Ltttc graduates!

:hi: ladies

Sorry i've been reading but too exhausted to do much these days.

Welcome Lady H :flower: please do more than sneak on! I love your ticker. How are you feeling? You're 3 weeks ahead of me:happydance: Do you know if baby is :blue: or :pink:?

Rashaa poor thing, hope the nausea starts its exit're almost out of 1st tri! Those yoga pants look really cool. Good luck with any scans you're probably having soon :hugs:

Wana B sorry its getting uncomfy, everyone says the last leg is most uncomfy and its tougher carrying two. Turning or changing positions in bed is awful for me too because of the pelvic pain, i've resorted to using my bum to lift myself up and then slowly much effort :dohh: You're so close to meeting your boys now :happydance:

Sus, poor Lia and you...teething sounds dreadful :cry: Gosh i cant believe how quick she's got to this stage! Are you giving her anything for the pain? Despite her being poorly you both always manage to look so sprightly and smiley in all the pics :cloud9:

Jen always thinking of you, if you're reading hope you're ok.

LL, Crystal, Milty hope you lovelies are all good :hugs::hugs:

afm the osteopath definitely helped, i have hours/days pain free, its just at night sleeping and turning over thats really bad and being stiff in the morning. Baby is all cuddled up right on the pelvis and she wont budge, she sometimes kicks me in the butt lol. The osteo showed me some massage that DH does for me which helps ease it off a bit. So its a question of managing it and praying it goes away after labour. I just realised i only have doubled digit days left!
Here you all are! Mind if I lurk? :winkwink::hugs:
Formal application needed :haha: kidding, don't just lurk join in :flower: How are you?
welcome Lady H and congrats on the pregnancy!!! how are you feeling? almost 30 weeks!! can you believe it? do you have names for the baby already? so exciting :happydance:

Sus, I'm so glad to hear Lias reflux is much better, at the end, what did the trick?

Jen, I am also thinking about you! I hope everything is fine on your side of the world :hugs:

peace, I am sorry the pain is back :( I hope it gets under control and it can be manageable until the baby arrives. I can only imagine how miserable you must be :(
WanaB- wow only 7 weeks to go? I can't wait to see your boys, they are going to be gorgeous:hugs:

thanks Crystal! :hugs: well, I don't think I will go for the full 40 weeks, I am hoping i will go as far as 38/39 weeks... we'll see. With twins 37 weeks is good but if everything is fine I want to go to 38 or even 39 weeks... I hope the babies cooperate! We'll see how they are doing next week :flower:
Hey everybody!!!!

I am still alive :) I had a little scare yesterday. I lifted a box [stupidly, forgetting I was pregnant] and had a spec of brown spotting. and it left as quickly as it came! ?? I heard the baby on monitor last night, s/he seems OK, and I didnt' have any cramping with it.. I won't be lifting anything again I swear!

As for the nausea..well it comes/goes still, but it is not as frequent, so I think it is starting to wane [I HOPE!!!] Eating like crazy these days and just hanging in there. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday ! I am preparing myself to tell work *sigh* am so nervous about it....but waiting until 12 weeks....

I hope everyone is good. at a break, and gotta get back to work, but will post more later individually.

:hug: to all! P.S. Milty, I am praying for you!!!!!!!
Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm expecting a girl. My bloods put me high risk for Downs so I took the difficult decision to have an amnio at 16 weeks. Thankfully all is perfect and they confirmed girl chromosomes. I'm honestly apart from that having an easy pregnancy, not bad for an old bird! Have to have growth scans at 32 and 36 weeks due to low PAPP-A which is what increased my Downs risk, but so far all on track. No names yet, DH and I differ a lot in taste, it's a nightmare!
oh my goodness lady H, I bet having the amnio was hard. When I did my blood tests at 17 weeks or so I got a positive for DS as well. It was so scary and hard at the moment. I chose not to have the amnio as the doctor said everything looked good in the scan, but because of my age the numbers were positive. I saw the genetic counselor and everything. It was a nightmare. Like I said, in the end DH and I decided that no matter what, we would love our babies either way and left it at that.
I am glad you have had a good pregnancy :hugs: now you have only 10 more weeks (more or less) to go!! congrats!!

rashaa, please take care of yourself!!! :nope: no lifting, no stressing, no nothing. I am glad the little one is ok, but try to take it easy. I know it's hard (I have to remind myself to take it easy all the time) but you must. Are you craving for any foods in particular?
wait... what did I miss... Milty got a BFP?! OMG!!!!! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
well we are waiting to see numbers go up for Milty...hence why I have kept quiet...any news Milty?
Hi ladies :)

Sus, awww Lia must be growing so quickly. Are you still thinking about TTC soon?

Peace, hope all is well and your pain has subsided some. Its very painful so I hope your finding ways of coping that work :hugs:

Wana- I cannot believe those babies are just about baked, it went so quickly :thumbup: for me anyway, I'm sure you wouldn't say the same :)

Raasha, I was fortunate not to get severe morning sickness with my two, I got MS but it wasn't severe. I hope you find something to ease it but if not I'm sure your doctor can help.
Wanna, Rashaa, Peace, Lady H, I'm in :thumbup: well not quite but y'know what I mean :winkwink: Love reading about the lumps, bumps and joys of being preg, easy for me to say I know :haha:
Milty!!!!:yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee: the news has made my day! lots of sticky baby dust lovely!

Jax :happydance::happydance: Nice to see you here.

Lady H, that is great news that you had the all clear. and welcome to team pink!!! :thumbup:

Talking about baby names... Peace, have you thought of any?
Take it easy Peace, that pain is horrid!!

Rashaa, look after yourself hun, rest as much as you can.

Crystal, she is growing fast, or at least if feels like it, she looks more like a little girl now than a baby! She is coping better with her reflux, I just hope she outgrows it soon. she is trying to misbehave the little rascal! today I had to say my first big NO to her and tell her off as she was screaming the place down just for attention! :wacko::haha: She is good most of the time but she does try to get her own way! :haha:

Yes I am still thinking of TTC soon, From June when I will stop Breast feeding. Lia will start weaning in few weeks time, so as my doctor said at that time when fertility might come back we might "just let it happen" if it doesn´t our official time is June, when I have an appointment with my doctor to check all my hormones etc. I have to confess that I am terrified about another pregnancy, I worried so much during the first one...
hi Jax :hi:

crystal, you are right, time has gone by so quickly. I really cannot believe I am almost done with the pregnancy. It actually makes me a bit sad but I am excited to soon be able to see my babies. Overall it has been a great pregnancy so I can't complain at all. Yes, I'm always worried that something is going to happen (but I think that's normal, as Sus once told me ;)) but I have been healthy and felt pretty good and the babies are doing as good as I could have asked for :flower:

Sus, don't worry about another pregnancy. I know you and the future baby are going to be just fine. How exciting!! if you start TTC in June and get pregnant you will be having another baby around this time next year! (March). So cool!!
by the way, how are the plans to become a midwife coming along?
Wanna b I'm sure it's all fine Hun, like you say the bloods and age throw it out but the scan I think is more important xx
Wana b, I'm getting excited about seeing your boys soon too!! :happydance:

I wonder if all the emotions etc about getting/being preg are worse 2nd time round bc you know what to expect? :shrug: Mind you, friends tell me that no two pregnancies are the same, bit like you don't have two kids the same. Good luck Sus, it's worth a try, go for it! :thumbup:
WanaB- Your time is coming, are you having a section? You've probably posted it somewhere and I missed it :)

Sus- DD was 10 months when I got pregnant with DS and it was so much easier with him :shrug: tbh there's no time to notice every little ache and twinge...and your body knows what to do its still in pregnancy mode so things just seem to go smoother. You won't worry as much because you'll already know what's going to happen etc. I know you worried while pregnant with Lia but it is easier the second time :thumbup: You'll just get on with it the second time, where the first one its the unknown. You can do it, your just not having enough faith in yourself :hugs::hugs::hugs:
crystal, yes most likely it'll be a csection since both babies were (they may still are) breach. I start going for weekly appointments to both: my perinatal doctor and my OBGYN next week, so we'll see how things progress. If both babies are heads down they'll let me try vaginal. My OBGYN doesn't want to schedule a Csection becasue I'm doing well, according to all the check ups with the perinatal doctor, so unless something is not right with the babies and they have to do a Csection right away, they'll let me go to 38 or 39 weeks.

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