Hi ttc how are you doing? What's your timezone, how far behind us are you coz we all always seem to miss you!
I've not eaten any of my ice cream yet, my treat for tonight lol!
Mrs d yeah I'm glad that we've told them now, gives them longer to get used to it. My mum says she wasn't shocked but she acted it a little lol! She kept saying, "I don't know how to deal with Emilia how will I manage with 2 babies" (as I said she's not a baby person, no idea how she managed with my and my brother!). But as I pointed out Emilia won't be a baby by the time the new one comes, and she's got another 7-8 months to get used to the idea of it lol. My dad's reaction was actually the best, he said "I completely agree with you, having them close means they grow up together more, maybe if we'd had you and your brother closer we might have had another and you two might hae got along better". So that was nice, think my mums just nervous about babysitting duties lol!
Emilia's a tough little cookie, she's not really letting this cough get to her!