March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Hey aspe,welcome to the group! Do you mind telling us your "story" and a bit more about yourself?xx

Sure thing..might be a little long

So, last Wednesday evening (August 15) after I peed, when I wiped I noticed a little pink spot on the toilet tissue. So I said maybe it is my period coming, so I wiped again with a new tissue and a little spot again. Maybe the size of a dime. I wiped a third time, and nothing this time. I researched implantation bleeding and it said implantation bleeding is usually pink and happens days to a week before next expected period. So, even though I missed my period last month, I should have started Monday (August 20), which was about 4 days away. Once on Thursday (August 16) afternoon when I wiped there was more than just one pink spot on the tissue, still pink but almost watery. When I wiped the second time, there was nothing. All Thursday I kept a panty liner on just in case, but nothing since that one time. If I did it correctly, I seen the pink at 9 dpo. I described it to my partner as almost like the light Easter colour pink. Does this sound like implantation bleeding or?
Ok, so well, I had that pink on August 15 (two spots in evening) & 16 (once). August 20 af was due to arrive first thing in the morning. That evening I had like some pinkish reddish spotting only when wiping (3 times). Nothing since. Does this mean I'm out this month? A coworker said you can have IP on the day your due to start.
I have never had a UTI before and it seems I may have it. I have lower back pain, dizziness, can't stop peeing, and can not come to the taste of cheeseburgers (and I love cheeseburgers).

Ok, so today is one week from the last day I seen the light pink spotting (that happened twice). I was going to test with FMU, but company was here. I managed to hold my pee for 1 hour, then tested with SMU. I couldn't help myself but to test, only to be let down in disappointment. Why would it be negative? I had a spot of pink (on three occasions) on Monday(when I was supposed to start), so should I go a week from that? Or am I out this month if I don't get af by the end of August, I will be going to the doctor to demand bloodwork and an ultrasound because this is not right. Oh, how I hate seeing negatives..Thanks
Aw hun - this is not sounding good - and I'm afraid to say all to familiar:flower:

Only you know how you feel about him - after a while I stopped loving my ex and kinda just put up with him but after a very short space of time even that became difficult.

Maybe the time apart will give him time to reflect on how he has been treating you hun and I agree don't give your daughter everything she wants children need boundaries:thumbup:

Do you have any close buddies in the army circle or are they all his friends? - I know how hard this is for you hun I have been there (obviously everyone is different) I just wanna reach out and give you a BIG hug :hugs:


:growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad:

IM SOOO MAD!!! What in the world...a girl go to the kitchen to get a bite to eat and come back to have to read 4pages! Do yal look at the bottom and see Nevergivingup isn't online and contact one another and begin chatting!!!!! :happydance: Just Kidding I love it!!!!

Ok first Off Aspe, it's never too late to join our awesome thread!! We have the sweetest and warmest ladies I ever met in any of these threads! But Our 1 Requirement is to tell us your story and journey of TTC, we are very close and semi-personal, it allows us to relate more with you then just having another lady in here who's in the TWW and haven't read some of our Journey's.we love for you to join!!

Krissy: Sorry about your DH, I hope and pray he can find the right way to love you instead of Hurting you. As much as I agree with Janelleybean and Garfie, and the rest of the ladies about giving him a black eye, Im not going bash him Bc he is your DH and it seems like you're going to tolerate it as long as you can so it's no use to throw him in the dirt unless you do something ab it. BUT I'm no therapist so I wish yal the best and pray you and your children will be safe, Bc that's no way for a husband to treat and talk to his wife. Even though we're online and we're probaly never cone across each other physically in life just know I Love you, We Love you and if anything Love yourself Bc no man can love you more than you can love yourself. You know you're beautiful but you have to show him that you know that and you don't need for him to tell you that. GL MA'AM, and I hope you find peace soon.

Hopestruck: I'm Soooo sorry about your Grandpa.. :cry: but it's great you spent more time with him. My prayers are being sent for peace and much blessing to your family.

BayBeeEm: We love you too....yal are seriously going to make me cry. But I agree with Hope I wouldn't tell a thing until you're further along. I'm in a situation where I start bk school in January 2013 but I'm Due in March and I have to go, I have a goal and my family are always on me but I know I won't be able to attend school and have a newborn. I'm torn. But CONGRATS on your new job position GOOO you!!!

Lisalee: I would love to be team green and don't know until the end but my DH or family will drive me ragged! So soon as 8wks come, we're finding out the sex.

Stork: I'm sooo happy you found your True love. My father was verbally and physically abusive to my mother and us growing up. I told myself I'll never marry anyone like him. And Thank God I didn't, and I'm grateful to him for allowing me to know what a real man was and it wasn't him.

Lisalee; How's your appt.??!!!!!!

AFM: I married my HS sweetheart he was and still is everything I could ever dream of, he believes in me in my dreams and he loves me unconditionally. Bc I'm certaintly not the prettiest girl but he makes me feel like the only girl in the world. Of course we had bad times where we disrespected each other but it was both ways and we learned from that and our relationship grew stronger from those lessons. Now all he says is that he wants me to give him a daughter that will look just like me. We have our bad days where we can't stand each other but we learn to apologize when we're wrong.

P.s. He Knows I will divorce his butt in a second sooo he makes sure his anger don't get the best of him so he ALWAYS want to talk.

GL ladies!!
Aw hun - this is not sounding good - and I'm afraid to say all to familiar:flower:

Only you know how you feel about him - after a while I stopped loving my ex and kinda just put up with him but after a very short space of time even that became difficult.

Maybe the time apart will give him time to reflect on how he has been treating you hun and I agree don't give your daughter everything she wants children need boundaries:thumbup:

Do you have any close buddies in the army circle or are they all his friends? - I know how hard this is for you hun I have been there (obviously everyone is different) I just wanna reach out and give you a BIG hug :hugs:



All my friends here are connected to him and the Army. And I cant tell my family or his because they will get in a big fight with him which will only make it harder for me. I am thinking I will give him 3 months after he returns from deployment to get his act together or its over. Sounds fair right?
Seesh I over sleep and 5 pages to catch up on!!! So far only thru 2 haha!!

Angel!! OMG!! Congrats gir!! :happydance: H&H 9 months!!

Never can't wait to see the pics!! Awesome that DH is going with :) I will say there was an oppsie. The hb was 145@8 weeks (seen on ultrasound) and 166@11 weeks (heard with Doppler) I think I confused you a little lol. as for you appointment I so can't wait to hear the awesome news!! At my appointment excitement was an understatement lol. When I heard the hb I was just so relieved. It was like a huge weight was taken off my shoulders. :D can't wait for next Thursday when I get my 12 week us!! Eeeeeee!! Lol!! ^_^ crack me up with your not so secret wish....hahaha who knows....

Aspe...welcome!! You will never find a more supportive group of ladies anywhere on the web. I lovers them alllllll!!

To all my ladies O'n, waiting and in the tww....:dust:

AFM weird craving for apple cinnamon oatmeal again. I think it is bc my body knows when I feel sick that works. Woke up very stuffy (damn allergies) other then a little bit of ms, I'm feeling really good today! However since I'm craving...I must get in the car and get some since I'm out rofl!! Seriously....they need to make a 60 pack box of Quaker apple cinnamon instant oatmeal that way I don't have to keep running out! Hehe!

Xoxoxo to all you ladies!! I will pop in later after I eat. :flower:
:growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad:

IM SOOO MAD!!! What in the world...a girl go to the kitchen to get a bite to eat and come back to have to read 4pages! Do yal look at the bottom and see Nevergivingup isn't online and contact one another and begin chatting!!!!! :happydance: Just Kidding I love it!!!!

I feel your pain I'm still trying to catch up after over sleeping and then will have to catch up again after I run and get something to eat haha
I have been considering leaving my DH. He has started swearing, giving ultimatums, and (dont know if he is joking or not) telling me he will beat me if I make a certain mistake again. However, our daughter absolutely adores him and I think I'm pregnant. Anyways, maybe things will get better after we are separated (not legally) for a year due to his deployment. He is spoiled, only pays me attention when he wants something, and gets angry if I don't jump to his requests the second he wants them.

Sounds a lot like my DH.....except for the deployment part. That might help...I know for us, in January when our lease is up I'm going into my own place with my sister and he is moving back in with his brother.
I have been considering leaving my DH. He has started swearing, giving ultimatums, and (dont know if he is joking or not) telling me he will beat me if I make a certain mistake again. However, our daughter absolutely adores him and I think I'm pregnant. Anyways, maybe things will get better after we are separated (not legally) for a year due to his deployment. He is spoiled, only pays me attention when he wants something, and gets angry if I don't jump to his requests the second he wants them.

Sounds a lot like my DH.....except for the deployment part. That might help...I know for us, in January when our lease is up I'm going into my own place with my sister and he is moving back in with his brother.

Well that's good for you and the baby. If I am pregnant, it might make the decision easier.
Hope: first off so sorry about your grandpa. I recently lost my last grandparent last month. My thoughts are with you. As for me and January we are moving into separate homes. Things are not that much better unfortunately. His temper is still out there, still yelling for no reason, still not helping around house (doctor scolding him yesterday...he didn't take that too well), it is the same ole same ole. :( I think this separation is exactly what we need. Only God knows what will happen and I'm putting it all in his hands as only He knows what is in store for my life....and I need to trust that He knows what he is doing. :)
I have been considering leaving my DH. He has started swearing, giving ultimatums, and (dont know if he is joking or not) telling me he will beat me if I make a certain mistake again. However, our daughter absolutely adores him and I think I'm pregnant. Anyways, maybe things will get better after we are separated (not legally) for a year due to his deployment. He is spoiled, only pays me attention when he wants something, and gets angry if I don't jump to his requests the second he wants them.

Sounds a lot like my DH.....except for the deployment part. That might help...I know for us, in January when our lease is up I'm going into my own place with my sister and he is moving back in with his brother.

Well that's good for you and the baby. If I am pregnant, it might make the decision easier.

That is what made it easier for me. I don't want my new baby dealing with the same strife my 10 y/o had to with her father and I. I won't allow it.

Btw ladies I have a feeling I'm having a girl again lol high heart rate, lotsa morning sickness.....ok I need help with girl names haha
CONGRATS TO OUR LOVELY :bfp: LADIES Lisalee, Nevergivingup, Sweetz and AngelSerenity :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: we def have more to Come SO CATCH THOSE EGGIES LADIES

Our June BFP's

Lisalee1:June :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns 2Day:getting an appetite back. Less sore boobs, m/s going away. :baby: 1st HB:

Nevergivingup: June :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: always XTRA CM, spitting,appetite coming bk, nausea and pimples EDD: March 5, 2013/ :baby: 1st HB: 130 @6wks/ 2nd HB: 162@7wks

Our July BFP's:

Sweetz33/ July1 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: gassy,lot of CM, appetite.:baby: 1st HB: 145@8 wks, 2nd HB 166@11 weeks

AUGUST BFP's Lovely Ladies:

Angelserenity: Tested Aug. 23: :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns: :baby:1st HB:


BayBeeEm: 10 DPO/ In TWW :coffee: / Testing Date:

BamaGurl: / Relaxed Approach TTC: No Tools/ TWW :coffee:

armymama2012: 10DPO/In TWW :coffee: /Testing: August 27th

Garfie: CD 7/ waiting to "O" just :sex:

Gregprincess: M.I.A :shrug:

Shefali83: 11 DPO/ in TWW :coffee: Testing Date:

Lpjkp:8 DPO/ in TWW :coffee: Test date:

Kanicky: 8 DPO/ In TWW :coffee: Test Date:


Storked: waiting to "O" Just :sex:

Janelleybean: CD:7 / Waiting To "O" :flower:

Krissy485: CD/ Not Trying until see Doc. :flower:

HisGrace: CD/ waiting to "O" :coffee:

Hopestruck: taking a break :flower:
ok quick up date then i gotta get the kids out of this house lol

well dh came home from lunch and was singing a different tune. He actually said sorry for last night :saywhat: he said that he can understand me wanting more attention from him but the reason why he is all about his video games now is bc that is his way of releasing his anger about everything goin on right now with out getting nasty with me. he has a temper and we both know it and it rarely is comes out.....anyways he told me he does love me for me and only said what he said because well he dont know...he said he regreted it as soon as it came out of his mouth but basically was too proud to admit he was wrong....he said he will try and get more us time and family time in......

Oh and normally i dont let him get away with crap and i do understand how verbal abuse can turn into physical...been there done that....and i normally stand up to him but last night i knew if i said what i wanted to him that it would make the fight bigger than it needed to be and i would end up regretting saying the the end i know we love eachother and he is scared right now and when he gets scared he tries to push everyone he knows that i am not going anywhere yet again i dont think he will try and pull that crap again...and the next time he tells me to go to my moms i will for a few days just to show him what it would be like....

not to make excuses but besides the stress at work he has been dealing with alot with his family....he even made a "joke" about how i wouldnt understand because i wasnt abanded as a kid...well his mom basically is abanding our kids bc yet again she came into town last sat saw everyone but us and when one of his brothers called her out on it she said well she doent always have time to see everyone but its always us she dont see....she has seen all her other grandkids at least once a month this year...our kids not since yeah great parent there....

but anyways promised the kids to got out this afternoon


I WILL BE OK :hugs::kiss:
Sweetz Btw ladies I have a feeling I'm having a girl again lol high heart rate said:
Dont tell me that Sweetz, Bc my HR was 162 and my m/s was horrible....and secretly I'm hoping for a boy. I did that crazy predicted test and it says I was having a boy andvthen I begin thinking about my friends who had boys they had the same Symptns as I'm having with spitting and acne and a hanging I'm anxious!!!
Never- I don't want to burst your bubble, but I had a boy and didn't have any morning sickness, if I remember correctly my son's heart rate was in the 140's. I know every pregnancy is different. But I knew I was pregnant because I my boobs hurt. That was the only symptom I had, that and I was really tired. You should try the Chinese calendar predictor at That one has worked with EVERYONE that I know. Just type in your info and then click "No thanks, view my results" Here's the link:

Krissy- I'm glad that your husband said he was sorry. I know what it's like for your husband to have a bad day at work, just to come home and take it out on you. My husband has been going through that lately. He's the boss, but doesn't have an "asshole" bone in his body, so he gives his employees too much leeway and it just stresses him out. Yesterday was the last straw for him and he said he's just going to start firing people. :haha:
Sweetz- Do you have a Sam's Club near you? We have one here and they sell Quakers apple cinnamon oatmeal buy the bulk! I know, because my son LOVES it. You need a membership though...
:coffee:Ok ladies, it's official, I CANT KEEP UP WITH YOU ALL! :haha: 8 pages since I was on this morning :friends:.

Krissy... I'm glad things are settling, and my DH can be the same, very hurtful outbursts and then brushes them off the next day:cry:. The sad thing is that it has rubbed off on me and I'm then just as mean back. It doesnt make a good conversation :nope:.

I'm sorry to hear everybody else's stories as well but it is also very heartning to hear that most of you have gotten yourselves out of the situations and moved on, that is such a brave thing to do.

Never... good luck for tomorrow honey, can't wait to see scan pics :happydance:

Hopestruck, loving the bunny dance you gave me, thank you :hugs:. I know it can be especially hard to smile at other good news at this time. I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa, I hope when the time comes it is peaceful. It sounds as if you have a lovely relationship with him, you will treasure that in years to come. My grandpa who i was also very close with died the week before I got married. My mum and me were at his side, he waited for us and died within minutes of us arriving. It was surreal, I was in church for his funeral and then back again the next week to get married :cry:. But I know him and my nana are not only beside me but looking after my angel babies as they have told me in various messages I have received :hug:.

Aspe... welcome, I only get IBs at around AF time, never at 8-10DPO. Plus this is the earliest BFP I've ever got at 16DPO, mine dont normally show up until at least 20DPO so you're not out yet.

Oh yes Never, I didnt get MS with my DS either, sorry! :winkwink:

Armymama, GL with the testing. Sometimes we just 'know' so I hope youi get that BFP lady :thumbup:

Janellybean... I think I'll try that predictor sometime :winkwink:

LP... rooting for you lady.

Shefali, Sweetz, Storked, Garfie, HisGrace and everybody i have missed :flower:. My memory is mush this evening after the shock of this morning's news. I have read, just cant remember everything after 8 pages!!!

Oh and I am VERY early days. At only 16DPO I am only 4wk 5days so its far too early to get excited about anything. But I'm going to enjoy the high for tonight at least, the worry can kick in over the next few days but I hope it stays away :winkwink:.

I cant get to see my GP until the 7th September :saywhat:. I see my RMC specialist on the 6th so it looks like I've a long fortnight ahead :wacko:

You're all a wonderful bunch girls xoxo
Sweetz- i had terrible acne and ms and early bfp with my dd and lost hair on my legs? lol...with both ds no morning sickness, no acne and late bfp...all three heart rates were pretty steady about 150's so right in the middle of normal lol.... for me it was my dreams that told me....

i am partial to my daughters name. dh wanted the normal Avery and I wanted Ava to we compromised and got Avarie and Ava is her nickname and looks much girlier that way and her middle name is Jaylynn.. for next girl we are thinking like Allyson or Madyson and Joy will be the middle name after me!
Oh yeah!! Krissy......a bit of insight....

With my daughters father and the relationship after him, both started as joking, escalated in to mean comments (like the one your DH made) then eventually escalated even higher into physical abuse. I'm not saying that will happen with you, just stand your ground is all I'm saying.
Ok so happy i read the books i read or else i would not know what a fortnight was lol yeah America has great "english" language here lol

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