Hiya ladies
I'm sorry I've not been on, things are VERY busy with a newborn and I only got in the shower at 2pm, first since Thursday yuck!
Hope you are all well, had a quick scan through but can't really remember what everyone's up to, I've now had 10 hours sleep ish since Thursday lunch!
I need to post my birth story in more detail, but basically once I got the drip I laboured til 6pm with just tens (amazing), g & a and some pethidine (which I really regret but you do what you can at the time) and at 6pm it was found that I'd made no progress since 2pm that day cos Zachs head was wonky and would never have made me dilate further. So was rushed off for a section, he was fine the while time, no emergency as his heart rate was spot on just I'd had enough after 14 hours!
He's so amazing and I'm so in love, struggling big time with feeding, I don't think my milk has come in at all yet and have had some dodgy latches so my nips look like a horror show right now, and were having to top up with formula. Gonna give it a few more days but its so hard, harder with a section I'm sure. Have cried a lot today as I want to enjoy my baby but there's so much pressure to make a success of BFing and it's just not for all situations I don't think.
Love to you all from me and Zachy x