Breastfeeding is sooooo hard, it's supposed to be the most natural thing in the world but it's so tough! Hubby has said to me several times in my down moments about BFing that that's why there's so much support out there for it, and there really is, is because it's just so hard and so many women fail at it. There's a lot of pressure in the hospital from the midwives to bf, so even if you do it there so baby gets colostrum and then switch to formula once home then baby's had the good stuff. You'll definitely get more sleep and have a more contented baby if you formula feed to!
The only reason I didn't have an epidural was cos I was so worried about forceps I was being a stubborn moo and refused to have it! Then I got up the point where even tho I was in a world of pain I was a bit like well I've got this far may as well carry on! Zach was back to back to so I think the tens helped with that.