MACA Pregnancy and Baby Buddies!

Yazzy - can't believe you're over 35 weeks pregnant already!!!! So, within the next 7 weeks you'll be meeting your LO!!!! How are you feeling? Have you got anything ready or are you waiting until nearer the time? I can't remember if I've said this already but a really good bit of advice I was given was to fill the cupboards and freezer with food that's easy to prepare. It made such a difference to us in the first few weeks!! I made some home-made soup and a big lasagna and froze both of them in small portions so I could just stick it in the microwave! Also things like tinned beans and sausages, fish fingers, potato wedges etc - it was a lifesaver for me - partly because it was difficult to get out and about for the first few weeks after the c-section but also because any spare time in the first few weeks when LO was sleeping I was also trying to sleep - so meals that are quick and easy to prepare are definitely handy to have!!!!!!!! So excited for you!! :happydance:

SBB - hope you're doing ok, not seen you around for a while? :hugs:

Anyone else still around?

We're doing ok, I'm hoping Kia is coming through the other side of the 4 month growth spurt/sleep regression. It's been a tiring few weeks but the last few days feel a little bit more settled!!! Last night she slept 9.5 hours in one go which was amazing! I've ordered some books about weaning and am feeling quite excited about starting that in a few weeks! xx
Hey Leeze and anyone else still lurking on here :)

Yeah over 35 weeks already, time is flying by...probably because it is less than 3 weeks until my wedding so lots to organise for that aswell and the weeks are disappearing...not complaining though because I can't wait to meet my baby :)

I did think about making some meals up but my OH is really good and will cook/feed the dogs whilst I am resting/feeding baby etc. Plus we don't have a big freezer so no room to put anything in there lol. I also have my OH home for 2 weeks when baby arrives, then my sister has a week off at the end of May and my mum has the first week of June off and they only live 5 mins walk from my house so loads of help on hand :)

So pleased to hear Kia is hopefully coming out of that phase and exciting that you can start weaning her soon. Exciting times!!

I have a scan tomorrow afternoon to find out if my placenta has moved up out of baby's way so this will confirm if I can try for a natural birth or if I am being booked in for a c-section, plus I am hoping they will give me a rough estimate of size aswell.

I've packed my hospital bag - well all the things I had to buy, the other things are bits in the house and baby's bag is packed. Have been working on the nursery and the OH has just put the cot it!

SBB how are you doing? I hope all is well.
Hey girls! Sorry the thread I used to be on here all the time for has moved to facebook so I hardly come on here :blush:

I can't believe it's 3 weeks to the wedding!! Will you post us some pics afterwards? Pleeeease!

Kia is 5 months already - wow! Are you going to do baby led weaning? We did it and it was fantastic, so much easier and more natural - I'd one million percent recommend it!

We are all good, slightly scared about the new baby... Not sure how we're going to cope but I guess we just will! Sammuel is being lovely as usual, he's signing lots and saying quite a few words now. Very cute age!

x x x
Hey girls! Sorry the thread I used to be on here all the time for has moved to facebook so I hardly come on here :blush:

I can't believe it's 3 weeks to the wedding!! Will you post us some pics afterwards? Pleeeease!

Kia is 5 months already - wow! Are you going to do baby led weaning? We did it and it was fantastic, so much easier and more natural - I'd one million percent recommend it!

We are all good, slightly scared about the new baby... Not sure how we're going to cope but I guess we just will! Sammuel is being lovely as usual, he's signing lots and saying quite a few words now. Very cute age!

x x x

I think we all got side tracked for BnB LOL

I second the baby lead weaning I just go with the flow most of Paul's weaning was off my plate he have a grab or if he was interested he would help himself, he likes his food un mashed as well so just cut up small enough in to manageable bite size pieces ! I always feel bitter sweet feelings on weaning happy to see my baby thriving and growing but a little sad time is going so fast on me !

How is the feeding going with pregnancy all good! I managed 3 months with one pregnancy and feeding but my diabetes kicked in and I just had horrible lows could hardly function!

My first two were close as well in age and one or two occasions were both would be looking for you! but for the most part it was great its nice having them close together!

you will need a double buggy!
The blw has been brilliant for us too, Sammuel will eat almost anything and it's great as he'll sit eating lunch for up to an hour which means I get to enjoy mine rather than spoon feeding him then wolfing mine down! And no fuss with introducing lumps which some of my friends had major issues with!

Feeding has been ok, a few rough days when my colostrum came in, but all back to normal now. He really only feeds first thing when he wakes, then nap and bedtime and maybe once or twice some days for comfort. I think when my milk comes in he'll feed more probably!

We barely use a buggy, have used it about 20 times since he was born! We carry him all the time, the newborn will be carried all the time too and Sammuel will go in the buggy/walk or I might have a go at carrying two!! :D

X x x
The blw has been brilliant for us too, Sammuel will eat almost anything and it's great as he'll sit eating lunch for up to an hour which means I get to enjoy mine rather than spoon feeding him then wolfing mine down! And no fuss with introducing lumps which some of my friends had major issues with!

Feeding has been ok, a few rough days when my colostrum came in, but all back to normal now. He really only feeds first thing when he wakes, then nap and bedtime and maybe once or twice some days for comfort. I think when my milk comes in he'll feed more probably!

We barely use a buggy, have used it about 20 times since he was born! We carry him all the time, the newborn will be carried all the time too and Sammuel will go in the buggy/walk or I might have a go at carrying two!! :D

X x x

I love using a sling, got great wear out of my wrap actually, used it on a 12 K walk on a mountain carrying Paul and only felt tired the last 20 minutes when it worked lose!
We're down to 2 weeks tomorrow until the wedding...really excited about it and getting the last bits finalised now. Of course I will post pics on here for you all to see.

I had my scan and it showed the placenta has moved up and out of the way so that is great news as I can now go for a natural birth and fingers crossed get the birthing pool which has just been built (by my work) at the hospital. Baby's estimate for weight at 36 week scan was 5lb 6oz so hopefully between 7 and 8lb when born. Baby is pushing and wiggling and sometimes hurting me lol but loving it and can't believe i've only got 4 weeks left...hopefully unless I go overdue but i'm not thinking about that yet lol!

Sounds like everyone else is well, and probably very busy with your babies!
Hi everyone

Celtic - great to see you on here!! How's it all going? How's the family?

Yazzy - so close now!! And have you had the wedding now? How did it go? I bet you looked amazing!! That's great news that you can go for a water birth. I hope you get the birth experience you want. Whatever happens only a matter of weeks or days and your LO will be here!!! How exciting! Don't forget we're here if you want to ask anything about the first few weeks/months - I found it was a really magical time but also there were moments of feeling like we didn't have a clue!! Things I wish I'd known in the first days that made a difference to me later on to know - I'll share them with you in case you find them helpful : 1) don't change baby straight after feeding even if LO does a poo - because they're very likely to bring all of their milk up if you change them straight after a feed (wait 10-15 mins) - funnily enough LO doesn't seem to mind that much having dirty nappy. 2) really do try to sleep whenever LO naps - every little half an hour helps!! 3) If LO falls asleep on you and you want to put LO in cot/moses basket then wait 15 mins or so until they're in a deep sleep (you can tell by lifting an arm or leg and see if it's floppy) 4) it's good for LO to have a nap at least every 2 hours or so for the first few months - we found in the first few weeks that LO would sleep a lot naturally but after about 6 weeks or so suddenly she was awake a lot more - looking out for sleepy signs like yawning tends to indicate a good time to try to put LO down for a sleep. That's the main things I'll be very glad about knowing if we ever have another one!!!

SBB - we hardly use the buggy either, I find it so much easier with a sling - especially now I've got the lovely Ergo!!! So, what signs does Sammuel do? I took Kia to signing classes last week and we've signed on for half a term, so I'm looking forward to her starting signing but I think realistically it will be a few months before she starts doing it. I thinks she was a bit overwhelmed by the whole class!!! What age was Sammuel when he started doing them? It's amazing that you're in 3rd trimester again already!!!! I bet it's going to be amazing having them close in age.

So, we gave Kia her first spoonful of organix baby cereal yesterday!! Re BLW - I really like the idea behind it but I'm really scared of her choking!! So, I think we're going to go for TW but with lots of finger foods. So try to incorporate some of the ideas of BLW but also shove a few spoonfuls of puree in her too (and encourage her to play with the puree/feed herself etc). She's had a bad cold this week so has been off her milk (really unlike her), so this is another incentive to try to get a few spoons of puree in her and why we decided to start at 24 weeks not 26 weeks. She seemed to like the baby cereal (managed about 3 small teaspoons) so we're going to give her this for a few more days then try her on some veg purees. I'm keen to give her as much home-made stuff as possible and once we've had a couple of weeks of purees then I'm going to give her some mashed banana and mashed avocado etc. Any tips on how to deal with the fear of choking be appreciated too and maybe we can do more of BLW type approach. Oh, and I took her swimming last week (I think that's where she got the cold) and she absolutely loved it!! She was smiling away and kicking her little legs like a little water baby!!!
Hey girls!

Has the wedding happened?! I came to say I hope it goes well but I think it might have been yesterday? I hope it was brilliant!

Leeze - re blw there's actually less chance of choking than on purées! I know that seems odd but it's true. I'll try and find some links to give you a bit of reassurance. Babies have a protection system with a gag reflex that's quite far forward to start. They may well gag whilst they get used to eating, but it's not choking, and it's not dangerous, it's there to protect them!
The things I really like about blw are:
So much easier to prepare, can usually just do a bit of what you're having.
You can sit and eat your own breakfast/lunch/dinner rather than having to spoon feed
No issues going to lumps from purée
Recent 'studies' show blw babies control what they eat better, are less fussy, less likely to be overweight and more likely to pick healthy foods. Not sure how reliable these are it's just stuff I've read!
I find it's a more natural approach and more fun for them to explore.

Having said all that I totally understand that most people tw and it's hard to go against others advice. And is is scary if you don't know its safe!

Re the signing, he started about 9mo maybe, but we did it from 6. He did potty earlier than that I think but nothing else for a while. He now does more, bath, food, all finished, granny, poo... Quite a few, I can't remember now! It's v cute... He picks them up straight away now really but it took a little while for some of the others.

I'll see if I can find those blw links for you xx
And so cute with the swimming! It's fun to watch them enjoy it!

X x x
This article is pretty good.

And remember 'food before one is just for fun'! She only needs breast milk, even if she's poorly and not having a lot.

X x x
Hello lovely ladies! I haven't been on in ages! But i figured that since i started this journey with you all, i'd drop by and let you all know that i got my bfp yesterday so i'm due January 4th! Glad to see you're all doing so well!
Hello lovely ladies! I haven't been on in ages! But i figured that since i started this journey with you all, i'd drop by and let you all know that i got my bfp yesterday so i'm due January 4th! Glad to see you're all doing so well!

OMG AJ :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: huge congrats, I hope you have a healthy and Happy preganancy and best of all a bouncy baby at the end :happydance::cloud9:
Fantastic news congratulations!!! Xxx
AJ congratulations, that is wonderful news. I am wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy :)

Yes girls I am now a married woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our wedding was yesterday and we both had an amazing day, I savoured every minute of it :)
The church ceremony was lovely, we had a brass quintet who were brilliant and played everything just how we wanted. The weather turned out really well for us as although it was windy and chilly the rain stayed away so we got our photo's outside the church.
The reception went brilliantly, everyone commented on how well our caterers had done and how they loved the food. Cake was gorgous, white with black blossoms and petals down the front and the inside was layered in the same colours as my bridesmaids.
We had a band for the evening who again were amazing, they played all night and everyone was up dancing from as soon as we finished our first dance. I only managed to dance a tiny bit then danced from my seat but I was happy with that.
It couldn't have gone any better and I am now married to my man and baby stayed put and wiggled all day!
I will upload some pics as soon as I get some on my phone. I am on facebook if anyone wants to add me. Lucy Roberts - my profile pic is of one of my Rottweilers rolling on the floor with a Boxer puppy. (My surname isn't changing as we already share the same name lol!)
That's amazing news A J. So pleased for you :happydance: wishing you lots of happiness ahead. You must be ecstatic. Come join us here. Xx. SBB - thanks so much for article. Will read tomorrow when got some time. Yazzy, congratulations! Need to dash, got very unhappy baby this evening
Yazzy that sounds amazing! So happy for you! I'll add you on fb, I want to see pics!!

Hope Kia was ok last night Leeze :hugs:

X x x
SBB...I might be easier to find now as I have added a pic of me and the OH outside the church as my profile pic!
Here is a pic from the wedding....will get some proper one's as I think this one cut off my brother and sister!


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