~*Mamas of Reflux Babies*~

Hi all,
It's the weekend! Hope that means some of you have some extra help! My hubby is off but has come down with another cold so I'm sure he won't be very hands on with lo this weekend. I'm feeling abit more alive this morning after going to bed on a Friday night at 8.30 and letting oh do the midnight feed. I didn't need to get up until 4.20am..bliss!

6 days on ranitidine now and there's a small improvement. First night feed was 12.30 last night instead of 10.30/11 and second feed was 4.30am. He's still very unsettled after his 2nd night feed though. Acts like he has really bad tummy ache and passes lots of painful wind..do you other reflux mummies have tummy troubles in your lo's? He's not constipated so it's not that xx

re: hubby cold. Always makes me laugh:

I have the same exact problem with the second night feed!! Come 3-4 am, he's grunting, squirming, acting like he's in pain, passing wind etc. He's EBF so not constipated as well. My theory is that they are relaxed at night more than ever, so the gas starts to come out after all eating. Could it be it? Regardless, when times are bad, I just give his colic calm at night and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Lol at the video! Put a smile on my face. I might have to try the colic calm. Is it the same as gripe water? Do you just give it in a syringe or mix it? I've tried infacol and detinox in the past but they really aggravated his reflux. Have occasionally used gripe water mixed with his formula but I stopped that as he started being sick lots, I think he had a viral illness at the time though. X
Sezzolou - DD goes down around 6-6:30 and she feeds twice in the night. I'm pretty lucky with her sleep. She does do lots of farts towards morning and can sometimes eat a bit upset but generally I have no problem with nights.
Sezzolou - DD goes down around 6-6:30 and she feeds twice in the night. I'm pretty lucky with her sleep. She does do lots of farts towards morning and can sometimes eat a bit upset but generally I have no problem with nights.

Lol at the farts...sounds very familiar! It usually starts around 4am for us and he gets very uncomfortable. Tonight though he thought he'd mix it up abit and start the trumpathon and squirming at 10.30pm...oh joy lol.

DS seems tired by 6 so I might try bringing his bedtime earlier than 7/7.15pm. Might wait until after the clocks change next weekend, don't want to throw his times out too much. I was just worried about him getting up earlier in the morning of I did but he's been waking me up at 6am anyway lately :-(
sizoolou -- colic calm is called gripe water, but it's not just that. I think they put some calming agents there so it does get LO all calm. However it also gives him green poop and he's quite uncomfortable later on. I started using it in a pinch at night only. here is their web site https://www.coliccalm.com/index.html. I use syringe that came with it and LO quite like it actually, always looking for more :) unlike with actual medicine when they scream so hard ugh...

Doctor's appointment tomorrow, must decide whether or not put my LO on actual meds. I think I am going to get it and leave it unopened till I hit that desperate rock bottom when nothing works for hours at night.

Last night was another nightmare for us... lots of grunting and squirming. waking up every two hours instead of every four hours, refusing to give me a good burp so all this air resulted into hours of grunting and crying in pain. UGH. Please baby sleep!!!
hi ladies very interesting article about BF and lactose intolerance, must read for all BF moms:
how do all your lo's sleep, ive raised his cot at the side but he slid down last night so ive got to think about some other option, hes able to turn side to side, i know its against the sids but in the day i put him on his tum in the moses basket, we have a breathing monitor, he seems far more settled that way and sleeps through his episodes since ive done this, although im not comfortable doing it at night time, although mum and hubby say if he sleeps better then let him, i think its only a decision i can make jointly with my hubby
anyone recommend a wedge or any thoughts on this,

i have lever arch file under his changing mat, and i roll him side to side on nappy changes instead of lifting his bum up that helps
i use the swing after a feed to keep him upright and then onto the sling if he wont settle,
and spoke to hospital last night and they said i could give infacol to help with his wind and his legs are now straight!
Do all reflux babies have a "witching hour" in their sleep? Jenson always seems to cry/whimper/wriggle in his sleep after 2nd night feed... Without fail I'll wake up every 15 minutes to wriggle his legs and pat his bottom back to sleep (though I'm pretty sure he is still asleep!)
how do all your lo's sleep, ive raised his cot at the side but he slid down last night so ive got to think about some other option, hes able to turn side to side, i know its against the sids but in the day i put him on his tum in the moses basket, we have a breathing monitor, he seems far more settled that way and sleeps through his episodes since ive done this, although im not comfortable doing it at night time, although mum and hubby say if he sleeps better then let him, i think its only a decision i can make jointly with my hubby
anyone recommend a wedge or any thoughts on this,

i have lever arch file under his changing mat, and i roll him side to side on nappy changes instead of lifting his bum up that helps
i use the swing after a feed to keep him upright and then onto the sling if he wont settle,
and spoke to hospital last night and they said i could give infacol to help with his wind and his legs are now straight!

Ooh, I've been wanting to get onto the subject of sleep with reflux babies! :-)

Before I realised he had reflux I just used to put him on his back and thought the constant squirming, grunting, gasping, congestion, crying and his inability to sleep was just a newborn thing. At a few weeks old I started putting him on his side with a small improvement. When I tried elevating the Moses basket he used to end up totally scrunched up at the bottom with all the moving he did. I then started putting him down for his daytime naps on his tummy when I could keep an eye on him, he was soooo much better this way! Not long after I moved him to his cot at night and let him sleep on his tummy in a grow bag. Sleep improved dramatically for him this way. Although the last month since his reflux has flared up sleep has gone backwards :-(

At the moment he will not sleep longer than 4-5 hours at a stretch where before he was doing 8 hours before waking for a feed.

He is a nightmare after his second night feed, constantly squirming and grunting. I wonder if it's because he is so relaxed during this feed that he refluxes more easily after?? I can't wait for sleeping through, I'm sure it's the night feeds that make him worse in the early hours.

I spent 40quid on a wedge but he just kept rolling sideways and ended up on an angle at the bottom so I gave up on that. I now use it for nappy changes, naked baby time and before and after his bath when he's getting ready for bed.

Re infacol -it may be different for your lo but with Aiden it made his reflux much worse. It helps bring the burps up much more easily but also this can result in refluxing more easily. Just something to keep an eye on xx
sizoolou -- colic calm is called gripe water, but it's not just that. I think they put some calming agents there so it does get LO all calm. However it also gives him green poop and he's quite uncomfortable later on. I started using it in a pinch at night only. here is their web site https://www.coliccalm.com/index.html. I use syringe that came with it and LO quite like it actually, always looking for more :) unlike with actual medicine when they scream so hard ugh...

Doctor's appointment tomorrow, must decide whether or not put my LO on actual meds. I think I am going to get it and leave it unopened till I hit that desperate rock bottom when nothing works for hours at night.

Last night was another nightmare for us... lots of grunting and squirming. waking up every two hours instead of every four hours, refusing to give me a good burp so all this air resulted into hours of grunting and crying in pain. UGH. Please baby sleep!!!

I think the grunting and squirming is also caused by the discomfort caused by the reflux. Aiden squeals, grunts and squirms more when his reflux is bad. I think the acid hurts their tummy and throat. Sometimes it's like sleeping in a farm yard with all the animal type noises he makes lol
Hey guys.
Quick post cos hve to be up super early tomoro.
Simon sleeps on tummy with top of crib elevated and movement mat under matress.
e tried back and sides . Choked on back even elevated.
And cried ans woke up on sides.
He used to sleep on my chest for about 2 months but now sleeps in crib.
I give hum infacol evwry single feed. If I skip more than one he has crying episodes from trapped wins.
Hi and hugs to all xx
Hi ladies, I'm dropping in to ask your opinion on my little girl.

She was diagnosed with reflux a week and a half ago after some discomfort / vomiting issues. Dr prescribed Ranitidine, 1ml two times a day, it worked wonderfully! She stopped squirming in pain all the time and had no throwing up episodes, she even started eating more!

Well yesterday felt like a total regression. She wouldn't eat more than 4 oz, even though she had been eating 5 oz lately. She was also much fussier than normal. Today was even worse. Still not eating as much, very fussy, acting like her stomach hurts, hiccups, spitting up and just now a major projectile vomiting incident. I'm SO worried!

I have a doctors appointment on Friday so I'll mention it to him but is it normal to see this sort of regression after starting medication? Do you think it is just a fluke day or is the reflux becoming more sever? Is there anything I can do in the meantime before we see our doctor?
im new to managing reflux but all i can say from my experience is, something might work today but may not work tomorrow, just keep your instincts alert, try new things, ie i now roll him side by side when i change bum it occurred to me when i pull his legs up im not only raising his tum but scrunching it too, with meds stick with it for two weeks, i started on thursday saturday i questioned it as he was a toad all day, but yesterday he was lovely, today hes a fidget

maybe write down when lo has it worst, speak to doc like you say it could b that shes put on more weight and needs meds adjsting
I dont think the symptoms ever go away 100% until they are older but some things can help it to improve, do you wind her often? is she constipated? my lo still has good days and bad days no matter what i try, i give my lo 1oz of cooled boiled water a day and it helps loads

How are you all doing?

Im soo excited to be going out tomorrow night yay although i cannot fit into any of my dresses, so il have to get a new one lol x
Hi ladies, I'm dropping in to ask your opinion on my little girl.

She was diagnosed with reflux a week and a half ago after some discomfort / vomiting issues. Dr prescribed Ranitidine, 1ml two times a day, it worked wonderfully! She stopped squirming in pain all the time and had no throwing up episodes, she even started eating more!

Well yesterday felt like a total regression. She wouldn't eat more than 4 oz, even though she had been eating 5 oz lately. She was also much fussier than normal. Today was even worse. Still not eating as much, very fussy, acting like her stomach hurts, hiccups, spitting up and just now a major projectile vomiting incident. I'm SO worried!

I have a doctors appointment on Friday so I'll mention it to him but is it normal to see this sort of regression after starting medication? Do you think it is just a fluke day or is the reflux becoming more sever? Is there anything I can do in the meantime before we see our doctor?

Hey hon welcome xx
Id get her weighed again.
May be growth spurt and zantac is very weight dependant.
Also did she lie down more than usual?
Can cause a bad day too.
As can teething or a cold.
Hope she feels better soon x
Sorry if someone already answered.
I said id answer before I forgot x
Had swallow test for milky doodle today.
All good.
Confirmed reflux but no apparent gross abnormalities
So great news ;-)
In case anyone new gets worried my ds had a stroke thats why they qs if normal reflux or not.
how is everybody doing today ladies?

Noo.. I am not sure about all babies, but both of mine had (have this) :(

lilesMom: good to know on the results! Hopefully things will only get better from here on.

kamw: so jealous. I am stuck at home for another two months while I am BF. We are planning to get out of the house for two hours on 9th but it makes me anxious rather than happy since I haven't even tried a bottle yet. There is always a good reason to buy a new dress though :) I pretty much fit in all mine now, but now that I think about it, I totally deserve a new dress or two :)

Trish: reflux peaks up at 6-8 weeks so you're right on target. What I found with Zantac is that it works for a little bit and then stops. With my DD I had to switch to prevacid.

I am really struggling these past two nights, LO wakes up every two hours like a newborn, it's exhausting. He eats, goes back to sleep after I hold him for 20 minutes but it means I only sleep in stretches of 1.20 hours and I have to get up for the day at 6:30 for my DD :( FML... Not sure what to do anymore. I desperately need just a one night of normal sleep. I know it ends at some point, I had lived through this before but right now it feels like there is no end in sight :(
Oh and one more thing.. went to the doctor yesterday. Got our prescription for Zantac, two more nights like this and I'm going to try meds again :( I really really really wanted to avoid it this time especially since he was born five weeks early.

On a brighter note LO grew like crazy and he's now on 50 percentile for weight/height/HC at 2 months! (from less than 3 percent). At least I know he's doing something right :)
Hi all,

Well I've been a little bit naughty...I've looked up some local nhs guidelines on reflux, allergies and intolerances and looking at the flow chart lo has lots of the symptoms of cows milk protein allergy so I have followed the guidelines myself and ordered the recommended formula to try which is aptamil pepti 1 to start with, says trial for 4 weeks. Aidens Dr was not at all willing to consider allergy as she said it is so rare, when infact research shows that 40% of babies with reflux have milk allergies.

Aidens symptoms are:

Silent reflux.
Chronic cough which is getting worse by the day/night.
Sloshing churning tummy.
Red rash around bum which is not a nappy rash.
Excessive painful passing of wind.
Apparent abdominal pain an hour or so after feeds and more so a couple of hours before having a poo.
Me is generally unhappy whenever he is awake.
Plus all the other usual reflux symptoms.
And his poos are lately either constipated like putty
or explosive.

The formula will be delivered this afternoon. Going to try it with gaviscon.

On a positive note...8 days on ranitidine and he us no longer gulping/gasping :-)
:hugs: to everyone!

Sezz, I hope it helps! Lactose intolerance surely can't be that rare! I'd want it eliminated as a possibility as well. Keep us updated :flower:
sezzalou, my lo is the same as yours, he now has really runny stools, took him to docs and they said it was possibly a side effect of the ranitadine, hes been doing more wet nappies today and eating much better so i will keep my eye on it
i also want the allergy ruled out now rather than later, when i have my appointment on 31st im going to talk about trialing a different milk (bf babies do the the dairy cut out first why is it that ff babies have to go through drug trials first)

on the other note my RES-Q wedge came yesterday the sling is a bit too big for him at the moment so just using it for daytime naps and seeing how he likes it, and today the tummy with mummy came and he seems to like that.

ps im shattered

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