Hi ladies it's very windy here but it's not raining, we've just put lots of stuff into storage, still got stuff to take and you know how the saying goes it gets worse before it gets better well the house is a pig sty haha
Bailey yay for going to the garden centre, Emilia is going o love all h Christmas decs
naughty naughty for having a scone haha
Sath I'm jealous of your runny eggs, I normally have a runny egg and bacon sandwich for brekki on a Saturday, it's just not the same with hard eggs
Are you enjoying your time off work? At you back tomorrow?
Enjoy your lunch out and I hope there is a nice veggi special on the menu and have an extra glass of wine or me
Cheryl did you find something to do in the pants weather?
Aw sorry about the bfn
Hi fletch nice to see you, whatcha been up to?
Since we have been talking about Christmas, what's everyone up to? Are you going to family or are you having to cook?