March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Hi ladies,

Just wanted to drop in to let you know that I did end up miscarrying :( I figured as much, with the low betas... and then on Sunday night I started to spot. Went in for an U/S Monday, and they found exactly what I thought... a very, very early pregnancy. It was just an empty sac as it probably stopped developing so early/slowed development early on. The good news (there is good news!) is that is was NOT ectopic. That would have been much more stressful and traumatic.

I had my little breakdown over the weekend...but am feeling better today. I ended up having the complete M/C was just like a heavy period. I did pass the sac and a tiny placenta. Very different from my last pregnancy but it was a relief to know that the "worst" was over. To be honest, I had a huge sense of relief wash over me last night after I passed it. My low betas and faint HPTs this time around really caused me a lot of internal anxiety. So I was glad to know it was over and we can move on (not sure if we will TTC soon or wait a bit...trying to coordinate with wedding plans, lol).

Not sure what my doc will say, as he's out of town for a couple of weeks. I'm seeing his fill-in next week, and then have an appt with him in 2 weeks. I think it's time for me to think about using either Heparin or Prednisone. We'll see what I can convince my doctor to do...he seems to be in the "do nothing" camp. There are many docs who believe (rightly, based on the statistics) that most women with recurrent MC will go on to have a baby with no intervention. That may be true, but if I can expedite that process, I definitely want to!

That's all... Sorry I havent been commenting much lately. I promise I will catch up on everyone soon!

O NO HOPESTRUCK :cry: IM SOO SOO SOO SORRY!!! I wish I could hug you, and let you know I know how it feels and to console you Bc I know some days it's sad even when we think we're over it. I'm so sorry, my heart is sad and broken for you but don't give up hope ma'am. You're capable of overcoming anything, we all are..... even in a world full of sadness. I'm happy that happened quickly for you so it could be over, I wish it never happened but I'm glad you found some good in it. When I passed my sac I felt the same as you a bit of relief that it was over. Whenever you're ready it's sooo up to you and we will be here for whatever you're going through and for when you announce your BFP. Sometimes we have to go through rain to get to the rainbow and I'm sure your miracle will be waiting for you at the end of it!!! We Love you more than you'll ever know, Thank you for being here with us!

Ps. My doc told me that after my first m/c that I would have a successful pregnancy the 2nd time, but he was wrong that one failed too, man cannot promise me a good pregnancy only God. GL
Hi ladies,

Just wanted to drop in to let you know that I did end up miscarrying :( I figured as much, with the low betas... and then on Sunday night I started to spot. Went in for an U/S Monday, and they found exactly what I thought... a very, very early pregnancy. It was just an empty sac as it probably stopped developing so early/slowed development early on. The good news (there is good news!) is that is was NOT ectopic. That would have been much more stressful and traumatic.

I had my little breakdown over the weekend...but am feeling better today. I ended up having the complete M/C was just like a heavy period. I did pass the sac and a tiny placenta. Very different from my last pregnancy but it was a relief to know that the "worst" was over. To be honest, I had a huge sense of relief wash over me last night after I passed it. My low betas and faint HPTs this time around really caused me a lot of internal anxiety. So I was glad to know it was over and we can move on (not sure if we will TTC soon or wait a bit...trying to coordinate with wedding plans, lol).

Not sure what my doc will say, as he's out of town for a couple of weeks. I'm seeing his fill-in next week, and then have an appt with him in 2 weeks. I think it's time for me to think about using either Heparin or Prednisone. We'll see what I can convince my doctor to do...he seems to be in the "do nothing" camp. There are many docs who believe (rightly, based on the statistics) that most women with recurrent MC will go on to have a baby with no intervention. That may be true, but if I can expedite that process, I definitely want to!

That's all... Sorry I havent been commenting much lately. I promise I will catch up on everyone soon!

Hopestruck, I am going to reply on here and PM you in the hopes that you get my messages soon. I am so sorry for this loss. It isn't fair :cry:
I'm going to recommend Coming to Term by Jon Cohen to you- it actually focuses on recurrent losses. And while what your doctor says is true, that most women eventually carry to many is he going to make you lose before he tries something? This is crushing your spirit.
I am going to go back through my book because I am sure that it mentioned there being a recurrent loss clinic in Canada. (I found this
I know that your signature says that your losses have been unexplained. Did they karyotype the losses? Have you been tested for clotting disorders? I have FVL mutation and am going to do aspirin and heparin next pregnancy. Taking lovenox injections right now.
There is also antiphospholipid syndrome.
I am sorry. I hope that all of this information helps. I just want you to have answers and a sticky baby :(
Oh hope I am so sorry! I could not imagine going through 4 loses! I want to hug u and hold ur hand through. If ur dr does not want to do something this time I think u should find a new dr. I mean come on 4 mc at the age of 26 is enough! Whatever support we can be let us know we love u!

Afm have lack of sleep headache but also lots cramping on both sides of hips like right on my hip bones mybe bc I did lots of cleaning yesterday and walking today
Anyways just dh Phone right now get on computer later on tonight and comment more on u lovely ladies
Never- Happy 12 weeks!!!! :dance: I'm glad to hear your MS is easing. I don't know what's going on with mine. For the past 2 days, I've thrown up twice in the mornings! I thought it would be better by now. Oh well.

Krissy- That is such a cute pic of your family!! You have beautiful children.

Bamagirl- loving your approach this month. At this rate, you might even wait til AF is late to test! :)

BayBeeEm- FX for you this month!

Sweetz- Glad you're feeling better. What is reglan?

For those who asked, my appt is Thursday. Can't wait! I don't know how I would post pics b/c they print the pics out in the office. Guess I could take a pic of the pic and upload it to my computer and then post it. But that is so much work!!!
Aww Hopestruck. So sorry to hear that. I agree with that you should probably look into finding another doctor who will be more aggressive about your treatment. :hugs:
Kanicky- I don't know anything about IB b/c I've never had it. Based on what I've read online, you could/should get a positive HPT 2-3 days after the bleeding. Good luck!
Reglan is a God send lol it is an anti nausea medication. If you start feeling nauseous pop one in and bam, it goes away. I take one before going to sleep as well so I don't get woken with nausea.
Never- Happy 12 weeks!!!! :dance: I'm glad to hear your MS is easing. I don't know what's going on with mine. For the past 2 days, I've thrown up twice in the mornings! I thought it would be better by now. Oh well.

Krissy- That is such a cute pic of your family!! You have beautiful children.

Bamagirl- loving your approach this month. At this rate, you might even wait til AF is late to test! :)

BayBeeEm- FX for you this month!

Sweetz- Glad you're feeling better. What is reglan?

For those who asked, my appt is Thursday. Can't wait! I don't know how I would post pics b/c they print the pics out in the office. Guess I could take a pic of the pic and upload it to my computer and then post it. But that is so much work!!!

Thanks! That is the plan, to be so relaxed that I don't even realize I am late haha.

And it may be so much work, but ummm we demand that you work it out & post those sweet pics! :) please of course
Ladies I am so sorry that I havent commented on others stories, I didnt know exactly how close all of you are and didnt want to stick my nose where it wasnt wanted. I sort of had a bad experience on another site where I did make supportive remarks or encouragement and had a gal that was not so nice about it. This site seems to to be much more supportive and so far you all have been more than welcoming! So to give you all a bit of my story. I am 39, will be 40 in March. After a failed marriage 15 years ago I had gotten my tubes tied. I have a daughter from that marriage who is 13 and a son from a previous relationship who is 19. 6 years ago I met a wonderful man who is now my DH! He didnt have any kids and really wanted them. We looked into IVF but it was way more than we could afford. The fertility doc we were seeing said that our best option would be a tubal reversal. We saved up the money and went ahead with it in October of 2009. When it was all done they told us that it could take up to a year to get pregnant. We didnt waste any time and got busy right away. Surprisingly it took us 30 days!! Yes we were all kind of shocked! Even the doctor was. I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl on 7/27/2010. Last year when she turned 1 we decided to give it one more try. We figured we spent all the money for the surgery we might as well give it one more try. I have always gotten pregnant fast so this is really a shocker for me and has been quite hard to deal with. I know age plays a big part too so I am trying my hardest to be patient with that. We did manage to get pregnant in May but that was a chemical pregnancy. My OB wont step in because she said at my age you have to try for at least a year before they will help and seeing as we managed to concieve in May, it is possible. I cant help but think that my tubes are blocked, that scar tissue has built up and wont let any swimmers through. I have tried to convince myself that this is not the case because of May but its tough sometimes. I have read through almost 100% of this thread and let me say you have got to be some of the toughest ladies I have ever had the pleasure of "meeting" in my whole life. The losses that some of you have suffered and you all just dust yourselves off and get back on that horse (no pun intended). It truly is inspirational. So it wasnt that I wasnt commenting for lack of caring for each and everyone of you and your stories but more so that I would read through your daily struggles and find strength to continue mine. I will definetely be more attentive to all of you wonderful girls!!! I will ask that you try and be somewhat patient with me as I dont get a whole lot of computer time during the day so its best if I try and catch up in the evenings. A big fat MUAH to all of you and hugs as well. And I am sprinkling baby dust all over this thread as I type, I hope we all get our BFPs. I do want to say quickly, Hopestruck, I actually shed a tear as I read your post today. I am so very sorry for your loss. Its unbelievable how high we can feel when we get our bfp and then we just drop when this happens. Hugs to you, and dont give up. My doc said that a mc means it can happen, just a matter of time. Ok I am off for the night and hope to see you all again tomorrow evening!!! Ny Nite!!!
Thanks for sharing Kani and nice to know you a bit more. :) This particular thread (and ladies) are extremely supportive. I know if it wasn't for them, this past few months would of taken there toll on me and I would be in A LOT worse shape. They are supportive in the TTC, TWW, 1st tri, and beyond! Even if it is not pregnancy related, they will have your back. I know if it wasn't for certain people, Never, Hope, Baby, Jane just to name a few...I would of been in bad shape with my impending separation. There is true strength and beauty seen daily with these lovely ladies!! I feel like this is my second family. <3

Anywho, welcome...and thank you again for sharing!!
Kanicky - Its a pleasure to hear more from you Kanicky. Yes, we are all very welcoming, encouraging and dare I say loving, here. Being a part of this group has given me a certain type of strength and understanding that I don't think I would have, had I continued to deal with and bear the pain of my loss in silence. These girls and this group/thread are/is priceless!

Congratulations on the birth of your little girl, by the way. Its always makes me happy when things work out well for others! Here's to you getting your 2nd, forever BFP.

Looking forward to hearing more from you in the evenings. Be warned, you will find tons to read by that time of the day. We can be a chatty bunch. :)

Hopestruck ... as I said previously, my thoughts are with you. Lets offline chat when you are ready, ok? :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks for sharing Kanicky. This is a great group of ladies. Welcome :)
I am thinking that when I do get my BFP that I will cut off all that nuts?
Hopestruck.... I am so sorry you are facing another loss :hugs::hugs::hugs:. Life can be so unfair sometimes. I would really push for getting more testing done, and no offence to your doctor but the mental and emotional anguish continuous MCs can have far outweigh waiting it out until you get your rainbow baby. I'm not sure how your health system works but can you change doctors if need be? Thinking of you, one day at a time... :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Kanicky... thanks for sharing, what a lovely story. I hope you get your next miracle soon. Have you tried meditation etc if you are in 'baby making obsession zone'? I found this really helped me relax and then hey presto...

Morning Never and everybody else, I'll update later. Temp still high this morning but it's been too early to note anything else yet (it's only 8.30am here) xoxo

Never, when do you go for your next scan?
Hope - I am so sorry hun :hugs: I hope you manage to get a more supportive doctor - so sorry for your last loss:flower:

Kanicky - Hi welcome - nice to meet you, you are right there are a lot of lovely ladies on here who are always happy to offer advice, help or just a :hugs: I'm sure we'll get a chance to chat soon as we carry on our journey:hugs:

Storked - We stopped having sex (although that didn't stop my m/c:cry:) but if you decide to there are plenty of other things you can do:winkwink:

Sweetz - I'm hoping each day is getting easier for you hun:flower:

Hope all our pregnant ladies are starting to bloom now, like the pretty little flowers they are:flower:

AFM - CD5 (sorry ladies you will know what CD I am on every day:winkwink:) nothing to report - except the witch has left the building:happydance: and as it's mine and hubby 2nd anniversary we may be busy later on:winkwink:

Have a good day chaps


I don't mind those other things ;D
I think I am going to take up meditation! I need some tranquility in my head hehe

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