Ok, Well now my cervix is high and closed plus my CM seems to have increased.
I am new to the whole self checking cervix. How do you know it is closed? I think mine is high (I can feel it and rub my finger around it) and hard. Not sure what this means and if it's open or closed.
Open or closed is referring to the hole in the middle where the sperm would go through. High for me means it takes basically all of my index finger to reach it. You really need to check it every day for a full cycle to understand what is high or closed or hard for you.
...I am officially pregnant!!
I couldn't hold the suspense anymore and, even though I had that tempting clearblue in the cupboard that I should have waited to use, I caved in and tested after holding in my pee for a couple hours...
...And it said "pregnant, 1-2!" Me and DH are extremely happy, shocked, anxious and every other emotion rolled into one, and we're just praying that our bean will be sticky this time round! I already feel so much more content because of having no spotting/bleeding and earlier BFP (Last time I got BFP I'd had spotting and bleeding and no BFP till 14dpo)...I hope this is our time!
I always think I don't believe in that guy up there, but I've got to say he stirred some emotions today because we've been blessed with a new life with an EDD only a couple days away from when we lost our last one...how weird is that?
Garfie: I didn't do anything different this month, I could say I did less! I stopped taking all those silly extras, like preseed, vitamin B complex and agnus castus, no soft cups, just good old BD when we felt like it and the CBFM! We only BD'd on the last high and the first peak, and that must have been enough...though, if I remember rightly, the BD was so nice and relaxing around that time that, for the first time since TTC, I didn't think about babies once and just enjoyed it!!
Please please please let this one be here to stay! Onand I hope that doesn't change!xxx
Arggg... i feel i need to devot more time to my lovely ladies!!! To all of you who offered up words of encourgment with dh TAHNK YOU!
Lisa-AMAZing pic loved it i almost cried looking at that baby...happy tears though!!!!
Lpjk- CONGRATS!!!! so happy for you got chills!!!!
JAnelley- I AM HERE lol....but yeah you are right!
with both boys i had IB at the same time af was due and it lasted for 3 days straight like a light period but not a normal period....i was basically 6 weeks prego before i got a BFP...with first i had a blood test done about a week after IB and got a BFN!!! so there is hope!!
oh and sorry for being MIA again lol...between kids and getting my books ( i basically read like over 300 pages yesterday) i have been busy..but i still love you all and PROMISE i will devote more time later on...for now gotta get but moving to the grocery store....
Arggg... i feel i need to devot more time to my lovely ladies!!! To all of you who offered up words of encourgment with dh TAHNK YOU!
Lisa-AMAZing pic loved it i almost cried looking at that baby...happy tears though!!!!
Lpjk- CONGRATS!!!! so happy for you got chills!!!!
JAnelley- I AM HERE lol....but yeah you are right!
with both boys i had IB at the same time af was due and it lasted for 3 days straight like a light period but not a normal period....i was basically 6 weeks prego before i got a BFP...with first i had a blood test done about a week after IB and got a BFN!!! so there is hope!!
oh and sorry for being MIA again lol...between kids and getting my books ( i basically read like over 300 pages yesterday) i have been busy..but i still love you all and PROMISE i will devote more time later on...for now gotta get but moving to the grocery store....
how long after your IP bleeding did you get a bfp, like 5 weeks? So you missed 2 af, then finally got a positive? Just curious because I have now missed two periods and getting negatives. On July 29 I had 2 bfp at home, on August 1 I had a urine done at doctors and she said it was negative. Since then I have missed my second month of af and negatives tests.
Arggg... i feel i need to devot more time to my lovely ladies!!! To all of you who offered up words of encourgment with dh TAHNK YOU!
Lisa-AMAZing pic loved it i almost cried looking at that baby...happy tears though!!!!
Lpjk- CONGRATS!!!! so happy for you got chills!!!!
JAnelley- I AM HERE lol....but yeah you are right!
with both boys i had IB at the same time af was due and it lasted for 3 days straight like a light period but not a normal period....i was basically 6 weeks prego before i got a BFP...with first i had a blood test done about a week after IB and got a BFN!!! so there is hope!!
oh and sorry for being MIA again lol...between kids and getting my books ( i basically read like over 300 pages yesterday) i have been busy..but i still love you all and PROMISE i will devote more time later on...for now gotta get but moving to the grocery store....
how long after your IP bleeding did you get a bfp, like 5 weeks? So you missed 2 af, then finally got a positive? Just curious because I have now missed two periods and getting negatives. On July 29 I had 2 bfp at home, on August 1 I had a urine done at doctors and she said it was negative. Since then I have missed my second month of af and negatives tests.
Ok let me see if i can remember my youngest is almost 3 lol
w/ the first i had a really heavy af at the end of november then had light bleeding on dec 15th i remember that lol last about 3 days and i was like no way that was af...just had a feeling i was prego even though i was only 20 and never prego before...well on the 22 or 23 i feel and dislocated my knee and went to the er and i told them i sure i am pregnant so they ran a blood test and it came back neg! that was well over a week after IB...i then had an annual exam on Jan 2nd so that is what at least 18 days after IB (forgive my math lol) and dr did notice my cervix was high but stilll nothing showed in blood work..this whole time i was POAS alholic..i we spent ALOT of money on test lol...well it was i think Jan 9th or 10th that I FINALLY got a positive on hpt...went to an urgent care later that day and did a urine in office and got another bfp when i went to my dr they tried basing my edd off of the bleeding i had in dec but when they did a dating scan i was almost a full 2 weeks ahead! so instead of being 8 weeks and some odd days i was 10 weeks some odd days....i turned to my dr and said told you so lol...my due date with him was Sept 17th and born on Sept 20th. with DD i actaully got a BFP at the dr office at 3w3days couldnt believe it bc of what happend with first and then with 2nd ds pretty much the same as first ds i was about 5or 6 weeks along before i got a bfp with him also.
then in feb this year i got preg again and got bfp on day af was due and that pregnancy ended up being a blighted ovum that i miscarried at 11weeks 5 days. then i got pregnant this past july got bfp at 3weeks 3days again and that ended in an early miscarriage at 4weeks3days....
i hope that helps!! oh and my mom did not get a bfp with all 3 her pregnancies till she was 3 months along!! even blood tests wouldnt work for her!
oh and high cervix is a good sign mine always was...
with out having a MD after my name i couldnt tell you for sure sorry....but with last pregnancy i got bfp early on then they slowly started to be lighter and lighter but once it was completely neg that is when i started to bleed. def get into your dr and talk to them bc if you are not pregnant then something else is def going on for you to miss two af and get bfps....hope you get answers soon!!![]()