Lucky thread

Right, I'm off to bed now I know cupcake and lbcc are ok! Night ladies! Hope you all sleep well!
Hi maryanne, hope you are ok!

Morning everyone! Well the dream feed did not work!! She was all of a sudden wide awake at 2.30am!! Df managed to feed her and settle her straight away thankfully but for the rest of the night she was very wriggly so I slept on and off.

I'm going out tonight with my friend which will be nice, MIL is looking after Emilia until df comes home from work.

What's everyone up to today?
Thanks Bailey so happy to hear lbcc is out and fine. Poor cupcake she is gonna be exhausted!

Sorry to hear dream feed didn't work maybe she is getting ready to wean? Ooh mummy night out have fun. I'm not up to much today cleaning house then pics and maybe pub dinner. Started the bd oh thinks it was all his idea last night little does he know :winkwink:
Haha I love it Sath! It's best when they think it's their idea isn't it lol! Ooh you'll have to let me know how Elysium is, I think it looks good.

I've been trying her with purées and she won't close her mouth round the spoon and she doesn't seem to realise she needs to swallow bless her! I'm gonna keep giving her a but here and there though so she gets used to it, then in a few weeks gonna try some baby led weaning and give her some soft fruits and veg at her high chair and let her see what she thinks of them.

Cupcake I don't know if you'll get chance to read this but just a couple of c section tips,

Get up and shower ASAP, it hurts but it will help you heal better
Ask for lactulose/take the lactulose they give you - I didn't coz I thought with my IBS it would give me the runs but boy did I regret it!! And drink lots and lots of water
Ask for some peppermint water/cordial and get your dh to get you some peppermint tea bags for when you get home coz the trapped wind from the section starts to really hurt after a few days (if you get it that is).
And don't forget, do not over do it! You just worry about lbcc and let dh look after you.
Hey ladies :wave:

I think babies just go thru stages Hun I mean Leo is always up at 4 for 45 mins every night the now and it used to be 2 until we started on solid I saw u tried apple the best thing to start them on is baby rice as u add there milk in Leo loved it from day one. X

Sath how u doin?xx

I've got a wedding today but don't want to go cos we had a huge row about mil last night she wants Leo over night and I'm not letting it happen she's in her 70s and she not fit for him all day... I'm more annoyed tht hubby was just going to phone her and blame me rather than stick up for me and say it was us both I'm ragin I'm giving hubby a few wks and if I'm still not happy I'm going to ask him to leave cos he's hopeless and he hasn't bought Leo a thing since he was born he's a tight arse. X
Yay sath you sneaky minx :) glad the bding has begun x
The pics and pub grub will be nice

Oooh bailey is this the mummies night out?
Sorry the night feed didn't work :(
Aw Cheryl I'm so sorry you and hubby are still going through a hard time :hugs: men are always frightened of their mummies, I agree with you it's a lot of work for a 70 year old. The wedding might be good to take your mind off things for a few hours xxxx
Aw il o mrs d I just feel his mum is always causing bother.. I was also pissed off hubby got up for the 7am feed and then starting hoovering after 8 and it woke me.. I've been up all night and all wk and the one morning I cud of slept in he woke me and he's away to bed now. I'm ragin.

How u doing?x
I'd be pissed off too, that's just not fair. Does hubby not have a Leo day on either a sat or Sunday while he's off work to give you a day off?
Yay for being a blueberry!! And no it's just me and my mate tonight, she's a bit crazy and she doesn't have any kids so I'm telling her when we go out that I have to be back for midnight lol!

Aw Cheryl I'm sorry your dh is being such an arse, that is so unfair of him to Hoover when you are having a lie in!! And for him not to stick up for you, I totally agree its a lot for a 70 year old. I think it's a man thing that they just don't get how to be fair, my df always goes back for a sleep after he's got up with her which pees me right off coz the other 6 days of the week I don't get to go back to sleep when he gets up coz he gets up so late he has to go straight to work! I know he works and I don't but he also stays up til 2am playing Xbox coz apparently he's not tired! Men!! Does you hubby know how seriously you feel about all this? I told df I wasn't sure I wanted to marry him the other week too. He bucked up his ideas a bit since. I think maybe a lot of couples go through a tough time like this when they have a baby. Mums are expected to adjust straight away (and we have no choice in doing so coz we have a baby to look after) but for men it seems to take them longer to make that adjustment to being a father.
Emilia is in a fab mood today surprisingly seen as she didn't sleep well, but while she's all smiley I thought I'd try her with a bit of creamed porridge and she seemed to like it! I only gave her literally a couple of spoonfuls but she did really well. Better than with the purée! My plan is to keep giving her some every day but gonna try to do it at teatime, I'm not at home this evening so can't do it tonight.
Yay for Emilia liking creamed porridge, she'll soon be on kievs ;) xxx
What time are you out tonight? Is it just drinks or food too?
Lol maybe mini kievs first. Glad she enjoyed her porridge. Have fab time tonight.

Cheryl sorry to hear hubby being an a***. Dont blame you at all. Men honestly another species! How do they get away with it. My oh was out last night and now out playing bloody golf while I clean. I work full time too so he cant say i dont work!! He better do his job and duffer me this month.
Haha sath you tell him.
I'm having a cleaning day too, I'm knackered.

I want you and cath duffered so much so that we can be bump buddies :)

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