~*Mamas of Reflux Babies*~

Oh my word, I'm so confused by my lil man.

Reflux appears ok. But the last week he's taken less and less at feeds, still occasionally sick. And appears in discomfort for 3/4 hours before he has a poo, although he is not constipated anymore. Wondering if its still down to changing his milk a week ago from mreflux to aptamil 1st but I think he was similar before then apart from he was eating more. His last bottle was 11pm last night, drank 5oz, woke up 3 times in the night, appeared to have tummy ache again and refused bottle. Just tried to give him his morning bottle and he would only have 2oz before spitting bottle out then being sick. Guess it could be reflux but I'm not used to this...he's always had a massive appetite. Wondering if this all started when he had that viral illness a couple weeks ago. H/V coming Wed but if he's no better in the next day or so I might book another Dr app...feel like they think I'm an overprotective mum though:-( he's loosing his chubby little cheeks!
Hello ladies,

Sorry to hear that a lot of you had a rough weekend. Well, I guess it's pretty much expected with reflux babies huh? :wacko:

Sezz, good to know you got some answers, even if not the ones you wanted. At least now, you're probably feeling better about putting your LO on the med again. :hugs: Definitely sounded like you were dealing with reflux again. I can't help you about the med but you can call the pharmacy to know if you should give it close to feeding time or much before so it takes effect... Maybe it doesn't matter really. For the milk, perhaps the gaviscon works better at preventing reflux so maybe he isn't comfort feeding as much? I'm not really sure.

Vegaz and Jessy, I know it's terrible but I think the best way to get a diagnosis is to catch it on video unless you're able to have you LOs seen as it is happening. My LO is always great at the doctor's and so they are clueless as to how bad it still is. I'll be bringing my videos tomorrow. I cry everytime I see this one in particular but I keep telling myself that this video being so bad only shows how seriously they need to take it. This might be the only way for me to get him the help he needs so I just concentrate on that. For some babies, it is enough to thicken the milk (rice cereal or carob flour) as it makes it much harder to bring up (but only do it under medical advice!) so that might be something to ask your doctors about if they aren't ready to jump down the medicine route, at least in the meantime while you find another for a 2nd opinion or gather evidence if you really suspect reflux. :hugs:

I think a very common feeling amongst us mamas is one of being overwhelmed and being powerless to do much about it. It's draining, physically but also emotionally, to deal with our lil ones being so unwell. It's enraging to have to deal with people who don't understand and don't do anything to help. I know I have people in my entourage who giggle at me being a first-time mum and struggling. People just don't get that this isn't your normal introduction to parenthood. For those who already have children, I can only imagine how much more difficult it is trying to juggle everything. It's the main reason why I started this thread in the first place, to not feel alone through it all. I wouldn't assume it's PND or anything at this point other than a sheer normal reaction to the situation. It's not hormones, it's the reality of what we are all dealing with. Whatever you need to help you cope, you get it. No shame in it, but don't feel ashamed of feeling down about all this, and don't allow people to label you and disregard the severity of the situation. I just don't see how ANY mum would be perfectly fine through all of this. I know that acid reflux isn't a huge deal in the grand scheme of things as we could be dealing with much worse. I like to tell myself things could ALWAYS be worse and to be grateful that we're not in a worse situation, even if difficult. That doesn't make reflux 'nothing', it just makes it a I'd-rather-deal-with-this-than type of situation...


Good news here... After getting totally discouraged by our nice nurse apologizing and saying there wasn't anything more she could do to push the hospital, we finally were given an appointment with a pediatrician! I was really irritated because they were supposed to call us on Friday about the Lactulose and it was getting late and they hadn't called. I called the hospital to make sure they would call that day and before the pharmacy closed as he needed to have the Lactulose changed.

The physio therapist was the one to call (huh?) and she could tell I wasn't happy with the way things were going. I told her he was still having problems so she asked a lot of questions. She finally asked what I wanted to do, if I wanted to change the Lactulose or what. I answered that what I wanted to do was to stop having to make all the medical decisions myself as I'm just a mum and have never dealt with this before. I told her I didn't have the medical background to know if the Lactulose is setting off the reflux, or if the reflux is worse, etc. I was simply exasperated at that point. She agreed and said it was disappointing to know he wasn't well as we're doing everything we've been told. Duh! We DO want him better and we are doing everything they've suggested! At that point, she suggested it might be best if we'd see the pediatrician and decided to call to make us an appointment. I had to hold back from crying out from relief while I was still on the phone. You bet I squealed when I hung up though! We go tomorrow :happydance: I'm REALLY hoping the pediatrician will be more proactive. I might have a massive breakdown if we get shrugged off tomorrow!

The weekend was alright... We were out a lot so the stroller and car seat time are always quiet. That sure helps a lot. I still don't understand why it helps THAT much though. :shrug: I took him off Lactulose on Saturday but by Sunday evening I had to put him back on as he went right back to being quite constipated. He had nasty bunny poop this morning, the poop kept rolling away while I tried to roll his diaper one-handed :haha: He IS spitting up a tiny bit after every feed though, something he was no longer doing so I still think his reflux might be more present than I really realize. He's not always as upset about it though. :shrug: On the other hand, I am wondering about Sandifer's... I'm having a difficult time seeing what Sand's really looks like though. The youtube videos show a lot of flailing about, nothing which I immediately think is unusual. Nathan looks exactly the same.

Does any have any experience with Sandifer's? :shrug:

Big hugs to everyone! :hugs:
Oh my word, I'm so confused by my lil man.

Reflux appears ok. But the last week he's taken less and less at feeds, still occasionally sick. And appears in discomfort for 3/4 hours before he has a poo, although he is not constipated anymore. Wondering if its still down to changing his milk a week ago from mreflux to aptamil 1st but I think he was similar before then apart from he was eating more. His last bottle was 11pm last night, drank 5oz, woke up 3 times in the night, appeared to have tummy ache again and refused bottle. Just tried to give him his morning bottle and he would only have 2oz before spitting bottle out then being sick. Guess it could be reflux but I'm not used to this...he's always had a massive appetite. Wondering if this all started when he had that viral illness a couple weeks ago. H/V coming Wed but if he's no better in the next day or so I might book another Dr app...feel like they think I'm an overprotective mum though:-( he's loosing his chubby little cheeks!

Your post appeared while I was writing my rambling :haha: Perhaps just the changes in the formulas, and meds, etc. has upset his tummy and could take a few days to settle. That's one thing the home nurse warned us about (as I wanted to switch to a different formula when he got really gassy) as she didn't want us creating more confusion in his system. It should settle pretty quickly I would hope and I would try not to change anything more at the moment. I'm guessing even the Gaviscon and Zantac themselves can cause a bit of side effects so it might just be that he needs to settle again. Maybe he can be a lil constipated still? I mean, I know you say he isn't but perhaps there's a backlog there so to speak :haha: That, or perhaps he's suddenly being more cautious of feeding because his reflux symtoms had come back and will settle again once that is more under control? Either way, it'll be a good idea to see the doc if he's still the same. Overprotective is always better than underprotective :winkwink: :hugs:
Sezzo I used to give him all by day too cos he used to sleep through the nt.
He has added the 3 ish feed so I cam spread it more evenly now.
It is a little better I think but coyld bemy imagination. ;-)
Fx for great nts all round xx

I'm going to try that tonight as he was up 3 times from 2-6 crying and in discomfort. He didn't want milk when I offered it. He's also started with the gulping, followed by a gasp for air and crying so it looks like it is the reflux flaring up. Glad I started the Zantac. Not sure if Dr prescribed the right dose though, 0.7mls 3 times a day doesn't sound enough for a nearly 16lb baby, guess they like to start at the lowest dose though
Hi ladies, we are still holding off meds and I am going back and forth on this decision.. The reflux got better with colic calm, really better and he's not throwing up his feeds anymore. What he does though is being extremely gassy (and he's BF so I can't change his milk, I did eliminate diary). Also he now has diarrhea for longer than a week and it's green. Has anybody had this reaction with LO on colic calm or gripe water or similar? I am thinking it might be colic calm since it's the only thing that changed. He also wakes up now more often every 2-3 hours at night and every 1-2 hours during a day (before it was 4 hours stretches). It looks like he wakes up because he's having tummy issues but he stopped throwing up. It's my second reflux baby and at this point I am just throwing my hands in the air, I am really lost here.

Should I just go on meds and let him sleep in peace? Zantac/Prevacid are my options, the doctor is ready to write a prescription right now, says it's up to me since I've been there before. When you started on meds, did your LO have loose stools or was fine? xx
thanks so much for the replies, it feels so comforting to have such support, it does confuse me as thomas sleeps all the time (upright) like for hours, its like if ive got him upright hes comfy and sleeps like a log, but put him down and hes up every 20 minutes like today, been kinda testing him so ive given him feeds 4 hourly today, and not sat on sofa ive been putting him in the basket after sitting with him upright for 40 mins but hes been grouchy/screaming/thrusting/ all day
Hv wanted to see him before speaking to gp , told me to make a diary, and seemed very dismissive, shes treats me like an idiot, lecturing me on not giving unneccesary medication, and im like erm thats why ive put myself through all this, i dont want to give him anything until know the cause and then i can make an informed decision. so i agreed to go see her at clinic and have him weighed. but when i got there i told her i had booked gp appointment and didnt want to go through it all over again.

10 days ago he was 9lb 3 now hes 10lb 6oz,

my actual concerns over this reflux is his unnecesary weight gain - as this causes the constipation, and i dont want my baby comfort eating when i can resolve the issue. ive no issues with him being elevated, and sitting in a sling after feeds. i just want him to not be in pain and scream like he does between feeds and not eat to sooth himself

in your opinion is 1b 3oz a large weight gain for 7 week old hes gone from 9th to 25th percentile now where as the last 3 weigh ins were in the 9th, i know every child is different but am i right to be concerned about the rate of his gains?

ive booked a double appointment with a gp got a locum wonder if this is good or bad and bless my hubby he's coming too, im taking the print outs ive read and going there with an attitude of this is what i think it is, rather than give them the symptoms and wait for a diagnosis. i also spoke to the sleep lady and she said that his behaviour was that of a baby with silent reflux.
thanks so much for the replies, it feels so comforting to have such support, it does confuse me as thomas sleeps all the time (upright) like for hours, its like if ive got him upright hes comfy and sleeps like a log, but put him down and hes up every 20 minutes like today, been kinda testing him so ive given him feeds 4 hourly today, and not sat on sofa ive been putting him in the basket after sitting with him upright for 40 mins but hes been grouchy/screaming/thrusting/ all day
Hv wanted to see him before speaking to gp , told me to make a diary, and seemed very dismissive, shes treats me like an idiot, lecturing me on not giving unneccesary medication, and im like erm thats why ive put myself through all this, i dont want to give him anything until know the cause and then i can make an informed decision. so i agreed to go see her at clinic and have him weighed. but when i got there i told her i had booked gp appointment and didnt want to go through it all over again.

10 days ago he was 9lb 3 now hes 10lb 6oz,

my actual concerns over this reflux is his unnecesary weight gain - as this causes the constipation, and i dont want my baby comfort eating when i can resolve the issue. ive no issues with him being elevated, and sitting in a sling after feeds. i just want him to not be in pain and scream like he does between feeds and not eat to sooth himself

in your opinion is 1b 3oz a large weight gain for 7 week old hes gone from 9th to 25th percentile now where as the last 3 weigh ins were in the 9th, i know every child is different but am i right to be concerned about the rate of his gains?

ive booked a double appointment with a gp got a locum wonder if this is good or bad and bless my hubby he's coming too, im taking the print outs ive read and going there with an attitude of this is what i think it is, rather than give them the symptoms and wait for a diagnosis. i also spoke to the sleep lady and she said that his behaviour was that of a baby with silent reflux.

no, his weight gain is absolutely fine. My son is breastfeed and you can't overfeed breastfed baby. He was born at 5.14 three days earlier than your LO. He's now 11.4 as of today. The fastest weight gain happens 0-6 months so it's all good hun x
:-( how can it escalate so quickly. Awful day and so far an even worse night and it's only 11pm. Feel so bad for him, my poor lil man. Sending hugs to all the reflux mummies and babies. Sorry I haven't been able to reply to many messages, I've hardly got anything done today, every nap has been on me lol xx
Hi ladies, we are still holding off meds and I am going back and forth on this decision.. The reflux got better with colic calm, really better and he's not throwing up his feeds anymore. What he does though is being extremely gassy (and he's BF so I can't change his milk, I did eliminate diary). Also he now has diarrhea for longer than a week and it's green. Has anybody had this reaction with LO on colic calm or gripe water or similar? I am thinking it might be colic calm since it's the only thing that changed. He also wakes up now more often every 2-3 hours at night and every 1-2 hours during a day (before it was 4 hours stretches). It looks like he wakes up because he's having tummy issues but he stopped throwing up. It's my second reflux baby and at this point I am just throwing my hands in the air, I am really lost here.

Should I just go on meds and let him sleep in peace? Zantac/Prevacid are my options, the doctor is ready to write a prescription right now, says it's up to me since I've been there before. When you started on meds, did your LO have loose stools or was fine? xx

Hmmm that does sound a little tough. What I am a little confused about is the fact that his reflux is better with the colic calm but he is extremely gassy? Was the colic calm not supposed to help with the gas or am I misunderstanding? Oh nevermind, just read up on it (not familiar with the product myself) Does he have any other signs of the reflux like hiccups, gasping, swallowing, etc.? Could he have gotten more gassy because you ate something? I think I'd wait a little bit longer to see how it goes since you were hoping to avoid the meds but if he's showing signs of reflux, personally, I'm all for whatever brings them comfort as soon as possible. :flower:

thanks so much for the replies, it feels so comforting to have such support, it does confuse me as thomas sleeps all the time (upright) like for hours, its like if ive got him upright hes comfy and sleeps like a log, but put him down and hes up every 20 minutes like today, been kinda testing him so ive given him feeds 4 hourly today, and not sat on sofa ive been putting him in the basket after sitting with him upright for 40 mins but hes been grouchy/screaming/thrusting/ all day
Hv wanted to see him before speaking to gp , told me to make a diary, and seemed very dismissive, shes treats me like an idiot, lecturing me on not giving unneccesary medication, and im like erm thats why ive put myself through all this, i dont want to give him anything until know the cause and then i can make an informed decision. so i agreed to go see her at clinic and have him weighed. but when i got there i told her i had booked gp appointment and didnt want to go through it all over again.

10 days ago he was 9lb 3 now hes 10lb 6oz,

my actual concerns over this reflux is his unnecesary weight gain - as this causes the constipation, and i dont want my baby comfort eating when i can resolve the issue. ive no issues with him being elevated, and sitting in a sling after feeds. i just want him to not be in pain and scream like he does between feeds and not eat to sooth himself

in your opinion is 1b 3oz a large weight gain for 7 week old hes gone from 9th to 25th percentile now where as the last 3 weigh ins were in the 9th, i know every child is different but am i right to be concerned about the rate of his gains?

ive booked a double appointment with a gp got a locum wonder if this is good or bad and bless my hubby he's coming too, im taking the print outs ive read and going there with an attitude of this is what i think it is, rather than give them the symptoms and wait for a diagnosis. i also spoke to the sleep lady and she said that his behaviour was that of a baby with silent reflux.

:hugs: Vegaz.

It's a good idea to write everything you are doing down and take it along when you see the doctor. Again, if you can film things as well, that is sure to help. For example, catching him burping/refluxing/gulping and making a sad face and then start to cry and scream is an excellent thing to show the doctor as that's pretty much a sure sign of silent reflux. Simple things like the kind of bottle you are using, how much you are feeding how many times (plus how much he leaves), how long after feeding he starts having issues, what signs come first, etc. are all things that will help. No matter the cause and what is causing what, it's clear your LO is in discomfort so something has to give for both your sakes.

As for overfeeding, don't worry about the weight itself. However, overfeeding can definitely cause more problems such as gas, constipation, and vomiting so it is something you don't want to do. If he has acid reflux, it's more than likely that it will make that worse as well so it's really not something you want to do. For now, until you can know for sure what is wrong, I would stick to what they tell you for the feeding, or at least close to that. If anything, you can at least show that you aren't overfeeding so that isn't the cause. My kiddo would eat 24/7 if I let him when his reflux is acting up so feeding on demand just doesn't work for us because I cannot tell then what is actual hunger and what isn't. By leaving 3hrs between, it helps his tummy settle before his next feed as well so it just works better. However, there are specific moments in his day when he does whine for more and won't settle until he gets it so then I give him a little bit more.

I really hope your appointment will go well. When is it?

:-( how can it escalate so quickly. Awful day and so far an even worse night and it's only 11pm. Feel so bad for him, my poor lil man. Sending hugs to all the reflux mummies and babies. Sorry I haven't been able to reply to many messages, I've hardly got anything done today, every nap has been on me lol xx

:hugs: Awww Sezz, so sorry to hear. Bad days are horrible. :cry: Don't worry about us, you have your hands full! Here's hoping your lil one settles soon so you can both be happier and well-rested. :hugs:


As for us, we are now off the Lactulose and starting Forlax tomorrow morning. We will see the pediatrician again in 2 weeks to see how it is going. At least there is actual follow-up planned this time. I am hopeful that getting his bowel movements sorted will greatly improve his reflux. One can hope at least, right? :haha: He was gassy and crying so I put him on my lap to pat his bottom and he dozed off. Been sleeping for 2.5hrs now. He starts to cry a bit here and there and makes sad faces but at least he's not screaming. Half the day gone and no screaming since 8am yet so I'd say he's having a good day. Now, let's just hope this Forlax thing does the trick!

Hi ladies, sorry to see your all having a rough time, i hope today has been better for you all

I have a baby who wont be put down, so i hardly ate and the house was a mess lol, Lily has been spitting up and vomiting a lot again, she wiggles around while im feeding her and winding her, she even cries in her buggy when she would normally sleep, i think its time to nag the doctors again

Today has been great tho as my husband is home for a week and he has gave me a day off, i had a nice long soak in the bath yay

o yeah and she has teething symptoms but it doesnt seem to bother her
Xxx to all
Hope things improve soon x
Nothing new here.
Back to medium reflux again with straining to poo.
Slighty bwtter anyway ;-)
Hi ladies, sorry to see your all having a rough time, i hope today has been better for you all

I have a baby who wont be put down, so i hardly ate and the house was a mess lol, Lily has been spitting up and vomiting a lot again, she wiggles around while im feeding her and winding her, she even cries in her buggy when she would normally sleep, i think its time to nag the doctors again

Today has been great tho as my husband is home for a week and he has gave me a day off, i had a nice long soak in the bath yay

o yeah and she has teething symptoms but it doesnt seem to bother her

Been a rough evening yesterday and a rough morning here. Poor lil tyke is just so constipated so he's been wanting to be comforted a lot as well so I had him on me all day. Haha, yep hard to eat and getting anything done those times! :haha: I grab pre-made salads for lunch these days as I really don't have time to fuss with prepping lunch. Aluminum foil has become my best friend at dinner time (and now a glass of wine as well :haha:) as he seems to have a 6th sense about the precise moment I am about to sit to eat. :dohh: How awesome that your hubby is home now to help for a bit! A soak in the tub sounds marvelous. I am due for one now that I got the all clear from the post c-section appointment. Sitting in the dark with candles, soaking in the bubbles, some Michael Buble, a glass of wine... *Drifts off to fantasy land* Okay, who am I kidding? :haha: I hope all will go well at the doc's so that your lil one can feel better soon! :flower: Have a great week with your hubby as well! :hugs:

Xxx to all
Hope things improve soon x
Nothing new here.
Back to medium reflux again with straining to poo.
Slighty bwtter anyway ;-)

LilesMom :hugs: Ah yes, the straining to poo... Wonderful ain't it? Wishing your kiddo a nice poo-filled day! :haha: I hope today is better there :flower:
Just found this thread and after some advice... My LO was diagnosed with silent reflux around 6 weeks of age, after having symptoms since 2 weeks. She was started on gaviscon which helped a great deal with day feeds but still struggled at night. She then started ranitidine nearly 4 weeks ago which took a week to work but pretty much got rid of all her symptoms and she was like a different baby!

She is now 3 months old and the last week she has started getting fussy again, back arching, coughing, sneezing and hiccuping constantly. Then since 2 days ago she has started the inconsolable screaming with feeds again. Not all of them but more than half of them.

Took her back to GP today asking for meds to be increased as she has gained a lot of weight since starting them. They said to double the gaviscon dose but werent keen to increase the ranitidine because they said once you start increasing it the chances are it just isnt going to work for her much longer.
They have said to give the increased gaviscon dose 2 days to work and if no better by friday to go back and she will be put on omeprazole.

I am a bit reluctant to do this unless things get worse because it gets rid of all the acid in her stomach so I'm guessing she would be more susceptable to infections... And not sure if/how it might effect weaning with digesting foods??

Anyone got any experience being on omeprazole? Did it make your baby get sick more often? Just got to weigh up whether it is better to have it and be at higher risk of getting ill or to have it and have less pain when feeding...

I am asking now because I cant see the gaviscon helping that much. She has always continued to reflux on it, just not as much...

Thanks for any advice!! xx
I know they always wake up when u want to eat lol

i hated waiting 8 weeks for my check up as i was craving a nice long soak in the bath, i still get pain occasionally, they said it takes 6-7 months to get back to normal after a c section, im hoping i can have a normal delivery next time, i hope things start to get easier for you x
Just found this thread and after some advice... My LO was diagnosed with silent reflux around 6 weeks of age, after having symptoms since 2 weeks. She was started on gaviscon which helped a great deal with day feeds but still struggled at night. She then started ranitidine nearly 4 weeks ago which took a week to work but pretty much got rid of all her symptoms and she was like a different baby!

She is now 3 months old and the last week she has started getting fussy again, back arching, coughing, sneezing and hiccuping constantly. Then since 2 days ago she has started the inconsolable screaming with feeds again. Not all of them but more than half of them.

Took her back to GP today asking for meds to be increased as she has gained a lot of weight since starting them. They said to double the gaviscon dose but werent keen to increase the ranitidine because they said once you start increasing it the chances are it just isnt going to work for her much longer.
They have said to give the increased gaviscon dose 2 days to work and if no better by friday to go back and she will be put on omeprazole.

I am a bit reluctant to do this unless things get worse because it gets rid of all the acid in her stomach so I'm guessing she would be more susceptable to infections... And not sure if/how it might effect weaning with digesting foods??

Anyone got any experience being on omeprazole? Did it make your baby get sick more often? Just got to weigh up whether it is better to have it and be at higher risk of getting ill or to have it and have less pain when feeding...

I am asking now because I cant see the gaviscon helping that much. She has always continued to reflux on it, just not as much...

Thanks for any advice!! xx

Im sorry i have no advice on this as im not using anything for it as gaviscon didnt make a difference

are you feeding yourself or formula?
Am breast feeding her and she's having a bottle of my expressed milk in the evening which my OH gives her. Xxx
Just found this thread and after some advice... My LO was diagnosed with silent reflux around 6 weeks of age, after having symptoms since 2 weeks. She was started on gaviscon which helped a great deal with day feeds but still struggled at night. She then started ranitidine nearly 4 weeks ago which took a week to work but pretty much got rid of all her symptoms and she was like a different baby!

She is now 3 months old and the last week she has started getting fussy again, back arching, coughing, sneezing and hiccuping constantly. Then since 2 days ago she has started the inconsolable screaming with feeds again. Not all of them but more than half of them.

Took her back to GP today asking for meds to be increased as she has gained a lot of weight since starting them. They said to double the gaviscon dose but werent keen to increase the ranitidine because they said once you start increasing it the chances are it just isnt going to work for her much longer.
They have said to give the increased gaviscon dose 2 days to work and if no better by friday to go back and she will be put on omeprazole.

I am a bit reluctant to do this unless things get worse because it gets rid of all the acid in her stomach so I'm guessing she would be more susceptable to infections... And not sure if/how it might effect weaning with digesting foods??

Anyone got any experience being on omeprazole? Did it make your baby get sick more often? Just got to weigh up whether it is better to have it and be at higher risk of getting ill or to have it and have less pain when feeding...

I am asking now because I cant see the gaviscon helping that much. She has always continued to reflux on it, just not as much...

Thanks for any advice!! xx

Our Dr prescribed omeprazole liquid once the gaviscon stopped working. He was on it for 2 weeks and this is the only time he switched to waking up only once a night for a feed at 3am, even slept through a couple of times. He didn't seem to have any side effects but he absolutely hated the taste, it was horrendous trying to get him to take it. When we went back for a review 2 weeks later the Dr realised the price of it and switched to ranitidine. Things aren't as good for lo at the minute....back to 2 night feeds, grunting, groaning and thrashing about with 3 or 4 night wakes in discomfort. We need to give the ranitidine longer to work yet though x

Ps. My lo is nearly 16 weeks. I'm not sure of the long term effects of omeprazole. There is another form of it which is dissolved in water which is cheaper than the liquid form.
kwills: sorry to hear you're back to square 1, it's super frustrating :(
I tried Zantac with Isabella (it's your ranitidine) and a month later we had the same problem. Your doctor is right actually, there is not much use in increasing the dosage, it'll stop working right away. We've tried that before. We switched to Prevacid (I am not sure what's the UK title of this). DD was on prevacid for a month or so and then I decreased her dosage and took her off at about 4 months and she was ok. also at that point i started to combi feed and switched to soy based formula at six months.

Kamw -- ugh. i must have jinxed you with my 6-8 wks adjusted age question :( fingers crossed it's just a bad day xx

I took Greyson off colic calm to see if his diarhea goes away, it did yesterday but he's now miserable again, crying after each feed and i can't settle him. I've been up pretty much since 2:30 am with 30 minutes cat naps. shoot me now...
Lanaross, I won't shoot ya but I'll send many hugs your way. :hugs:

Kwills, sorry I cannot advise you as I have no experience with any meds yet. :flower:

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