Wat a little chatterbox he has such a personality!
My boy has his chatter first thing in the morning like hes saying mummy its morning get up lol
Thank you. He certainly is a chatterbox

As for personality, you should see him when he's telling me off! Why couldn't he take more after Daddy?
Aww Nela, he is really cute 😊
Yeah, he loves bouncing and trying to take little steps. I was going to get him a Jumperoo for Christmas but I think he's ready for one now.
Thanks! Haha yeah, those things must be massive fun for them. I wonder what age is safe for them to actually use those things. I know they say they shouldn't have weight on their legs so young but Nathan bounces himself all the time.

I'm sure Nathan would love one. If you get your kiddo one, you'll have to film him to show us!
Hes 10lb so lowest dose is 0.3ml 3 times a day
Im trying 0.4 - 0.5
Hes on nutramagin lipil and the gaviscon thickens it in a weird way so i was doing it for breastfed babies with a syringe.
You reckon i should continue like this then? Maybe a day off will mean he poos better now
Can you go over a few details with me, please? One, isn't nutramigen for a cow milk protein intolerance? If so, would you need to thicken it? If it's a protein allergy that he has and you remove the allergen, that should be making his condition loads better no? I'm not sure a true cow protein allergy would need to be treated with thickeners, medications, plus a different formula since the formula itself would be the main culprit. Nutramigen is said to have a very different taste so perhaps, that is why he's so difficult to feed? Maybe he doesn't like it? Was your little one ever diagnosed with a cow protein allergy? If not, that might explain why it's not working because the milk itself might just not be to his liking.
You said the Gaviscon was constipating him right? How bad is the constipation? If the constipation is bad, it'll make him really gassy and probably not want to eat. That might be another reason why he's giving you such a hard time when feeding. Ranitidine can also have such side effects so that would be something to keep an eye on.
From what I have experienced, the only way to actually get the reflux better is to juggle his digestive system as a whole. So if he's gassy and/or constipated, it'll be really hard to control that reflux.
Had you tried comfort milk without gaviscon but with keeping up Ranitidine?
Also, how is he doing emotionally? My lil guy became very anxious from all the discomfort/pain. He developed minor feeding aversions but luckily, we seem to have found things that are working at the moment so he's not as bad anymore. He doesn't nap at all though so he gets extremely fussy in the evening, making his reflux a whole lot worse then just because he's so tired and cranky.
I hope things settle down a bit so you can catch your breath!
oh what a day we've had - i attempted mother and baby group but i arrived to find a ton of ladies caked in make up it was like a fashion show, i turned up hair all scraggy and no make up , leggings and t shirt ha ha (i thought id get more friends if i looked like shite) but two people spoke to me, i didnt really get that involved as he was just too small and no where to perch him on. two of the ladies were oh yeah reflux mine had that you just need to keep them upright (made me feel like i was making mountain out of mole hill) so left and thought not going there again
then to see consultant at hospital, we sat down straight away she said his 1.5 ml 3 times a day was too much, and that she was adding domperdone, didnt explain why, what it did, didnt even weigh him,
i explained that he is very windy and that his poos start out firm then drift off to a wet foamy liquid and that he squirms and writhes when hes moving his bowels but she didnt seem to care and completley out and out dismissed allergies or intolerence. and that his development was in line, hes thriving so hes ok (he was asleep on my shoulder how does she know how hes developing)
i mentioned the heart murmer but she said she hadnt allowed time to listen to it,
but then couldn't find it, so therefore there isnt one.
and when i wanted to understand why we were adding more drugs she kept interupting me and telling me to ignore his bowels and all babys grow out of that sort of thing, again i tried to recap my understanding of the situation and again she started telling to me ignore the bowels. so and i cant believe i did this but i put my finger to my lips and just went shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh she looked at me completely shocked, and then i finished what i needed to say, and then she confirmed my understanding.
i asked about follow up appointment she told me this was it and to go back to my gp, (oh right the gp that takes 5 weeks to listen, over prescribed medication for him, and refuses to refer him to paediatrician)
why does it feel that if as a parent you want to have an understanding or involvement in a care plan you are deemed as a fussy mother and over reacting
needless to say there was a 25 minute wait at the pharmacy and hubby had left to go to work so i went back up and complained they then confirmed the care plan, confirmed that she was a locum and that they would book me in for 2 week review with a doctor permanently there, where they will confirm the heart scan, oh and he got weighed too funny that!
grrr, so came home and left him in the car seat a sleep (naughty) but he looked cosy and i jumped in the tub, when he woke up i got him in with me and we had the most amazing bath together it was soo amazing and i washed away my day
**oh i recently downloaded a lullaby for baby cd from itunes, i have it on my phone all the time, he nods off to it a treat, it doesnt irritate you and its really calming and i think its working on me too as im not as stressed, its like lullabies to the sounds of a facial. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Sorry to hear about your day

I hate meeting new people

The Domperidone was most likely added to help prevent him from bringing the milk up. The ranitidine only neutralizes the acid but doesn't stop the reflux. However, I will ask this: If the acid is neutalized, it shouldn't hurt to spit up. Is it better then to allow the spit up or better to prevent it but risk tummy issues from the Domperidone? I took Dom. to stimulate my breast milk. I was constipated within a few days and I do not constipate easily. (it can have opposite effects as well) So this is all a good discussion to be had with your pharmacist. Pharmacists are usually the best people to ask about the medications (how they work, effect, interactions) as they know them best. If you go at a quiet time, I am sure they would help you out. Just tell them you've been prescribed stuff but you have no idea why, and the doc rushed you out. I think they tend to like having their jobs valued as being more than just 'medical cashiers' so they like when you actually turn to them about the medicine.
Well the last 2 days here have been really good. Medication seems to be working for him. He's on 3.3 mls of ranidirine (sp) and anti reflux milk and things are good. Only prob now is the constipation. I've been giving him some cool boiled water so fingers crossed as he was crying this morning trying to poo. Anyone recommend some other remedies for constipation ? X
Great news!

I hope it continues that way! Any poo yet?