Hello ladies
Its been quite a while since I've posted anything. Reason being I haven't even visited this site in a while. I just popped on to see if any of you lovely ladies had gotten your :BFP: and noticed babyjla asked about me.
Just skimmed really quick but wanted to say yay for getting a puppy babyjla. Trigger is a really cue name.
So sorry for getting that positive dodger but it not sticking. My heart breaks for you as i can just imagine the letdown! I hope you get that sticky bean soon!
Sorry for just leaving so abruptly. At the end of Nov I finally had my appt with a fertility specialist. She asked me a handful of questions, asked a few questions about hubby, and after taking one look at his SA results (after telling her we were waiting for the results of 2 more) told me our only chance for conceiving most likely would be IVF. His count was really low but I was expecting her to at least try to figure out why, if anything else was wrong with me, but no. IVF. End of story according to her. I left really upset, and so dejected. IVF is just not an option for us. I've taken that stand right from the start of our journey. So after a while I decided I could be depressed for the rest of my life cause having a baby was just not gonna happen, or I could accept it and move on. I moved on. That's why I just stopped coming here. There was no point in talking about pregnancy and symptom spotting and getting myself more and more depressed. And it really helped. I stopped obsessing. Stopped temping. Stopped symptom spotting. And I have actually felt pretty good about it all. We had talked about adoption already and I figure that's where we'll end up.
fast forward to yesterday, my husband had his follow up appt with the urologist and got the results back from his last 2 SA's. Everything is going up! YAY! His count went form 4 million with 1% morphology, to 5% with 8% morphology to 8 million and now 12 million. Don't know the morphology for the last 2. The doc said to just keep trying but he's doing some blood work to see if there's a reason. But the fact its going up has him hopeful we can still conceive one day
Anyway, sorry for the novel. Just wanted to update. I probably won't check this site very often as I have felt really good the last few weeks just letting it all go. If it happens it happens, if not, my life will go on.
Wishing lots and lots of
all your ways. Praying you all get your sticky :BFP: soon!