Hi ladies how are you all today? I've had a fairly busy day today, did my volunteering which I enjoyed more this week. I didn't really enjoy the last couple of weeks as I don't like the woman who works there that I work across from. She seems ok but has a bit of a negative view of some of the old ladies I phone up, saying about one that "oh yeah she always lies she's got so much help and visitors but she'll tell you she has none. She like to play the system" whether it's true or not I just thought it was rather nasty to say about a 91 year old woman who was in the army and not so long ago lost her husband, whether she lies or not is irrelevant, my job is to chat to her once a week and she could tell me she's the Queen for all I care. Thankfully she wasn't in today and I had a lovely long chat with this 91 year old without any negative comments!
Then we went for an early tea with matts mate and wife and their 1 year old which was fun. And now df is putting her to bed.
Oh and I will be an Aunty again soon!
Mrs d I didn't have that taste but my mum said she always had a metallic taste and nothing worked for her either, she just kept brushing her teeth apparently.
Cheryl how are you and Leo today? Yay for the witch finally arriving!