Luxuries in prison?

i do get think and i know what point your trying to get across the only reason what im trying to say upbringing has nothing to do with it because my mum is/was a hardcore druggy, steals and deals (dont know if this is still going on though) iv not turned out like that there was alot of things what happened but i still know right from wrong you get learnt at school if not at home so i dont see that as a valid reason but thats just me lol.
I have a family in prison. I know the luxerys he gets.

He was a "victim" of circumstance, had a drinking problem and a pretty bleak future but he still broke the law and needs to be punished. A shit life is not a excuse to commit crime!

He is studying keeping his head down so hopefully he wil be moved to a different catagory which will make his life better. I have no problem with studying in prison but if they dotn study they should have to work.

I think youth offender prisons really need to be made tougher.

My uncle was in one when he was a teen and it was basicly boot camp now its like a holiday camp
i do get think and i know what point your trying to get across the only reason what im trying to say upbringing has nothing to do with it because my mum is/was a hardcore druggy, steals and deals (dont know if this is still going on though) iv not turned out like that there was alot of things what happened but i still know right from wrong you get learnt at school if not at home so i dont see that as a valid reason but thats just me lol.

Then really good on you for getting out of it, I really mean that, because it's a tough thing to do and it shows you are a stronger person than most. :flower: But not everyone is that strong.

It's interesting, in other threads on different topics but where socioeconomics comes into it I have often found people who have managed to get out of really tough backgrounds to be least forgiving for those who don't manage the same. I can only suppose that people feel if they can do it everyone else should be able to as well but people are all different, and difficult backgrounds are different too, and people have different 'breaks' that might have been pivotal to helping them get out, or different support networks. Do you see what I mean? Even an excellent teacher or a good close friend might make the difference but some people just don't ever find that break at the right time to be able to make use of it. That's why I think we should be addressing all the social issues as a priority. When everyone has the same chance in life, opportunity of an excellent education, rewarding career, support out of difficult backgrounds etc, maybe then we can start talking about choices and questioning why some people still choose to act the way they do.

There is boundless evidence and statistics that shows that background has everything to do with crime, or at least certain types of crime, so we would be daft to just ignore that and say oh well they made their choices. Better to research and more fully understand what went wrong so we can fix it at least for the next generation.
I think prisoners should get decent food, clean toilets, showers etc, the basics, but it should be tough enough so they don't ever want to go back.

Prisoners are treated better then a lot of our military guys in operational theatres (and certainly have more "human rights"), is that right?
They get better food (my dh has ration packs so far has lost 2 stone - he went out almost underweight),
until recently more phone minutes per week to there families (now it is the same - but due to working very long hours and the places he works I'm lucky if I speak to my dh for 20 minutes every other week),
regular visits from families (I will see my dh for 10 days in 6 months - IF all flights are on time),
internet access,
TVs (my husband hasn't seen a TV or private internet access since July).
The list could go on....

But I think our prisons coulds learn a lot from our military prisons and should follow there system a lot more and see how many prisoners re-offend - at the end of the day if it is good enough for our military why not for the public!
Most people know difference between right and wrong. Just an excuse for bad behaviour to say they were not raised correctly, never taught how to behave etc. prison should be hard and an unattractive prospect. Why should my taxes pay for sky tv,christmas parties, x boxes when schools and hospitals don't have enough money? Come down hard on them.
Can you honestly say you wouldn't mind going to prison? I know I would. Even if I got Sky TV (which is shit anyway) or whatever else I hardly think that would make up for being separated from all my family, being able to visit the sea, going for countryside walks, visiting the cinema, whatever.

I've no doubt at all that unless people are mentally ill in some particular way all offenders know they have done wrong, I really don't think that has anything to do with why they offend.
I think it depends on the crime tbh

I think all prisioners should be offered classes, rehabiltaion session, gym etc

But not TV, games consoles etc. They are luxuries

My step brother is in prison for murder. But yet he gets a tv in his cell. I am digusted by it. He took a mans life in a horrific way (to horrific to say on here) he does not diserve luxuries
i do get think and i know what point your trying to get across the only reason what im trying to say upbringing has nothing to do with it because my mum is/was a hardcore druggy, steals and deals (dont know if this is still going on though) iv not turned out like that there was alot of things what happened but i still know right from wrong you get learnt at school if not at home so i dont see that as a valid reason but thats just me lol.

Then really good on you for getting out of it, I really mean that, because it's a tough thing to do and it shows you are a stronger person than most. :flower: But not everyone is that strong.

It's interesting, in other threads on different topics but where socioeconomics comes into it I have often found people who have managed to get out of really tough backgrounds to be least forgiving for those who don't manage the same. I can only suppose that people feel if they can do it everyone else should be able to as well but people are all different, and difficult backgrounds are different too, and people have different 'breaks' that might have been pivotal to helping them get out, or different support networks. Do you see what I mean? Even an excellent teacher or a good close friend might make the difference but some people just don't ever find that break at the right time to be able to make use of it. That's why I think we should be addressing all the social issues as a priority. When everyone has the same chance in life, opportunity of an excellent education, rewarding career, support out of difficult backgrounds etc, maybe then we can start talking about choices and questioning why some people still choose to act the way they do.

There is boundless evidence and statistics that shows that background has everything to do with crime, or at least certain types of crime, so we would be daft to just ignore that and say oh well they made their choices. Better to research and more fully understand what went wrong so we can fix it at least for the next generation.

i dont think its that they, me included, are least forgiving but it gives the impression that they cant be arsed to change their ways. i have a good family ie my dad and grandma, i have barely nothing to do with my mums side have spoke on facebook the past few months to a few of them. But they think i should have sympathy for my mum for why she did things she did. she was married to my dad, had two kids and my dad went out and worked every hour under the sun to provide for her, but she didnt want that. she had randomers around the house and started mixing with the wrong people while my dad was at work. started doing all the wrong things and was finally caught out by me and my brother saying mummy smokes special things! they everything unraveled. SHE chose that way in life and just because she did dosnt mean iv seen it so i want to copy her. if anything IMO it makes me want to bee 1000% different than that. she has 4 children with no rights of any of us and not seen us all in years. I do think yeah you can fall into that but only if you dont want to have your own life and if you want to fall into the trap of my mum did it so i dont know any difference, its just a waste and a betrayal of yourself. i hope that makes sense.
I think it depends on the crime tbh

I think all prisioners should be offered classes, rehabiltaion session, gym etc

But not TV, games consoles etc. They are luxuries

My step brother is in prison for murder. But yet he gets a tv in his cell. I am digusted by it. He took a mans life in a horrific way (to horrific to say on here) he does not diserve luxuries

i see nothing wrong with offering classes to better a person inside the prison system. it isn't just about punishment but rehabilitation as well. and a person can work out without a gym. could you imagine how angry a person would be if they spent 24 hours a day in a tiny box for months or years at a time? and what would they do the minute they are out?

i don't agree with television, gaming consoles or movies. books, playing cards, chess/checkers, classes and jobs i am fine with. i'd rather the prisoners do something constructive with the time i am paying for them to be in there rather than have them spend their days getting closer and closer to boiling over and coming out only to re-offend out of frustration.

I have to agree with this post.

Sadly, many prisoners aren't getting rehabilitated properly either, or have no skills for the real world, and thus they don't know what to do with themselves when they get out. Which causes them to re-offend again.
Emilyjade I totally understand where you're coming from, I really do, but you've already shown me what was special for you and that was having your Dad and his side of the family to help you. I'm not at all suggesting that people with bad backgrounds that go on to a life of crime are emulating their parents, it's more about what you learn is normal when you are small, how you get psychologically damaged, the things you do for attention, and probably a million other subtle things too. And some people totally rebel and do everything they can to get out. DH works in a library where a teen that comes to a group has just had her Mum walk out on them. She's been caring for her, I don't know how many, younger siblings, right down to babies, has a Dad who does jack, slightly younger brothers who are horrendous to her and always getting kicked out of school and into serious trouble and she has been working desperately hard at school hoping to go to uni. Her mum walking out has dashed all those hopes. And that is the most awful situation. I am sure as she has the will she'll make her way against all these odds (though it's awful that there seems to be absolutely no support at all, something I just don't understand). But others just get dragged into it.

I also think that addiction brings a whole new element because that person is no longer in mental control of their body, their physical chemistry is dictating what they have to do so once it's got to that stage it's all different again.

I suppose I just feel there are so many reasons behind why people commit crimes, some premeditated, some not, some from broken brains, some from broken society, some from greed and spite and some, who knows why, maybe there are some evil people? I just don't feel that treating everyone the same will solve or improve anything and I don't think that treating people cruelly, whatever they have done is the answer either. Perhaps I'm old fashioned and believe in leading by example.
most of us have broke the law at some point wether big or small.

who has never bought a copied cd or dvd. has no-one ever thought ohhhh i can do this to make a bit of cash on the side dont declare to the tax man or their tax credits, or income support benefit.
we do these things everyday why? because we think its ok? well a hell of alot of people are in jail for fraud for copying these dvd's that you sit and watch on a saturday night, which makes you as bad. but people dont think bout that! i could think of many more.
and this is how crime starts, take a few drugs on a friday, next minute they're addicted to coke, then heroin, lose their jobs, go out and steal.
the majority of inmates are addicted to something.

now if you've been bought up in a situation where people around you friends family etc do crime day in day out you are more than likely to follow that path, there's always objection to that. not everyone who has bad upbringings do and vice versa, could bring a child up perfectly and him turn to crime. they could be bought up badly and think i want better for yourself. but if you've never been taught morals you'll never pass morals on to your children its the cycle that needs to be broken and thats where rehabilitation comes in.

we can all say oh string em up eye for an eye and such like but lets be realistic its not the world we live in lets face facts and put it in context, we cant feed porridge and water and lock people in cells with nothing, they do have to earn priviledges anyway.

taking away someone's freedom is the biggest part of prison, no tv is going to give you that.

i'm not saying prison is perfect but its too bigger fish for me to fry..
Like I said i think it depends on the crime. Petty crime then yes they should have access to a tv

I have watched a few pirate DVD's but I have never killed someone. Scum like my step brother diserve the basics and a reabilation programme as he will unfortuantly be released
Like I said i think it depends on the crime. Petty crime then yes they should have access to a tv

I have watched a few pirate DVD's but I have never killed someone. Scum like my step brother diserve the basics and a reabilation programme as he will unfortuantly be released

:hugs: i agree.

if someone every harmed a hair on my childrens head, i would actually kill em if i got the chance.
no they dont deserve tv, or should have controlled tv i.e hour a day.

if your bro is doing life he'll be monitored closely its scary though, if someone can do it once they can do it again. but everyone has a chance to do it once dont they, we never truly know anyone :(
He is a lifer. But has to do a minmum of 11 years before he is considered for parol. He has about 4 years left I think. I always knew he would end up in prison. Didn't think it would be murder though it was a shock

This is what he did men like him desereve the bare minmum. WARNING LINK CONTAINS DETAILS Of A MURDER.

Petty thefts etc should be in a low secuirty prison
He is a lifer. But has to do a minmum of 11 years before he is considered for parol. He has about 4 years left I think. I always knew he would end up in prison. Didn't think it would be murder though it was a shock

This is what he did men like him desereve the bare minmum. WARNING LINK CONTAINS DETAILS Of A MURDER.

Petty thefts etc should be in a low secuirty prison

:hugs: geez, such an awful thing to do. always fails me how one person can murder someone, but for two people how do they come to the conclusion 'lets kill someone' i just cant comprehend that.

well hev you can be very proud of yourself that you are nothing like that and can be admired by lots of teen mums on here how hard you've studied etc xxx
In ireland it depends completely what prison you're in. there is one and the man in charge of it all doesn't believe in rehabilitation :nope: so almost none of the prisoners to classes or anything. the women's prison on the other hand is an absolute joke, they have their own bloody hair salon! there are murderers in there living quite a cushy life and it's disgusting. there has to be somwehere that's in between. bad enough to never want to go back but also leaves the prisoners in a condition that they can function normally in the outside world once released. also i think that prisoners that are in jail that have lots of money, this is becoming more common with financial fraud etc, should have to pay for their jailtime. the cost of keeping a prisoner is crazy!
^^^^ yep agree,

but would it make it better by treating prisoners worse, would that make the treatment of our oap's better then. :wacko: no is the answer

2 separate issues and should'nt be compared.

Im sorry but i disagree

Why shouldnt they be compared? Taxpayers money is going towards both, i know where id rather my money be going?

If there wasnt so many is the prison system and they werent getting so many luxuries, maybe there would be more money for pensioners, as well as better care in our hospitals and countless other areas.

Its the elderly in this country (im in Australia btw) that are getting treated like criminals......and are really doing it tough, while those in the prison system get free food, top notch medical and dental care, free internet, free gym, they get a wage and a allowance

Its all about justice, and criminals recieving better care than our aged residents ( and really the population in general) is wrong on so many levels.

Im not saying lock them up and throw away the key and deffinately believe in rehibilitation for those that can be helped but prison is meant to be a place of punishment not a 5 star resort
^^^^ yep agree,

but would it make it better by treating prisoners worse, would that make the treatment of our oap's better then. :wacko: no is the answer

2 separate issues and should'nt be compared.

Im sorry but i disagree

Why shouldnt they be compared? Taxpayers money is going towards both, i know where id rather my money be going?

If there wasnt so many is the prison system and they werent getting so many luxuries, maybe there would be more money for pensioners, as well as better care in our hospitals and countless other areas

Its the elderly in this country (im in Australia btw) that are getting treated like criminals......and are really doing it tough,
while those in the prison system get free food, top notch medical and dental care, free internet, free gym, they get a wage and a allowance

Its all about justice, and criminals recieving better care than our aged residents ( and really the population in general) is wrong on so many levels.

Im not saying lock them up and throw away the key and deffinately believe in rehibilitation for those that can be helped but prison is meant to be a place of punishment not a 5 star resort

Well the 6 jails my oh went to weren't 5 star so I don't know how you came to that conclusion, I just asked him about tv and yes you have to earn the right you land on basic and after 6 weeks you've behaved you are rewarded tv and tokens to keep it going,

You can't compare the two issues because they seperate issues entirely, we've come past concentration camps and treating people Like animals, and by threading prisoners like shit doesn't make how the government treats the elderly right

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