March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Garfie- Glad the witch left in time for your anniversary. Great timing!

Storked- I don't know about that one (no sex). I have to stick up for our men here. Our pregnancy hormones can make us really moody, mean, etc. That's a lot for a guy to put up with on top of no sex! That might really push him over the edge! I don't think men can handle as much as we can. So I say do whatever works for your relationship. Sorry if I'm going against the status quo.

Bamagurl- I will try to post pics. Gotta send them to my hubby anyway (he is out of town).
Actually, I am the hot blooded one in my relationship ;)
And I was just sick when pregnant. No moods or anything :)
LOL! Hot-blooded. I should've known that "naked movie night" woman! Can't wait to implement that by that way ;)
Garfie- Glad the witch left in time for your anniversary. Great timing!

Storked- I don't know about that one (no sex). I have to stick up for our men here. Our pregnancy hormones can make us really moody, mean, etc. That's a lot for a guy to put up with on top of no sex! That might really push him over the edge! I don't think men can handle as much as we can. So I say do whatever works for your relationship. Sorry if I'm going against the status quo.

Bamagurl- I will try to post pics. Gotta send them to my hubby anyway (he is out of town).

Yay! Hate the hubs will be out of town & won't get to go with you!! Excited to hear all about it & see those sweet pics though :winkwink:
Ok ladies i missed a lot and let me tell you i had to tke notes on paper on make sure i got everyone lol thats how much i love you ladies lol

ok here we go get ready for along one!!!!

Hope- I know it might be a while before you post again, but i am sure you will still stalk us :winkwink:, and i want you to know i am still thinking about you and i love you and am i praying for you girl!!! :hugs::kiss::flower:

Bama-WOW you are so relaxed that it inspires us all to sit back and just enjoy the ride ( get you minds out of the gutter lol) THANK YOU! :happydance:

Never- I agree with you that only God can pro ise us a good pregnancy with a healthy baby and only God truely knows what we can handle...well God must htink we are all one tough a$$ group of women bc I dont think even the :devil: would mess with us with what we have been throug!
Oh and happy 12 weeks!!!! YAY!!!!!! when is your next scan need baby/baby bump pics PLEASE!!! I need a fix here lol :happydance:

Sweetz- Cant wait to hear from you today! I have also had reglan and it is a true God send!!! :happydance:

Lisalee- YAY for PICS!!!! BOOO for dh having to be gone!!!!! I know seeing that baby bouncing around and waving will be great! MAkes me think of my first 3 babies and brings a tear to my eye to remember the first time i got to see them... :happydance:

BayBee- FX for ya GL! I know your in TWW when will you test? :dust:

Storked- My DH actually liked waiting to have sex after i found out i was pregnant bc he was always afraid of something happening...Although he is the selfish one bc he likes to receive other things but does not like to give (sorry if too much tmi lol) I am also much more hot blood than he is if yall couldnt tell from other posts....:blush:

Angel- GL hun!!! What DPO are you? FX :dust:

Garfie- YAY Ding Dong the :witch: is dead!!! and yay for Aniversery :sex: :blush: fX this is your month!!! Oh dont be sorry for keeping us posted on CD and DPO...always helpful to know!

Kaniky- thanks for sharing! Congrats on that baby girl after tubal reversal....sorry about your loss :hugs: I hope you get #2 :baby: soon....chin up butter cup and dont not be afraid to jump in and give us your two cents we are a loving caring bunch and do not judge here....

Ok if i forgot someone sorry!!! i only went back 3 papges lol....

AFM- weird supper think CM like rummber cement and a little blood tinged? thoughts please!!!! never had this before and thinking it may have something to do with mc....cervix has been high since about CD9 on CD 16 i think could be def signs of O although i suspected but not too sure now...still a little crampy so maybe i havent O yet and it will be later bc of of right now if cycle goes right back to 28 days AF should be 9/3 or 9/4....i hate how mc messes with the body!!!! boobs still sore today and no we have not :sex: at all since mc.....:cry: i think he is just afraid of me getting pg bc neither of us like condoms....i mean if you dont use them for 7 yrs who would LOL :haha::blush:

Ok i think my hands are cramping enough now and i will check later! :kiss::kiss:
Lisa, enjoy the movie night- it is so much fun!
Krissy, you gotta train him better! Send him a text saying that you can't wait to see his face...between your legs. Bwahahaha! Don't let him be selfish :)
Storked- you make me :blush: lol :haha: ok not to get tooo tmi here....but for a while he never visited south of the border..just never asked him i guess...ok then last fall trying to spice things up he decided to become a frequent flier and well it tickles lol...yes it does feel amazing at the same time but i laugh so much during it i think that is why he stopped...thats ok....he defiantly knows his way around the bedroom....:blush:

oh and his way of rationalizing this is the fact i get the big O so many times in one :sex: session then he should get to have one way action to try and even out the O numbers....well i told him dont be so good in bed and i wouldnt O so much lol....yeah that shut him up a little bit lol:winkwink::haha::blush:
Well today is 7 DPO and for the first time I am having basically no symptoms and my temp is still rising! Good sign?
Wow, woke up again and had to catch up on 3 pages....I LOVE IT!!!!

Ok so I'm trying to do the best I can to remember everyone post and if I forget someone please forgive me and take it for love.

Lisalee: Our pm, Thanks sooo much I needed that. You are truly awesome,THANKS FOR BEING MY SECRET BUMP BUDDY!!

Kanicky: I def had gone to sleep, my bed time is at 9:30pm but I tried to be grown and stay up until 10, yea that didn't happened. But you didn't offend anyone at all, its just I couldn't put a story behind you and I/we love to hear our lovely ladies stories so we can support you the right way in anything that you go through and not be fake with it. I totally enjoyed reading your story, and yes most of us went through more losses but a loss is still a loss and it's something that you'll never forget Bc that bean was a part of you and was suppose to have a beautiful future at least in our minds. CONGRATS ON FINDING YOUR TRUE LOVE and being able to reverse your tubes and easily having another blessing, you and your DH deserved it. Never feel like you can't comment here, that's what we're here for, comment on anyone of us, we're all friends. Thanks again for understanding and wanting to be a part of a journey that is sooo special to all of us. Thank You :hugs:

Garfie: YAYYY AF has left the building....and it sounds like you and DH are NOT playing any games.... :sex: GOO YOU, who said 40 years olds can't get down... Garfie I might need you to teach me some tricks Bc I was getting tired of :sex:

Stork: ONLY BC MY OB TOLD ME NOTHING IN THE VAGINA Bc of my previous m/c's and bleeding episode and progesterone gel I had to stop, but no :sex: for 12wks after :sex: everyday was unbelievable sooo we had to find other methods. But my DH is scared even after the OB gives us the go ahead Bc we m/c and begin bleeding that same night after we DTD our first pregnancy, so we're both kindve cautious. And I've also learned that the DH semen can soften the cervix that's why they suggest you DTD when close to due date so the baby can come quickly. Stork what are your plans so far as far as TTC, medicines you're taking and BD?

Krissy: Lol, I thought that was soo funny ab having to take notes, Bc I've thought about taking notes every times I had to read 4 pages of comments but I was to lazy. I can totally agree with you with m/c's always messing up the body, but the good thing is your body caught it early on an not too late, that's what I dread, I told myself I won't ever get a D&C again. So are you TTC again soon?

Sweetz: How sweet you are, you know I just want to see you happy, we all do, and whatever it takes, Go for it, you deserve happiness, as women we all do. O my o my o my o my, GUESS WHAT....your appt is Today!!!! You're sooo lucky, I can't wait to hear the good news of that beautiful HB!!! :happydance:

AngelSerenity: I sooo have my FX for you!!! That this is it!!! I didnt temp but I hope it gives you s good sign. I was actually scared of tempting....So GO YOU!!

BayBeeEm: Hello madam!!!

Armymama: Hi ma'am, I didn't get Symptns everyday after DPO, some days I got some and some days I didn't get any and made myself thinking had some. Don't count yourself out!!

Hope: Hope your days get better as time passes

BamaGurl: Hello ma'am!!!

Janelleybean: Missing You, How are you?

HisGrace: Hope you're ok ma'am!

Lpjkp: Hello Ma'am, how are those Symptns looking?

AFM: my 12wk U/S is Friday. 2 days away. Ikrissy I would love to post a bump pic but I think my bump is bloated from my prior pregnancies. I am def posting a bump soon, it's just very low, it's not in the center or up to my chest like some others, it has hang time to it....wonder if that indicates a specific gender??! My DH just called me and informed me that he may not be joining me at my U/S Bc he needs to work(he's a workaholic) Bc we're trying to move and go on a trip soon with some family. And he's the only one working sooo I told him that was ok, I understand. Hopefully the bean(s) :winkwink: is ok so I can get a picture this time to show yal and him.

Sweetz: I'm sooo happy for you!!

Ladies: It's totally ok everyone dosent get a BFP at the same time, or if it takes longer than some. And as much as my heart wants to say it's NOT OK to receive a blessing and it be taken away. My religious beliefs have to say it's yet ok, Bc one day it'll get better, maybe not tommorrow or next month but it'll get better, it has too, it was promised to us that we would bare many children, and I believe that. It may take time but our blessing is right there, we just got to reach out and grab it!! GL to all our ladies, we're all in this together and it's proven we def need each other Bc our men can't emotionally understand what we're going through inside.

I love ya ladies... :hugs: NOW LET'S GET THOSE BFP's!!!!!! And if not this month Sept. is 2 wks away, you'll be bk in in no time Bc AF only last for a couple of days!!
11 dpo and bfn for me today :(

How are you all doing? i was down with headache today. vomited as well!
Wow, woke up again and had to catch up on 3 pages....I LOVE IT!!!!

Ok so I'm trying to do the best I can to remember everyone post and if I forget someone please forgive me and take it for love.

Lisalee: Our pm, Thanks sooo much I needed that. You are truly awesome,THANKS FOR BEING MY SECRET BUMP BUDDY!!

Kanicky: I def had gone to sleep, my bed time is at 9:30pm but I tried to be grown and stay up until 10, yea that didn't happened. But you didn't offend anyone at all, its just I couldn't put a story behind you and I/we love to hear our lovely ladies stories so we can support you the right way in anything that you go through and not be fake with it. I totally enjoyed reading your story, and yes most of us went through more losses but a loss is still a loss and it's something that you'll never forget Bc that bean was a part of you and was suppose to have a beautiful future at least in our minds. CONGRATS ON FINDING YOUR TRUE LOVE and being able to reverse your tubes and easily having another blessing, you and your DH deserved it. Never feel like you can't comment here, that's what we're here for, comment on anyone of us, we're all friends. Thanks again for understanding and wanting to be a part of a journey that is sooo special to all of us. Thank You :hugs:

Garfie: YAYYY AF has left the building....and it sounds like you and DH are NOT playing any games.... :sex: GOO YOU, who said 40 years olds can't get down... Garfie I might need you to teach me some tricks Bc I was getting tired of :sex:

Stork: ONLY BC MY OB TOLD ME NOTHING IN THE VAGINA Bc of my previous m/c's and bleeding episode and progesterone gel I had to stop, but no :sex: for 12wks after :sex: everyday was unbelievable sooo we had to find other methods. But my DH is scared even after the OB gives us the go ahead Bc we m/c and begin bleeding that same night after we DTD our first pregnancy, so we're both kindve cautious. And I've also learned that the DH semen can soften the cervix that's why they suggest you DTD when close to due date so the baby can come quickly. Stork what are your plans so far as far as TTC, medicines you're taking and BD?

Krissy: Lol, I thought that was soo funny ab having to take notes, Bc I've thought about taking notes every times I had to read 4 pages of comments but I was to lazy. I can totally agree with you with m/c's always messing up the body, but the good thing is your body caught it early on an not too late, that's what I dread, I told myself I won't ever get a D&C again. So are you TTC again soon?

Sweetz: How sweet you are, you know I just want to see you happy, we all do, and whatever it takes, Go for it, you deserve happiness, as women we all do. O my o my o my o my, GUESS WHAT....your appt is Today!!!! You're sooo lucky, I can't wait to hear the good news of that beautiful HB!!! :happydance:

AngelSerenity: I sooo have my FX for you!!! That this is it!!! I didnt temp but I hope it gives you s good sign. I was actually scared of tempting....So GO YOU!!

BayBeeEm: Hello madam!!!

Armymama: Hi ma'am, I didn't get Symptns everyday after DPO, some days I got some and some days I didn't get any and made myself thinking had some. Don't count yourself out!!

Hope: Hope your days get better as time passes

BamaGurl: Hello ma'am!!!

Janelleybean: Missing You, How are you?

HisGrace: Hope you're ok ma'am!

Lpjkp: Hello Ma'am, how are those Symptns looking?

AFM: my 12wk U/S is Friday. 2 days away. Ikrissy I would love to post a bump pic but I think my bump is bloated from my prior pregnancies. I am def posting a bump soon, it's just very low, it's not in the center or up to my chest like some others, it has hang time to it....wonder if that indicates a specific gender??! My DH just called me and informed me that he may not be joining me at my U/S Bc he needs to work(he's a workaholic) Bc we're trying to move and go on a trip soon with some family. And he's the only one working sooo I told him that was ok, I understand. Hopefully the bean(s) :winkwink: is ok so I can get a picture this time to show yal and him.

Sweetz: I'm sooo happy for you!!

Ladies: It's totally ok everyone dosent get a BFP at the same time, or if it takes longer than some. And as much as my heart wants to say it's NOT OK to receive a blessing and it be taken away. My religious beliefs have to say it's yet ok, Bc one day it'll get better, maybe not tommorrow or next month but it'll get better, it has too, it was promised to us that we would bare many children, and I believe that. It may take time but our blessing is right there, we just got to reach out and grab it!! GL to all our ladies, we're all in this together and it's proven we def need each other Bc our men can't emotionally understand what we're going through inside.

I love ya ladies... :hugs: NOW LET'S GET THOSE BFP's!!!!!! And if not this month Sept. is 2 wks away, you'll be bk in in no time Bc AF only last for a couple of days!!

We might have to start calling you momma of the group lol....

For now not TTC till i see my dr. on the 30th to see if they will run tests now since we have not been preventing pregnancy since July 2010 and actively ttc since August 2011 and only we have to show is 2 mc 4 months apart and i already have those 3 pretty babies so we are confused :wacko: As far as health goes I do have a high bmi but it is pretty much the same as when i got pregnan t with #3 and he as a pill baby! other than that i have been fine...DH is a type one diabetic but like i said his swimmers can swim bc i have been pregnant 5 times so makes me feel like it has something to do with me....although he was taking steriods for a few months to try and build muscle mass...nope not prescription he new a guy...

but i tell you what my body has me all.....:wacko:...right now weird cm, cramps, and sore boobs all the same as if when i was pg but no way i can be since we have not had sex since mc right? crazy body....grrrrr.....:growlmad:

oh and understand about the bump pic thing...being "over weight" i hate that word!!!....i didnt really show till about 16-20 weeks depending on pregnancy showed sooner with #1 since i was about 50lbs lighter lol and 6 7 yrs younger...cant believe my first baby is almost 6 :cry: and my youngest is going to preschool:cry: maybe that has somehting to do with my need for a baby......hmmm....
CONGRATS TO OUR LOVELY :bfp: LADIES Lisalee, Nevergivingup, Sweetz :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: we def have more to Come SO CATCH THOSE EGGIES LADIES

Our June BFP's

Lisalee1:June :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns 2Day:getting an appetite back. Less sore boobs, m/s going away, vomitted

Nevergivingup: June :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: always XTRA CM, spitting,appetite coming bk, nausea and pimples EDD: March 5, 2013

Our July BFP's:

Sweetz33/ July1 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: gassy,lot of CM, appetite.


BayBeeEm: 11 DPO/ In TWW :coffee: / Testing Date:

BamaGurl: / Relaxed Approach TTC: No Tools/ TWW :coffee:

armymama2012: 7 DPO/In TWW :coffee: /Testing: August 27th

Garfie: CD 5/ waiting to "O" just :sex:

Angelserenity: Taking the Relaxed Approach/ TWW :coffee: Just :sex: Testing: Aug. 21st

Gregprincess: DPO in TWW :coffee: Testing August 31st.

Shefali83: 10 DPO/ in TWW :coffee: Testing Date:

Lpjkp: DPO/ in TWW :coffee: Test date:

Kanicky: DPO/ In TWW :coffee: Test Date:


Storked: waiting to "O" Just :sex:

Janelleybean: AF Showed CD 5: Taking a break from TTC :thumbup:

Krissy485: CD/ Waiting to "O" :coffee:

HisGrace: CD/ waiting to "O" :wacko:

Hopestruck: taking a break :flower:
Quick jump in:

Shefali: Def don't feel like you're out. I tested at 10DPO and got a bfn. I didn't get a BFP until I was 11DPO and that line was faint and it had to sit for 5-10 minutes before the faint line showed up, which I knew I should've discarded but it was right. So you're definitely not out, hCG has to rise high enough in your body to be detected on the hpt. So don't give up!!

Krissy: hahahaha,, I can't help it....I just really want to hear you all happy and not down it really breaks my heart when yal are down honestly. But I can understand where you're coming from especially since you have 3 kids. It's only human to think something would be wrong with you, but I'm hoping that that's not the case and that your body got hold of some bad eggs that it didn't recognize from the beginning. After my 2 m/c's I was suppose to get tested to see what's wrong but I got prego again after AF so their keeping a close watch on me this time but no kne can stop a m/c if the sperm isnt a healthy or viable one. I also thought it was Bc I was a diet queen, I was always going to extreme measures to stay small sonibthought maybe that messed up my reproductive system but when your fragile and desperate like I was you'll blame anything that you did. I'm def posting my bump soon but I was 140 before getting pregnant and let's say ive 45 lbs after both m/c depression def kept me in a hole. But I'm not sad about my lumptuous curvation, I'm learning to embrace it, no matter what your size is, you can always make yourself look beautiful with just your attitude.
Ok first off....Storked I just spit out my juiced I lol'd so hard!! You are a nut! I'm seriously going to use that line one day haha!!

Krissy...I feel your pain. You know who over here refuses to do anything but good old fashion sex. It's annoying. I like (eh hem) diversity (if ya get what I'm saying lol) I will says about your comment to reminded me of a saying my BFF told me...

"Be the kind of woman that when you wake up in the morning and put your feet on the ground, the Devil say 'Oh crap! She's up!'" haha!!

Never....I heart you....yup that about nails it. ;)

AFM TODAY'S THE DAY!!! ^_^ he decided he is going to go with me, but at this point really don't want him there haha!! Oh well... Had hard time sleeping last night and forgot to take my nightly reglan so woke up kinda gaggy. *pops a reglan now* I will be leaving in about 2 hours Yay! I told him to try and tape it on his phone. Let's see if he can do at least that Rolf fx'd

Well to all my other ladies, I hope you are doing splendidly! Much love to all!!
Quick jump in:

Shefali: Def don't feel like you're out. I tested at 10DPO and got a bfn. I didn't get a BFP until I was 11DPO and that line was faint and it had to sit for 5-10 minutes before the faint line showed up, which I knew I should've discarded but it was right. So you're definitely not out, hCG has to rise high enough in your body to be detected on the hpt. So don't give up!!

Krissy: hahahaha,, I can't help it....I just really want to hear you all happy and not down it really breaks my heart when yal are down honestly. But I can understand where you're coming from especially since you have 3 kids. It's only human to think something would be wrong with you, but I'm hoping that that's not the case and that your body got hold of some bad eggs that it didn't recognize from the beginning. After my 2 m/c's I was suppose to get tested to see what's wrong but I got prego again after AF so their keeping a close watch on me this time but no kne can stop a m/c if the sperm isnt a healthy or viable one. I also thought it was Bc I was a diet queen, I was always going to extreme measures to stay small sonibthought maybe that messed up my reproductive system but when your fragile and desperate like I was you'll blame anything that you did. I'm def posting my bump soon but I was 140 before getting pregnant and let's say ive 45 lbs after both m/c depression def kept me in a hole. But I'm not sad about my lumptuous curvation, I'm learning to embrace it, no matter what your size is, you can always make yourself look beautiful with just your attitude.

Thanks dear for pulling me up. I didnt want to test so early. but i have to because if i do get a bfp i ll have to start with progesterone asap. i had very low progesterone last mmc. by the time i took the supplement it was too late. i think that is why i lost the baby :(
Well today is 7 DPO and for the first time I am having basically no symptoms and my temp is still rising! Good sign?

Good to hear from you!!!!! How you been....FX that the temps is a good sign!! :dust:

Thanks mostly just been reading how you pregnant ladies have been doing. Hoping to join you soon! Has anyone given birth without DH with you?
Good morning ladies. I actually snuck away for a few minutes cause I already missed you all! LOL
Anyhoo I think I am getting the hang of this so here goes.

Sweets33- Thank you for the warm welcome and it was my pleasure to share my story. Its really nice to know some people actually want to hear it. My DH gets really bored when I want to talk about all of this, which I understad but sometimes its just nice to vent.

BayBeeEm- Thank you also for the warm welcome. Yes we ar quite smitten with our daughter (and all my children) but there is something to say for a baby that is born out of a struggle of some sort. Am I weird to think that?? She makes us laugh and has brought a light to our family that wasnt there before. I love chattiness! Lord knows I can throw down a good conversation when I want to!! LOL!

Storked- I am so with you on the cutting of sex thing! I actually told my mom that during this past year of TTC I am actually sick of sex! I know that sounds completely and utterly crazy but only women who are struggling to conceive would even understand that. I would be totally fine with going 9 whole months with if I could just convince the hubs of that I will be doing good!

Angelserenity- Thank you also for the warm welcome. I have actually only tried one thing. This is my second month on Soy Isoflavones. The first month I did days 1-5 and took 200mg. The second month I did days 2-6 and only took 160mgs. I seemed to have more ewcm the second month. I am just now pondering if I should even try it a 3rd month if this one didnt work. I read somewhere that said you shouldnt do it for more than a couple months, kind of the same rule of thumb as clomid. So thats where Im at right now. I am currently 9 or 10 dpo. I havent decided if I O'd last Saturday or Sunday but I poas yesterday morning with 10miu strips and got a BFN. I didnt even bother this morning. I think I might just wait to see if AF shows her ugly face on Sunday.

Krissy485- Thank you as well for the warm welcome! I think Im getting the hang of it all, I had to take some notes so I wouldnt miss anyone but this is already a very comforting place and I may have to find me some more "computer time" just to check in on you ladies!

Never- thank you again for bringing this to my attention and I am looking forward to this entire journey with all of you. Its nice to know that other people understand what this is like.
Ok if I missed anyone I am so sorry, it wasnt on purpose :) If anyone can tell me how in the world to get a profile pic on here I would love to share a pic of my family with all of you. I am normally pretty computer savvy but this has me stumped!!

Hugs to all of you, enjoy your day, its beautiful here! Blue skies and 80! Talk to you all later!
Hi Shefali: I def understand where you're coming from. That's a great plan, Bc I was suppose to go in for testing as to why I keep m/c but instead they caught my pregnancy at 4wks so I've been on the progesterone seems like forever now. So yes ma'am def test away, so we can def give this bean a chance.

Armymama: def Don't worry ma'am, YOU WILL BE JOING US SOON, as everyone else, and I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Kanicky: I'm SOOO HAPPY YOU'RE With us!!! And I def understand running away from DTD, I know I did when TTC. I Also thought about trying soy, raspberry lead tea, and anything else to help but like you said you have to take it for s certain amount of time which would drive me crazy. The profile photo, you would have to register freely with "Photobucket" they'll give you your personal email address for them and something else(can't remember) and you'll email or send your pics to that email address they gave you and it will be in your photobucket profile. Then you'll pick the one you want to upload and they'll give you a code to copy then you'll come back to Your Baby and Bump profile which will read at the top "user Cp" click it and it'll take you to your profile and then "I believe" you'll click profile pic(not to sure) and copy your code from photobucket I'm that slot. I hope this helps alittle. GL!

SWEETZ: HAPPY 11WKS MA'AM!!!!! CONGRATS TO MAKING IT TO 11wks wishing you many many many many many more healthy successful wks to come!!!

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