Hey everyone
Sorry I've been quiet all weekend life is hectic! We had our first proper outing yesterday and were out the house from 10-7 yesterday, takes some organising with a newborn! But we went to the shops and then out for dinner with my family so was lovely to get out. Gave had headaches for the last 5 days but the fresh air yesterday finally seemed to get rid if it! Am still trying to get Zach back on me, he will take my boob when we trick him into it, but mainly I'm still expressing which is hard work as it takes half an hour to pump enough for a feed. Started him on infacol now which seems to be making him more settled in the witching hour between 8-11!
Bailey I meant to comment on your FB yesterday to take Emilia swimming as a cheap activity. I'm Gonna take Zach to water babies from November. Can't wait. How long did you bleed after your section? I'm still bleeding as heavy as the start of a period, altho sometimes it's hardly anything and others it's loads.
Mrs d snappies will continue in varying degrees through your pregnancy. And I had sore boobs almost my whole pregnancy. How's the ms now?
Cheryl the log cabin sounds lovely, will be so nice to see your bro at Xmas.
Sath hope you caught that eggy Hun.
Fletch nice to see you in here Hun, sounds like you are relaxed about ttc which is when it always happens, and yes enjoy your time together before you have a baby as they turn your life upside down and inside out, but in the most amazing way!