Lucky thread

So he should or tell him to try and brush his tonsils with the toothbrush!!

Hun just eat anything you fancy something really plain. I'm sure they'll give you a pic otherwise take a pic with your phone? Think ducks have the right idea surely it's easier lay an egg and sit on it, much easier!
Haha I love that idea :) and an egg is much smaller to push out too ;)

An epidural scares me more than the labour, I definitely won't be having one unless there is no other option

What was it that finally lengthened your lp?
I haven't got as far as needle in to spine just no pain bit. I have tattoos and got ears and in my dark past nose pierced but I'm rubbish with pain and I cry when I throw up yes even with ms I'd cry but I was getting better. I reckon you'll be in the bath you're a water baby! I love the idea of a water birth.

The progesterone cream lengthened it this cycle my acupuncturist wasn't happy but sorry she's been trying for a year and its not moved at all so gonna use again.
Brilliant, if it works keep using it :) you gave the acupuncture a good try

I've been quite good with pain with my neck issues so its not the pain of it it's the thought if an injection in the spine, how on earth can that be a good idea??

I love the thought of a water birth too, it might not be the prettiest sight but its got to help with keeping your bits supple ;)
Water birth would be lovely wouldn't it doubt I'd ever make it. Wonder if Tens machines really do help. See how much advice you'll be able to give hope I'm not too far behind you.
I'd have loved a water birth coz I loved having baths when I was preggo, very relaxing. I can imagine it feels quite calming. One of my reasons for not wanting the epidural was that too mrs d coz of the needle in the spine. Plus sometimes you hear some stories of it just not working or only numbing half. But I loved it once I got it. I didn't even feel her put it in but that's probably because it took her half an hour and I was concentrating so hard on keeping still and not throwing up through all the pain lol! I'm a wuss haha! I always thought I had a high pain threshold but giving birth proved me wrong lol!
And Sath I agree with mrs d you gave the acupuncture a fair good try, keep up with the progesterone cream
Bailey did the pain make u throw up? I had the medical management for mmc 2 pleasantries the pain was awful and I constantly threw up its totally scared me that I couldn't cope with Labour. Did Emilia have some porridge tonight it's so cold summer's gone.
I didn't actually throw up but I felt nauseous a lot. I was forcing myself to not throw up coz I had to keep still. I had those tablets too for my MMC and I felt slightly sick with them too but not as much. Don't forget though that those tablets and the fact I was induced are both forms of forced labour when you body isn't ready/wanting to do what it's doing so that could be a reason it makes people sick or nauseous.

And yeah I gave her a couple of spoonfuls at teatime so that I didn't spoil her appetite at supper time for her bedtime bottle
Sath I hope you are duffered soon too, I want to compare my symptoms with you haha :)

I had the op with my mmc too but nothing hurt, what on earth did you have done?

Bailey what made you sick, the meds or the pain?
Think I'm just a chucker!!

Hope she has a good dream feed and you get a good sleep well done for no hangover
Is emilia getting used to food now? I hope it works and she has a good sleep
I had the tablets mrs d for my MMC so 2 pessaries then 6 hours later 2 orally and then sent home coz still nothing happened then at home felt a big pop (sorry tmi) after having contractions for about 2 hours and then a gush of blood etc.
During labour I think I felt sick from a combination of the drip and the pain to be honest. Coz they gave me the full dosage straight away.
Lol no she's not really getting the idea that you have to close your mouth round the spoon and she also looks surprised when there is something she needs to swallow lol! But she seems to enjoy it anyway and more tried to chew on the porridge and mushes it around her mouth haha!

I'm not doing a dream feed after the last one had her awake at 2.30 lol! We are moving her to her own room tomorrow we think.
Yeah it wasn't pleasant mrs d and I then bled for 5 weeks and it turns out I had retained tissue stuck. I read up afterwards that the UK is the only country really that gives the tablet as an option after you've passed 8 weeks coz it's not always successful after that.
Oooh she's going to be a big girl in her own room :)

Aw she'll get the hang of it and there will be no stopping her
So wish I'd the ops Mrs d after the medical management my oh was totally against ever trying. You have tablet then few days later you go back and they put pessary in guess like being induced. I was throwing up so bad and the pain was awful then pethidine and stemetil saved me. He now calls me vomiting veronica to wind me up!

Ha you want me queasy and green too!
Bailey Did you then end up having the op for the retained tissue, or did it finally come out on its own?

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