Glad the baby wearing is working out for you, Nela! I have a Moby, a woven and a Boba. I've joined a facebook page (baby wearing 102) and I'm afraid I may get obsessive. There are so many colors and patterns of woven wraps. I am excited for when she gets big enough to carry on my back. I've only ever used the Moby though and only know one carry.
I wear Stella and it seems to help! She's been very good lately, but we had an episode last night. She was just inconsolable for two or three hours. I'm trying to pay better attention to what I eat as I read on Dr. Sears website that there are foods that exasperate reflux. I hate to think that I'm making things worse. She did sleep for four hours once we got her down last night and then three and then two.
Are symptoms of gas similar to reflux. She has a lot of reflux signs as well as spitting up and swallowing spit up, but I'm not sure if it's the gas that's really bothering her. We visited my in-laws last night and they made vegetarian chilli which was loaded with beans. It was a few hours after I ate that she had her episode. Does anyone know how long after eating something that it gets into your milk?
Day 2 of the wrap and it's the best thing I could have done. My only regret is not having had it from the very first day. I think every mum should have one, at least to try as it can definitely be a great thing if it works for them. I hear you about the colors! Omg, I am DYING to get a rainbow wrap!!! I am just wondering if I will actually wear him long enough, to be honest. I am not sure if I really want to do the back carry so if I don't, I can maybe get away with the Moby for long enough. I'm going to do more research about it and see how it goes. I'm also seeing it as a great thing for his reflux but I think his reflux will ease now that we're on the right track so I may not need it too too long for that either. I'm just not sure but I will look into it and see if I spot more holds that I really think are worth looking into.
The legumes you had will definitely have been a possibility in making her gassy and in turn making her reflux flare up. Any bad enough gas will absolutely make the reflux play up. My kiddo demonstrated this in a very clear way and I asked the pediatrician and she confirmed that the gas will make reflux flare due to the pressure. Also, they often cry when they are gassy, making them gulp in more air, and irritating their throats from crying/shrieking so that can make them more uncomfy as well.
Hi ladies been sorting man out too had appointment at hosp at one point he was going to be admitted but we got to see a consultant pead . He now on neocate and omperazole had finger up his bum (awwwwww) to make sure it's not tight which was fine, and back on Monday for review and he explained why refluxers love sleeping on thier tums.
Waiting with high hopes but knowing will prob get dashed again jabs next week
Spent last night at my mums for a break still struggling with educating her to him not being hungry but giving hunger cues they don't get it!! Eventually she caved and said she was impressed how I knew what he needed and I said its so hard when your gut reaction is to feed them . And she said yes especially when your mum is saying feed him (she genuinely thought because he had 7 oz while she babysat that that was what was up he was hungry all this time lol) but horrah at least she knows now
So what did he say about the tummy sleeping? I'm curious! Yeah, I hear you about instantly thinking 'feed baby'. I was the same way at first because they are definitely the same cues as hunger since they DO want the milk but we know exactly why they can't have it! My mother doesn't get it. Was on Skype with her and despite me explaining it, she kept saying "Why can't you just feed him?" and "How long does the poor thing have to wait?"

I dip his pacifier in water when he needs to comfort feed. I don't trust the reflux enough to let him sip on water so just a few drops is a nice compromise.
Not looking forward to the first lot!
Big hugs to all you ladies and your bubbas one day it will be but a distant memory x
Oh yea my boy was realy unsettled all day and didnt sleep then when we put him down for bedwoke screaming like iver never heard before!
I think the domperidone may be upsetting him, i hear it can cause tummy cramps
I shall speak to doc tomorrow but only heard bad about it
Yeah, Domperidone gave me bad cramps and almost instant constipation and I hadn't been on it long so I would definitely be on my toes if my kiddo were on it. Not all kids react the same to it but I would think it's not helping from what I gathered from your posts.

Probably best to get off it with those jabs as well! I hope your LO has it as easy as mine had them. I was very surprised at how little they affected him so I really wish you the same!!! We deal with enough with just the reflux itself!