Well, I had my beautiful Allison Hope yesterday at 12:15pm!! She came early, the turkey!
My water broke 3:30pm on Friday and we went to my doctor to confirm and was sent immediately to labor & delivery to have this baby.
I was admitted and started on pictocin as I was only dialated to 3; 13 hours of constant strong contractions and only 3 shorts of mod phone later... I decided to get an epidural as morphine is not something I want my baby born with in her system and I knew since at that point I had only dilated to 5, it was NOT going to be am easy delivery.
And I was right. I got my epidural at Aprox 5:00am yesterday morning and at 9:00am, I was completely dialated - however, she was not dropping on her own. So at 9:00am, I was instructed that I had to start pushing to get her into the birth canal - and then from there push her out. THANK GOD FOR THE EPIDURAL.
At the end of pushing for 2.5 hours, she was not moving. Her head tilted incorrectly and was stuck. So - there was no option but a c-section. We went in, and she was born at 12:15pm on 02/22/2014. The main reason there was no other choice was because while he could hVe let me push and try to get her down far enough for him to use the vacuum (we started no effaced at all and at the end the pushing I was at between 0 and -1, so it wasn't going to happen and she still wasn't far enough down for him to be able to help with the vacuum. So, off we went. It was so quick and I felt absolutely nothing; my husband got pictures and I was bawling hysterically because it still, STILL does not seem like this is really happening. I am a mom. A real mom - like, she is part of me and shares my genetic makeup. It's just something I can't wrap my head around yet - I am convinced I will wake up tomorrow and it will all be dream!!!
6lbs,14oz and 19.5" long
She instantly became my entire world.
Oh, and so far breast feeding has been no issue at all, except on my end because I can't get the "football" hold down and I am having problems getting her to latch right. I will be making that happen tomorrow lol