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March 29, 2011 Bump Buddies!!! 6 Boys, 1 and only Girl

just got back from ob appt and my amniotic fluid is low. they did a sono and found out his fluid is low and he wasnt active enough. she had me do a non-stress test and he passed ok. now i will have to go in every week for my appts, a sono, and a non-stress test. if his fluid gets lower or he gets stressed out or doesnt grow enough, she will induce early. we will definitely be praying around here. dont want him to come til at minimum 37 weeks. as for me, im on semi-bedrest for remainder of pregnancy, which should be interesting with 4 kids including a 1 and 3 year old. also i have to increase my water consumption.

hope everyone gets better from your sicknesses! sammy hope you find out all is ok too!
Blessed- drink LOTS AND LOTS of water!!! I hope everything works out and you make it full term and your little boy doesn't get stressed- the bright side: Sono every week! Gotta think of the positives!
lol thanks! it will be good to see him every week. she said she likes to see the fluid at 10 and his is 8. if it goes down to 5 or if he gets stressed she will induce. i just dont want to leave him in NICU. it will be very hard to get up there a lot with the other 4 kids. i just want him healthy though.

im addicted to ice and water though, dont know how to fit more in!!!
oh my look what I have started by calling things uneventful around here! Hope everyone gets better and starts getting good news!

I just got back from the doctor.. antibiotics, prednisone (steroids), Albuterol aerosols, and an inhaled steroid for me the next few days... oh joy.

I found out at the dr. today I weigh 198lbs. OMG that is almost 200, that is a high weight for me! So far I have gained almost 40 lbs this pregnancy!
oh honey get yourself better! thats an awful lot of medicine to be on.

i think if you dont gain a good amount of weight during pregnancy your just not doing it right!
Just got back from te Dr. and trying to get my antibiotics. She said I went in just in time as I'm showing the starting signs of bronchitis (kinda why I went, lol). Downfall: Can't get anyone to bill medical until I get some past insurance sorted out. UGH. I hate my "father" he's always made things so effing difficult. I can't get my antibiotics until I get this sorted- I can only hope it happens FAST
So i had to do a 24 hour urine test last week, you have to save your pee for 24 hours then bring it to the doctor. They had me do it so they would have a baseline on the amount of protein in my urine for when my BP gets high. I never heard back so i figured no news was good news. I found out today they didn't have my new phone number, they had my sons which used to be mine. They had left like 3 messages. The first said they had my test results and the doctor has some recommendations for me. The second said that my protein was elevated, but not to the preeclamptic level yet and they would talk to me at my appt. I don't know which one they left first, so i guess i will need to call them tomorrow. I wonder if this means the high BP is just around the corner, or if it simply means I normally spill more protein in my urine if thats possible? They took my blood too, but didnt say anything about those results. I think that one had something to do with my liver function. Either way it is all getting really real and scary now.....
missfox- hope you get your medicine soon!

brai- oh no! i hope you and baby are ok through all this.

BabySeal you jinxed the thread....lol j/k

Blessed keep us updated on everything! Hope everything works out

Brai~ hope everything is okay with you and LO

AFM~well starting around 6pm tonight my BH became so painful and close together, they got 5min apart and HURT LIKE HECK put me into tears. Call DH and told him I was going to call my OB and probably go in to get checked. He got home and I went straight to L&D. come to find out I was really dehydrated, OB said with the anemia I need to drink alot more water. I drink about about 84oz minimum on a daily basis but I guess its not enough. My blood pressure was up when I got in they didnt tell me what it was but when I left said I was back in the normal range. My guess was bp was up due to the pain. Oh and my cervix is soft what does that mean? not dilated which is good. Other than that they said I wasnt fully contracting while I was there but showed signs of an irritable uterus. I am doing fine now they gave to two liters of fluids and monitored me for three hours. Home now and tired...Good night ladies

hope the rest of the weeks is less eventful for all of us...or lets say the remainder of our pregnancies
sammy- i think the cervix gets soft before it dilates. i thought they stayed hard up til a little while before labor, but dont know for sure. i think it softens up and thins out???
My GOODNESS! First of all.. Hugs to ALL of you :hugs:

*Knocking on wood repeatedly* .. I just had a bad night the other night with BH but thats it!

I hope the ladies that are sick get better, it SUCKS being sick while pregnant :nope:

& Blessed- Glad to hear they are monitoring you closely, I'll pray that your little guy stays cozy for a few more weeks!

Brai- :hugs: Same for you hun!

& Sammy- Take it easy and guzzle that H20 mama, dehydration can really do a toll.

Called my ob back today, and they want me to come in tomorrow instead of next tuesday. Not sure why exactly, my BP is still pretty good. I guess my kidneys are getting leaky so they just want to keep and eye on it. My guess is weekly appts from now until induction in 6 weeks.
Sammy sounds likea horrible night!!!
I'm off dairy. I know I shoul have been a long time ago but I crave milk and ice cream!!! I got myself sick really. feeling better today than I did yesterday- I've had 2 oranges this morning- so delicious!!
Sorry for all the rough times ladies- I hope you are all doing better soon!!!
I still have my prenatal appt on Monday so I will definitely be asking about what a very soft cervix means. Just hoping I make it to 37 weeks talk to the nurse about pre term labor and she said if you are near 36-37 week they wont try to stop labor...yikes
This has completely been a crazy week I feel like crap to be honest. I felt like my bp was high again last night....in seems to come in waves and to the point its hard for me to catch my breath almost feels like I ran a couple miles. I have a list of everything I have been feeling since this last Saturday to talk to my doctor about. this is how its been since sat.

random & irregular unpainful bh with back pain 40-45 min apart. pink discharge

Same as Saturday but chunky pink/streaky discharge along with cramping-like period cramps. BH irregular didnt time

pink discharge irregular bh with period like cramps

afternoon started out as irregular unpainful bh no pink discharge/spotting. around 6pm bh became regular and very painful couldnt focus and hurt so bad they made me cry. 4 bm's not my norm at all. racing heart-high bp and couldnt catch my breath. Went into L&D and was told it was probably because I was dehydrated they did two VE and said I wasnt dilated but cervix was very soft. Discharge instructions are pelvic rest, no caffeine, increase fluid intake and to call back if I have 6 contractions/hr
That's rough sammy. Hope its nothing and baby behaves a bit longer. I called my doc today and they want to see me right away tomorrow since my test results were not ideal. So we will see what happens
Brai~ Good luck with you appt tomorrow! Hope things work out in your and lo's favor keep us updated

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