~*Mamas of Reflux Babies*~

Little update from us. Little one is 6 weeks old tomorrow. His reflux seems to have hit a whole new level of scariness! He's currently having Gaviscon but it makes his gas/constipation so bad I've reduced the dose drastically which of course increases the reflux! I give colief with each feed (EBF) though I just can't afford to keep spending £12 every 5 days so I'm hoping the Dr will prescribe it! I don't really want to be giving Gaviscon any more as it makes him uncomfortable for a different reason. If he takes it he spends hours every night screaming and farting (last night I literally stood at his changing station doing bicycle legs for 45 minutes and he farted and screamed the whole time) and if he doesn't take it he spends the whole night squirming and sporadically screaming and gulping. I honestly can't win :( I have my 6 week postnatal check with the GP tomorrow so hoping for some answers!

Wish me luck!

This sounds like my lo. We are either battling the tummy pains and excessive wind or the reflux gulping and congestion. I can never decide which is worse for lo. We stopped the gaviscon for the same reason. Good luck at the Drs.
Little update from us. Little one is 6 weeks old tomorrow. His reflux seems to have hit a whole new level of scariness! He's currently having Gaviscon but it makes his gas/constipation so bad I've reduced the dose drastically which of course increases the reflux! I give colief with each feed (EBF) though I just can't afford to keep spending £12 every 5 days so I'm hoping the Dr will prescribe it! I don't really want to be giving Gaviscon any more as it makes him uncomfortable for a different reason. If he takes it he spends hours every night screaming and farting (last night I literally stood at his changing station doing bicycle legs for 45 minutes and he farted and screamed the whole time) and if he doesn't take it he spends the whole night squirming and sporadically screaming and gulping. I honestly can't win :( I have my 6 week postnatal check with the GP tomorrow so hoping for some answers!

Wish me luck!

This sounds like my lo. We are either battling the tummy pains and excessive wind or the reflux gulping and congestion. I can never decide which is worse for lo. We stopped the gaviscon for the same reason. Good luck at the Drs.

Yep, that's exactly what we were facing. In the end, you are stuck having to choose the 'lesser' evil :wacko: Like you said, that's when you can figure which it is! :dohh: :nope:
i wouldnt change milk at same time as trialling ranitadine, as if it works you wont know which one it was, if the milk change is all you need then you might end up giving ranitadine needlessly. if its silent reflux i would go with ranitadine to reduce the acid in the stomach,it should also help to heal the oesophagas, if ranitaine doesnt work you may need a proton pump drug which will reduce acid production, its deff worth trialing the milk, but if you see your baby reflux in thier mouth and you see them in pain, its prob better to trial the drug to heal it first, you should see improvement after a week then try the milk but be aware its made from same base as hungrier milk so likely to bung them up
My boys still refluxy but more on the gAssy side now
Doesnt seem to be in as much pain, just discomfort
Were on day 7 of ranatadine, did you find your baby was still gassy or does thAt get better as well (those that use ranatidine)

Hed be drinking bigger bottles if it wernt for the gas which makes him squirm and in turn im sure hed sleep better at night
there is something in the gas thing, nela is onto something.

i said to my husband think it will be a bad day today and he said well he has a good then bad day, then it occured to me that by baby poos every other day, the reflux doesnt seem to be bothering him, the only time he is tense and curled up in a ball is when he is straining for a poop, and when he farts not only does it stink so much that people cant believe he did it, but it causes him discomfort.

the ranitadine has calmed the fussing when eating, and im able to take his mind off wanting to eat now, and when he has a cry i can calm him very quickly now, however im still getting the fussing when due a feed which is fine, but also when he has gas poo to get rid of.

hospital tomorrow for review so maybe will find out what we can do, about the digestion discomfort because i think when he has gas, he gets stressed and tense which then makes his tummy spasm making the reflux happen
Well, things are taking a turn for the worse again here but I got the info I wanted. I can now 100% state that when not gassy, IF he spits up, it doesn't bother him. However now, as the days go by, he is heading more and more towards that digestive crisis. Each day makes him gassier, no matter what we do. We get some out but obviously we aren't managing to get it all. I can clearly hear it in his tummy too. I'm back to waiting for poop but I suspect he'll end up constipated, though I can be wrong. However, one very clear sign is that we are seeing a rise in reflux episodes and crying fits. The gas is clearly coming first though as the first signs are straining and him bouncing around while pressing his tummy to get the gas out. He's spitting up more and more whereas a few days ago, he had completely stopped, despite it being thinner than before. It doesn't always bother him, at this point. This also confirms my belief that it is the mounting pressure in their tummy as, in the past, he managed to spit up the carob thickened feeds when things got really out of hand. For example, right now he just strained to fart and he spit up. The spit up had a little more 'bounce' to it, IYSWIM, not projectile, but not quite just dribbling out like usual. If I don't get his digestive system going very soon, we'll have a full-blown crisis on our hands. To make matters worse, he has his shots today. :cry: I'll be asking the doc there or calling the pediatrician. *Sigh* :nope:
Aidens gassiness is finally improving. He's been on ranitidine over 2 weeks now and drinks aptimal anti reflux milk. He is still pretty squirmy and fussy with his bottle for a few hours before he has a poo though. Like he is full up and has tummy ache until he can poo. Makes it a pain as he's now having a poo at lunch time so he will hardly drink anything for his first 2 bottles. This is probably why he's so hungry at night. He has 2 full night feeds again at the moment, sometimes he doesn't even go 4 hours at night. Tried to give him his dummy and rub his back when he woke at 10.45pm (mega early lol). He wouldn't settle until he had a full bottle though.

Something I've never really thought to ask about before. I've always assumed it was a normal baby or reflux thing. Aiden has silent reflux but every single night about 2 hours after his night feed he is sick quite a lot. It's soaks his mattress and seems to come out of his nose also as when I go in after he starts crying his nose is always blocked and congested. It really disrupts his sleep :-( he is rarely sick in the day. Any thoughts? X
Perhaps a back log from the day like his bellies had too much?
When does he poo?
Well, Nathan pooped loads just before heading to the doc's. Glad it didn't happen there as it was super messy and smelled of rotten eggs! :haha: Still a little gassy but I will not count the next few days as he's just had his shots... We'll see how things go.
Hey girlies,

Just checking in. Caden is doing ok. Only difficult thing is is that he never sleeps. I swear my other DS slept all day at this age. It's a mission and a half trying to get Caden to sleep. He sleeps best in his pram but unfortunately with this lovely Scottish weather we are having it's difficult to get out in the pram with him.
:( I love my little guy but please tell me I ain't the only one wishing I could fast forward at least 6 months
Perhaps a back log from the day like his bellies had too much?
When does he poo?

I did wonder that. He was having his poo at lunchtime and struggled drinking his first 2 bottles, he must get abit uncomfortable. He's now gone back to 6.30am poos which is a pain as he wakes up an hour or so before all squirmy and upset.

Ive tried to give little more often but he doesn't seem to like that, ends up not wanting bottles or sleeping through them. He's 4 months and takes between 6-7oz 4 hourly. Can't wait for him to drop the night feeds, he'll be do much more comfortable when he does!
Hey girlies,

Just checking in. Caden is doing ok. Only difficult thing is is that he never sleeps. I swear my other DS slept all day at this age. It's a mission and a half trying to get Caden to sleep. He sleeps best in his pram but unfortunately with this lovely Scottish weather we are having it's difficult to get out in the pram with him.
:( I love my little guy but please tell me I ain't the only one wishing I could fast forward at least 6 months

:-( I'm constantly wishing away the weeks/months! At first it was 4 weeks, then 12 weeks, now he's 4 months and I'm hoping things get better by 6 months. I'm afraid I haven't really enjoyed this whole baby thing so far! We have always said we would definately hope to have 2 children....noooo way now! Aiden is going to be an only child. People keep telling me I will forget and want another in 6 months or a year but I can honestly say I never want to feel this way again, I thought I handled stress well but obviously not when it comes to babies!! Lol

Ps. Lol at walking with the pram! I do the same for his 4pm nap. I got absolutely soaked today! Aww, Scotland...we go to Gairloch every year but we can't decide whether to do it next year with lo and the dog. It's about a 9 hour drive from Blackpool. X
totally wishing away the months although i do love the new things she does, smile giggle and make funny happy noises. a woman in tesco today told me to treasure every moment as you blink and they have grown up! hmmmm i had a 20 min battle with Bella to sleep she was literally screaming her head off. i got soo frustrated with her that my oh took over and got her to sleep in het own space.....she must have sense my frustration!
Here's a pic of my lo taken this week. He's going through a phase of wanting to stand up constantly lol


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Cant take much more!
When will this ranatidine work? Or wont it?
Day 8 and i cn literaly hear stuff coming up into his mouth
Hes constantly squirming n it takes me an hour to get 4oz in him, even this looks like im force feeding him but i know he would have more if he could :(
I dread feeding him in public

When will this get better :'(

Im going to see a cranial osteopath tomorow, heard good and bad reviews but i need to do something while im waiting to see a paediatrician
Cant take much more!
When will this ranatidine work? Or wont it?
Day 8 and i cn literaly hear stuff coming up into his mouth
Hes constantly squirming n it takes me an hour to get 4oz in him, even this looks like im force feeding him but i know he would have more if he could :(
I dread feeding him in public

When will this get better :'(

Im going to see a cranial osteopath tomorow, heard good and bad reviews but i need to do something while im waiting to see a paediatrician

It took 2 weeks and a small increase in meds for us. He's on 0.7ml 3 times a day. Have you tried thickening his milk with one gaviscon sachet? X
cranial osteo helped simon. its not a miracle cure but does help
Cant take much more!
When will this ranatidine work? Or wont it?
Day 8 and i cn literaly hear stuff coming up into his mouth
Hes constantly squirming n it takes me an hour to get 4oz in him, even this looks like im force feeding him but i know he would have more if he could :(
I dread feeding him in public

When will this get better :'(

Im going to see a cranial osteopath tomorow, heard good and bad reviews but i need to do something while im waiting to see a paediatrician

Ill persevere then, i checked how much he can have for his weight as he has gained and he can have up to 2.7ml a day.

Im trying him on 1.4 half of that. The do. Had me on 0.9 which i feel is far too little! CAnt wait to see a pedi they surely will know better

Can u give ranatidine with every feed so its in their tummys longer?
I was thinking of giving him 0.2ml per feed (he has 7)

Or shouod i stock to 0.5 3 times a day?

I was giving him gaviscon but trying without now az its starting to constipate him which inturn causes more gas argh

He seems to be drinking less this week, either he wS going through a growth spurt before or comfort eating or mYbe hes to uncomfortable now im just not sure. What do you think?
Also does this ever happen to any of you? ......

Hell be drinking and struggling badly then suddenly he will seem to katch on better or something then finish the rest of yhe bottle calmly!

Finaly got him to finish a bottle, i know he wants the whole thing but sometimes he struggles to bad

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