~*Mamas of Reflux Babies*~

kwills55 - When i was feeding lily myself they said about changing my diet as some things make the reflux worse. look it up or call ur hv and get some advice about it, its worth a try

lanaross - poor you, sending lots of hugs and a big glass of wine if you drink lol x

We have a teething baby for sure, she is screaming the house down, we have just got her something for it and she has fallen asleep, yeah i think her reflux did hit a bad few days but it seems to not be bothering her atm, maybe her teeth are distracting her from it

How long does teething last? x
Thank you ladies for all of your comments, feedback and advice yesterday we had success.

I went back to the dr husband in tow, and said that i felt he had silent reflux, i told the doc that i didnt want him on gaviscon as he has a bad tummy anyway and constipation history so i didnt want to stress me or him out by giving him meds that would make him worse. i wanted to try carobel first but he told me to do the gaviscon for a week and if i didnt work come back, i asked him to be refered to a paediatrician but he laughed and said not for reflux

i gave thom the meds over night and he had a bloated tummy and was so irritable husband wanted me to give it time, i wasnt happy that i was giving him medication based on my diagnosis and that he hadnt even looked at him. and gone on what i had said.

I went back to the doctors the day after and asked the receptionist who i speak to when im not getting the appropriate care for my child, i was taken into a room and explained my feelings that it was crazy that my son was given medication with out looking at intolerences and me looking on the internet. i was told there was protocol and he would have to try a number of medications before they would refer him.

i came home and just thought i go private or,,, get him in the hospital at least hes in the system, so i took him to a and e and said i was worried about him having a bloated tummy from this new medication, he was fully examined by paed nurse who asked me questions at no point did i mention my suspicions, she said she thinks its reflux but also has found a heart murmer. he was then examined by registrar who confirmed the diagnosis, changed his meds to ranitadine, and im booked in for 2 weeks time for a follow up on his meds, and scan booked for his heart

im finally satisfied that the diagnoses was based on his body and behaviours and not of a tired mum trawling google. and completely trust the meds for 2 weeks until we see improvements, hes feeding less and more frequently and having a good sleep in his basket and ive sent hubby out for a swing for him and ordered a tummy with mummy
and lever arch file under his changing mat.

i cant thank you all enough for encouraging me to persue this, it has been a long 5 weeks and im finally able to understand my son better, if anyone has suspisions of silent reflux these are the things ive now realised

he uses to have amazing head control we thought he was advances - he was arching
used to eat his hand all the time - thought he had wind
legs up at his chest all the time - put it down to being breech
always wanted to sit on my chest - thought he was a clingy baby
squirmed when changed his bum - thought he hated the cold wet wipes
cried when i put him down to sleep - thought he was missing the warmth of my body
shuffled around in bed all the time - thought he hated blankets
crawled up my body - clever so and so crawling already!

this all started out with him being constipated and windy and 5 weeks of diaries, questioning, wondering and it was when i took away his dummy and started to put him down more often that the symptoms really came through.

I cant beleive it took 5 doctors and 5 weeks to get there, without you all i think that i would still be searching
vegaz - great news, at least it's a start!

kimw -- oh I totally had a glass and a half yesterday.
teething could go on for weeks, nobody is safe until they have all their teeth :) Seriously though, DD started teething at around 2 months, her first teeth came out at 9 months but we got five of them in a week and it was a nightmare I still remember as clearly as her reflux days.. Canines were the worst, these took a week to come out and were worse than molars.
Also drooling and shoving her fists in the mouth could be a sign of hunger as well. Who knows with them. I can't wait to toddler days when they actually tell you what's going on.

We had an okay night, he woke up more often but went back to sleep each time after a feed so I feel like I slept quite a bit. I gave him his colic calm at his worst time and it seemed to help, I guess we'll see today if it was just a fluke again. It completely sucks that I can't even sleep in with him when he sleeps in the morning since my DD needs to be at her pre-school at 7:45 and I have to get her ready.. Thank god that my dad is helping me right now but he's leaving next week so I will have to handle everything by myself again :(:(:(:(:(
Hi Girls,

It's taken me a couple of days to catch up with your thread.

I've also had reflux diagnosed and we've started on infant gaviscon. Are any of you EBF? I've been looking into things to cut from my diet and really the only thing I can see is dairy and I only really have milk in tea and that is it! Has anyone tried fennel tea?

He also has colic/excess gas and is on Colief for that but I'm petrified this gaviscon is going to make him even more uncomfortable.
Thanks for your suggestions everyone!
I'm already cutting out most dairy for LO but 4 weeks in I'm not sure it has made much difference... Its so hard though, dairy is in everything!
After a tough couple of days both me and OH have decided we're going back to the GP for omeprazole tomorrow.

LO will be fine for a couple of feeds in a row and I will be thinking maybe let's just leave it, but then the next feed she will struggle the whole way through and be screaming for a long time afterwards so I would change my mind. The grunting/groaning isn't TOO bad when you lie her down, but the coughing and sneezing is still much worse and I do worry about the acid burning her throat!

Also since doubling the dose of gaviscon I feel like she is missing out the equivalent of approx 2 feeds a day as she breast feeds approx 90ml per feed in the day (based on a few bottles of expressed milk she has taken in the day), but has to have 30ml gaviscon with each feed now so I'm finding that she isn't on me as long taking milk because she's had a third of a feed worth in gaviscon!!

Anyway just wanted to say thanks and will let you know how we get on with it.
The deciding factor in the end for me was OH saying: put it this way, would you rather be more likely to get a bit of a cold/upset stomach now and again, or would you rather be in pain at most feedings which is every 2 hours? Decision made.

Does anyone know how long omeprazole usually takes to work? It took about 8 days for us to see a big difference with the ranitidine. Xxx
Hi Girls,

It's taken me a couple of days to catch up with your thread.

I've also had reflux diagnosed and we've started on infant gaviscon. Are any of you EBF? I've been looking into things to cut from my diet and really the only thing I can see is dairy and I only really have milk in tea and that is it! Has anyone tried fennel tea?

He also has colic/excess gas and is on Colief for that but I'm petrified this gaviscon is going to make him even more uncomfortable.

I tried cutting out dairy and it is in so much!! Basically any bread/dough, so that includes bread, pizza, biscuits, cakes. Unfortunately chocolate, most deserts, a lot of sauces and a lot of prepared food such as ready meals. And then the obvious butter, yogurts, cheese, milk, anything with lactose on the label! Xxx
Some infants can be lactose intolerant so it will make a difference for those ones but I doubt it makes any significant difference for those that aren't really. If I am honest, I think it'd be really difficult to help much by dietary changes since you'd virtually have to eliminate anything with lactose (in case it's an intolerance) as well as anything that would encourage gas and constipation. There wouldn't be much left to eat I think! I think their systems are so fragile at this age that if you are breastfeeding, it'll probably be easier to treat the symptoms that to try and prevent it from happening, despite it being more idealistic to prevent the discomfort from happening. :nope: Anyone have a different thought, an angle I haven't looked at it from? :shrug:
I agree with Nela, it's practically impossible. I EBF as well and I did it with my DD -- there was a period when I just ate plain pasta, rice and meat. Nothing else. It did not help at all. It was just a reflux that she needed to grow out of unfortunately. As I've mentioned we treated it with Zantac (helped for a while then stopped working), then we switched to prevacid (helped much better, I took her off completely at 4 months). Coincidentally I started supplementing with formula around this time, so I really don't know what to think anymore on formula vs BF. I am trying to stick with EBF for now though.
I give the gaviscon after a BF as this is what my doctor told me to do so he is actually getting around 20ml extra EBM once he's decided he no longer needs to feed. I'm currently giving 2 sachets in 20ml EBM after every other feed (he feeds on average 6 times in 24 hours though for an hour at a time each feed). I was initially giving 1 sachet after every feed but I've found doing every other and doubling it seems slightly more effective.

I'm only cutting anything that is obviously high in lactose - milk, cheese and yogurt. If I cut everything out I'd end up eating nothing :lol: Colief is designed to break down the lactose so I'd assumed it'd cover incidental lactose in other items. I've switched my normal tea to fennel, peppermint or detox tea so hoping that also may make a difference (I drink 5-8 cups a day!)
Hi everyone do you mind if I join you?

My DD2 has reflux - mostly silent, she is 4 months now and its has been a rollercoaster. I was given a prescription of zantac at her 6 week check based on symptoms that I knew of (my DD1 had it too but it got better around 12 weeks). She had that for about 6 weeks then I found it wasn't really working so well. We had reached a low point of blood curdling screams and refusing feeds (she is EBF). So I went back to the dr about a month ago and got losec (omeprazole), tablets that need to be dissolved. She was on 5mg once a day. At the same time I cut out dairy from my diet (the main things but I didn't avoid breads or anything). I noticed an improvement, and not sure whether it was the meds or the dairy!

Anyway so since last week she has been spitting out the medication, we went away for the weekend and I had some ice cream and milky coffees. The last 4 days have been back to the screaming and starting to have trouble feeding again. Yesterday I went for her 4 month check and shots, and I got a new prescription for liquid omeprazole. So I'm hoping this will be easier to administer.

I just wondered for those of you using omperazole what dosage are you on? My new prescription is 5mg (0.5ml) twice per day but previously it was only once per day. When the doc asked me what dose she was on before, she said '5mg twice a day?' I said yes and realised later that it was once not twice. So she's made out the prescription according to what I said but I misheard her and I'm not sure whether thats too much to give it twice a day.

This morning we had such bad screaming I thought my head was about to burst. I feel so upset and frustrated, I have to remind myself that its not her fault.
Hi everyone do you mind if I join you?

My DD2 has reflux - mostly silent, she is 4 months now and its has been a rollercoaster. I was given a prescription of zantac at her 6 week check based on symptoms that I knew of (my DD1 had it too but it got better around 12 weeks). She had that for about 6 weeks then I found it wasn't really working so well. We had reached a low point of blood curdling screams and refusing feeds (she is EBF). So I went back to the dr about a month ago and got losec (omeprazole), tablets that need to be dissolved. She was on 5mg once a day. At the same time I cut out dairy from my diet (the main things but I didn't avoid breads or anything). I noticed an improvement, and not sure whether it was the meds or the dairy!

Anyway so since last week she has been spitting out the medication, we went away for the weekend and I had some ice cream and milky coffees. The last 4 days have been back to the screaming and starting to have trouble feeding again. Yesterday I went for her 4 month check and shots, and I got a new prescription for liquid omeprazole. So I'm hoping this will be easier to administer.

I just wondered for those of you using omperazole what dosage are you on? My new prescription is 5mg (0.5ml) twice per day but previously it was only once per day. When the doc asked me what dose she was on before, she said '5mg twice a day?' I said yes and realised later that it was once not twice. So she's made out the prescription according to what I said but I misheard her and I'm not sure whether thats too much to give it twice a day.

This morning we had such bad screaming I thought my head was about to burst. I feel so upset and frustrated, I have to remind myself that its not her fault.

My lo was prescribed omeprazole liquid which was changed to ranitidine once the Dr realised the price of it was £170 a bottle :-( I can't remember the exact dose but it was once a day and at least 1ml as I remember having to use a 2nl syringe. He hated the taste if it though, was very very stressful getting it down him. It did make a big difference though. Took about a week maybe less to see the benefits. I think he was about 12weeks old at the time x
Hi all,
It's the weekend! Hope that means some of you have some extra help! My hubby is off but has come down with another cold so I'm sure he won't be very hands on with lo this weekend. I'm feeling abit more alive this morning after going to bed on a Friday night at 8.30 and letting oh do the midnight feed. I didn't need to get up until 4.20am..bliss!

6 days on ranitidine now and there's a small improvement. First night feed was 12.30 last night instead of 10.30/11 and second feed was 4.30am. He's still very unsettled after his 2nd night feed though. Acts like he has really bad tummy ache and passes lots of painful wind..do you other reflux mummies have tummy troubles in your lo's? He's not constipated so it's not that xx
Thanks sezzolou, 1 ml given as 0.5 twice a day is what the new prescription said. When converted to mg it's double the dose she was on before that's why I was concerned.

Hope your OH feels better and can help you out. DD has been having greenish poos lately and she seems to have a bit of a sore tummy/ trapped wind a fair bit too. That's nice you go some extra sleep, I hope it continues. What time does your LO go to bed?
Thanks sezzolou, 1 ml given as 0.5 twice a day is what the new prescription said. When converted to mg it's double the dose she was on before that's why I was concerned.

Hope your OH feels better and can help you out. DD has been having greenish poos lately and she seems to have a bit of a sore tummy/ trapped wind a fair bit too. That's nice you go some extra sleep, I hope it continues. What time does your LO go to bed?

He has his bath at 6.30 followed by bottle and is usually asleep in his cot for 7.15pm. He used to just wake up for one night feed early hours but now wakes around midnight and 3/4am. He used to wake up at 7/7.30 but since reflux has played up its 6am. I would love to get him in bed by 6/6.30 but wonder if that's too early. What time do you get lo down? Aiden is 16 weeks xx
Absolutely AWFUL night last night. Fed constantly from 11pm-3.30am then took another 45 minutes to settle him whilst DH was constantly whinging "He is hungry. Feed him more and shut him up!" as he is on an early shift today. Then by 6am after we had been asleep about an hour an a half DH woke him up stomping around the bedroom looking for his work things! He then fed till 8 then screamed till 9 then finally slept till 12. Absolutely shattered!

On the tummy front... He had an absolutely explosive poo just before 9, proper watery - wonder if it was the fennel tea I drank yesterday!
Hi all,
It's the weekend! Hope that means some of you have some extra help! My hubby is off but has come down with another cold so I'm sure he won't be very hands on with lo this weekend. I'm feeling abit more alive this morning after going to bed on a Friday night at 8.30 and letting oh do the midnight feed. I didn't need to get up until 4.20am..bliss!

6 days on ranitidine now and there's a small improvement. First night feed was 12.30 last night instead of 10.30/11 and second feed was 4.30am. He's still very unsettled after his 2nd night feed though. Acts like he has really bad tummy ache and passes lots of painful wind..do you other reflux mummies have tummy troubles in your lo's? He's not constipated so it's not that xx

re: hubby cold. Always makes me laugh:

I have the same exact problem with the second night feed!! Come 3-4 am, he's grunting, squirming, acting like he's in pain, passing wind etc. He's EBF so not constipated as well. My theory is that they are relaxed at night more than ever, so the gas starts to come out after all eating. Could it be it? Regardless, when times are bad, I just give his colic calm at night and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Noo.. i think they go in turns.. hopefully your night will be much better today
oh and that :wine:

PS I found it curious that LO wakes up right when DH wakes up. DH of course claims he is being quiet as a mouse.. :wohoo:
can i jump in im so confused with how do deal with lo

ok hes not hugely screaming, i can generally calm him if he kicks off, he was putting on weight very quickly. i was feeding 5oz every 3-4 hours but we had the kick offs an hour after each feed and were told to feed more frequestly
so ive been giving him 3 oz bottles and trying to get him to eat less more often sometimes he will have 1 oz, sometimes 4oz sometimes 3oz, how do you tell a lo that to have a little now and ill give him more later

he sleeps all day and night ive hardly seen his eyes open today he did have jabs yesterday, im so confused he eats well, has gone from 9th to top of 25th centile in 12 days , he wakes at 2am at night, but does shuffle about a lot in his sleep, im not going to worry about it too much as he is doing lots of nappies, i wonder if he has his night and day mized up and if i had constipation, heartburn and jabs id probably want to sleep too,

how are you ff feeding? i know a lot of you are bf, i dont know what to do for the best, sometimes he will sleep for 4 hours.
can i jump in im so confused with how do deal with lo

ok hes not hugely screaming, i can generally calm him if he kicks off, he was putting on weight very quickly. i was feeding 5oz every 3-4 hours but we had the kick offs an hour after each feed and were told to feed more frequestly
so ive been giving him 3 oz bottles and trying to get him to eat less more often sometimes he will have 1 oz, sometimes 4oz sometimes 3oz, how do you tell a lo that to have a little now and ill give him more later

he sleeps all day and night ive hardly seen his eyes open today he did have jabs yesterday, im so confused he eats well, has gone from 9th to top of 25th centile in 12 days , he wakes at 2am at night, but does shuffle about a lot in his sleep, im not going to worry about it too much as he is doing lots of nappies, i wonder if he has his night and day mized up and if i had constipation, heartburn and jabs id probably want to sleep too,

how are you ff feeding? i know a lot of you are bf, i dont know what to do for the best, sometimes he will sleep for 4 hours.

My lo slept lots in the 24hours after his jabs. I just let him and fed him when ever he woke up. I don't ever wake Aiden for feeds anymore if he's napping. Some afternoons he ends up going 5 hours between feeds..he is nearly 4 months old though. I wouldn't have done that when he was tiny. Aiden has roughly 6 or 7oz of formula every 4 hours, has done since about 10 weeks old. He used to only have one night feed but now has 2 xx

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