Aww toothfairy, so great to have an update from you hun! Joseph is gorgeous!
Cheryl, I'm glad you stood up for yourself and that your mum took it well hun!
Bailey, sounds like a lovely family day! How is DF adapting to daddy-hood? Is he changing dirty nappys and washing bottles etc
Cupcake, 3 days!!!!!!!! Omg so excited! I hope bubba cooperates for you!
MrsD, sounds like you were busy in the garden and "tanning" today! Makes me feel like I wasted the sunshine today being indoors most of the day!
Cath, what cycle day are you starting your cbfm? So excited to see how it works!
Shellie, how is O coming? Anywhere close?
Amy, hope Emily is fully recovered now!
Maryanne, are you at testing time yet hun? Not sure how many dpo you are! Fx'd for you!
Hippie, how is your TWW coming hun?
TTC, if you pop in hun HI! How are things going? When do you get back to ttc?
AFM still not a single sign!
Doesn't help that everyone I know who was due around my due date has popped early or at the very least on time! Guess this is the price I pay for my easy pregnancy, but man it is starting to get a little hard to wait! Plus I can't help thinking that every day she is in there she is getting a bit bigger!