Hahah Fletch, that wasn't me! That was Bailey! So if you get twins you can't blame me for that one
What time is your appt today hun? Please update us when you can!
TTC, ooohhh such great symptoms! I am SO hopeful it is a bfp waiting for you rather than progesterone symptoms.
Wednesday! I don't know if I can wait that long!!!!
MrsD, sorry you are in pain hun! I don't think I ever had that tbh? I don't remember poo pain at all until AFTER the birth haha. I cannot believe you are an onion! Time is FLYING!
Cupcake, I hope you are able to figure out whatever feeding/sleeping plan works best for you, DH and Zach! It sounds like he is a hungry baby
I obviously have no sleep tips as Madison was born without a need for it from day one, but I do know I would maybe suggest waiting to think about night weaning at all until you get past the 4 (and maybe even the 6) month growth spurts. I remember for Madison, the 4 month growth spurt was INSANE, she literally outgrew all of the clothes we brought with us on our trip to America overnight, it was that intense. Plus he really seems to figure these things out well himself, clever cookie! So maybe test the waters to see if he will settle without the bottle now but if he's drinking the whole thing he might just need it, IDK? Good luck hun!
Cheryl, how you feeling hun? Have you gotten your blood test results yet?
Espero, has the news sunk in for you yet?!
Sath, you've been quiet! Hope all is OK! Are you still in the TWW? Sorry I can't recall! If so, fingers so tightly crossed for you!
Bailey, yes, naptimes are a whole different beast aren't they! I'm surprised Emilia only does 30min naps, she's such a good sleeper I (enviously) imagined 2-3 hour stretches hahahahahahahah. Is she getting ready to crawl yet? Madison is up fully on her hands and knees rocking! She is trying to move her hands to start crawling forward but then face plants, bless her
Stepson is doing OK, thanks for asking. He's had another few major incidents, it is pretty exhausting to deal with all of that on top of the Madison sleep training. He stole £75 from me last week by using my credit card on his tablet computer his grandparents gave him.
We really don't have any spare money right now as it's all going towards bills and immigration stuff, so it is actually a big blow and really hurt my feelings that he did it on purpose (he said he didn't think I'd have any way of knowing)....And then when we told his mum that he was grounded for stealing that much money her response to him was "OOPS! Oh well!" With a smile in her voice. She just so doesn't care about parenting him at all anymore, it drives me crazy! I will be so happy once we get past this stage, that reflux and colic/needy baby 6 months were killer and with a special needs pre-teen on top I am knackered!!
Oh and I wanted to ask you, how is Emilia doing with BLW? I'm trying my best with Madison, and she loves feeding herself just as much as she loves the ease of the purrees I make her, but I am really struggling with the confidence to stick with it when she chokes/gags.
I HATE it! Yesterday she bit off 2 pieces of banana at once and then kept gagging on one and as soon as she got it up the other would get in the way and knock it back. I tried to let her deal with it as I didn't want to stick a finger in and make it worse, but it stressed me out. Any tips!? You seem to be doing AMAZING with BLW!