MARCH 2014 Monkeys! - Please join if you're due in March 2014

A sweep is only considered a fail if labor doesn't start within 48 hours. I don't recall completely but I don't think I had much spotting until 12+ hours after my sweep last pregnancy. Had my sweep on a Tuesday, delivered that Friday.
Sweep never worked for me at all but then nothing did, until they induced me by AROM lol, however once I get to 40 weeks, if favorable and if they will consider it then I might try again this time.

I am thinking St Patrick's day for our baby lol, so 20 days and he/she will be here. That's not forever is it?? Feels like it some days lol xx

I have a midwife appointment for tomorrow but only 39 weeks then so they won't do sweep then I
don't think! Consultant only at that stage I believe xx
I got told by midwife no sweeps no nothing until 41 weeks :-( im not too concerned about going over just dont want to be induced again. Donna I have been panicking so much about leaving my little man but I ended up in hospital this weeken due to being severely dehydrated after being sick and he was fine with his dad. I cried every time I spoke to him but he handled it really well xx
Same here Bexter, my midwife also said they don't offer sweeps until 41 weeks!!

She also said she wouldn't normally see me until 41 weeks, but since my last appointment I wasn't quite 38 weeks yet she said she'd see me at 40 weeks... I was confused, cause in my notes the guideline says 38 weeks, then 40 then 41 and 42 (if necessary). :shrug:
Anyway I'm seeing her thursday next week, 39+6 so I won't be getting a sweep just yet! Kinda hoping I won't need one anyway, cause I'm getting some period like cramps at times, so hoping they are getting my cervix ready....
Midwife appt tomorrow am; hoping for a detailed cervical check: position, station, effacement and dilation...OB only told me the dilation last week...

I keep wondering whether I can come in for a sweep or have one tomorrow--I would like to try to go into labor before this looming c section date to attempt a trial of labor, but I was honestly too scared to admit that to my OB!

But right now, I sure wish they would give me a chance at VBAC!!! (i have been having lots of painful BH this time which I never had any BH with my daughter and baby is head down and not sunny side up like my daughter was). I might be crazy but I feel like I might have a chance to avoid repeat section if they just sweep me!!!
Morning girls. Can't believe I'm due 2moz! Not tha it makes any difference cuz he won't be coming lol.. Got midwife 2moz , yeh my midwife said she wudnt sweep me until 41 weeks , but has no choice but to do one 2moz as my consultnt wrote it in my notes.. I think I will have the other sweep after all. What harm can it do, even if it does nothing lol .. I just can't wait to have him here now. No signs at all!! Apart from the pressure, no cramps. No show ! Nothing !! X
Hope I'm find you all well! Still no signs here but pressure-and lots of it. Some of you are mentioning the same symptoms. Getting lots of lightening crotch...while sitting! Used to get them only when standing. Baby is really heavy and low. Had some slight back ache here and there and losing fluids during the day.

Doctor's visit manana_Can't wait to hear what he has to say:happydance:

A friend brought over a bassinet that I can borrow. I'm here looking at it and really starting to feel reality!:blue:
Is anyone else having pregnancy insomnia? I just can't sleep the past two nights :shrug: tonight couldn't sleep until after midnight and then up at 4:30am. It's 530am here and I have to get 'up' for my MW appointment at 730. It's zapping my energy during the day when I still have a lot to do....:sleep:
Find it very strange you ladies aren't getting sweeps before 40 weeks. I'm in the UK and getting a sweep at 38 and 39 weeks. Then again I have the most idiotic consultant in the world who wants this baby out by 40 weeks. I doubt sweeps will work though, as they didn't with DS, so not holding my breath.
Hi! Not been on here for ages but due on Sunday. Sweep booked for 8 days over when I'll be 41 weeks. My mw also said she wouldn't bother before 41 weeks as they don't tend to get things started. Hope she comes before that but my boy was 2 weeks late so I'm expecting the same. No signs yet, baby head was 2/5 palpable at last app so moving the right way. Good luck everyone, not long now!
It's really weird to think I'd be due Sunday too!

I am exhausted. I totally admit it. E X H A U S T E D.
It's not Jessica but running after MK, she's far too into what Jessica is doing! I hope the novelty wears off soon. I haven't been for a pee on my own in 2 weeks! She only turned 2 at the end of January so isn't even able to go to pre-school yet which I think would really help right now.
I had my 39+5 week appointment today with music and she wanted to plan my induction date!!! NO!! I have over two weeks till overdue, and not even then by my dates!

She has said I can have a sweep next week at 40+5 although they tend to not do them until 41 weeks she says it is close enough. Although she did say she is not convinced they even work, our anything for that matter! She will want to book my induction then. I so do not want that, she said if I don't book now I may have problems getting in lol! Sounds good to me! I do not want to go in! Haha.

Why can they not accept that some babies need longer than the 42* weeks or that their dates can be wrong??

Good luck Ella hope you go into labor soon xxx
Hi ladies,

Our darling daughter, Charlotte Mary, arrived into the world on Tuesday 25 February at 6:54pm, weighing 7lbs 1oz!

She is our entire world and more! We are so in love and besotted with her :cloud9:



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Congrats Jonesbaby!! Can't believe how many babies have been born already!!
Can't wait for mine now!! - nothing going on though! He was quiet this morning, but finally picked up a little around 11 am (got up at 7ish).
My auntie keeps telling me how everyone in our family is always late, it really annoys me, I'm like: yes I know! Stop rubbing it in!! Let me have some small hope that he might come early or on time, or not TOO late!! :dohh:
Jonesbaby she is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!

I found out today at the midwife that I'm Strep B +. Feeling pretty gutted. They assured me if I wanted a home birth could still have one but what I didn't know is now if my waters break and I don't go I'm to labour immediately I have to make my way to the hospital to be induced :cry:
Induction is the one thing I want to avoid so that I can try to go natural. Just not having a good day right now :cry: plus I googled and saw things like the baby getting sepsis and meningitis if the Strep B did effect him. Ughhhhhh body why?
I'm so jealous of those of you who can walk to bring on labor. I feel like it's pointless for me to even try with babe being breech still lol. I hate just sitting around waiting for my c-section date to get here. I wish there was something I could be doing to encourage her to start her journey into this world. Even if it wasn't working, I'd still feel like I'm actually doing something lol.
Congrats on the birth of Charlotte Jones she is beautiful!!

Jessesgirl sorry about the strep B hun. If you do have a home birth still, do they just not bother with IV antibiotics? Good that you still have the choice I am just curious xx


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