Luxuries in prison?

I think most people know my opinion on luxuries in prison due to previous debates on the subject

But did just want to point out that the TV systems in hospitals are NOTHING to do with the hospital, they are a totally different company and the the hospital get nothing at all from the cost which you pay to use the system :)
I think some people are forgetting that these people have done a crime and are where they belong. everyone has a choice in life and if you want to choose the wrong one you get punished for it. why should offenders get it all handed to them on a plate? its disgusting imo and yes most people go on to re-offend dont that prove they have an easy ride because if it was so awful surely they wouldn't do any crime again as the punishment could be prison...

Where's your evidence that this is the case? Whilst of course there are reoffenders do you actually know that it is the majority?

And wow at the people who think that a socioeconomic background has no bearing on people turning to crime. Goodness I am forever amazed by how blind people can be to the state of others' lives. For one thing people can be dragged into things without actually making a choice about it and for others they choose crime because it is better than what society has been offering them. That's what we should be dealing with, not shooting people in the head for any crime! :?

I don't see anything wrong with inmates celebrating Christmas. Are they to be banned from their religion too?
my OH works in a high security prison, murderers, rapists etc, they are just about to bring back in paedophiles aswell.

I dont want these people living off my taxes in luxury.

I dont know if the prison system is different in England Helen? I am sure there are people in the prison here who are not liking it, of course.

But everyday my OH speaks to prisoners and has worked there for 8 years, he never once has heard one of them say they hated it, "its an alright life" and "its easy living til i get out" have been mentioned .

All he hears them moan about is that they don't like what colour he is painting their cell. :shock:
and that they have run out of fags.

Everyday he comes home pissed off that someone who scooped someones eyeballs out with a spoon is living the life of luxury while we have to work and struggle every month.

ye hun maybe different up there, he was in a lower cat prison and it was minging. he didnt get anything handed to him on a plate, he had to use his money in an account to buy all his toiletries shoes underwear etc. and the tv was with tokens and there was no sky available, someone did have a gameboy that they passed around.
he did have access to a library and a gym 1 hr a day. and he went to church on a sunday cos he got tea and biscuits and really got on with the minister. some of his mates did try to run a mock in there would complain fr silly things, errrrm mostly other ethnic cultures who demanded a certain kind of meat etc.

i can only say what i've witnessed in jail. and that was 2004 alot could have changed from then. they might have sky i dont know.
There was a doc on this exact subject last year and it stated the numbers Ect but im not going to just pull a random number. my mother is a constant re offender. my oh's cousin. many people around the area i live in are re offenders. my mother used to brag how easy it was inside to anyone that would listen to her. no of course dont stop religion but a party is way to far.
Try reading the autobiography by Charles Bronson, to see exactly how prison life is!
in the uk where im from the reoffenders is 60% in the first two years! because that's a small number ?! i will copy the link when my son is having a nap as im on my mobile at the minute. this snippet of information isn't out of a newspaper either. its official
At the end of the day people who are criminals lost their rights as a citizen in society. So they should be treated how they deserve to be treated. I don't want to upset anyone but you lose all rights in my eyes when you choose to shit on societies doorstep!
I have to agree with your nan! Lol

Prison should be the most boring hellish place on earth. No tv's, gyms, nice food. It's all well and good that they get to have free classes and whatever but who pays for the,? Oh right, taxpayers. Why should hardworking people pay for prisoners to have rights? That's what I don't get

ETA: And it can't be that bad in there because I have watched many a documentary where prisoners have re-offended just so they can go back to prison because it's better than their life outside
prison is so easy is it,

how many imates commit suicide a year. because its so lovely isnt it.
how many come out of jail being raped, bullied, hepatitis c, aids, verrucas, head lice, flea bites, mentally screwed up. and drug addicts. because believe me it happens but the media doesnt tell you that part.

oh well lets just bring dungeons back and have people eat porridge and water for the rest of their lives. or even better get a hitler to come back, and we just have all criminals no matter what they've done shot in the head as the leave court then, that'll solve te problem,

xmas party lol, where you read that daily mail.?

my oh got a xmas dinner, slice of processed turkey a few bits of new potato and veg. they had church in the morning, and in the afternoon, a church choir came and sang.

and inmates are giving back into society most inmates work while inside packing something or other.

they dont get given anything they dont work for, the cells are 10ft x 6ft and a small window.

geez how shaded are some people in this tread. why do people just get n the band wagon wen someone says something they clearly have no idea what they are saying.

2 wrongs in this world don't make a right. cos there's so much wrong in other parts of our society dont wave a finger and randomly point at the prison system when its not true.

some people in this thread can only give one sentence replies cos they dont know what they talking about.

there's people in jail who got themselves into debt with council tax. or like my oh was beat up by 10 blokes outside a nightclub but because he kicked his legs while being pinned down and broke a chaps jaw, he was sent to jail for section 18 gbh. he got 4 yrs.
self defence couldnt be used because he had shoes on and they are classed as weapons

i'm not saying imates should get a cushy life maybe some find it easier than others, my oh says thats because they dont want their family and mates know how weak you actually feel in jail. but i've seen what a jail looks like on the inside with my own 2 eyes. and it makes your skin crawl even visiting i felt like a criminals.

OMG your poor OH! :hugs:
A friend of mine was sent to prison last week, we thought he would get a suspended sentance, but nope he has been sent down for 4 years.

he wont handle the situation well, i know for a fact.

I think prisoners should have to work hard for their privalages, not neccessary tv, but for toiletries and cigarettes. Also so their time passes quickly. not so they get an easy ride, but so the ones who dont suit that life have something to keep them occupied, but on the same hand they dont just get given stuff.

sorry if it dont make sense, I am still upset for my friend.
lots of kinds of people goto jail most arent murderers, there are alot of people who have done things like tax evasion benefit fraud, people who found themselves in situations they couldnt avoid it happens in life all the time, there are people i jail who are completely innocent too.

its all well and fine saying do this stop that.

i know people from school abused and neglected and turned to crime because they became so used to that way of life. abused in life from the start. people are very quick to judge.

in fact a guy i went to school with is being buried today, he hung himself 2 weeks ago, been in and out of prison from the age of 16 from drug abuse. he just couldn't turn it around his life it was ruined and he couldnt cope anymore :(

lifes just not black and white. how many people never bent the rules or have never speeded, been in a fight, commited benefit fraud, had a online business and not declared to the tax payer,
prison is so easy is it,

how many imates commit suicide a year. because its so lovely isnt it.
how many come out of jail being raped, bullied, hepatitis c, aids, verrucas, head lice, flea bites, mentally screwed up. and drug addicts. because believe me it happens but the media doesnt tell you that part.

oh well lets just bring dungeons back and have people eat porridge and water for the rest of their lives.
or even better get a hitler to come back, and we just have all criminals no matter what they've done shot in the head as the leave court then, that'll solve te problem,

xmas party lol, where you read that daily mail.?

my oh got a xmas dinner, slice of processed turkey a few bits of new potato and veg. they had church in the morning, and in the afternoon, a church choir came and sang.

and inmates are giving back into society most inmates work while inside packing something or other.

they dont get given anything they dont work for, the cells are 10ft x 6ft and a small window.

geez how shaded are some people in this tread. why do people just get n the band wagon wen someone says something they clearly have no idea what they are saying.

2 wrongs in this world don't make a right. cos there's so much wrong in other parts of our society dont wave a finger and randomly point at the prison system when its not true.

some people in this thread can only give one sentence replies cos they dont know what they talking about.

there's people in jail who got themselves into debt with council tax. or like my oh was beat up by 10 blokes outside a nightclub but because he kicked his legs while being pinned down and broke a chaps jaw, he was sent to jail for section 18 gbh. he got 4 yrs.
self defence couldnt be used because he had shoes on and they are classed as weapons :wacko:.

i'm not saying imates should get a cushy life maybe some find it easier than others, my oh says thats because they dont want their family and mates know how weak you actually feel in jail. but i've seen what a jail looks like on the inside with my own 2 eyes. and it makes your skin crawl even visiting i felt like a criminals.

Unfortunately i can't say i don't think it should be a hell hole to live in. It should. And yes i do think they should eat porridge to be honest. Prison should be so awful that people don't ever go back. Criminals don't get my sympathy vote at all, they deserve to be there.
lol Helen you beat me to it. I was just going to say the same about the different reasons people are inside. Some are wrongly convicted, some are mentally broken or psychopathic, some are from horrendous backgrounds and have suffered terrible things, some are knacker wasters taking life as a ride. I think there should be a flexible system that can deal with the different people and offences in different ways. People who need it should have therapy and some of those should never be released because they are not safe, but that doesn't mean they should be living in squallid conditions. Society has a responsibility to look after everyone. If we imprison someone for life they should be able to expect a certain degree of humanity as they are never getting out again. People who come from very hard backgrounds, which I'll warrant is the majority, should be getting therapy, training, whatever rehabilitation is appropriate to prevent reoffending because their new life should be worth it for them. I reckon people like tax evaders are the worst of the lot though! lol What's their excuse? I was rich and I wanted to be richer? Maybe for them prison should be about punishment, or maybe they are the ones who should pay back what has been spent on their time in prison.

You know in the past prisons used to have to be paid for by the prisoner. Like 200 years ago. So richies could pay to have a lovely house just outside the prison grounds and dine and socialise almost as normal. There's definitely a problem with that system!

Thanks for the reply about reoffending rate, I was thinking nationally but it makes total sense that it will vary at a local level. Just more evidence for the impact of socioeconomic background though. I'll bet any money areas of high reoffence are not rich areas!
prison is so easy is it,

how many imates commit suicide a year. because its so lovely isnt it.
how many come out of jail being raped, bullied, hepatitis c, aids, verrucas, head lice, flea bites, mentally screwed up. and drug addicts. because believe me it happens but the media doesnt tell you that part.

oh well lets just bring dungeons back and have people eat porridge and water for the rest of their lives.
or even better get a hitler to come back, and we just have all criminals no matter what they've done shot in the head as the leave court then, that'll solve te problem,

xmas party lol, where you read that daily mail.?

my oh got a xmas dinner, slice of processed turkey a few bits of new potato and veg. they had church in the morning, and in the afternoon, a church choir came and sang.

and inmates are giving back into society most inmates work while inside packing something or other.

they dont get given anything they dont work for, the cells are 10ft x 6ft and a small window.

geez how shaded are some people in this tread. why do people just get n the band wagon wen someone says something they clearly have no idea what they are saying.

2 wrongs in this world don't make a right. cos there's so much wrong in other parts of our society dont wave a finger and randomly point at the prison system when its not true.

some people in this thread can only give one sentence replies cos they dont know what they talking about.

there's people in jail who got themselves into debt with council tax. or like my oh was beat up by 10 blokes outside a nightclub but because he kicked his legs while being pinned down and broke a chaps jaw, he was sent to jail for section 18 gbh. he got 4 yrs.
self defence couldnt be used because he had shoes on and they are classed as weapons :wacko:.

i'm not saying imates should get a cushy life maybe some find it easier than others, my oh says thats because they dont want their family and mates know how weak you actually feel in jail. but i've seen what a jail looks like on the inside with my own 2 eyes. and it makes your skin crawl even visiting i felt like a criminals.

Unfortunately i can't say i don't think it should be a hell hole to live in. It should. And yes i do think they should eat porridge to be honest. Prison should be so awful that people don't ever go back. Criminals don't get my sympathy vote at all, they deserve to be there.

Yeah some criminals...murderers etc need to have it tough...but the person who struggled to pay council tax?The person falsely imprisoned the person who did some silly silly little crime but the police saw fit to fling them in jail?They really deserve to be treated like the scum of the earth too?x
There was a story on this on a current affairs program here a few weeks ago. The online video is gone but here is the article about it.

It concentrates more on how our pensioners are cared for in aged care as opposed tp our criminals in the prison system and how they would be much better off in prison and better taken care of as far as health care etc goes too

Utterly disgraceful if u ask me :(
^^^^ yep agree,

but would it make it better by treating prisoners worse, would that make the treatment of our oap's better then. :wacko: no is the answer

2 separate issues and should'nt be compared.
But these people who are choosing the wrong way in life shouldn't get a slap on the wrist because they had a hard childhood. Many of us on here have had a hard past but we know what criminal activity is before you commit the offence. If in yourself you cant be bothered to think about the consequence surly thats more fool you. You do the crime you do the time. There shouldn't be an excuse for people crossing the law. theres a lot of things you can do in your time than doing wrong to society. Im not trying to make out im a goody too shoes or anything but i have NEVER broke the law and never been arrested. you have to live by rules sometimes and yes they can seem unfair to the odd individual. But whats wrong with channeling your time into a hobby and not committing offences?

with the tax benefit one though, we struggled to pay our and we could of got behind with payments but we went to the council office and they help us out with a payment plan and now we are sorted again. theres ways of doing things and i don't understand how braking the law to get into prison is helping anyone.

this is the statement i took the 60% off.

Q94 David Winnick: What percentage of prisoners re-offend?

Mr Narey: The percentage of prisoners who re-offend overall is about 60% within two years, although there is significant evidence that that proportion is falling. The most recent statistics on re-offending showed, across prison and probation, a fall in expected re-offending of about 3.5% and for young offenders punished in the community a fall of more than 20%.
Q95 David Winnick: But 60% overall?

Mr Narey: Yes.
But these people who are choosing the wrong way in life shouldn't get a slap on the wrist because they had a hard childhood. Many of us on here have had a hard past but we know what criminal activity is before you commit the offence. If in yourself you cant be bothered to think about the consequence surly thats more fool you. You do the crime you do the time. There shouldn't be an excuse for people crossing the law. theres a lot of things you can do in your time than doing wrong to society. Im not trying to make out im a goody too shoes or anything but i have NEVER broke the law and never been arrested. you have to live by rules sometimes and yes they can seem unfair to the odd individual. But whats wrong with channeling your time into a hobby and not committing offences?

with the tax benefit one though, we struggled to pay our and we could of got behind with payments but we went to the council office and they help us out with a payment plan and now we are sorted again. theres ways of doing things and i don't understand how braking the law to get into prison is helping anyone.

this is the statement i took the 60% off.

Q94 David Winnick: What percentage of prisoners re-offend?

Mr Narey: The percentage of prisoners who re-offend overall is about 60% within two years, although there is significant evidence that that proportion is falling. The most recent statistics on re-offending showed, across prison and probation, a fall in expected re-offending of about 3.5% and for young offenders punished in the community a fall of more than 20%.
Q95 David Winnick: But 60% overall?

Mr Narey: Yes.

i get completely what your saying i've never been in jail never had the need to steal or go and murder someone, and alot of people in jail are monsters.

however i was bought up in a nice family my dad works in police force, my mum a chef,

if you look into the past of criminals upbringing, and my bro did this in criminology law at uni upbringing is a big part of why people offend and re-offend.
porridge and water wont change this in fact it'll probably make them harder and just send them deeper.
People so often talk about choices but much of the time it isn't a choice and that's the point. We're not as free as we like to think we are the way we respond to societal and personal pressures is different in everyone. It's not necessarily an excuse in all cases but it's a very valid reason and something we should be compassionate about and use in a constructive way. I agree with what Helen just said above. If you treat people like shit they will behave like shit.

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