Lucky thread

Yeah I think I've been kidding myself saying that I'm waiting so I know everything's ok etc, it's more like I'm just scared of telling them, but gotta do it sometime so I figure it's better now than later so they can be properly involved. Plus you never know what Christmas gifts they might get us if they know we have another baby on the way lol!
Have fun at the party cupcake, I hope zach isn't freaked out by the lots of people and noise :)

Aw bailey I really hope everyone's reaction is a lot more positive than you are expecting xx

The middle of my nipple looks to be coming away :(

We've just come back from visiting friends and their little girl :)
Mrs d mines were like tht and I was totally freaked out and when I got out the shower one day I accidentally rubbed it with the rough towel and turns out it was dried in milk rub I'd and it will come away infact I had it last wk too which was strange lol...x

Bailey yeah for telling ur parent Hun...xx

Cupcake sounds like fun..x

Well I'm just home went to m&s for something nice for tea gave Leo his lunch and giving him this bottle then hoping he naps for a bit he's hardly slept today. Oh can't believe I'm pg again just when I'm going bak to work. X
Aw I bet that was nice mrs d, have you had a nice birthday weekend then? And you're an avocado now yay!

I hope their reaction is better than I'm expecting too, I just wish they weren't coming so late.

Emilia's really not happy :-( she's not well bless her.
Lol me too Cheryl I go back in January and will only be back about 5 months before I'll be off again lol!
Aw poor Emilia :( yeah must be hard coz you'll be stressing until they turn up.

I've had a good weekend thanks, we just need a buyer now to cap it off. We've got a second viewing from someone who had a buyer for their own house but were having issues with boundaries. I'm hoping they have now sorted out their issues and will put a nice offer on our house tomorrow :)

I can't wait to go on maternity leave haha
Hi Ladies,

Just dropping in, s'posed to be studying today while DH is at church. It's hurting my brain now though so time for a tea break.

Still no sign whatsoever for AF, so I must have O'd the day I had pains? Got some funny twinges round the base of my back and in my abdomen today but had a hard workout yesterday so could just be that.

Happy Birthday Mrs D! Sorry to hear about the nip situation, sounds really sore.

Good luck with telling the folks BB, I'm sure they'll be fine.

Cheryl - when I used to manage a team I used to expect new mums to try again relatively soon after the first one, I'm sure it'll be fine x

Laters ladies!

Espero xx
Aw poor Emilia hope she gets better soon. I'm bak in a cpl wks..x

Aw mrs d fingers crossed u get urs sold...x

Expero hope ur out of limbo soon. X
Good luck with the studying espero. Are you going to test at all?

Thankfully my funny nip isn't sore, well no more sore than the other nip haha
Honestly mrs d it will be dried in milk thts wot mines was and I was so worried about it lol..x
Nope it's definitely my nipple. As they started to get bigger I had cracking and it has seemed to crack all around a bit of skin in the middle, so the very middle it barely attached to anything :( it doesn't hurt but I think it's going to end up coming off :(
Hmmm can't say I've ever noticed anything like that mrs d but if it doesn't hurt then it must be ok.

Df has just text me and said he phoned his dad and told him. Apparently his response was "can you not keep it in your pants lad?" (He's a bit of a joker) and said congrats and very good, but what MIL thinks we still don't know. His family are so strange.
Argh!!! People are still letting off fireworks!! It's a Sunday night, kids are at school tomorrow and bonfire night was 5 days ago!! I thought last night would be the last night :-(
Glad that went ok bailey, only half an hour until your mum arrives :)

This is like my nipple (only minus the blood), the nipple is sort of splitting into segments
It is fairly normal to get cracked nipples during pregnancy I think Hun, maybe ask the MW next time you see her?
It went ok, she was shocked and has said there's no way she's babysitting two of them on a weekly basis which she is doing for Emilia when I go back to work, she's not a baby person lol!
But they seem ok, shocked but ok. Not as excited as my friend was, I think that was a one off reaction lol!
It's probably just a shock for them all, I'm sure their excitement will grow as your bump grows. I bet it's a weight off your shoulders them all knowing now xx
Morning ladies

Bailey hope Emilia is ok I think Leo is getting my cold too..x

Ttc goodluck this month huni. Xx
Mrs d wots ur plans today?x

Cupcake u out today Hun?xx

Well I got my 2-3 today so I'm thinking the dr will date me 6 wks but I hav been having 40 day cycles so I think I'm about 15dpo so about 4 wks so I'm really hoping this it going to stick xxx

so exciting cheryl!
Yay for getting your 2-3 on the digi whoo hoo :)

Aw sorry everyone is ill, I've definitely got the start of something :(

I have a nipple question for you ladies ;)
Did your nipples as they grew sort of get deep crevices if you inspect them closely?
Mine seem to be sort of opening up, which is fine on one nipple but on the other there is a little area that seems to have got these cracks going around a small area forming a bit that looks like its going to come away??? What's that all about???

Woohoo for 16 weeks MrsD!!! :happydance:

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