March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

As for me, I think that I am ovulating early. I'm almost sure of it. So, I'm going to be pretty busy this weekend. Especially since my little guy is going to be hanging with "Amma" and "Papa" this weekend.
Angel: I've booked a doctors appointment on 3rd September to confirm the pregnancy (It should hopefully be easily detected by then), but after reading everyone's comments, I don't think I'll ask for betas...I've only have one m/c and that was really early (Around 4 1/2 weeks), which the doctor suspected was because it didn't implant correctly...I feel confident that, if it's that, then there's no reason this pregnancy shouldn't be healthy?

I have decided, though, that I couldn't wait until the 12 week scan, so I've found a very nice clinic in London that do early pregnancy viability scanning between weeks 5-8 so I think that would really set my mind at's also very reassuring that if you hear a HB at 7 weeks, then your pregnancy has a great chance of reaching full's all very exciting stuff! So, for the next three weeks, I'll take each day as it comes and try to relax :)

That sounds like a great plan, LP! I agree that there is no reason to think this won't be a healthy pregnancy. Early losses (esp within the first 5 weeks) are reeeaaaally common and when they happen in isolation there's usually nothing to worry about.
Bamagurl, BayBeeEm, LPJ, Krissy, Garfie, Sweetz, Angel, Hope, and anyone I may have missed- Thank you all for the support and funny & kind comments. It means a lot to me. We have all suffered a loss before and it's nice to be able to celebrate when things turn around. Baby dust to you all!!!

LPJ- I told you you were preggers!!! Don't doubt me next time! :) Seriously, congrats!
Also, I don't like going to the Dr too often either. I think it can cause a lot of anxiety, especially early on. Looking forward to your Sep 3 update. I already have that date etched in my head.

Bama- Nice to see you back on and thanks for the update. We'll be looking for another update within 2 weeks! :)

Janelly- I always love when I ovulate on the weekend. Good luck and have fun!

Never- Where are you?
Well goody morning chatty bunch!

Lpjkp- So excited for you!!

Lisa- That is an awesome picture. I can't wait to see more.

Armymama- That sounds promising, I hope you get your BFP soon.

Aspe- I didn't know that you had missed 2 periods. I must have missed that somewhere if you posted it. I've been checking my cervix off and on, but not all the time. I guess I forget and really, I seem to be more focused when in the TWW. Your cervix should be high and closed if you are pregnant, but if you've had kids before it might feel slightly open. Mine feels slightly open when it's closed, but I've been checking it at different times in my cycle so I know what closed feels like. Would you say it feels like the tip of your nose? Or soft like your lips? When I was pregnant this last time, it felt pretty soft--squishy like, and it was swollen, but I know that can change later in pregnancy. I would talk to your doctor and ask for a blood pregnancy test because you've missed 2 periods. High is definitely good, try checking it later today and see if it's in the same position. I've also read that it's really not that uncommon for some women to get negative pregnancy test until they are 6 months a long. Some pregnancies take longer for their HCG levels to rise. There was one girl on another thread that I read who knew she was pregnant buy kept getting negative test, finally at 4 months a blood test came back positive, when they did an ultra sound she measured at 4 months. That would drive me insane, so I can't even imagine what it's like for you. missing 2 periods and all.... I hope you find out answers soon. Keep us posted!

I just checked my cervix and it is high and hard, if anything it feels higher than yesterday, but I am new to this. It almost feels more tilted. Also, the opening is not like a clear opening where you can put your finger tip in no problem, it's like it's got a little slit/opening, and you can rub your finger on it, but only if you kinda push the skin around it. I apologize if tmi, I'm trying to describe the best I can so I can get your input. I just took another test and again negative. I don't know why I does this to myself. I was going to post it, but it won't let me upload from my iPad.

Honestly I have no idea, your cervix sounds pretty closed I would make a call to your doctor and ask them. I don't want to say anything to get your hopes up. But, from my experience that all sounds promising, especially with the missed periods.

I will check my cervix again tomorrow. I am going to make an appointment on Monday. I just can't understand why I would be getting bfn's.
This was my test yesterday, clear negative :(
Lp - Con-freakin-gratulations! I am thrilled for you! One more for August. Oh, oh, oh :happydance:

Lisa - Thank you for sharing your ultrasound. Beautiful! I can really make the baby's frame out. Loves it!

Bamagurl - Yay, you're alive! I am doing well. 11 DPO, here. Between you and I (hehehe), I tested today, BFN. I feel like I'm out but will test again next week Tuesday.

Hehe yes between you & I! Aww doesn't mean you are out! I will be looking for the results on Tuesday!!! :)
Sorry all for being MIA today. It has been a long and rough day. DH and I kinda got into it and I was crying in tears in the car. I told him he just doesn't get it, how your emotions/mood are messed up when your pregnant, how him ignoring me constantly is what led to our relationship falling apart, him not helping at all with anything around the house and just sleeping, eating, smoking or playing video games...he said I will change and I said no you won't. He of course got mad. I said listen, you give someone your all to be yelled at or ignored then you can start to understand how I feel. I told him I'm no longer your wife, I'm a roommate. That shut him up. He said the typical I love you crap, I said not taking it anymore. Our relationship is now just a friendship...he said he will still financially help me out but other than that we are through. I'm going to talk to landlord and see if I can break the lease earlier, that way I can go my way...he can go his. He even admitted to me that he is better off alone bc he doesn't know how to deal with being with anyone else. To me that was a stupid excuse but whatever....maybe he is right...
Sorry all for being MIA today. It has been a long and rough day. DH and I kinda got into it and I was crying in tears in the car. I told him he just doesn't get it, how your emotions/mood are messed up when your pregnant, how him ignoring me constantly is what led to our relationship falling apart, him not helping at all with anything around the house and just sleeping, eating, smoking or playing video games...he said I will change and I said no you won't. He of course got mad. I said listen, you give someone your all to be yelled at or ignored then you can start to understand how I feel. I told him I'm no longer your wife, I'm a roommate. That shut him up. He said the typical I love you crap, I said not taking it anymore. Our relationship is now just a friendship...he said he will still financially help me out but other than that we are through. I'm going to talk to landlord and see if I can break the lease earlier, that way I can go my way...he can go his. He even admitted to me that he is better off alone bc he doesn't know how to deal with being with anyone else. To me that was a stupid excuse but whatever....maybe he is right...

Wow Sweetz. I remember an ex said to me once, "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." It was a knife to the heart. It hurt so bad, but I was better the next day, and then a little bit more the day after that and a little more the day after that, until finally I had moved on. I think that you are a very strong woman and you'll be able to pick your self up and become a stronger person because of this. It may not happen over night, but it will happen. Right now you need to focus on your self and that little bundle of joy. You should take a bubble bath and relaaaaaax. Then of course, eat some apple cinnamon oatmeal. :hugs:
Janelly: Only you know your body well enough to know when it's "o" time and, when it's "o" time, it's time to go catch that eggie!!!!! It's such an exciting time to think that you could be creating a new life right now!! Eeek!

Lisalee: A big thanks for believing me when I didn't believe myself! I felt so stupid when my heart was feeling I was, but my head was saying "Don't be so stupid!"...I'm so excited, and have this really amazing feeling that everything is going to be ok this time, I've got everything crossed!

Sweetz: I'm really sorry to hear about you and DH...only you know what's best for you and baby, and I can completely understand how they can be (As I'm sure every other woman knows aswell!)...If it's what your 100% sure of, stick to your guns...everybody will be much happier eventually and you don't want to bring your child up in a tense environment (My parents decided to stay together as I was growing up and, though I love them both to the moon and back, it was awful watching all the arguments and fights!)

Janelly: Hmmm, I've never heard of cinnamon apple that an American thing that I'm too English to understand? I'm not a massive fan of cinnamon anyway...I did that cinnamon challenge (Some american lady did it on youtube), and cinnamon is the WORST thing I've ever tasted! Bubble baths this english lady HAS heard of though, and I love them!!

AFM: Up really early today, so bloody tired but tossing and turning all night and can't sleep...feel really reassurred though, because my BFP lines are turning darker by the day and they're already darker than I ever got with my last BFP! Got my in-laws coming up for the weekend today (Urgh), so hopefully that will keep me from testing for a few days, then the lines should hopefully be lovely and dark and there to stay!!!!!x
Never: Haven't heard about your appointment yesterday...hope all is well, and thinking of you x
Great plan lp, and I agree with hopestruck. The chances of this preganncy being healthy are very high indeed. :thumbup:

Angel: I've booked a doctors appointment on 3rd September to confirm the pregnancy (It should hopefully be easily detected by then), but after reading everyone's comments, I don't think I'll ask for betas...I've only have one m/c and that was really early (Around 4 1/2 weeks), which the doctor suspected was because it didn't implant correctly...I feel confident that, if it's that, then there's no reason this pregnancy shouldn't be healthy?

I have decided, though, that I couldn't wait until the 12 week scan, so I've found a very nice clinic in London that do early pregnancy viability scanning between weeks 5-8 so I think that would really set my mind at's also very reassuring that if you hear a HB at 7 weeks, then your pregnancy has a great chance of reaching full's all very exciting stuff! So, for the next three weeks, I'll take each day as it comes and try to relax :)

That sounds like a great plan, LP! I agree that there is no reason to think this won't be a healthy pregnancy. Early losses (esp within the first 5 weeks) are reeeaaaally common and when they happen in isolation there's usually nothing to worry about.
Sweetz... so sorry to hear about you and DH, but I suppose it's better figuring these things out now before baby comes along. I hope you are not too stressed. If you are 100% sure this is it I would agree to start looking at your future. I only say that as I know we all say things in the heat of the moment :hugs:. It is the old cliche but you and baby are number one now and as hard as it is for your DH he needs to realise that and what you are going through at the moment. x

Never... I hope you're ok, I've popped on a few times hoping to hear some news. Thinking of you :hugs:

Hi everybody else, I'm cream crackered today and I've just put my 21 month old down for a nap so I think I'm going to have a sneaky one too. Be back on soon :sleep: xo
I just checked my cervix again, and its still high and hard, but when took my finger out, there was thick white discharge. There was nothing on my underwear. What's going on now? :shrug:
Hey merristems! Welcome to the group! Would you mind telling us your "story" so we can get to know you a bit better?

Aspe: I really hope a bfp is on its way to you! In the meantime,try not to stress about checking cervix/fluids,I've found its not all reliable! I'm pregnant,but I've hardly got any cm and cervix alternates medium to high and soft to medium...last pregnancy I had loads of creamy white cm though,so I don't think its too reliable a symptom of boobs,on the other hand, were a mega giveaway because they're so sore and my nipples so sensitive and tingly xxx
Sweetz- honey :hugs: it really does sound like you are making the best choice for you and the baby! Cant hurt to ask about getting out the lease early worst case is he says no and you are in the same spot as you were before asking....glad to see that oatmeal makes you feel better lol....

LPJ- Yay for the dr appt and for an early scan...lines getting darker sounds wonderful!!!!! and yes you have no reason to doubt this baby not sticking! I know it is scarry and even though i mc back to back they were really two different types of mc so more than likely not connected at all although i will find out more thursday....

storked-hows the packing going? and the relaxed approach is great!!!! i am scarred to think i will also be packing up yet again and moving back "home"....but when i think about it when i got pregnant for number 1 we were living with my parents then so if we move back in and get pregnant again for fourth and final it would be like coming full circle right?

Angel- hows that baby cooking?

Never-not hearing from you is starting to make us worry!!! we are here for you no matter what but i am praying you are just so busy you dont have time to stop and share the good news!!

Aspe- I hope you get those answers soon!!!

Janelley my girl! i see you are getting right back on the horse so to speak lol...GL hun!! As for O body feels like i do right before i O but has been that way for at least a week? i should be about CD 18 and boobs supper sore and still crampy...if hpt the other day had not been bfn i would swear i am pg but once agian ladies WE HAVE NOT BD since MC.....

Bama-how you doing girl...

BAybee-if that witch hasnt hit yet you are golden for now...and if she does she wont be back right? lol

Merristems-WELCOME- now to be a part of this wonderful loving space we must ask a few things from you....first please tell us your TTC story so we have a better idea where you are coming from....second we are here to support eachother so please remember to not just post about yourself please post repsonses and questions to all of us! we are here to support eachothers through the ups and downs of life not just TTC you wont find a better group of ladies anywhere!! we are all in different parts of our TTC journey we have some that have hit their 12w mark yay! some just finding out they are pregnant and others like me who have mc yet again....i can not stress enough how this group has helped eachother through some tough if you feel this is the place for you please by all means join us!

Ok i probably missed some one :blush: sorry!!!!!

AFM-like i posted yesterday and some what through here...we are still waiting to see what happens DH maybe telling where he works monday that he is done in about a week!!! school starts on Sept 4th yeah i already have all 3 kids set up here for school so i know oldest will go to school no matter what by my youngest might end up on waiting list...yikes!!! but i cant lie i am kind of looking forward to living with my parents again...they have 3 bedrooms up stairs we can have and 1 down stairs..only on bath though ugh...but they live on 3 arces of land!!! my kids will have room to run and they live in the country so they can go in and out all they please and i dont have to worry about them being taken by strangers....oh and did i mention i LOVE my parents couldnt ask for a more supportive pair as far as parents come and they are the best grandparents ever!!! in the end it will all work out for us so i guess i am not really scared just nervous for change is all.....

oh and ya'll know my body is crazy and i am waiting to talk to no report on TTC front...

now off to do my powerpoint presentation due tomorrow for class...then another class bites the dust and i am closer to my BA in health care administration yay!!!
Krissy - That's all we want isn't it for our children to be safe - we moved from a city to the country where the children can run and play and nobody bothers them - did I say my peace and quiet is going to be shattered soon (the kids have been away for a few days) and THEY'RE BACK!:haha:

Hope you get some answers soon hun - I'm sure you won't be scared to ask the questions:winkwink:

Sweetz - I agree if this relationship is making you and little one unhappy then it's time to take back the control and asking about shortening/finishing the lease can't hurt, hope you're getting past your icky stage and are starting to feel better about your pregnancy:flower:

Storked - so are you two days ahead of me then CD10? I've been drinking my grapefruit and taking folic acid - but that's all how about you?

Angel - How are you feeling, any symptoms?:flower:

Never - Where are you hun? - as Krissy says hope your just to tired to share your good news at the moment - BIG :hugs:

Janelley - So pleased you have made the decision to carry on ttc - early O over the weekend especially without your gorgeous little one - result! so we will know the reason why you are not on here:winkwink:

LP - I keep getting your letters back to front :blush: so now if you don't mind I will call you LP - how's the pregnancy going still in shock I bet? glad your lines are getting darker day by day :happydance:

Lisalee - How are you doing hun, any new symptoms:flower:

Aspe - Hi I'm Garfie :hi: and welcome to this POSITIVE and AWESOME thread

Merristems - Hi I look forward to sharing the journey with you - welcome:flower:

Bama/Bay - How are you ladies today?

AFM - CD8 - not a lot to report except some strange brown discharge (not all the time and only when I wipe) hope my body is getting back to normal :happydance:


Morning ladies. I'M SOOO TIRED!! I was up late last night visiting with my husband and his best friend before he leaves for Europe on Thursday. Then when he left of course... hubby and I had to practice making babies. We didn't go to bed until almost 2. Then our little monkey woke us up this morning demanding "eggies and gacon" I can barely keep my eyes open.

lpjkp- I don't see where I posted apple cinnamon oatcake, but I meant apple cinnamon oatmeal. Apple cinnamon oatcake does sound good though. I don't want to brag....but I'm quite the baker, so I'm determined to find a recipe now for apple cinnamon oatcake. :winkwink:

Aspe- I wouldn't put too much thought into your cervix position and CM right now, to be honest, it will drive you crazy. I've been where you are right now--missed period, negative test, and constantly checking my cervix. I would just wait it out, try to be patient, and talk to your doctor about a blood test when you see them next.

Krissy- You know it! I might as well say I rode my husband like seabiscuit, because I seriously feel like I just got off a horse. Sorry... I couldn't resist the joke. :haha: I'm so excited for you, for getting your BA. My husband is going to school to get his BA in English. He has no idea what he wants to do with it... but he's determined. He graduated from the community college last fall and he's starting at the University this spring (Tuesday). I'm so excited for him. AND YOU!

AFM- I have no idea what I want to go back to school and do, maybe a psychologist.. or something in that sort of field. I'm going out tonight with my hubby and his best friend. Should be interesting. I've got a babysitter and DD just in case. Now, I'm off to dance with my two favorite men in the kitchen to JJ Cale while we make a late breakfast. Oh how I love Saturday mornings. :cloud9:

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