March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Well goody morning chatty bunch!

Lpjkp- So excited for you!!

Lisa- That is an awesome picture. I can't wait to see more.

Armymama- That sounds promising, I hope you get your BFP soon.

Aspe- I didn't know that you had missed 2 periods. I must have missed that somewhere if you posted it. I've been checking my cervix off and on, but not all the time. I guess I forget and really, I seem to be more focused when in the TWW. Your cervix should be high and closed if you are pregnant, but if you've had kids before it might feel slightly open. Mine feels slightly open when it's closed, but I've been checking it at different times in my cycle so I know what closed feels like. Would you say it feels like the tip of your nose? Or soft like your lips? When I was pregnant this last time, it felt pretty soft--squishy like, and it was swollen, but I know that can change later in pregnancy. I would talk to your doctor and ask for a blood pregnancy test because you've missed 2 periods. High is definitely good, try checking it later today and see if it's in the same position. I've also read that it's really not that uncommon for some women to get negative pregnancy test until they are 6 months a long. Some pregnancies take longer for their HCG levels to rise. There was one girl on another thread that I read who knew she was pregnant buy kept getting negative test, finally at 4 months a blood test came back positive, when they did an ultra sound she measured at 4 months. That would drive me insane, so I can't even imagine what it's like for you. missing 2 periods and all.... I hope you find out answers soon. Keep us posted!
Well goody morning chatty bunch!

Lpjkp- So excited for you!!

Lisa- That is an awesome picture. I can't wait to see more.

Armymama- That sounds promising, I hope you get your BFP soon.

Aspe- I didn't know that you had missed 2 periods. I must have missed that somewhere if you posted it. I've been checking my cervix off and on, but not all the time. I guess I forget and really, I seem to be more focused when in the TWW. Your cervix should be high and closed if you are pregnant, but if you've had kids before it might feel slightly open. Mine feels slightly open when it's closed, but I've been checking it at different times in my cycle so I know what closed feels like. Would you say it feels like the tip of your nose? Or soft like your lips? When I was pregnant this last time, it felt pretty soft--squishy like, and it was swollen, but I know that can change later in pregnancy. I would talk to your doctor and ask for a blood pregnancy test because you've missed 2 periods. High is definitely good, try checking it later today and see if it's in the same position. I've also read that it's really not that uncommon for some women to get negative pregnancy test until they are 6 months a long. Some pregnancies take longer for their HCG levels to rise. There was one girl on another thread that I read who knew she was pregnant buy kept getting negative test, finally at 4 months a blood test came back positive, when they did an ultra sound she measured at 4 months. That would drive me insane, so I can't even imagine what it's like for you. missing 2 periods and all.... I hope you find out answers soon. Keep us posted!

Thanks. I appreciate all the comments :) I had 2 bfp at home, negative at doctors, then negative home, but have missed two periods (one before and one after the bfp at home).

I think it is hard like a nose, definitely not squishy. I will check again and let you know. I'm new to the cervix checking, so I gotta learn to distinguish.

It is pretty agonizing I must say, not knowing :(
When I had the 2 bfp at home, I used two different brands. Both turned positive immediately, thick bright lines. Every test before that was negative, even like 2 days before, then bam, bright positive. Then i had a negative at doctors like 3 days later. Now negatives again. Would that be a chemical pregnancy?
Lp.....:happydance: Yay!!

Lisa...nice scan! So cute!

Whoever asked for scan pics from me, my us is next Thursday. So don't have it yet!!

AFM...DH was an ass this morning...what else is new....I'm just in a pissy mood so don't mind me if I'm not that chatty today.
Ok so WAY too much to try to catch up on so if I leave anyone out not on purpose!

Lisalee~ Omg I love the pic! I can already tell this baby is going to be super adorable! And I had to just lol with the cigar comment you made hehe. Some people give out cigars when baby arrives, your baby is just starting the party early!!! I am so super excited for you!

lpjkp~ OMG HUN SUPER CONGRATS!!!! :wohoo: I am so excited for you & cannot wait to hear all about your preggers journey! Sending prayers your way for baby & you :)

never~ so anxious to hear all about your apt! I cannot wait to hear all the good news you have to share with us & hopefully scan pictures :) thinking of ya today hun :)

baybeeem~ how are you doing dear?!?! when are you going to test? anxiously awaiting to hear good news from you for this month ;)

Sweetz~ When is your apt? I can't wait to see your little baby's pic!

Such an exciting time going on in the thread!

To all you ladies who are struggling or wtt :hugs:
To all you ladies ttc :dust:

AFM~ Nothing to report again haha. So relaxed I am just playing it day by day. Pretty sure I already O, but hey ya never know... now just waiting I guess. Tbh I really don't even have a clue when I would start hehe I know that is horrible. I guess if I haven't started in 2 weeks from today I will test!

Hope you ladies have a fab day & weekend!
Well goody morning chatty bunch!

Lpjkp- So excited for you!!

Lisa- That is an awesome picture. I can't wait to see more.

Armymama- That sounds promising, I hope you get your BFP soon.

Aspe- I didn't know that you had missed 2 periods. I must have missed that somewhere if you posted it. I've been checking my cervix off and on, but not all the time. I guess I forget and really, I seem to be more focused when in the TWW. Your cervix should be high and closed if you are pregnant, but if you've had kids before it might feel slightly open. Mine feels slightly open when it's closed, but I've been checking it at different times in my cycle so I know what closed feels like. Would you say it feels like the tip of your nose? Or soft like your lips? When I was pregnant this last time, it felt pretty soft--squishy like, and it was swollen, but I know that can change later in pregnancy. I would talk to your doctor and ask for a blood pregnancy test because you've missed 2 periods. High is definitely good, try checking it later today and see if it's in the same position. I've also read that it's really not that uncommon for some women to get negative pregnancy test until they are 6 months a long. Some pregnancies take longer for their HCG levels to rise. There was one girl on another thread that I read who knew she was pregnant buy kept getting negative test, finally at 4 months a blood test came back positive, when they did an ultra sound she measured at 4 months. That would drive me insane, so I can't even imagine what it's like for you. missing 2 periods and all.... I hope you find out answers soon. Keep us posted!

I just checked my cervix and it is high and hard, if anything it feels higher than yesterday, but I am new to this. It almost feels more tilted. Also, the opening is not like a clear opening where you can put your finger tip in no problem, it's like it's got a little slit/opening, and you can rub your finger on it, but only if you kinda push the skin around it. I apologize if tmi, I'm trying to describe the best I can so I can get your input. I just took another test and again negative. I don't know why I does this to myself. I was going to post it, but it won't let me upload from my iPad.
Bama, I am trying to be laid back this cycle too. Just taking prenatals and my blood thinners :)
I haven't been able to go to sleep the past two nights. I am paranoid of taking a sleep aid though :-/
Good Luck Storked! Maybe relaxed will be the lucky cycle for you! Hope you can get some sleep though, without the use of an aid! When are yall going to be moving?
We think we found the place where we want to live but not sure that we can make it this weekend to fill out application and such because my brother is coming down with his kids- they are about to move to Germany so they take priority :)
Lp - Con-freakin-gratulations! I am thrilled for you! One more for August. Oh, oh, oh :happydance:

Lisa - Thank you for sharing your ultrasound. Beautiful! I can really make the baby's frame out. Loves it!

Bamagurl - Yay, you're alive! I am doing well. 11 DPO, here. Between you and I (hehehe), I tested today, BFN. I feel like I'm out but will test again next week Tuesday.
Thanks everyone for your kind words :) It means so much to share this whole TTC journey with you fantastic ladies and I don't think I'd have gotten this far without you all!

I'm not sure though when to go to the doctors to confirm the pregnancy/get reassurance...obviously every pregnancy is different and there's every chance this one will be fine, but I'd really like reassurance that everything is/will be ok...what would be your advice on what to do?x
Oh honey I wish I knew what to say but I am not sure! When I get my BFP I think I may avoid the doctor until I get to 12 weeks- I am scared of doctor's offices now and don't want to stress myself out next round.
Lisalee - LOVE the pic! I totally would not have thought of the cigar thing, but that is hilarious. What a beautiful babe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

LPJKP - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeehhhhh!!! Sooooo excited!!!!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee:

In terms of next steps, it's totally your call. You could get betas - but they can be a double-edged sword. Sometimes super reassuring, sometimes (as in my last pregnancy) very stressful. How many M/Cs have you had in the past? Just thinking if your doctor wants to start any kind of treatment it would be good to see him/her ASAP. If not, then I think you are free to just book your 8-9 week appt (standard for most normal pregnancies), sit back and relax!!! :hugs:
Storked, I ordered both Coming to Term and To Full Term on Abebooks! Rush delivery! It was $13 for both...awesome :D
That is awesome Hopestruck! I have the To Full Term through Abe too! I just haven't read it yet :D
Lpj- i agree that it is up to you. depending on how many loses you had and what not. my SIL had a mc at 12weeks and when she got pregnant again she didnt see a doctor will she was well past 12weeks and then she didnt tell any family till she was like 6 months! but i would advise to atleast call and make the standard 8-9week appt. Congrast again so happy for you!

AFM- DH should be talking to his one friend tonight about a job and he also had a call today about another job.....soo hmmmm i dont know we will see i could be moving in the next week!!!!!! keep you ladies posted!
I figure since I'm up, I will try to post my US from yesterday. And no, the baby is not smoking a cigar. :) I think that's its arms.

Beautiful scan pic lisalee:happydance::happydance:, that made my day thank you :flower:

Lp - Con-freakin-gratulations! I am thrilled for you! One more for August. Oh, oh, oh :happydance:

Lisa - Thank you for sharing your ultrasound. Beautiful! I can really make the baby's frame out. Loves it!

Bamagurl - Yay, you're alive! I am doing well. 11 DPO, here. Between you and I (hehehe), I tested today, BFN. I feel like I'm out but will test again next week Tuesday.

BaybeeEm, remember I got a BFN at 11DPO last week, got my BFP at 16DPO yesterday (which is extremely early for me to be honset). You're not out yet lady :winkwink:

Thanks everyone for your kind words :) It means so much to share this whole TTC journey with you fantastic ladies and I don't think I'd have gotten this far without you all!

I'm not sure though when to go to the doctors to confirm the pregnancy/get reassurance...obviously every pregnancy is different and there's every chance this one will be fine, but I'd really like reassurance that everything is/will be ok...what would be your advice on what to do?x

lp, there's no harm and contacting your doctor to see when you can get an appointment. If it's fairly quickly and your doctor is fairly good they may suggest something (eg aspirin), or they may not. Either way you will get on the system, well that's the way it works over here. They normally can't see anything even with an internal scan until at least 6-7 weeks. In my last pregnancy the MW just about detected a heartbeat but as it was so small it could have been a pulse, I had to wait a further 2 weeks when I was 8 weeks before a decent scan was found.

I cant get to see my GP for a fortnight, and I see my RMC specialist in a fortnight as well so I'm here to support you through the same journey over the next few weeks. WE WILL BE FINE, let's get positive from the start. Let the past go and look forward :hugs::winkwink::flower:. Easier said than done but I'm going to try or I'll go :wacko: xoxo

How is everybody else this today?
Exciting Krissy, I'm glad to hear things seem to be moving forward for you! xo
Angel: I've booked a doctors appointment on 3rd September to confirm the pregnancy (It should hopefully be easily detected by then), but after reading everyone's comments, I don't think I'll ask for betas...I've only have one m/c and that was really early (Around 4 1/2 weeks), which the doctor suspected was because it didn't implant correctly...I feel confident that, if it's that, then there's no reason this pregnancy shouldn't be healthy?

I have decided, though, that I couldn't wait until the 12 week scan, so I've found a very nice clinic in London that do early pregnancy viability scanning between weeks 5-8 so I think that would really set my mind at's also very reassuring that if you hear a HB at 7 weeks, then your pregnancy has a great chance of reaching full's all very exciting stuff! So, for the next three weeks, I'll take each day as it comes and try to relax :)
Well goody morning chatty bunch!

Lpjkp- So excited for you!!

Lisa- That is an awesome picture. I can't wait to see more.

Armymama- That sounds promising, I hope you get your BFP soon.

Aspe- I didn't know that you had missed 2 periods. I must have missed that somewhere if you posted it. I've been checking my cervix off and on, but not all the time. I guess I forget and really, I seem to be more focused when in the TWW. Your cervix should be high and closed if you are pregnant, but if you've had kids before it might feel slightly open. Mine feels slightly open when it's closed, but I've been checking it at different times in my cycle so I know what closed feels like. Would you say it feels like the tip of your nose? Or soft like your lips? When I was pregnant this last time, it felt pretty soft--squishy like, and it was swollen, but I know that can change later in pregnancy. I would talk to your doctor and ask for a blood pregnancy test because you've missed 2 periods. High is definitely good, try checking it later today and see if it's in the same position. I've also read that it's really not that uncommon for some women to get negative pregnancy test until they are 6 months a long. Some pregnancies take longer for their HCG levels to rise. There was one girl on another thread that I read who knew she was pregnant buy kept getting negative test, finally at 4 months a blood test came back positive, when they did an ultra sound she measured at 4 months. That would drive me insane, so I can't even imagine what it's like for you. missing 2 periods and all.... I hope you find out answers soon. Keep us posted!

I just checked my cervix and it is high and hard, if anything it feels higher than yesterday, but I am new to this. It almost feels more tilted. Also, the opening is not like a clear opening where you can put your finger tip in no problem, it's like it's got a little slit/opening, and you can rub your finger on it, but only if you kinda push the skin around it. I apologize if tmi, I'm trying to describe the best I can so I can get your input. I just took another test and again negative. I don't know why I does this to myself. I was going to post it, but it won't let me upload from my iPad.

Honestly I have no idea, your cervix sounds pretty closed I would make a call to your doctor and ask them. I don't want to say anything to get your hopes up. But, from my experience that all sounds promising, especially with the missed periods.

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