Well I just had loads to catch up on, I'm glad the thread is chatty again
Sath I'm changing to thyroxin after my scan I can't wait, liothyronine are crap, too short lived so too much up and down of levels

sorry for your bad back
Cheryl yay for hubby coming around
Bailey that's a tough one about the car, but if you are changing in he next year or so anyway then there's no point waiting if you've found a good one. Can you get good money for yours and can you put he scratch card win towards it then you won't have much left to pay?
Cupcake what a bugger about the paper, you've all had issues with your nursery stuff. I'm definitely not going to wait til the end of my pregnancy before doing mine. Naughty lbcc for scaring mummy
We we finally managed to use the boat

we went out for drinks on a friends boat last night then a gorgeous dinner and more drinks in a scrummy restaurant by the marina, then yet more drinks in a bar after, so we used our boat as our hotel instead of getting a taxi home

the new bedding was lovely

we went out for a spin this morning then had late brekki on board