March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Hey aspe,welcome to the group! Do you mind telling us your "story" and a bit more about yourself?xx
Afternoon Ladies

Sorry once again I have been MIA (anniversary yesterday) and have just spent a while catching up ..........

Janelley - I got stuck on your videos and photos - what an adorabubble family you have and don't worry your project will be so worth it in the end:flower:

Lisalee - Good luck at your appointment - baby photos appreciated and needed here too!:winkwink:

Lpjkp - Wow hun that sounds very promising - fingers crossed for you.

Sweetz - That's a lovely strong heartbeat - glad something made hubby smile:happydance:

Armymama - I have had cysts in the past - but have never heard what she said I agree with the rest of the ladies on here to ignore what she is saying and ask your doc.:flower:

Never - I hope your headache has gone - it's probably because all us ladies haven't stopped chatting:haha:

Storked - How are you today? what CD are you on?:hugs:

AFM - I am on a HIGH with my CBFM (usually starts LOW):shrug: I had a lovely anniversary (hubby says he likes his two year old wife:haha:) any way we managed (don't know how) to break our memory foam matress:blush:

Have a lovely day ladies


Ohhh booo, I missed the babies HB, the BFP announcement and Lpkjp... :growlmad: It's ok time for me to catch up...YAYYYY!!

Sweetz: O My!!!! I'm sooo happy you got to hear your little bean HB!!! o my how did it feel ma'am!!? EXCITED I KNOW!!! Im sooo happy for You!! This is your Take Home Baby!!

Lpjkp: :happydance: I'm always happy to read your post, they make me smile just Bc I know it's you posting. Lpjkp I know how you feel about being cautious about getting excited early on about those two lines so ma'am I will be excited for you. I am def praying for you that this will be your miracle baby! Are you waiting for the lines to get darker Bc that will drive you crazy. Please keep us updated Bc I'm ready to jump up and down!

AngelSerenity: AHHHHHH CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Soooo happy for you!!!!! Those lines are def visible. No women should go through loss like you did but you def deserve this baby and ma'am trust me I am praying for that bean to stick and healthy and happy in you!!! CONGRATS AGAIN MA'AM, and THANKS for sharing that with us!! August BFP is yours!!

Janelleybean: I def think you should ask your doc about the aspiriin, it def won't hurt to consider every option. And I saw one page of your blog I think I did it wrong, I will try again Bc I'm using my raggedy iPhone. But you are such a beautiful lady. And I will def add you in to TTC!!! YAYYYYY im sooo happy you're bk in and I'm rooting for you that you and your DH get that BFP this cycle before you give up. I def think all that pain you went through, you deserve your baby out of it. And I know you will get him/her soon!! GL

Kanicky: awww I love your profile pic of your beautiful family!!! Yal look sooo happy and that's def a great thing. And you have a big family and you're trying to add on, now that is a BEAUTIFUL THING, I Love It!!!

BayBeeEm: Hi ma'am!! Hope your day at work with your boss is better today.

HisGrace: Glad to hear that your AF is almost gone, now you can get bk to business!

Garfie: I'm sooo glad you had an awesome anniversary day!!!! I def got a headache from something but it couldnt of have been from yal wonderful ladies......maybe so(just kidding) High on CBFM: means :sex: I'm sure you're covering your bases with that DH of yours!!!

Armymama: I'm sorry your DH won't be there for the birth if your beautiful child but I'm sure he's head is going to be thinking about yal the whole time!! I'm sure slot of women don't have their DH's or partners in there with them, it's ok. I am sad that their not allowing the R&R until a year later....who makes these rules.

Lisalee: You always keep me straight!! AND O YES.....YOUR 12+4 wk appt. is TODAY!!! AHHHHH:happydance: How Exciting!!!!!! I hope we get pics, and yes Lpjkp and I are pressuring you to show them!!! I hope your experience goes better this time. Tell your little baby that the women from B&B said "Hi! and we can't wait to see him/her in due time!!

Krissy: hi Busy mom, how you doing ma'am?!

Hopestruck: Im SOO glad you're still here, you def keep me positive and motivated, THANK YOU :hugs: How you're doing?

Stork: Go You, I saw the CoQ10 on a commercial and immediately thought about you. Yea I would stop taking them too if I learned about all that. But you'll be ok, I'm just ready for you to announce that great news!!

BamaGurl: Hi ma'am, how are you!!?

Hi to all the wonderful ladies that I forgot! I tried my best, LisaLee I would love to do your memorization strategy but my laptop is in migration(broken) so I'm on my IPhone so I can't go bk or I'll lose everything I wrote.

AFM: my appt. is 12:00noon tommorrow, it's like I hear the scary movie music playing in my head. My DH called and said he's taking the Day off to be there with me Bc he wants to be there Bc this is a milestone we never made it to to hear our baby HB at 12wks. So until then GOOOOO LISALEE!!!! I'm SOO happy for you!!
BWAHAHAHA hilarious Garfie! High? Go for it ;)
CD 8 over here :)
Can't wait for your ultrasound Never! And I hope I have good news to announce to you next month. Why must time crawl by?! I am so impatient for my BFP!
The CBFM has 3 levels - LOW (not fertile ) HIGH (coming up fertile) PEAK (Fertile lots of :sex::happydance:) Or how I like to think ON YOUR MARKS ........ GET SET.......... GO :haha:

How long are your cycles normally Storked? - mine are roughly 24 days so not a very big fertile window.


Woohoo Storked and definitely woohoo Garfie for getting nearer your fertile time!!! Garfie, there's absolutely NO excuse for not BD'ing every single high and peak (I won't accept any excuse!) and same goes for you two WILL catch that eggie this cycle and WILL be getting your BFPs in a couple of weeks, and I won't hear otherwise :)

Never: ARGH! Another lovely preggo lady with a very exciting appointment...there had better be pictures involved and I better see them! I will not be happy with you pregnant ladies if you withhold these vital piccies from us for much longer!

Never: I'd love to be cautiously excited, but I'd like the line to become much more of a squint then followed up by a "pregnant" on CB before I'll allow myself to even contemplate being pregnant...I've got clearblue plus, which I plan to take maybe 10dpo and some frers in the post (Much cheaper to buy them off ebay!) way or another, I would love that BFP and I hope that BFP beats AF to it...x
CONGRATS TO OUR LOVELY :bfp: LADIES Lisalee, Nevergivingup, Sweetz and AngelSerenity :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: we def have more to Come SO CATCH THOSE EGGIES LADIES

Our June BFP's

Lisalee1:June :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns 2Day:getting an appetite back. Less sore boobs, m/s going away. :baby: 1st HB:

Nevergivingup: June :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: always XTRA CM, spitting,appetite coming bk, nausea and pimples EDD: March 5, 2013/ :baby: 1st HB: 130 @6wks/ 2nd HB: 162@7wks

Our July BFP's:

Sweetz33/ July1 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: gassy,lot of CM, appetite. :baby: 1st HB: 144@ 11wks

AUGUST BFP's Lovely Ladies:

Angelserenity: Tested Aug. 23: :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns: :baby: 1st HB:


BayBeeEm: 10 DPO/ In TWW :coffee: / Testing Date:

BamaGurl: / Relaxed Approach TTC: No Tools/ TWW :coffee:

armymama2012: 10DPO/In TWW :coffee: /Testing: August 27th

Garfie: CD 7/ waiting to "O" just :sex:

Gregprincess: M.I.A :shrug:

Shefali83: 11 DPO/ in TWW :coffee: Testing Date:

Lpjkp:8 DPO/ in TWW :coffee: Test date:

Kanicky: 8 DPO/ In TWW :coffee: Test Date:


Storked: waiting to "O" Just :sex:

Janelleybean: CD:7 / Waiting To "O" :flower:

Krissy485: CD/ Not Trying until see Doc. :flower:

HisGrace: CD/ waiting to "O" :wacko:

Hopestruck: taking a break :flower:
Ok QUick pop in so ya'll know i am alive lol

first of all YAY ANGEL :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Congrats girl you give hope to all of us girl!!!!

I will have to catch up on all the other going ons later...

afm-been busy applying for jobs today...still not sure what we are going to do....last night was a bad night....dh is all frustrated and depressed and stressed well i kept making comments about him and the video game hopeing he would at least get off to get dinner with us and he snapped. told me if i didnt like it to move the fuck out to my moms on my own and why dont i get off my fat ass and get a job...yes he said all that :cry::cry::cry::cry:

well didnt talk to him the rest of the night and not too long after he said what he said he tried joking around with me and what not i just gave him dirty looks...he doesnt have it in him to say sorry....anyways when he finally came to be i am always the one to say i love you good night first well i wouldnt...i am stilll pissed as i write this....he said it first and of course i said it back...i love him so much but i am hurt rightn for now i am off and i will catch up when i have more heart in it...

oh and SWEETZ congrats on that heart beat it is a beautiful sound!!!

Love my ladies!!!!
:hugs: :kiss::hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss::hugs:
Angel, congrats on the BFP postive!

Sweetz - I think I said it before but I will say it again. I am loving that the baby is doing well. I suspect he is going to have your DH looking to make things right. Ok, that might just be my no so secret wish.

Nevergivingup - always so much going on these threads. So difficult to keep keep up. My the way, I'm only 10 DPO. :)

Aspe - welcome! I think you're in good shape if the only thing you have is a spot. I think your plan to wait it out and see the doc for bloods is an excellent idea. Here's hoping that its just a minor delay in the ramping up of your HCG!

Janelleybean - I asked my DH about the benefits of taking baby asprin, he said it works as a blood thinner and would be excellent for those that have clotting issues. I see mention of taking baby asprin daily throughout the site ... I just had to ask!

Storked - Snow white? Now that would be adorable or should I say enchanting. As for being 8 DPO, do you think you will test early or ...?

Lisalee - I understand the excitement of finding out the sex of your baby at birth offers! Just for a split moment, I considered doing but then I remembered the kind of person I am. I want to start shopping and painting and all that good stuff ASAP. :blush:

Everyone else :hugs: and more :hugs:.

AFM - More or less, things are the same. Just patiently waiting out this TWW. I've been considering a new job and have decided that should I find something, I will take it. That said, of course you need to work for an organization at least 1 year before getting maternity leave or short term disability. What would you all do if you were successful in conceiving prior to an interview? Would you disclose before hire? I'd appreciate your thoughts!
Ok QUick pop in so ya'll know i am alive lol

first of all YAY ANGEL :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Congrats girl you give hope to all of us girl!!!!

I will have to catch up on all the other going ons later...

afm-been busy applying for jobs today...still not sure what we are going to do....last night was a bad night....dh is all frustrated and depressed and stressed well i kept making comments about him and the video game hopeing he would at least get off to get dinner with us and he snapped. told me if i didnt like it to move the fuck out to my moms on my own and why dont i get off my fat ass and get a job...yes he said all that :cry::cry::cry::cry:

well didnt talk to him the rest of the night and not too long after he said what he said he tried joking around with me and what not i just gave him dirty looks...he doesnt have it in him to say sorry....anyways when he finally came to be i am always the one to say i love you good night first well i wouldnt...i am stilll pissed as i write this....he said it first and of course i said it back...i love him so much but i am hurt rightn for now i am off and i will catch up when i have more heart in it...

oh and SWEETZ congrats on that heart beat it is a beautiful sound!!!

Love my ladies!!!!
:hugs: :kiss::hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss::hugs:

Wow, what are the odds of job talk back to back like that.

I am so sorry about the fight with your hubby. He really is in an unhappy place right now for him to imagine forming his mouth to say such nasty words. Please take the time you need to be OK, we're all here waiting for you to return. I am so sorry about that.
Garfie my cycles were 25 but the miscarriage screwed it all up! The last was 30 so I think they are normalizing!
Lpjkp, I solemnly swear to baby dance until I get that BFP ;) I hear you on wanting it confirmed on other stuff before allowing yourself excitement. You do what you gotta do to cope with an outcome that you still feel can swing either way
Krissy, what a prick your hubby is. I am mad at him on your behalf.
Oh BayBeeEm I am just on cycle day 8, I wish I was 8 DPO! I am impatient like that hehe! How much longer are you waiting until you test? I wish I could be more helpful on the new job/maternity leave stuff but I'm afraid that I have no clue :-/
I hope it's not to late to join, is it?
If is my situation

Ok, so today is one week from the last day I seen the light pink spotting (that happened twice). I was going to test with FMU, but company was here. I managed to hold my pee for 1 hour, then tested with SMU. I couldn't help myself but to test, only to be let down in disappointment. Why would it be negative? I had a spot of pink (on three occasions) on Monday(when I was supposed to start), so should I go a week from that? Or am I out this month if I don't get af by the end of August, I will be going to the doctor to demand bloodwork and an ultrasound because this is not right. Oh, how I hate seeing negatives

How many DPO are you? It could just be too early or your urine could have been too diluted.

If I done it right, I am 17 dpo. I get my hopes up too much I think. :(
Congratulations Angel!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Never- Thank you for your kind words, the doctors office opens in a few minutes I will call and ask them about the aspirin. I'm glad that you enjoyed my blog. One can sit there all day and read it if they had the time. I enjoy going back and starting at the beginning and reading all the way until the present. It's like reading your favorite book all over again.

Krissy- I was going to comment on other peoples status, but after reading yours I am pissed too! If my husband would have said something like that to me, I would have quietly walked over and unplugged the game console and told him, "Game time's over, you have a family now, time to grow up!" Actually I probably would have given him a black eye to be a constant reminder that that was mean. I remember there was a time that my husband played a lot of games on his xbox, so I made plans with my friends and took the controllers with me, as well as the battery to the laptop. He called me asking if I knew where they were and of coarse I said no. It was then that he realized that he played his video games too much. We really haven't had a problem since then.

That is not alright for your husband to be saying things like that to you. Joking or not. That is just plain mean and if he has the balls to say something like that, he should have the balls to say he's sorry. What a jerk. Man, I could say a lot more, but ugh.. I'm refraining. :growlmad:
Krissy - Aw hun :hugs: that you are going through this - How dare he! but I'm sorry I agree with the other ladies if he has the balls to be nasty he can grow a pair and say sorry:flower:

The worry is hun that the verbal abuse becomes just as bad as physical abuse it hurts just as much - so take back the control hun and don't let him abuse you it's not nice and its not right!

I am not saying your hubby is physically abusive but sometimes it starts with verbal (as a joke) and then the "joking" becomes more often and before you know it sometimes....... well I'm sure I don't need to draw you a picture.

Think of your beautiful babies if you need some strength hun that's what I did.

And of course if it makes you feel better you can always say on here what you'd really like to tell him but don't - it will be our little secret right girls:winkwink:


Well today is 8 DPO and my temp is still rising! If my temp is still high at 11 DPO I might give in and test a day early. How high does your temp have to be to be considered triphasic?
Wow SO much to reply to this morning!!!

First of all... Angel, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaayyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Celebrating another awesome BFP for this group!!! I hope you are feeling great. I know it's so hard to stay positive after multiple losses (you and I both know this well), but please, please try. Is your doctor going to follow your betas or anything like that?? Sending you all the best! xox

Sweetz, I think I missed the announcement about the heartbeat but that is FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC! So much good news on the boards today!! If you don't mind me asking, what is the status with your DH situation at the moment?

Lpkjp, so glad you are back and active on the board! We've missed ya. Sounds like some SUPER promising signs!!!!!!!!!!! With all pregnancies except this most recent one (#4) I have always *known* was pregnant well before the test. So trust your instincts. And also maybe consider trying a different brand to ease your mind about the evaps! lol.

Garfie, so glad you are also back more often these days! Your posts always make me laugh...this one included...LOVE that you broke your memory foam!!! LOL! I agree, we have one too and I have NO idea how you managed it. Must be some good baby dancin' ;) and, Happy anniversary!!!! :flow: I can't wait till we finally get married and can celebrate those milestones...

Never - so excited for your appt tomorrow! I can totally understand the excitement as I have never made it that far either (well the first time with my blighted ovum I was 11+6...but of course there was just a sac + yolk on ultrasound - NOT the same!). I'm really glad your DH is going with you! Awesome!! Pleeeasse post lots of pics :) xoxo

Lisalee - Also STOKED for your appt today! Yaay! Congrats sweetie! Keep us posted on how it goes. I love that you and Never are going so strongly into the 2nd tri. :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Krissy - I cannot believe your husband is treating you that way! He sounds like he can be a real jackass! Do you ever stand up to him and argue back? Not trying to encourage you to do anything you're not comfortable with, but you really don't deserve to be pushed around by someone who is really not contributing!

HisGrace - Don't think we've formally "met", but I wanted to say that I read your journal a while back and what you wrote really spoke to me. You're an awesome writer and I can totally relate to the spiritual journey that you are on (in fact, I am still kind of on it). So anyway, welcome and really glad to have you here :)

BayBeeEm, that's exciting that you are considering a new job. What area do you work in now, and what area are you thinking of moving into? I can definitely relate, as lately I have been feeling more than disenchanted with my grad school studies (btw I still owe you a response to your PM about my background!). I've definitely been contemplating a change in career...although it is scary as what I am doing right now is very comfy both in the work and the $$.

I've actually been in a situation where I did conceive right before job interview. This was in January 2012, a time when I was also contemplating leaving school. I found out I was pregnant right before the interview, but decided to go for it anyway. It ended up going fairly well, but I decided after the fact that I wasn't going to take it anyway (and would stay in my program instead). I figured they just wouldn't call me for a follow-up interview, but they DID, that night, and wanted me to come in the next day to meet their financier. So I bit the bullet and disclosed the fact that I had just found out I was pregnant and that I probably wasn't the best candidate for them (they were a startup and needed somebody to work 50+ hour workweeks for at least the first year to get things going). It was the right choice for me, and it turned out they were very understanding. They ended up hiring me as a consultant! So far I've only done one small project for them, but they recently contacted me about another one this fall. So it worked out really well....but it was very specific circumstances. AND, obviously, I ended up losing that pregnancy as well, so that was a bit disappointing. I actually think that especially if you have experienced a loss, there is absolutely NO reason for you to disclose it until you are at least in the second trimester and more confident in the pregnancy. Unless of course, you are going to be super tired, nauseated, etc etc. Then it might be good to tell them sooner.

Not sure if that was helpful at all, but there you go...haha.

AFM....Thanks everyone for your kind comments about my loss, and the testing... They actually carried out tests after pregnancy #3, so I had the results before this most recent pregnancy...which is why I didn't go on anything (except progesterone + baby aspirin) for this pregnancy (since the results all came back normal). But yeah, onto more agressive options next time! Thanks for rooting for me :) xox

Other things, my poor Grandpa is in the hospital :( He is 85 and has been sick with some lung issues for the past few years. It got worse on the weekend so my grandma called and ambulance and they brought him in. My mom, aunt, and other family members are all there with him at the hospital. My mom and I have been texting and she thinks he won't last more than a few more days :cry: I am very thankful that we were just up visiting with him earlier this month, and that I have been able to see them fairly regularly this past year (as opposed to previous years where I only say them once/yr). But it is going to be hard nevertheless. He was a very strong force in our family.
Sorry about the novel, and I still forgot some people!

Janelley - I am currently on baby aspirin. I took it with pregnancy #3 (which went the farthest) and #4. My doc is fully supportive (he's in the "can't hurt, might help" camp on this one). I have had no side effects. I do notice that my periods (or M/Cs) are much thinner though, which is actually kind of nice. (sorry if TMI, but I think clotty periods are kind gross. This seems cleaner for some reason). I know lots of women who have self-prescribed baby aspirin and had success with it, but it is def worth asking your doc just to be sure. You also have to disclose it if you ever visit the hospital or go on any other meds, so it is better that he/she knows ahead of time anyway. Hope that helps!

Armymomma - that's awesome your chart looks triphasic! Do you have a link? THere's no magic #, it is just the general trend. In a triphasic chart, you want to see a sustained temperature rise ABOVE your previous post-ovulatory temps for at least a few days (until you get your BFP!)

Storked - <3 that is exciting that you're moving to Houston for sure! Do you know anyone there?

Aspe - welcome!!
Oh BayBeeEm I am just on cycle day 8, I wish I was 8 DPO! I am impatient like that hehe! How much longer are you waiting until you test? I wish I could be more helpful on the new job/maternity leave stuff but I'm afraid that I have no clue :-/

Oh! I was trying to fast track you! LOL, so sorry. :flower:
Prayers for your grandpa Hopestruck!
Krissy, I agree with Garfie on verbal abuse. My ex husband said nasty things to me all the time and had taken up the nasty habit of squeezing my hand until I cried. When he decided that he didn't want to be married anymore he told me to get out of our home and when I begged him to reconsider he said that he was sick and tired of seeing my face every day. Words stay with you :-/

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