Although the low carb diet made me lose weight really fast, I wasnt able to stick to it. It made me hungry all the time, I mean I wasnt famished, but it just made me feel weird. So yesterday, I went off the diet and went back to my carbs. Still watching my portions, but man do I feel good having my carbs again, and with the portion control I am still losing weight just not rapidly. Tomorrow is officially a week since I started this gym/dieting stuff though, so I will weigh myself first thing before going on our trip. I think I might've lost 3-4 lbs total this week.
So we are going to a resort tomorrow for 2 days and I decided to buy a bathing suit (the one that looks like dresses). Given my weight, I have always tried to avoid any form of bathing suit due to my low self esteem. Well, I dont want to miss out on the fun this time and dh cant possibly handle 2 kids in the pool so I found the courage to get myself one. At first dh told me to just find some shorts and a tee but I said no because I want to dress for the pool. So got home, tried it on and gotta say...I dont look too bad! I was expecting to see bulges everywhere and flabby thighs but have no idea how I am hiding my fat but it doesnt look too bad, even dh agreed that I looked fine. So I am happy about that. I guess from now I am just have to learn to take better care of myself instead of letting myself go, confidence really matters during this long, hard journey.