I don't wanna scare you as you have all this coming up but our night was just so hard!
She woke at 12 and I got her back to sleep quickly, then she woke at 2 and again I got her back to sleep quickly, then she woke at 4 and was wide awake, like it was time to get up. I tried to settle her but she was having none of it. So then I gave her a bottle and she was quiet for about 10 mins after, then she screamed for an hour until df got up with her at 5.15, and apparently by 6 she was fast asleep in her bouncy chair!
I'm just glad I got to lie in! I've told df to go back to bed til he goes to work at 1.
It's so hard sleeping at the end isn't it, it's more frustrating the fact that you want to sleep, have the opportunity but just can't. I actually prefer what we are doing now to back then to be honest coz it's worse when you just can't sleep.