Lucky thread

That's awful, I can't believe they even give that option. They asked me did I want to wait for it to happen naturally or did I want the op. as there hasn't been any growth for 6 weeks and it still hasn't happened naturally I just went for the op.

It's only fair we share the sickness haha
We could take it turns every other day vomiting so much better!
I'd go for that :)

Bailey did you get a sort of acid reflux?
Lol sharing the ms that would be funny, it would be so awesome if you guys are bump buddies.

Do you mean while I was in labour mrs d? Or during pregnancy? Coz I didn't in labour but I did in pregnancy but only at the end.
No I only got it in the 3rd tri, but make sure you don't do what I did and drink milk. Apparently it goes sour in your stomach an although it briefly soothes it, it then makes it worse!
Oh maybe it's that, I'm drinking both milk and almond milk each day :(
Where is everyone today?

Hope everyone is ok! I just have to have a little rant if you don't mind. You know how my MIL had Emilia on Saturday night? Well I've been doing some tidying today and was about to empty the bin in the bathroom and found it was already empty. Didn't think much of it coz I just thought df had emptied it. Well I also have a little bin in the bedroom that I only really use for my empty opk packets. Well I had also done a pregnancy test this month (an IC) just coz I was one day late, even though I knew really that I wasnt. Well that bin had been emptied too. So I've asked df and he didn't do it! Therefore MIL must have done it and she will no doubt have seen the empty opk packets and empty pregnancy test packet coz they were the only thing in that bin!!! I'm annoyed coz why was she going round emptying my bins?? She was there to look after Emilia not tidy my house and now she probably thinks we are ttc already, which we aren't but feel annoyed that she will know our business!
Truth is I guess if she'd emptied the bins and they hadn't been there I probably wouldn't even bothered but now I feel like she knows this personal information that I don't want her to know!!
I guess at least she won't be surprised when we do get pregnant (hopefully) next year!

Anyways! Mrs d how did your appt go?
I can see where you are coming from, if the tests weren't in there it wouldn't have been a problem but as they were you feel annoyed that she has overstepped the mark :( has she asked df if you are trying again?

My appointment went well, we answered a million and one questions, she took more blood and gave me lots of leaflets. I asked about Wednesdays appointment and she said it was to meet my consultant as I'm high risk. So it's 50/50 if he'll scan me wed :(

I had a tiny streak of blood on my tp earlier which has freaked me out. There hasn't been any since but the fact that it was there scares me, I was feeling quite positive until that moment :( I really hope it's nothing
Hiya ladies

I'm sorry I've not been on, things are VERY busy with a newborn and I only got in the shower at 2pm, first since Thursday yuck!

Hope you are all well, had a quick scan through but can't really remember what everyone's up to, I've now had 10 hours sleep ish since Thursday lunch!

I need to post my birth story in more detail, but basically once I got the drip I laboured til 6pm with just tens (amazing), g & a and some pethidine (which I really regret but you do what you can at the time) and at 6pm it was found that I'd made no progress since 2pm that day cos Zachs head was wonky and would never have made me dilate further. So was rushed off for a section, he was fine the while time, no emergency as his heart rate was spot on just I'd had enough after 14 hours!

He's so amazing and I'm so in love, struggling big time with feeding, I don't think my milk has come in at all yet and have had some dodgy latches so my nips look like a horror show right now, and were having to top up with formula. Gonna give it a few more days but its so hard, harder with a section I'm sure. Have cried a lot today as I want to enjoy my baby but there's so much pressure to make a success of BFing and it's just not for all situations I don't think.

Love to you all from me and Zachy x
Hiya cupcake congratulations again and I can't wait to read your whole birth story :) I hope bfing gets better for you and zach takes to it. I bet you are enjoying your little bundle and I hope you haven't had too many unwelcome visitors xxxx
Congrats cupcake well done. Is it amazing having Zach home. Cant wait to see pics and hear more about the birth. Hope your milk comes in dont put pressure on bf a happy healthy mum is more important than bf.

Mrs d glad appt went well. Im sure the tiny streak of blood was just left from implantation or could be cervix irritated. Your symptoms are really strong its going to be fine xxx
Hi cupcake! Glad you are doing well and well done you on only having the tens!! They wouldn't let me use mine (boo!) but glad to hear you found it helpful as I plan on using it next time!
And I agree with Sath, don't feel like you absolutely have to bf, a healthy happy mum is just as important, but I really hope it works for you. Is Zach managing to latch ok or is that what you are struggling with? Have you tried using some nipple sheilds?
Can't wait to see more pics of him! And I hope you had a good birthday too!

Mrs d don't worry Hun I'm sure it's just from your cervix, there's loads of extra blood being pumped down there at the minute so little bits of blood can happen. What a pain about your scan though! Messing you about like this when you said you'd get an early one! Make sure you push the consultant for one on Wednesday! How's the ms been today?

Sath any more signs of O yet? Did you get dh again?
Thanks, I'm feeling a little happier as there hasn't been any more, hopefully if I mention it on Wednesday that will be the encouragement needed for a scan.

I have a new problem now, I asked about my thyroid level and my tsh is 0.02. I thought that was ok but dr google just told me it should be above 0.3 so I'm taking too much medication. My problem is I don't know if it was 0.02 from the bloods my dr took 3 weeks ago as I've been taking even more meds since then, or if that was my level last Wednesday. Either way it's too low but it could be really really low, like miscarriage low now, if that 0.02 is from the drs blood. I'm panicking but know there is nothing I can do until Wednesday :(

Aaaaaagh I hate this :(
Can you call your doctor tomorrow and explain and say you are worried about it? I know it's only a day before your appointment but it could help ease your mind. Try not to worry too much mrs d, surely they would have done something about your levels if they thought it ciu cause you problems :hugs:
The mw didn't have a clue what they stood for or even meant. The thyroid bloke won't even look at my results until my appointment on Thursday. My dr doesn't have acces to the hospital records so he won't know and so my only choice is that the consultant will have an idea on Wednesday when I ask him, but he won't automatically check my results. No point worrying tonight there isn't anyone I can call tonight so I'll see what I can find out tomorrow

How is everyone tonight? Anyone having kievs?

We had visitors tonight as I'm reading through the pregnancy book the hospital gave me so I had to quickly chuck it down the side of the sofa as they walked in haha

I've felt sick all day, it's taken me all day to eat a sandwich, a couple of mouthfuls then stop coz I feel sick, wait a couple of hours then have another couple of bites, I've only just finished it haha
Aw that sucks then mrs d, I hope the consultant can give you some answers on Wednesday but try not to worry too much, by the sounds of your ms everything is looking good and fingers crossed they'll be able to sort your tsh levels for you. I've read it can go low in the first tri anyway from what dr google has told me but I got a bit confused!

I'm having dominoes lol, well and truly sacked the diet off now lol. I'm not getting much sleep and Emilia is going through a cranky stage at the mo so the last thing she needs is a cranky mummy coz she's starving and just wants chocolate lol!
I'm sorry you are still feeling so sick, did you try the salt and vinegar crisps? When I feel sick I find dry toast helps and I also drink tomato juice as its got nutrients and can be filling. But then I wasn't sick with pregnancy so it could be completely different.
Ooh no there is no way I could eat salt and vinegar crisps, I'm finding a bite of a dry cereal bar quite good

Mmm dominoes, I could eat some pizza now.
I don't blame you, craving food isn't nice, and depriving yourself of something you fancy is bound to make you grumpy xx
Mrs d do you have a scan booked? If you have had blood lay it on thick with the GP and you should get epu referral for it! And remember I bled quite a lot in my 7th week and little Zach is here safe and sound!

Bailey the TENS was amazing, I'd not have made it past 3 cms without it!!!!

Hey Sath! Sorry lovely I can't remember what you posted about as I only had a quick skim earlier! Have you ovulated yet?

Well I feel so much better being home from hospital, altho I'm already doing too much and forgetting my medicine. Bailey did df have to give you clexane shots in your tummy? That is the worst when you have a clumsy hubby who sticks it in, drops it and leaves you with a needle hanging out your belly! Ouch! What position did you sleep in when you got home?

Got a woman from the BFing support coming tomorrow pm but it's looking likely ill give up soon unless some miracle happens. I've made myself really sore now and Zach gets really stressed and has got a taste for bottles and their easy flow. I think we're gonna do bottles tonight to give ourselves a break.

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