March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Hi Shefali: I def understand where you're coming from. That's a great plan, Bc I was suppose to go in for testing as to why I keep m/c but instead they caught my pregnancy at 4wks so I've been on the progesterone seems like forever now. So yes ma'am def test away, so we can def give this bean a chance.

Armymama: def Don't worry ma'am, YOU WILL BE JOING US SOON, as everyone else, and I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Kanicky: I'm SOOO HAPPY YOU'RE With us!!! And I def understand running away from DTD, I know I did when TTC. I Also thought about trying soy, raspberry lead tea, and anything else to help but like you said you have to take it for s certain amount of time which would drive me crazy. The profile photo, you would have to register freely with "Photobucket" they'll give you your personal email address for them and something else(can't remember) and you'll email or send your pics to that email address they gave you and it will be in your photobucket profile. Then you'll pick the one you want to upload and they'll give you a code to copy then you'll come back to Your Baby and Bump profile which will read at the top "user Cp" click it and it'll take you to your profile and then "I believe" you'll click profile pic(not to sure) and copy your code from photobucket I'm that slot. I hope this helps alittle. GL!

SWEETZ: HAPPY 11WKS MA'AM!!!!! CONGRATS TO MAKING IT TO 11wks wishing you many many many many many more healthy successful wks to come!!!

:flower::flower: are you taking the pills or the suppositories?
Sweetz-EEEKKKK cant wait to hear all about your appt!!!!!

Ok so i had one more dollar store testing laying around and.....BFN and once again yay lol...means body is back to "normal" what ever the hell that means :haha: so i guess all these "symptoms" are ovulation? ehh...dont worrying about it.....just gonna count down the days till i see ob...beside i got new worries about dh and job and all that....
Janelleybean- the bottom of my page says you are stalking us you doing lady? feeling any better? miss ya and i know you will come back to us when you are ready... :hugs: :hugs: much love!!!
Never- hey thanks! Feels good to be a lime lol

Never- hey thanks! Feels good to be a lime lol


If Dh cant figure out how to record it with his phone then maybe he shouldnt look after a baby...i mean come on its like taking a pic point and click anymore on phones lol...but oh yeah it is a guy...sorry had to say it :haha:
I just wanted to pop and and say a HUGE thanks to all of you for being soooooo supportive. I truly appreciate it. You are all SUCH amazing women and I am sooooo thankful to have met you over the world wide web....I feel lucky to know each and every one of you.

Now, this thread is moving really fast! And lots of new faces. I still need to take some time to catch up and get to know the new ladies.... so welcome to Shefali, Kanicky, and anyone else I have missed.

With re: a few questions that some of you asked -

Storked - I responded to your private message (thank you for that :)) but for anyone else who was wondering, in my blood testing they checked for progesterone, thyroid, iron, blood type, Factor V Leiden, Antiphospholipids, Protein C&S resistance, and some others I can't remember. Everything came up in the "normal" range. We also had genetic karyotyping on pregnancy #3 (that went the furthest) and it came back as a genetically normal male. I have also had multiple U/S (vaginal and external) that show normal ovaries and a normal uterus. So it really is unexplained. (they could do an HSG, which I have been considering. But I honestly think I don't have any physiological obstructions down there).

I hear you all on finding a new doc. If he isn't receptive to trying somethign else, that is my plan - I have spent a LOT of time reading the scientific studies (I must be the worst kind of patient...the kind that has access to academic articles! lol;)) and I KNOW there is a TON of evidence for using both heparin and/or prednisone in cases of "idiopathic" (of unknown origin) recurrent miscarriage with HUGE success. Some of the studies cite as big of a difference as 30% success (no treatment) vs. 85% (with treatment). That is HARD EVIDENCE. So I am going to bring him the studies, and if he still refuses, I will find a new care provider. There is the option of being referred to an infertility clinic in the city, but the closest ones in my province are 17 hours drive away and have a 3 month wait period before you can even get it (and then 2-3 months while they do more testing on you). I have a feeling that even if I do more testing they are not going to find anyting, and if they do, they will still use the same treatments (heparin or prednisone). So why not try and go for it now?

That's my plan, anyway... we will see how it goes.

Never and Lisaleee - you are out of the worry zone! YAY!!! I am sooooo happy for you both!!

Sweetz - 11 weeks lady...amazing! I am so glad things are going well. I'm really sorry to have been reading everything about what's going on with your DH...but I think in your heart you do know what is right for you, and by the sounds of it you deserve soooo much better. Sending you all of my thoughts and best wishes... keep us posted...we're here for you. xoxoxo

Storked - so Houston it is? I know I'm out of the loop but congrats!! When are you moving??

Bama, Baybee, lpjkp, Armymomma, Krissy, Garfie, AngelSerenity, ladies are pure wonderfulnesss...thank you so much for everything :hugs: I believe you're all in "trying" cycles now (I feel so out of the loop!) so I will be sending you all my most healthy and positive wishes for a perfect pregnancy this time around!

I'm sure there are people that I've sorry! I'll catch up with you all soon. *hugs*
Shefali: I'm on Progrsterone Crinone gel 8%. Their like a tampon full of white cream that you have to squeeze out vaginally every night. I dont think their suppositories, but they do give you a sense of relief whichever one you use. The kind I use is a bit expensive at least to me, it's $600 but my insurance pays for more than half of it.
Never- hey thanks! Feels good to be a lime lol


If Dh cant figure out how to record it with his phone then maybe he shouldnt look after a baby...i mean come on its like taking a pic point and click anymore on phones lol...but oh yeah it is a guy...sorry had to say it :haha:

Bwahahaha!! Omg seriously....he didn't even know how to turn on the wifi on my laptop so we might be in trouble ladies. Haha!
Never- hey thanks! Feels good to be a lime lol


If Dh cant figure out how to record it with his phone then maybe he shouldnt look after a baby...i mean come on its like taking a pic point and click anymore on phones lol...but oh yeah it is a guy...sorry had to say it :haha:

Bwahahaha!! Omg seriously....he didn't even know how to turn on the wifi on my laptop so we might be in trouble ladies. Haha!

WTF for real?!?!?!? well its a good thing his :spermy: is smarter than he is :haha::haha::haha::haha:
Well they knew where to other then that...Tg I have strong genes rofl!!
Hey Krissy- Not stalking just trying to catch up with all this chatter. I had to read 6 pages!! We've been doing well. I talked to my hubby's best friend last night and he's leaving to wander Europe. I'm so jealous. I wish I could go to Europe with no responsibilities. Either way, he wants to go out (to bars) this weekend before he leaves. I haven't gone bar hopping since I was 22 maybe? I haven't been to a bar since St. Patty's day, and even then I was dragged there. I don't really like the bar scene all that much anymore, so I figured this is probably going to be the only time I can really let loose with him and my hubby. So, considering I'm not pregnant, I'm going all out. I got a babysitter and DD. Ha, who knows.. maybe I'll get my drink on and then come home and conceive a baby! Just kidding.

Nothing is really new here, just lounging around trying to decide what to do today. We're going to go look at some ladies couches today to see if we're interested in trading. We have a sectional and the house we bought has a bay window and I really don't it blocked anymore, so I posted an add on craigslist seeing if someone wanted to switch. She came over and looked at our sectional last night and fell in love, so hopefully we like her couch and love seat.

Hope- I saw that you MC. I'm so sorry. :hugs: I would seriously consider switching doctors. I had a doctor that my bat shit crazy mother suggested and he was about just as looney as her. When I became pregnant, I chose one that my friend suggested and he made me really uncomfortable because he was really down to earth like a friend rather than a professional, but I stuck with him and I love him! He straight told me that my other doctor was a nut job and all he cares about is a paycheck. I really like having a doctor that is more a friend than a professional because he really shows that he cares. I remember after my first colposcopy results I sat in his office and cried my eyes out and he sat there with me until 6:30!! reassuring me everything was going to be okay. An hour and half after their office had closed. My original appointment was at 3:45. So, we were there for quite awhile. :hugs:

Sweetz- A LIME! That is awesome. I went to my fridge and pulled out a lime and smiled. Are you showing yet? Oh, I'm so excited!! I want to see some sonogram pictures so I can ooo and awe.

Kanicky- Welcome! You've come to the right place. I'm sure you've heard this before, but I love your name, reminds me of Grease.

Never- You're so sweet to think of me. I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. :flower:

Storked- Were you the one that posted not having sex after BFP?? I tried that this past cycle, and I still MC. Not saying it wont work for you, but I like sex, it's about the only "us" time we get now a days. :blush:

Krissy- Another thing I wanted to tell you--you have the CUTEST family. I have a blog that I've been keeping since I was pregnant with my son. Here are a few videos that I've made:
1st- This one was made with pictures from when we first got together up until we had Samuel. I still get teary eyed when I see it.
2nd- This one was from his first birthday on.. (it's at the bottom of the page)
Janelley, I LOVE your video. That is so beautiful and makes me want to shed a tear! Your little boy is so gorgeous! and you and your DH are such a handsome couple. Love it. <3
Janelley, I LOVE your video. That is so beautiful and makes me want to shed a tear! Your little boy is so gorgeous! and you and your DH are such a handsome couple. Love it. <3

Thanks! I started the blog when I became pregnant and I have all the videos burned to DVD's. I found a site that you can print your blog into a book, so I thought doing that would be easier than a photo album. At least there is a story to go with every pictures. Then I can just give it to Samuel when he gets older. ...That is if he can pry it from my fingers. :haha:
Has anyone gone int labor and given birth on their own? If I get pregnant, DH wont be able to be there. I have a really close mom friend (kinda an adopted mom to DH) who said she will be there but that's still not the same.
Hope- I hope that my video didn't make you sad. Those weren't my intentions at all. I guess I should have thought before I posted the video, I'm so sorry.:dohh:

You're going to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy beautiful baby. I promise you. You're body is just looking for the perfect one. :hugs:
Hey Krissy- Not stalking just trying to catch up with all this chatter. I had to read 6 pages!! We've been doing well. I talked to my hubby's best friend last night and he's leaving to wander Europe. I'm so jealous. I wish I could go to Europe with no responsibilities. Either way, he wants to go out (to bars) this weekend before he leaves. I haven't gone bar hopping since I was 22 maybe? I haven't been to a bar since St. Patty's day, and even then I was dragged there. I don't really like the bar scene all that much anymore, so I figured this is probably going to be the only time I can really let loose with him and my hubby. So, considering I'm not pregnant, I'm going all out. I got a babysitter and DD. Ha, who knows.. maybe I'll get my drink on and then come home and conceive a baby! Just kidding.

Nothing is really new here, just lounging around trying to decide what to do today. We're going to go look at some ladies couches today to see if we're interested in trading. We have a sectional and the house we bought has a bay window and I really don't it blocked anymore, so I posted an add on craigslist seeing if someone wanted to switch. She came over and looked at our sectional last night and fell in love, so hopefully we like her couch and love seat.

Hope- I saw that you MC. I'm so sorry. :hugs: I would seriously consider switching doctors. I had a doctor that my bat shit crazy mother suggested and he was about just as looney as her. When I became pregnant, I chose one that my friend suggested and he made me really uncomfortable because he was really down to earth like a friend rather than a professional, but I stuck with him and I love him! He straight told me that my other doctor was a nut job and all he cares about is a paycheck. I really like having a doctor that is more a friend than a professional because he really shows that he cares. I remember after my first colposcopy results I sat in his office and cried my eyes out and he sat there with me until 6:30!! reassuring me everything was going to be okay. An hour and half after their office had closed. My original appointment was at 3:45. So, we were there for quite awhile. :hugs:

Sweetz- A LIME! That is awesome. I went to my fridge and pulled out a lime and smiled. Are you showing yet? Oh, I'm so excited!! I want to see some sonogram pictures so I can ooo and awe.

Kanicky- Welcome! You've come to the right place. I'm sure you've heard this before, but I love your name, reminds me of Grease.

Never- You're so sweet to think of me. I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. :flower:

Storked- Were you the one that posted not having sex after BFP?? I tried that this past cycle, and I still MC. Not saying it wont work for you, but I like sex, it's about the only "us" time we get now a days. :blush:

Krissy- Another thing I wanted to tell you--you have the CUTEST family. I have a blog that I've been keeping since I was pregnant with my son. Here are a few videos that I've made:
1st- This one was made with pictures from when we first got together up until we had Samuel. I still get teary eyed when I see it.
2nd- This one was from his first birthday on.. (it's at the bottom of the page)

Janelley- cute family! you got a scruffy guy to huh? and wow on the big remodling!!!! and um seriously fire juggling? scarry!!!!! I love your little boy blue eyes and i now i have names for abbrivations lol....ok lets see you=Janelle Dh=Dan and Ds= Samuel

Mine are Me=Kristina (Krissy), Dh=Josh, Ds #1=Joshua (yes named after his daddy), DD=Avarie (pronounced Ava-ree or Ava for short) then we have Ds#2 JAmison.....

ok well i should probably get kids around and make a trip to the store and library got a book in on hold yay should be the next book in the black daggar brotherhood....ok i love to read and i read all the twilight books :blush: so much better than the movies so if you ladies like to read and liked the twighlt movies they are a must read!!!, well my cousin who likes what i do was reading the black dagar brotherhood books and suggested them to me....they are about steamy!!! and yes they are a vampire one but different and omg did i say steamy!!!!! so yeah if i go mia for a while you kow i am getting my reading on...oh did i mention i was reading one of those books last time i got pregnant lol
Good afternoon or evening to all of you, my future baby's mamas! Just as anticipated, I would miss a boat load by not being online before now.

Sweetz - lime? you? or our baby? Call me slow, just finished over-eating just now, but I definitely missed something :blush:

Nevergivingup - I'm here and well 9 or maybe 10 DPO. I am feeling good. Last night my nipples were making their presence known. I couldn't make up my mind if was the AC or ... :happydance:

Storked - Laugh my freaking butt off!!!! I can appreciate your hot bloodedness ... I need to incorporate more of it in my life. LOL, just like Sweetz, my iced team nearly met my computer screen. DEE - ZASTER (In Brad Pitt's voice in Inglorious *******s) averted!

Kanicky - So glad to have our honrary Wisconsinite on board! I used to live in Wisconsin some years ago but my family still resides there. I'm a Badger. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.

Shefali - Definitely don't feel out, I was read that most women implant between 8 - 10 DPO. After which, it take a little time for HCG production to start. Keep doing your one a day testing in the interest of getting on progesterone right away but don't feel defeated. Remember, the lady in red is the one who will make the final curtain call on our cycles!

Janelleybean - Awwww, thanks for sharing a bit of your world with us! Absolutely beautiful.

Krissy - Your name shall be, "Neighborhood Watch"! I appreciate you bringing Janelleybean out from the shadows to speak with us. See what wonderfulness she ended up sharing with us!

Lisalee - Hiya! I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures as well. Do you think you will find out the sex during your 20 weeks visit or do you think you will wait until he/she is born?

Armymama - 7 DPO! Doesn't the wait stink?! At times I feel like I should be infiinity DPO. Sighs I hope this is your cycle especially since it is unique in that this is your first cycle symptom free!

Everyone else ... hello there! I hope to catch up with you soon.

AFM - my, hips, ok, ok, ok we all know I am a volumptious size 4, the place where my hips are suppose to be, hurt. I've got gas ... for every breath of air I take I feel a little something making moves :blush:. NO IB, and the minor cramping I had two days have long since subsided. Aside from that, everything else is business as usual.
Hey Krissy- Not stalking just trying to catch up with all this chatter. I had to read 6 pages!! We've been doing well. I talked to my hubby's best friend last night and he's leaving to wander Europe. I'm so jealous. I wish I could go to Europe with no responsibilities. Either way, he wants to go out (to bars) this weekend before he leaves. I haven't gone bar hopping since I was 22 maybe? I haven't been to a bar since St. Patty's day, and even then I was dragged there. I don't really like the bar scene all that much anymore, so I figured this is probably going to be the only time I can really let loose with him and my hubby. So, considering I'm not pregnant, I'm going all out. I got a babysitter and DD. Ha, who knows.. maybe I'll get my drink on and then come home and conceive a baby! Just kidding.

Nothing is really new here, just lounging around trying to decide what to do today. We're going to go look at some ladies couches today to see if we're interested in trading. We have a sectional and the house we bought has a bay window and I really don't it blocked anymore, so I posted an add on craigslist seeing if someone wanted to switch. She came over and looked at our sectional last night and fell in love, so hopefully we like her couch and love seat.

Hope- I saw that you MC. I'm so sorry. :hugs: I would seriously consider switching doctors. I had a doctor that my bat shit crazy mother suggested and he was about just as looney as her. When I became pregnant, I chose one that my friend suggested and he made me really uncomfortable because he was really down to earth like a friend rather than a professional, but I stuck with him and I love him! He straight told me that my other doctor was a nut job and all he cares about is a paycheck. I really like having a doctor that is more a friend than a professional because he really shows that he cares. I remember after my first colposcopy results I sat in his office and cried my eyes out and he sat there with me until 6:30!! reassuring me everything was going to be okay. An hour and half after their office had closed. My original appointment was at 3:45. So, we were there for quite awhile. :hugs:

Sweetz- A LIME! That is awesome. I went to my fridge and pulled out a lime and smiled. Are you showing yet? Oh, I'm so excited!! I want to see some sonogram pictures so I can ooo and awe.

Kanicky- Welcome! You've come to the right place. I'm sure you've heard this before, but I love your name, reminds me of Grease.

Never- You're so sweet to think of me. I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. :flower:

Storked- Were you the one that posted not having sex after BFP?? I tried that this past cycle, and I still MC. Not saying it wont work for you, but I like sex, it's about the only "us" time we get now a days. :blush:

Krissy- Another thing I wanted to tell you--you have the CUTEST family. I have a blog that I've been keeping since I was pregnant with my son. Here are a few videos that I've made:
1st- This one was made with pictures from when we first got together up until we had Samuel. I still get teary eyed when I see it.
2nd- This one was from his first birthday on.. (it's at the bottom of the page)

Janelley- cute family! you got a scruffy guy to huh? and wow on the big remodling!!!! and um seriously fire juggling? scarry!!!!! I love your little boy blue eyes and i now i have names for abbrivations lol....ok lets see you=Janelle Dh=Dan and Ds= Samuel

Mine are Me=Kristina (Krissy), Dh=Josh, Ds #1=Joshua (yes named after his daddy), DD=Avarie (pronounced Ava-ree or Ava for short) then we have Ds#2 JAmison.....

ok well i should probably get kids around and make a trip to the store and library got a book in on hold yay should be the next book in the black daggar brotherhood....ok i love to read and i read all the twilight books :blush: so much better than the movies so if you ladies like to read and liked the twighlt movies they are a must read!!!, well my cousin who likes what i do was reading the black dagar brotherhood books and suggested them to me....they are about steamy!!! and yes they are a vampire one but different and omg did i say steamy!!!!! so yeah if i go mia for a while you kow i am getting my reading on...oh did i mention i was reading one of those books last time i got pregnant lol

Yes, Krissy that is us! Samuel was named after Dan's best friend Sam. Dan is a scruffy guy, but he has to be. When I met him he had a beard on his face and it looked like an animal. It was crazy messy, so I asked him to shave it. ...and he looked 13!! I would get the craziest looks from people on the street and it would really freak me out when I woke up to a 13 year old in my bed. So I begged him to grow it back. But he keeps it trimmed.
This is my favorite picture.

How do you upload picture to the thread? Dan does juggle fire, he can juggle knives too, it's pretty scary, but fun to watch. When my best friend was trying to set us up she told me that he juggled and I just though, "what a nerd" but, I fell in love with him the moment I met him. Animal face and all :cloud9:

As for the remodel, it's taking way too long. Luckily this is the biggest project in the house, so I'm happy we did it first, but Ugh... The temperatures are started to drop, which means I have to find my motivation quick and finish the fireplace. Who the hell puts a fireplace in their kitchen?!?! Who ever designed this house must have been drunk.
SWEETA_HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg you are too funny!!! i cant complain about my dh genes since my kids look just like him lol

baybee-thanks lady i will take it...or is it i lack all kinds of a life i am on here alot when my kids decide to play with their million toys lol...ook ok we are out of here!!! lol

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