~*Mamas of Reflux Babies*~

sezzalou, my lo is the same as yours, he now has really runny stools, took him to docs and they said it was possibly a side effect of the ranitadine, hes been doing more wet nappies today and eating much better so i will keep my eye on it
i also want the allergy ruled out now rather than later, when i have my appointment on 31st im going to talk about trialing a different milk (bf babies do the the dairy cut out first why is it that ff babies have to go through drug trials first)

on the other note my RES-Q wedge came yesterday the sling is a bit too big for him at the moment so just using it for daytime naps and seeing how he likes it, and today the tummy with mummy came and he seems to like that.

ps im shattered

It frustrates me too that they don't rule out allergies first. Me and my mum couldn't tolerate milk as babies and we both have numerous other allergies and eczema so I'd have thought they would at least consider it. I was surprised that they would prescribe medication for a baby before trying such a simple thing like hypoallergenic formula. Guess it all comes down to money!

Think I'll wait until he's been on the ranitidine for 2 weeks before changing the formula so I have a good idea about what is working.

Do you find passing wind has hot worse since starting ranitidine? Aiden is now straining and crying just passing wind...they are very noisy trumps now lol.....and it's during every feed, poor lil man. It's made him struggle drinking his bottles today. I wonder if I need to burp him for longer? I do it for 5 minutes over the shoulder or until I get a couple of really good burps. It's really only night time I struggle to get burps out of him.
sezzalou, my lo is the same as yours, he now has really runny stools, took him to docs and they said it was possibly a side effect of the ranitadine, hes been doing more wet nappies today and eating much better so i will keep my eye on it
i also want the allergy ruled out now rather than later, when i have my appointment on 31st im going to talk about trialing a different milk (bf babies do the the dairy cut out first why is it that ff babies have to go through drug trials first)

on the other note my RES-Q wedge came yesterday the sling is a bit too big for him at the moment so just using it for daytime naps and seeing how he likes it, and today the tummy with mummy came and he seems to like that.

ps im shattered

It frustrates me too that they don't rule out allergies first. Me and my mum couldn't tolerate milk as babies and we both have numerous other allergies and eczema so I'd have thought they would at least consider it. I was surprised that they would prescribe medication for a baby before trying such a simple thing like hypoallergenic formula. Guess it all comes down to money!

Think I'll wait until he's been on the ranitidine for 2 weeks before changing the formula so I have a good idea about what is working.

Do you find passing wind has hot worse since starting ranitidine? Aiden is now straining and crying just passing wind...they are very noisy trumps now lol.....and it's during every feed, poor lil man. It's made him struggle drinking his bottles today. I wonder if I need to burp him for longer? I do it for 5 minutes over the shoulder or until I get a couple of really good burps. It's really only night time I struggle to get burps out of him.

since weve been on it, he was buckled over a lot and we have the hour after feed crying/screaming montage, which usually results in a burp then lots of trumps, i did try infacol but as a pp said after two days made the reflux worse and he was so bad yesterday and i took him off it and now hes nicer again, he has had a little rash on his tummy for ages and his eyelids go red everytime i feed, so it would make sense to check those, but what do i know im only a mum, does anyone elses baby have red eyelids during a feed?
sezzalou, my lo is the same as yours, he now has really runny stools, took him to docs and they said it was possibly a side effect of the ranitadine, hes been doing more wet nappies today and eating much better so i will keep my eye on it
i also want the allergy ruled out now rather than later, when i have my appointment on 31st im going to talk about trialing a different milk (bf babies do the the dairy cut out first why is it that ff babies have to go through drug trials first)

on the other note my RES-Q wedge came yesterday the sling is a bit too big for him at the moment so just using it for daytime naps and seeing how he likes it, and today the tummy with mummy came and he seems to like that.

ps im shattered

It frustrates me too that they don't rule out allergies first. Me and my mum couldn't tolerate milk as babies and we both have numerous other allergies and eczema so I'd have thought they would at least consider it. I was surprised that they would prescribe medication for a baby before trying such a simple thing like hypoallergenic formula. Guess it all comes down to money!

Think I'll wait until he's been on the ranitidine for 2 weeks before changing the formula so I have a good idea about what is working.

Do you find passing wind has hot worse since starting ranitidine? Aiden is now straining and crying just passing wind...they are very noisy trumps now lol.....and it's during every feed, poor lil man. It's made him struggle drinking his bottles today. I wonder if I need to burp him for longer? I do it for 5 minutes over the shoulder or until I get a couple of really good burps. It's really only night time I struggle to get burps out of him.

since weve been on it, he was buckled over a lot and we have the hour after feed crying/screaming montage, which usually results in a burp then lots of trumps, i did try infacol but as a pp said after two days made the reflux worse and he was so bad yesterday and i took him off it and now hes nicer again, he has had a little rash on his tummy for ages and his eyelids go red everytime i feed, so it would make sense to check those, but what do i know im only a mum, does anyone elses baby have red eyelids during a feed?

Aiden gets puffy watery eyes during some feeds. It's not every time though. His breathing is also sounding rattlely when he's going to sleep lately. The only rash he has is around his bum hole, lol, it's like a red little target rash. I'd be thinking allergy also if the rash was on the tummy. X
Hi Ladies,

How are you all doing today?

Been rather confused here myself. We had an amazing few days, despite having experienced an apoocalypse once the laxative kicked in. I mean, when you have to shower your kid BEFORE taking his clothes off... :haha: Nathan was sleeping ALL night from the weekend up until yesterday. He was waking at 6-7am if we put him to bed at 9-10pm. (He would be sleeping a bit before that but we changed him, put him in PJs, and fed him at 9-10pm) Last night, he woke at 4am again. That's fine but was just sad that he had such a difficult time settling again after that. I have migraines bad lately so I am finding myself more and more unable to deal.

He's been fussing a lot in the day again, but I think it's mainly because he hadn't pooped since Sunday's apoocalypse. Yesterday, I made the mistake of going against my instincts and mixing the laxative in water only. This made him reflux so bad afterwards. :cry: I simply can't get the movicol/Forlax thing working for him to be pooping regularly. I have no idea how to modify the dose anymore... :wacko: It's all just driving me insane to be honest. I'm tired of having to be the one figuring out the doses, the causes, etc. What are the doctors doing? :nope: *Sigh*

Now, this might sound absolutely corny so don't be afraid to say so but... I was thinking... Since we get so caught up in the screaming and the struggles with the reflux and everything that comes with it, it might be a nice idea to post fun/cute/happy pics/videos of our lil ones here when we want so that we can focus on those moments. Perhaps, it would help us out when we get stuck in a bit of a funk to have something 'more in our face' to work towards achieving once again.

I know many people come for advice on the more medical side of things so I wouldn't want to take away from that either so let me know what you girls think?

Hi Ladies,

How are you all doing today?

Been rather confused here myself. We had an amazing few days, despite having experienced an apoocalypse once the laxative kicked in. I mean, when you have to shower your kid BEFORE taking his clothes off... :haha: Nathan was sleeping ALL night from the weekend up until yesterday. He was waking at 6-7am if we put him to bed at 9-10pm. (He would be sleeping a bit before that but we changed him, put him in PJs, and fed him at 9-10pm) Last night, he woke at 4am again. That's fine but was just sad that he had such a difficult time settling again after that. I have migraines bad lately so I am finding myself more and more unable to deal.

He's been fussing a lot in the day again, but I think it's mainly because he hadn't pooped since Sunday's apoocalypse. Yesterday, I made the mistake of going against my instincts and mixing the laxative in water only. This made him reflux so bad afterwards. :cry: I simply can't get the movicol/Forlax thing working for him to be pooping regularly. I have no idea how to modify the dose anymore... :wacko: It's all just driving me insane to be honest. I'm tired of having to be the one figuring out the doses, the causes, etc. What are the doctors doing? :nope: *Sigh*

Now, this might sound absolutely corny so don't be afraid to say so but... I was thinking... Since we get so caught up in the screaming and the struggles with the reflux and everything that comes with it, it might be a nice idea to post fun/cute/happy pics/videos of our lil ones here when we want so that we can focus on those moments. Perhaps, it would help us out when we get stuck in a bit of a funk to have something 'more in our face' to work towards achieving once again.

I know many people come for advice on the more medical side of things so I wouldn't want to take away from that either so let me know what you girls think?


Hi Nela,

That's great you got a couple of nights sleeping through. I know how frustrating it is though when it doesn't last. You suddenly realise they are capable of sleeping through so it's more disheartening when they resort back to night feeds lol.

That pic/video idea is fab. I'll have to look into how to attach pics/vids coz I have a great one.....yesterday afternoon was terrible, Aiden screamed for what felt like hours, fought his nap and was at the kicking and scratching stage. I propped him sat up on the sofa while I was having a glass of water, he watched me drink the water and started to do the most amazing full on giggling! His first ever laugh and I managed to catch the last few seconds on video :-) it so made up for the awful afternoon we had.
Hi Nela,

That's great you got a couple of nights sleeping through. I know how frustrating it is though when it doesn't last. You suddenly realise they are capable of sleeping through so it's more disheartening when they resort back to night feeds lol.

That pic/video idea is fab. I'll have to look into how to attach pics/vids coz I have a great one.....yesterday afternoon was terrible, Aiden screamed for what felt like hours, fought his nap and was at the kicking and scratching stage. I propped him sat up on the sofa while I was having a glass of water, he watched me drink the water and started to do the most amazing full on giggling! His first ever laugh and I managed to catch the last few seconds on video :-) it so made up for the awful afternoon we had.

That's exactly it, not just about the sleep... I just started sobbing yesterday because we had had such a wonderful few days and it showed us what it COULD be like, only to have that torn from us yet again and I just bawled my eyes out. Poor kiddo had such a miserable day yesterday. :cry: However, he's now becoming clingy and very much wanting mommy. It's a tad annoying cause I cannot get anything done at all, but also heartwarming to see that he really is getting that connection with me so, I just curl up on the couch with him and hold him tight while he dozes off when he's not screaming and kicking, etc. Lol.

I made the decision to go against medical advice and try the comfort milk. I just cannot understand why the poor kid is so gassy. Might be a long shot but I am hoping perhaps the partially digested protein will make a significant enough difference. I will try it on its own first and see how he does. If he refluxes much, I'll try adding just a bit of carobel (I know the other is thickened so will add just a bit, maybe that would make it stay down better if he refluxes) and see if it helps. At this point, he's already constipated so badly that I don't think it could be much worse. Having a horrible time with the damn movicol so if I could get him off that, that would help. My thought is, perhaps his reflux isn't as bad on its own if he's not this gassy and perhaps by finding a way to treat the gas, we might treat the reflux. Maybe the protein will help. I have no idea, but what do we have to lose? :shrug:

Awww the kicking, scratching, biting (luckily Nathan has no teeth yet!) is horrible ain't it? :nope: How awesome that you caught the giggling on video!!! Ah man, giggles are something special. I so cannot wait to hear our boy. I really hope I can catch it for his daddy, or better yet, would be awesome if he did it on the weekend. I was going to ask how things were going but I guess the screaming answers my question... :nope: Any improvement at all?

As for the videos and pictures, I put my videos up on youtube and my pictures up on photobucket. You can make them private/unlisted so that only people with the direct URL can see them. With the photos, I just copy/paste the IMG code directly into the post as that's the easiest. :flower:
Hey all thought id introduce myself ill eventualy read all the posts

Currently sat here with a squirmy baby trying to keep the dummy in his mouth.

He has silent reflux with the ocasional spit up

Seve just starte on ranatidine and im really hoping it will help, when did you see improvement if you used this?

He is also on neutramagin lipil

We have a peadiatric Referal but have to wait a couple weekz to find out when.

I think maybe he needs an even more broken down formula

With rANATIDINE do things get worse before better??
*Waves to LadyBrock* Will let the others with the Ranitidine experience answer those questions. :flower:

Oh found this about medication in case anyone is interested... It explains what the medications do: https://www.cryingoverspiltmilk.co.nz/medicaltreatment/medication-quickoverview/


I'm not sure what to make of this comfort milk so far. He's now on his 3rd feeding with it. He has spit up and sneezed but not cried once. :shrug: I was cringing, convinced I had set him up for a massive reflux fit but nothing so far. I don't like that he is spitting it up so I decided to thicken it with one spoon of carobel to see if it helps any.

I am really confused though. The comfort milk is supposed to help with constipation as it is partially hydrolyzed. However, it is thicker formula so they generally say not to thicken it since it's already thick. I'm a little confused because I thought thick would mean constipation, like we are experiencing with the carobel. So, if he's really constipated with the carobel, but he digests the comfort, is it really bad to thicken the comfort milk? :shrug: I'm just wondering if kiddo doesn't have some GI issues as a whole and if helping him digest the formula better in the first place wouldn't massively help his reflux. Like, for example, right now, he exploded again. He pooped, I changed him, he smiled loads, and then drifted off to sleep. He passed gas, poop, and drank and not once cried so far. Normally, after having spit up, he would have been screaming. I guess I'll just have to keep going to see. Maybe he's just having some odd good day for some strange reason. :shrug:

Kinda playing chicken and the egg here... :haha:
Comfort milk made my los poop explosive but then i think he has an intolerance to milk any way

Im not sure your meant to thicken it any more than it is
If hes not crying thats a good sign, could he have overfed
:dohh: Finally found out that the milk I am using is Aptamil (well now trying Aptamil Comfort). It's just under a different name here, but it's the same thing.

I am seeing a massive difference at the moment so I will keep the carob in at the moment just for my own peace of mind and reduce it slowly just to make sure he doesn't choke. I am now almost 100% certain that the carob, as wonderful as it is in the sense that it made the milk thicker and more difficult to bring up, actually is making things worse by making him so gassy and constipated. It's been bugging me forever that he's been so dang gassy because we've taken all the necessary steps to prevent that, even feeding him in front of the specialists to make sure everything we were doing was correct. I thought maybe he had some sort of intolerance (though maybe the protein breakup in this milk helps as well) but he didn't have the diarrhea, rashes, etc. and since we had seen improvement with the carob, they were pretty convinced it wasn't that. If the aptamil comfort on its own can help, that'd be wonderful. He wasn't overfed though as I had given him only a little bit because I was terrified he might choke on it if it wasn't thick enough to stay down properly. I still don't know that it will work well if he is spitting it up... Maybe the Aptamil Comfort with just a bit of carob will be less constipating than the full carob on its own. I can hope right? :haha: We see the pediatrician on Monday so I will definitely discuss all this with her.
My DD has silent reflux - it's so hard to see her in so much discomfort x

I'm only at the beginning of a journey to find things to help her. GP useless so far trying to fob it off as colic. Gaviscon not working. Going to go back and see what else can try. How many of you have your lo's on special formula?
My lo has been on comfort since four weeks old and he stinks, he had a tummy at one point that was rock hard and now after osteo it seems to have cleared it up. I tried gaviscon but took him off it in two days why am I giving a baby who has a history of bloated tum and constipation, a drug with a side effect of bloated tum and constipation, and the poop that came out was heartbreaking.

The ranitadine kicked in after three days

He's been better in the day , kicked off at seven but he's eaten and had bath and massage and now were in bed him snoozing away

I swear if I could find the thing that makes him better, I'd do that thing I haven't done in ages that my husband goes on about all the time

Can't believe I'm wide awake and lo is fast asleep. I'll update you all when I get up....but :-) :-) :-) xx
Ooo good nes hope ur lo feels better

Mine seems to be :) day three of ranantidine, not perfect but no screaming or arching back!!

Still very gassy after feeding and takes a while to settle to sleep but an improvement on 3 days ago where he was struggling n sauirming during n after
Argh spoke a little to soon, bit squirmy after doing a wet burp but still An improvement. Why is one feed different from the next?
Dont u just love it when they poo during a feed as well ?
Lol, well part good, part not do good for us.

He's been on aptamil pepti 1 for 48 hours. His chronic cough and congestion are improving and he's passing wind a lot less. Usually he goes to bed at 7pm and wakes for 2 night feeds and numerous times just grunting and squirming. Last night he went to bed at 7pm, didn't make a single noise or grunt until 1:45am, had a 7oz bottle and went straight back to sleep. Slept peacefully with no grunting and squirming but then woke at 5.15am but didn't want a feed and wouldn't go back in his cot. This is my main issue lately. I can cope with thf night feeds but I can't stand my day starting at 5.15/5.30 every morning. And once he's awake he won't resettle in his cot at all during the day, will only sleep on me and I have to be say upright with him or he wakes up so I can't relax or sleep while I'm holding him. It's so draining. It's strange, he insists on staying awake for an hour early morning then will go back to sleep for 2 hours. Just wish he would settle on his cot or even in my bed but no :-(
He's not had a poo either since he started the new milk, water hasn't helped.
I think thats a notmal time tbh my lo does that too most nights
How old is he?

I dreAm of the day jadon doesnt grunt n squirm at night when i put him down

Im hoping the peadeatrician will suggest a better milk, i know this nuetramagin lipil has traces of cows milk in it and im sure hes pi king that up
I think thats a notmal time tbh my lo does that too most nights
How old is he?

I dreAm of the day jadon doesnt grunt n squirm at night when i put him down

Im hoping the peadeatrician will suggest a better milk, i know this nuetramagin lipil has traces of cows milk in it and im sure hes pi king that up

I did wonder if that's just his natural wake up time. It's just makes the days soooo long! lol. He's 4 months old.

Also, I'm just seeing the pattern but for the last couple of weeks he's had a full 7oz night feed around midnight. Then at the next night feed he's only wanted an ounce but then he won't want any milk until near lunch time. He's been
the same today but his last feed was 1:45am and he's just not interested even now. He doesn't get distressed, just plays with the bottle. I could see if he will drink less during the 1st night feed but i don't think he'd be impressed lol
Mine is in Moses basket in cot until I can sort out the elevating cot with out him rolling down it, he still hates the resq wedge grrrrr, so in the night mid feeds I get shuffling grunting then eventually whimpering to crying, I pick him up wind him then he ends up in bed with me on my chest , then I realise what's happened and put him back this will repeat in second half of night. I dunno if feeding him would help at the moment he has 4 oz at 8pm then wind sit upright half hour etc, bed at 9 wakes between 12-2 for feed then wakes at 5 this is where he seems to. Get out the cot and jump into my arms ( :) ) if i fed him as per his 3 hr routine would that stop the snuggles?

Why when he is on his tummy does he sleep so well, I'm too scared to do it though

Also he is now being sick on the ranitadine anyone else had that

He also screams 7 pm every night, is this weird to you?

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