I've seen them called harmony charms I think :thumbup: I wonderd if they worked because it would be a constant familiar noise for the baby. I'd start wearing it now so she's recognizes the sound when she's born. I hope I'm thinking of the same thing:haha: That's a lovely thought for a keepsake so she can use it for her own babies one day:hugs:

Sus, I hope Lia is feeling better soon and her reflux can be treated. Brooke was around the 9 month mark before her stomach matured and she didn't keep bringing her milk back up. We tried alot of formulas and lactose free did the trick for her. She still vomited but it wasn't as bad, we were told once her stomach matured and the flap that holds the stomach content in matured the vomiting/reflux would stop, and it did:thumbup:

WanaB, I only had to get 1 vaccine :thumbup: my GP said no TTC for 3 months beause she'll check for immunity in 3 months but the government website says 28 days is fine :shrug: I'm not sure what to do tbh:shrug:
Peace, the could be BH contractions. I had loads between 20 and 30 weeks pregnant, and hardly any afterwards:shrug: weird! My obstetrician confirmed they were BH and he said tjey can be painful, but they wont be regular at all. Lol he made this comment that made me laugh :"whoever said BH are not painful must be a man" :haha:

Wana, Crystal thanks for your information, it really helps!:thumbup: It is interesting what you say about breast milk as I think Lia is Lactose intolerant. Anyway lets see when we get a referral to a specialist.

Lia had her first party yesterday, my friends daughter 4th birthday, she loved it, she was giggling and wriggling and once home she crashed and slept all night. More parties please!:haha:
crystal, you might be getting the entire dose in one shot? if that's the case then the shot is stronger and it may stay longer in your body :shrug: so I don't know if a month after would be enough :shrug: I have no idea.... :( are you doing IVF next?
Sus, Brooke can now tolerate milk fine but the lactose intolerant formula is easier for them to break down and they can digest it faster so less reflux. I thought my doctor was off his rocker when he told us to try the lactose intolerant but it made a big difference :thumbup: She's had no lasting issues so fingers crossed Lia does just as well :hugs:

Wanab- we won't be doing a donor cycle until July or Sept so I'm not bothered if we're not TTC. GP told us not to TTC for 3 months so maybe I should just stick with that.I didn't realize they came in different dosages:thumbup:

Peace, hope your great!!! :hugs::hugs:
That's so exciting Crystal!!!! I can't wait for summer to get here!!!

You have plenty of time then after taking the shot, no worries :hugs:

how is everyone else doing?

I went to meet the babies pediatrician today. He's funny. He wasn't wearing the usual white coat or a scrub or anything like that (it shocked me... I guess I'm used to more conventional attire)... kind of didn't look like a doctor, he was wearing a black short sleeves shirt with collar (reminded me of a bikers shirt because it had this eagle type design in red) and a gold chain, not too flashy but still. He has pretty good reviews as well as his practice, and what I love the most is that it takes me 3 minutes to get there, from my garage door, to the parking lot. They are also open on weekends from 8 am to 12 noon. I think we are "hiring" him :haha: maybe the twins would like him becasue he doesn't look like a regular doctor but like a regular person. Who knows! :haha:

Thanks for the help with the BH contractions ladies - thankfully I haven't had any more since, touch wood because that was uncomfortable and scary :wacko: I agree being dehydrated is probably what brings it on partly, even though i was drinking lots i realise i need a lot more water as i get bigger!

Wana Be glad you found a good pediatrician, the best part is that its easy to get to him. He sounds very child friendly. How are the boys doing? Do you have a date for your C-section yet? Exciting stuff :happydance:

Sus thats cute of Lia to party away & then crash out :haha: Love her pics, especially your avatar :cloud9:

Rashaa hope the MS is under control :hugs:

Crystal hope you were able to confirm the waiting period after the shot with your doctor. July in SA especially Cape Town is a bit icy as its peak winter season but September is absolutely gorgeous weather as its spring, everything comes to life again and there'll be lots of your DD & DS to do. Maybe the clinic in CT will be able to include immune treatment for you? Or refer you to an immune place in CT. The medical teams there are really on top of things.

LL waiting very excitedly :hugs:

On Sat i saw an osteopath for the pelvic dysfunction pain. I was pleasantly surprised, the movements she performed on me were so gentle i didn't think it would help but when i left i was able to stand up without pain in the tailbone and i could walk without whincing. It felt so good! I thought the pain was just something i would have to put up with now i know that it isn't ..seeing her again this week and so hoping it resolves soon. I highly recommend osteopathy and they treat babies as well. She says it helps them with colic etc & sleep better.

Hope everyone has a good week :hugs:
Peace, what's an osteopath? is he like a chiropractor? I am so glad you have no more pain! How often do you have to visit him?

I wanted to share a few pictures of the babies room. We are almost getting there, just need a few more things like clothes hamper, lamps and more books/picture frames, but for the most part I think we are pretty ready. The diaper bag is on the way... it shouldn't really go on top of the shelf, but oh well!

photo (15).jpg

photo (10).jpg

photo (11).jpg

photo (12).jpg

photo (13).jpg
Its gorgeous Wana B, it looks cosy and friendly. I love the playful monkeys on the wall! And putting the cots together that way makes it look so unique. I just imagine your boys in the cots :cloud9: Yay for being ready!

The osteopath is similar to a chiropractor but the they do soft tissue and cranial work as well, not just the bones like the chirp. She said that the cranial work is especially good for babies. Basically they gently cradle certain parts of the muscle so it releases tension and they re-adjust the structure. I've always heard of them but never been to one, in the US they study a full medical degree. Not completely pain free yet but she did say it may take a few treatments. So much better though, I'll take it. I see her again this week and then we'll see how it improves.
oh, I see... that's so interesting!

How are you feeling peace? 25 + weeks already!!! man, time does fly by. Are you starting to get things ready for the little one?

How is everyone else doing?
Well I spoke too soon. I got excited with the reduction in pain and went out for a long-ish walk, I really missed the exercise... Paid the price dearly last night. Felt like my pelvis was on fire. It seems I may one of the unfortunate ones who have it throughout pregnancy and the best I can do is manage it. Saw the osteopath again today and she's worked through some very tight muscles...So i have relief again, wish i could have her here daily! Hope I get to sleep tonight. The midwife keeps saying being fit is important for labour, I don't know how I'm am going to do that with this pain.

I know, time flies! Look at you, the boys are going to be here soon :happydance: We're getting things but I feel like progress is too slow. I just hope I can be more mobile and get things done in the next few weeks.

Rashaa not long before you're in 2nd tri:happydance:

Hope everyone else is ok.
The nausea as been coming and coming. It was so bad two nights ago, I fixed a nice lamb chop dinner and could not et dinner at all, it turned my tummy. I ended up eating a swanson's meal...for the veggies and mashed potatoes! Hubby has been ill, and can't cook right now, so to avoid issues we ordered out last night.

I am drinking ginger root tea and gravol ginger but hope it ends soon.

Peace sorry to hear about the pain:(. I hope it gets better with the osteopath's help.

I feel my hips pop sometimes...but no pain..just some pulling in the muscles and twinges. I am getting bigger in the belly...going to break down and get a few maternity things, and maybe some lululemon toga pants :)
How is everyone else doing?msending hugs everywhere.
rasha I hope the nausea goes away soon.

peace, sorry about the pain :( I see it is important to be fit but you can't be in pain for the next 15 weeks... try to take it easy. Maybe you ca do more harm than good.

My belly feels huge this week. I can't wait to see the perinatal doctor to tell me how big the babies are now. When I'm in bed, leaning to one side, and all of the sudden I want to change sides, it's such an ordeal! I won't even mention trying to get up... it was hard before but this week it has been extra hard. Oh well... 7 more weeks (God willing) to go, so better get used to it ;)
Wanna B, time will fly and soon the boys will be home with you :) so happy to think about!
Peace, hope you feel better soon:thumbup: You need to find a salt water pool in your area and go have a nice long swim, it will feel heavenly:)

WanaB- wow only 7 weeks to go? I can't wait to see your boys, they are going to be gorgeous:hugs:

Rashaa- have fun shopping for your maternity clothes :)
Rashaa I had extreme MS so I feel for you now. For most it will go away in a couple weeks. However if it gets to bad don't be afraid to talk with your doc about it.

I didn't because I thought it was just normal and I should just be happy I was pg. I let it get to bad though and had lost 15 pounds by the time my doc knew.

Anyway they have good meds that can help with it. Even kinds that rub in your skin so you don't have to try to keep a pill down.
Hi all, Can I sneak on? We were 16 months ttc and I thought it would never happen. So I decided in August to take a break and bam, BFP! I'm 40 DH is 54 and we are happy we conceived naturally as I was due to go to the hospital October to talk about next steps.
:hi:Hello Lady H

Hi ladies!

I don´t get many changes to go online these days as Lia is a handful during the day :haha: but she is asleep now :yipee::yipee::yipee: she hardly ever has long naps do I´d better make the most!

Things are ok here, Lia is much better from her reflux although she is teething now :dohh: my poor child...

Anyway, Peace, How are you? is the pain better or has it come back full on?
Wana... Not long now :happydance::happydance:
Rashaa how is that MS going?

Crystal, LL, Milty, How are you?

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