Luxuries in prison?

^^^^ yep agree,

but would it make it better by treating prisoners worse, would that make the treatment of our oap's better then. :wacko: no is the answer

2 separate issues and should'nt be compared.

Im sorry but i disagree

Why shouldnt they be compared? Taxpayers money is going towards both, i know where id rather my money be going?

If there wasnt so many is the prison system and they werent getting so many luxuries, maybe there would be more money for pensioners, as well as better care in our hospitals and countless other areas

Its the elderly in this country (im in Australia btw) that are getting treated like criminals......and are really doing it tough,
while those in the prison system get free food, top notch medical and dental care, free internet, free gym, they get a wage and a allowance

Its all about justice, and criminals recieving better care than our aged residents ( and really the population in general) is wrong on so many levels.

Im not saying lock them up and throw away the key and deffinately believe in rehibilitation for those that can be helped but prison is meant to be a place of punishment not a 5 star resort

Well the 6 jails my oh went to weren't 5 star so I don't know how you came to that conclusion, I just asked him about tv and yes you have to earn the right you land on basic and after 6 weeks you've behaved you are rewarded tv and tokens to keep it going,

You can't compare the two issues because they seperate issues entirely, we've come past concentration camps and treating people Like animals, and by threading prisoners like shit doesn't make how the government treats the elderly right

I never said to treat anyone like animals? I hate it when people put words in my mouth! Concentration camps? Really? No one deserves that what a silly thing to say imo

But why should taxpayers hard earned money be used to give these criminals more than they deserve when other areas are lagging behind.

I dont believe they are seperate issues at all
I agree there shouldn't be any luxuries IMO. I had a cousin who went "off the rails" when she was younger and whenever she got out within a month you can guarantee she would be back in. She always said "What's the point of struggling on the outside when you get everything paid for you and more on the inside" and truth be told she's right. No rent to pay no bills, no TV license's NOTHING. Makes me sick!!
Do people honestly believe that the deciding factor of whether someone chooses to re-offend and risk going back to prison or not is down to whether they will have a TV in their cell?!

Prison is a punishment-it deprives people of their freedom and keeps the most dangerous offenders out of society, think Rose West,Ian Brady and Peter Sutcliffe. I for one am not bothered whether Rose West gets to watch TV-but i bet it's a hell of alot easier and makes a safer job for the prison wardens to keep control by allowing her some standard of life.

I know the above are a rare bunch, most will not receive whole life sentences for their crimes but i think people get their facts wrong at times. Prisoners do work, if they don't work they get no money-if they earn no money they get no luxury items. Why shouldn't inmates have a gym to work out in and be able to educate themselves whilst inside-it would make release and re-integration far easier for them.

Yes offenders have committed crimes but can you imagine the danger of keeping mentally ill and dangerous individuals penned up like animals with no chance of release. The gym is a good form of release for most inmates.

I believe the biggest loss suffered by an inmate is the loss of family life-that would be enough to deter me going back to offending but life isn't that black and white at times.
I agree there shouldn't be any luxuries IMO. I had a cousin who went "off the rails" when she was younger and whenever she got out within a month you can guarantee she would be back in. She always said "What's the point of struggling on the outside when you get everything paid for you and more on the inside" and truth be told she's right. No rent to pay no bills, no TV license's NOTHING. Makes me sick!!

But surely you can see the sadness in that-she has such an unfulfilled life that she prefers to be imprisoned?! Doesn't make me sick it makes me think how sad.
My brother has been in jail, so I do have a personal connection like Helen.

I think they should have basic rights, a library and a gym and a healthy meal. Really when I think about it, basic cable is ok too in my mind. I think they should have to work in there though, at least an 8 hour shift a day, doing something that will teach them a skill or a trade? and doing something that will benefit the outside world and in return pay for their prison needs and stay.
I agree there shouldn't be any luxuries IMO. I had a cousin who went "off the rails" when she was younger and whenever she got out within a month you can guarantee she would be back in. She always said "What's the point of struggling on the outside when you get everything paid for you and more on the inside" and truth be told she's right. No rent to pay no bills, no TV license's NOTHING. Makes me sick!!

But surely you can see the sadness in that-she has such an unfulfilled life that she prefers to be imprisoned?! Doesn't make me sick it makes me think how sad.

Her life was in no way unfulfilled at all. Her parents earned a decent wage live in a nice area she had everything she wanted and more growing up. She wanted for nothing. Got all her grades in school spent however long doing what she trained to do and then decided that prison was better for her:shrug:. She is my cousin & I love her and she's sorted now but I will not be shy to say that the life she chose was self-inflicted. Yes maybe she did get in with the "wrong" crowd but people know right from wrong
^^^^ yep agree,

but would it make it better by treating prisoners worse, would that make the treatment of our oap's better then. :wacko: no is the answer

2 separate issues and should'nt be compared.

Im sorry but i disagree

Why shouldnt they be compared? Taxpayers money is going towards both, i know where id rather my money be going?

If there wasnt so many is the prison system and they werent getting so many luxuries, maybe there would be more money for pensioners, as well as better care in our hospitals and countless other areas

Its the elderly in this country (im in Australia btw) that are getting treated like criminals......and are really doing it tough,
while those in the prison system get free food, top notch medical and dental care, free internet, free gym, they get a wage and a allowance

Its all about justice, and criminals recieving better care than our aged residents ( and really the population in general) is wrong on so many levels.

Im not saying lock them up and throw away the key and deffinately believe in rehibilitation for those that can be helped but prison is meant to be a place of punishment not a 5 star resort

Well the 6 jails my oh went to weren't 5 star so I don't know how you came to that conclusion, I just asked him about tv and yes you have to earn the right you land on basic and after 6 weeks you've behaved you are rewarded tv and tokens to keep it going,

You can't compare the two issues because they seperate issues entirely, we've come past concentration camps and treating people Like animals, and by threading prisoners like shit doesn't make how the government treats the elderly right

I never said to treat anyone like animals? I hate it when people put words in my mouth! Concentration camps? Really? No one deserves that what a silly thing to say imo

But why should taxpayers hard earned money be used to give these criminals more than they deserve when other areas are lagging behind.

I dont believe they are seperate issues at all

well what do you suggest then, cos i'm talking in real terms here not what i think should happen
I agree there shouldn't be any luxuries IMO. I had a cousin who went "off the rails" when she was younger and whenever she got out within a month you can guarantee she would be back in. She always said "What's the point of struggling on the outside when you get everything paid for you and more on the inside" and truth be told she's right. No rent to pay no bills, no TV license's NOTHING. Makes me sick!!

But surely you can see the sadness in that-she has such an unfulfilled life that she prefers to be imprisoned?! Doesn't make me sick it makes me think how sad.

Her life was in no way unfulfilled at all. Her parents earned a decent wage live in a nice area she had everything she wanted and more growing up. She wanted for nothing. Got all her grades in school spent however long doing what she trained to do and then decided that prison was better for her:shrug:. She is my cousin & I love her and she's sorted now but I will not be shy to say that the life she chose was self-inflicted. Yes maybe she did get in with the "wrong" crowd but people know right from wrong

Maybe unfulfilled was thw wrong word-i dunno, it just seems incredibly sad that someone would choose a life in prison over a life outside (i don't mean your cousin specifically, just people in general)
I agree there shouldn't be any luxuries IMO. I had a cousin who went "off the rails" when she was younger and whenever she got out within a month you can guarantee she would be back in. She always said "What's the point of struggling on the outside when you get everything paid for you and more on the inside" and truth be told she's right. No rent to pay no bills, no TV license's NOTHING. Makes me sick!!

But surely you can see the sadness in that-she has such an unfulfilled life that she prefers to be imprisoned?! Doesn't make me sick it makes me think how sad.

Her life was in no way unfulfilled at all. Her parents earned a decent wage live in a nice area she had everything she wanted and more growing up. She wanted for nothing. Got all her grades in school spent however long doing what she trained to do and then decided that prison was better for her:shrug:. She is my cousin & I love her and she's sorted now but I will not be shy to say that the life she chose was self-inflicted. Yes maybe she did get in with the "wrong" crowd but people know right from wrong

Maybe unfulfilled was thw wrong word-i dunno, it just seems incredibly sad that someone would choose a life in prison over a life outside (i don't mean your cousin specifically, just people in general)

I completely agree with you hun. But then saying that if I had a choice of working my fingers to the bone to pay the bills put food on the table, ends only waving at each other never mind meeting and having free bed & board. 3 square meals that I don't have to cook. A TV I can watch without having to pay the license I know what I'd pick... Only difference is I wouldn't choose it to be a prison..Maybe a beach on the maldives! Now that would be the icing on the cake!!!
Really, people need to work and save up for retirement, as sad as that is. I know I should be saving now. :(
I dont believe that there should be luxuries.

I think being entitled to studying, and reading books is fine, i dont think they should have a choice of what foods they can eat unless for allergy reasons, at the end of the day prison is there to be taught a lesson, not to do the crime!! The prisons can help prisinors without giving them a tv, ect.

I think there is no excuse for doing a crime, no matter how hard your life was, alot of people have really bad lifes, you have a choice wether you want to make something of yourself or not, everyone knows right from wrong.

People need to realise that its a prison!! and just because odd people go in that are innocent (which is horrible) doesnt mean we should be like Ohhh we cant take a tv away from them or we cant not let them choose what food they can have just because the odd one in there is innocent. Most of the prisoners deserve to be in there, and should be taught a lesson.

They should work for rewards but those rewards shouldnt be something like tv :nope: I do agree with working for rewards though as it shows them that if they do something good in life they get something good back. Just my thoughts:flower:
Don't get me started on prison vs hospital :growlmad: It does my head in. My OH works as a prison officer here, and both my mum and I have stayed in the hospital, and we know the differences between them.

When I was in hospital, the only drink I had access to was water or OJ (which I can't drink because it triggers migraines). In prison they have coke, lemonade etc.

In hospital you get what you're given in regards to food. You either eat it or you starve, and the food isn't even nutritious (my OH used to be a chef, and even he said they boiled the crap out of it, so it's got hardly any vitamins left in it). In the prison they get a menu. A menu! They get 4 choices, and they tick what they want, and it's given to them! I should mention that this is only the case because one of the prisoners went on hunger strike until they provided more choices; he sewed his mouth closed :shock: Even so, in hospital, you're normally sick. Surely you should be fed better food than in prison.I didn't see a single piece of fruit or veg during my 3 day stay, and my mum was in there because she had a heart attack, and they put her on a low fat diet; yet gave her battered fish and fried chips for lunch.

In prison they get access to a bloody playstation! When my mum was in hospital for 5 weeks, she didn't have any access to a TV, newspapers or even a radio; she was totally cut off from the world.

In prison they get a full gym, they get to learn for free, and here it's sunny so much, they get to laze about in the sun for hours on end. Aren't they supposed to be in there for a punishment?

The only thing I was happy about was that they had to crap in a bucket in their cell :thumbup:
Fortunately people don't usually get condemned to live in hospital for years at a time.

On the better life issue, don't forget that people get institutionalised. Perhaps some people can do so more easily than others and that's an explanation for people like the cousin mentioned.

I would certainly not choose to live in prison for free tv. Lol
Fortunately people don't usually get condemned to live in hospital for years at a time.

On the better life issue, don't forget that people get institutionalised. Perhaps some people can do so more easily than others and that's an explanation for people like the cousin mentioned.

I would certainly not choose to live in prison for free tv. Lol

I wouldnt choose to live in prision for the fact i know whats right and wrong, but people do commit crimes and dont deserve TV. It wont kill prisinors to stop them watchin tv, after all once over tv's didnt even excist. They can have a book if they want to be amused and if they dont like books tuff!
See now from experience its the youth offenders that get all of these luxuries willy nilly and its very much home from home

Adult prisons, everyone has said its an absolute s*** hole, and i know a lot of people who are in and out of prison, most of them are in and out not for luxury sake, but because they just dont know any different.

I think prisoners should be given the complete basic and then the chance to earn their money the honest way which will then enable them to buy luxiuries, just as any decent, hard working person on the outside would. I cant see fairer than that?

OAP's ... to me thats a whole other kettle of fish, and they way they are treated disgusts me, an entire generation who slaved and fought for this country get HOW much as a state pension? Not even enough to pay their bills, my grandparents have to use their savings to make up the remainder of their monthly bills. I think its awful, and what makes me feel sick is that we have pensioners who cant even afford to heat their homes and end up dying, FFS, we can sling as much money as we like at jobless bums who dodge the system, yet we cant foot a heating bill to keep a pensioner alive? Heating allowances are incosistent and frankly not enough combined with the state pension. Every Winter when we see it reported on the tv it just baffles me :dohh: :dohh:
PP the new government is scrapping the winter fuel allowance. :(
PP the new government is scrapping the winter fuel allowance. :(

no way :shock: thats disgusting, it was pittance anyway but better than nothing, i hear they are doing away with meals on wheels too
i think alot of us think tv as a luxury, but in my life my luxary is my freedom, to have every liberty taken away, not just getting in my car and going for a meal, or meeting my mates down the pub, or visiting my family, going to work, or just sitting at home, eating what i feel out of the cupboard, go shopping for clothes and having coffee and cake while i'm out.
i enjoy the fact that i can get in a nice bubble bath nice glass of wine and chill out in peace, with a lock on the door.
i quite like the fact i get a shag when i want and kiss my loved one and get a cuddle from my friends or family if i wanted, i actually like the fact i can arrange a holiday get on a plane and bog off if i wanted, i can walk down the street, or get in my car and goto to the beach.
these are my luxuries :) take these away from me and that would be the worst punishment i could imagine :(
i think it's disgusting that people commit crimes and then get given all these things that they probably wouldn't even have at home!

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